Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void StopStopsScanBeforeNextFile()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            int          refreshes = 0;
            MockTaskList taskList  = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTaskList)) as MockTaskList;

            taskList.OnRefreshTasks +=
                delegate(object sender, MockTaskList.RefreshTasksArgs args)

            string         firstFile  = Utilities.CreateBigFile();
            string         secondFile = Utilities.CreateTempTxtFile("bar bar bar floop doop bar");
            string         termTable  = Utilities.CreateTermTable(new string[] { "foo", "bar" });
            Project        project    = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { firstFile, secondFile }, new string[] { termTable });
            MockIVsProject vsProject  = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });

            // There should be one update, when the task list was initially cleared.
            Assert.AreEqual(1, refreshes, "Stop did not stop scan before next file.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TaskListIsUpdated()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            List <int>   resultCounts = new List <int>();
            MockTaskList taskList     = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTaskList)) as MockTaskList;

            taskList.OnRefreshTasks += delegate(object sender, MockTaskList.RefreshTasksArgs args)

            string         firstFile  = Utilities.CreateTempTxtFile("foo abc foo def foo");
            string         secondFile = Utilities.CreateTempTxtFile("bar bar bar floop doop bar");
            string         termTable1 = Utilities.CreateTermTable(new string[] { "foo", "bar" });
            string         termTable2 = Utilities.CreateTermTable(new string[] { "floop" });
            Project        project1   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { firstFile, secondFile }, new string[] { termTable1, termTable2 });
            MockIVsProject vsProject1 = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project1, _serviceProvider);

            string         thirdFile  = Utilities.CreateTempTxtFile("blarg");
            string         termTable3 = Utilities.CreateTermTable(new string[] { "blarg" });
            Project        project2   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { thirdFile }, new string[] { termTable3 });
            MockIVsProject vsProject2 = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project2, _serviceProvider);

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject1, vsProject2 });


            Assert.AreEqual(4, resultCounts.Count, "Task list did not recieve correct number of updates.");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, resultCounts[0], "Number of hits in first update is wrong.");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, resultCounts[1], "Number of hits in second update is wrong.");
            Assert.AreEqual(3 + 5, resultCounts[2], "Number of hits in third update is wrong.");
            Assert.AreEqual(3 + 5 + 1, resultCounts[3], "Number of hits in fourth update is wrong.");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ProgressShowsInStatusBar()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            bool          inProgress = false;
            string        label      = null;
            uint          complete   = 0;
            uint          total      = 0;
            MockStatusBar statusBar  = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsStatusbar)) as MockStatusBar;

            statusBar.OnProgress += delegate(object sender, MockStatusBar.ProgressArgs args)
                inProgress = (args.InProgress == 0) ? false : true;
                label      = args.Label;
                complete   = args.Complete;
                total      = args.Total;

            Project        project   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { Utilities.CreateBigFile() }, new string[] { CreateMinimalTermTableFile() });
            MockIVsProject vsProject = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });

            Assert.IsTrue(inProgress, "Start did not show progress in status bar.");
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)0, complete, "Scan did not start with zero complete.");

            // TODO: if time allows: scan several files, detect (by task list updates) when each one is done, and check to make sure the status bar has been updated accordingly.


            Assert.IsFalse(inProgress, "Progress bar not cleared when scan ends.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void StartUpdatesTaskList()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            // Set up events so we know when the task list is called.
            Guid         activeProvider = Guid.Empty;
            MockTaskList taskList       = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTaskList)) as MockTaskList;

            taskList.OnSetActiveProvider += delegate(object sender, MockTaskList.SetActiveProviderArgs args) { activeProvider = args.ProviderGuid; };

            bool      cmdPosted = false;
            MockShell shell     = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as MockShell;

            shell.OnPostExecCommand += delegate(object sender, MockShell.PostExecCommandArgs args)
                if (args.Group == VSConstants.GUID_VSStandardCommandSet97 && args.ID == (uint)VSConstants.VSStd97CmdID.TaskListWindow)
                    cmdPosted = true;

            Project        project   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { Utilities.CreateBigFile() }, new string[] { CreateMinimalTermTableFile() });
            MockIVsProject vsProject = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });

            Assert.IsTrue(cmdPosted, "Start did not activate the task list.");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Guid("{9ACC41B7-15B4-4dd7-A0F3-0A935D5647F3}"), activeProvider, "Start did not select the correct task bucket.");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void RepeatLastWhenAlreadyRunning()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            Project        project   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { Utilities.CreateBigFile() }, new string[] { CreateMinimalTermTableFile() });
            MockIVsProject vsProject = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void StartOnProjectWithoutScannerTask()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            Project        project   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject();
            MockIVsProject vsProject = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            // TODO: if we could, it would be good to make sure the Started event isn't fired --
            // but apparently the VS test framework doesn't support events.

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });

            Assert.IsFalse(accessor.IsRunning, "IsRunning returned true after Start() called with project that does not contain a scanner config.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void StartWhenAlreadyRunning()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            Project        project   = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { Utilities.CreateBigFile() }, new string[] { CreateMinimalTermTableFile() });
            MockIVsProject vsProject = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            bool thrown = false;

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });

                accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { new MockIVsProject(project.FullPath) });
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                thrown = true;


            Assert.IsTrue(thrown, "Start did not throw InvalidOperationException with scan already running.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void IsRunning()
            CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();

            int          refreshes = 0;
            MockTaskList taskList  = _serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsTaskList)) as MockTaskList;

            taskList.OnRefreshTasks += delegate(object sender, MockTaskList.RefreshTasksArgs args) { ++refreshes; };

            string         firstFile  = Utilities.CreateBigFile();
            string         secondFile = Utilities.CreateTempTxtFile("bar bar bar floop doop bar");
            string         termTable  = Utilities.CreateTermTable(new string[] { "foo", "bar" });
            Project        project    = Utilities.SetupMSBuildProject(new string[] { firstFile, secondFile }, new string[] { termTable });
            MockIVsProject vsProject  = Utilities.RegisterProjectWithMocks(project, _serviceProvider);

            accessor.Start(new IVsProject[] { vsProject });

            Assert.IsTrue(accessor.IsRunning, "IsRunning was not true after Start.");


            Assert.IsTrue(accessor.IsRunning, "IsRunning was not true after Stop called while scan is still running.");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public void StartWithNullArg()
     CodeSweep.VSPackage.BackgroundScanner_Accessor accessor = GetScanner();