Ejemplo n.º 1
        private bool IsCodePathAnIfPath(CodePath path)
            HLInstruction instruction = path.GetFirstInstruction();
            bool          foundOneIf  = false;

            while (instruction != null)
                if (instruction.IsConditionalBranch && instruction.ProcessedStackValue != null)
                    foundOneIf = true;
                    if (instruction.ProcessedStackValue != null)

                instruction = instruction.GetNextInstruction();

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ProcessCodePath(TextWriter writer, CodePath path, string indent)
            HLInstruction instruction = path.GetFirstInstruction();

            while (instruction != null)
                Annotate(writer, indent, instruction);

                if (instruction.UnconditionalBranch)
                    // Not used
                else if (instruction.IsConditionalBranch)
                    if (_nextIfIsAnElseIf)
                        writer.Write(string.Format("{0}else if", indent));
                        _nextIfIsAnElseIf = false;
                        writer.Write(string.Format("{0}if", indent));
                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format(" ({0})", instruction.ProcessedStackValue));
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + "{");
                    ProcessCodePath(writer, instruction.BranchCodesPaths[instruction.DefaultConditional],
                                    indent + "    ");
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + "}");

                    if (instruction.BranchCodesPaths.ContainsKey(!instruction.DefaultConditional))
                        CodePath elsePath = instruction.BranchCodesPaths[!instruction.DefaultConditional];
                        if (elsePath.StartInstruction != null)
                            if (IsCodePathAnIfPath(elsePath))
                                _nextIfIsAnElseIf = true;
                                ProcessCodePath(writer, elsePath, indent);
                                writer.WriteLine(indent + "else");
                                writer.WriteLine(indent + "{");
                                ProcessCodePath(writer, elsePath, indent + "    ");
                                writer.WriteLine(indent + "}");
                else if (instruction.IsSwitchBranch)
                    // Do switch cases ever fall through?? I'm assuming they don't here!

                    writer.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("switch ({0})", instruction.ProcessedStackValue));
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + "{");

                    // Keep track of code paths are have already outputted to keep
                    // track of offsets that lead to the same codepath
                    var swDonePaths = new List <CodePath>();

                    foreach (var item in instruction.BranchCodesPaths)
                        if (swDonePaths.Contains(item.Value))

                        foreach (var item2 in instruction.BranchCodesPaths)
                            // O(n^2) loop here, there's probably a better way to optimize it

                            if (item2.Value == item.Value)
                                if (item2.Key.GetType() == typeof(int))
                                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}    case {1}:", indent, LiteralFormatter.FormatInteger((int)item2.Key)));
                                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}    default:", indent));

                        writer.WriteLine(indent + "    {");
                        ProcessCodePath(writer, item.Value, indent + "        ");
                        if (item.Value.EndInstruction == null || !item.Value.EndInstruction.ExitFunction)
                            writer.WriteLine(indent + "        break;");
                        writer.WriteLine(indent + "    }");


                    writer.WriteLine(indent + "}");
                else if (instruction.LoopCodePath != null)
                    // First of a loop instruction (hopefully, someday, this will be extracted out by the ProgramAnalyzer)
                    // Can we ever break out of a loop? I assume we can't here!

                    while (!instruction.IsConditionalBranch)
                        instruction = instruction.NextInstruction;
                        Annotate(writer, indent, instruction);

                    writer.WriteLine(indent + string.Format("while ({0})", instruction.ProcessedStackValue));
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + "{");
                    ProcessCodePath(writer, instruction.BranchCodesPaths[true], indent + "    ");
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + "}");
                    WriteInstruction(writer, instruction, indent);

                instruction = instruction.NextInstruction;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ProcessCodePath(TextWriter writer, CodePath path, string indent)
            HLInstruction instruction = path.GetFirstInstruction();

            while (instruction != null)
                if (instruction.IsConditionalBranch)
                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}.if{1}", indent, instruction.DefaultConditional ? "true" : "false"));
                    ProcessCodePath(writer, instruction.BranchCodesPaths[instruction.DefaultConditional],
                                    indent + "    ");

                    if (instruction.BranchCodesPaths.ContainsKey(!instruction.DefaultConditional))
                        CodePath elsePath = instruction.BranchCodesPaths[!instruction.DefaultConditional];

                        if (elsePath.StartInstruction != null)
                            writer.WriteLine(indent + ".else");
                            ProcessCodePath(writer, elsePath,
                                            indent + "    ");

                    writer.WriteLine(indent + ".endif");
                else if (instruction.IsSwitchBranch)
                    // Do switch cases ever fall through?? I'm assuming they don't here!

                    writer.WriteLine(indent + ".switch");

                    // Keep track of code paths are have already outputted to keep
                    // track of offsets that lead to the same codepath
                    var swDonePaths = new List <CodePath>();

                    foreach (var item in instruction.BranchCodesPaths)
                        if (swDonePaths.Contains(item.Value))

                        foreach (var item2 in instruction.BranchCodesPaths)
                            // O(n^2) loop here, there's probably a better way to optimize it

                            if (item2.Value == item.Value)
                                if (item2.Key.GetType() == typeof(int))
                                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}    .case {1}", indent, item2.Key));
                                    writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}    .default", indent, item2.Key));

                        ProcessCodePath(writer, item.Value, indent + "        ");
                        if (item.Value.EndInstruction == null || !item.Value.EndInstruction.ExitFunction)
                            writer.WriteLine(indent + "        .break");


                    writer.WriteLine(indent + ".endswitch");
                else if (instruction.LoopCodePath != null)
                    // First of a loop instruction (hopefully, someday, this will be extracted out by the ProgramAnalyzer)
                    // Can we ever break out of a loop? I assume we can't here!

                    writer.WriteLine(indent + ".while");
                    instruction = WriteLoopConditional(writer, instruction, indent + "    ");
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + ".do");
                    ProcessCodePath(writer, instruction.BranchCodesPaths[true], indent + "    ");
                    writer.WriteLine(indent + ".endwhile");
                    WriteInstruction(writer, instruction, indent);

                instruction = instruction.GetNextInstruction();