Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void OnDynamicFrame(Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.DgnButtonEvent ev)
            RedrawElems redrawElems = new RedrawElems();

            redrawElems.DrawMode    = DgnDrawMode.TempDraw;
            redrawElems.DrawPurpose = DrawPurpose.Dynamics;

                DMatrix3d invertedViewportRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                if (ev.Viewport.GetRotation().TryInvert(out invertedViewportRotation))
                    if (CodeElement != null)
                        if (CodeElement.IsValid)
                            List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listChildElements = CodeElement.GetChildren().GetEnumerator().ConvertToList();

                            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement codeElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), "QRCode",
                                                                                                                  DPoint3d.Zero, DMatrix3d.Identity, listChildElements);

                            if (codeElement.IsValid)
                                if (m_haveFirstPoint)
                                    // now to work on rotation and scale
                                    DPoint3d translation = m_firstPoint;

                                    DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                    DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    // rotate points to orthogonal
                                    blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                    blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                    blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    DPoint3d ext = DPoint3d.Subtract(blkPts[2], blkPts[0]);

                                    DVector3d angleVec = new DVector3d(ext);

                                    // double dScale = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Abs(ext.Magnitude / uorPerMaster()));


                                    DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                                    DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);

                                    Angle angle = Angle.Zero;

                                    //// UR and LR
                                    if (angleVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                        if (angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                            angle = Angle.Zero;
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.NEGATIVE_PI.Radians / 2.0;
                                    // UL and LL
                                        if (angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0;
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.PI.Radians;

                                    DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation,
                                                                                                      // DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));
                                                                                                      DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angle));

                                    // DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation,
                                    // DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));

                                    DTransform3d translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale =
                                        DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint, translation);

                                    TransformInfo transformInfo2 = new TransformInfo(translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale);


                                    // below works great for drawing a block
                                    //DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    //DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                    //// rotate points to orthogonal
                                    //blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                    //blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                    //blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[1].X = blkPts[0].X;
                                    //blkPts[1].Y = blkPts[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts[1].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[3].X = blkPts[2].X;
                                    //blkPts[3].Y = blkPts[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts[3].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //DVector3d dVec = new DVector3d(blkPts[0], blkPts[2]);

                                    //double dWidth = blkPts[0].Distance(blkPts[1]);
                                    //double dHeight = blkPts[0].Distance(blkPts[3]);

                                    //double dDelta = Math.Abs(dWidth);

                                    //if (Math.Abs(dHeight) > Math.Abs(dWidth))
                                    //    dDelta = Math.Abs(dHeight);

                                    //blkPts[3] = blkPts[2] = blkPts[1] = blkPts[0];

                                    //DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                                    //DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);

                                    //double xFactor = 1.0, yFactor = 1.0;

                                    //// UR and LR
                                    //if (dVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    if (dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X + dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y + dDelta;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X + dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y - dDelta;
                                    //        yFactor = -1.0;
                                    //    }
                                    //// UL and LL
                                    //    if (dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X - dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y + dDelta;
                                    //        xFactor = -1.0;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X - dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y - dDelta;
                                    //        xFactor = -1.0;
                                    //        yFactor = -1.0;
                                    //    }

                                    //blkPts[1].X = blkPts[0].X;
                                    //blkPts[1].Y = blkPts[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts[1].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[3].X = blkPts[2].X;
                                    //blkPts[3].Y = blkPts[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts[3].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //DPoint3d[] blkPts2 = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    //blkPts2[0] = blkPts2[1] = blkPts2[2] = blkPts2[3] = blkPts[0];

                                    //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    //    blkPts[i] = new DPoint3d(invertedViewportRotation.Multiply(new DVector3d(blkPts[i])));

                                    //Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement =
                                    //    new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts);

                                    //blkPts2[0].X += (xFactor) * dDelta / 4.0;
                                    //blkPts2[0].Y += (yFactor) * dDelta / 4.0;

                                    //blkPts2[2].X += (xFactor) * 3.0 * (dDelta / 4.0);
                                    //blkPts2[2].Y += (yFactor) * 3.0 * (dDelta / 4.0);

                                    //blkPts2[1].X = blkPts2[0].X;
                                    //blkPts2[1].Y = blkPts2[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts2[1].Z = blkPts2[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts2[3].X = blkPts2[2].X;
                                    //blkPts2[3].Y = blkPts2[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts2[3].Z = blkPts2[0].Z;

                                    //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    //    blkPts2[i] = new DPoint3d(invertedViewportRotation.Multiply(new DVector3d(blkPts2[i])));

                                    //Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement2 =
                                    //    new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts2);

                                    // picking something arbitrary to use as scale factor

                                    DTransform3d scaleAndRotateToUpInView = DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(invertedViewportRotation, ev.Point);

                                    TransformInfo transformInfo = new TransformInfo(scaleAndRotateToUpInView);


            catch (Exception ex)