Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void ConfigViaCode()
            //create service stub
            CodageClient client = new CodageClient(new StsBinding(), new EndpointAddress("https://wwwacc.ehealth.fgov.be:443/codage_1_0/codage"));
            client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new OptClientCredentials());
            client.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.SetCertificate(StoreLocation.CurrentUser, StoreName.My, X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "c6c3cba1000c955c2e6289c6eb40bbb7477476c0");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ConfigViaCode()
            //create service stub
            CodageClient client = new CodageClient(new StsBinding(), new EndpointAddress("https://wwwacc.ehealth.fgov.be:443/codage_1_0/codage"));

            client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Remove <ClientCredentials>();
            client.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new OptClientCredentials());
            client.ClientCredentials.ClientCertificate.SetCertificate(StoreLocation.CurrentUser, StoreName.My, X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "c6c3cba1000c955c2e6289c6eb40bbb7477476c0");

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void DoTest(CodageClient client)
            //Do encoding
            OriginalDataType org1 = new OriginalDataType();

            org1.randomize = false;
            org1.id        = "1";
            org1.inputData = "79021802145";

            OriginalDataType org2 = new OriginalDataType();

            org2.randomize = true;
            org2.id        = "2";
            org2.inputData = "0459540270";

            EncodeRequestType encReq = new EncodeRequestType();

            encReq.applicationName = "Test";
            encReq.originalData    = new OriginalDataType[] { org1, org2 };

            EncodeResponseType encResp = client.Encode(encReq);

            //Verify encoding result
            if (encResp.globalError != null)
            Assert.AreEqual(encReq.applicationName, encResp.applicationName);

            IEnumerable <ErrorType> encErrors = from r in encResp.response where r.error != null select r.error;

            Assert.Equals(0, encErrors.Count());
            //Here you normaly check the errors, but since it is only a test it fails right here

            EncodedDataType encDetail1 = (from r in encResp.response where r.encodedData != null && r.encodedData.id == "1" select r.encodedData).Single();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, encDetail1.value.Length);

            EncodedDataType encDetail2 = (from r in encResp.response where r.encodedData != null && r.encodedData.id == "2" select r.encodedData).Single();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, encDetail2.value.Length);

            //Do decoding
            EncodedDataType enc1 = new EncodedDataType();

            enc1.id    = "1";
            enc1.value = encDetail1.value;

            EncodedDataType enc2 = new EncodedDataType();

            enc2.id    = "2";
            enc2.value = encDetail2.value;

            DecodeRequestType decReq = new DecodeRequestType();

            decReq.applicationName = "Test";
            decReq.encodedData     = new EncodedDataType[] { enc1, enc2 };

            DecodeResponseType decResp = client.Decode(decReq);

            if (decResp.globalError != null)

            IEnumerable <ErrorType> decErrors = from r in decResp.response where r.error != null select r.error;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, decErrors.Count());
            //Here you normaly check the errors, but since it is only a test it fails right here

            DecodedDataType decDetail1 = (from r in decResp.response where r.decodedData != null && r.decodedData.id == "1" select r.decodedData).Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(org1.inputData, decDetail1.outputData);

            DecodedDataType decDetail2 = (from r in decResp.response where r.decodedData != null && r.decodedData.id == "2" select r.decodedData).Single();

            Assert.AreEqual(org2.inputData, decDetail2.outputData);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ConfigViaConfig()
            CodageClient client = new CodageClient("Ssin");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void DoTest(CodageClient client)
            //Do encoding
            OriginalDataType org1 = new OriginalDataType();
            org1.randomize = false;
            org1.id = "1";
            org1.inputData = "79021802145";

            OriginalDataType org2 = new OriginalDataType();
            org2.randomize = true;
            org2.id = "2";
            org2.inputData = "0459540270";

            EncodeRequestType encReq = new EncodeRequestType();
            encReq.applicationName = "Test";
            encReq.originalData = new OriginalDataType[] { org1, org2 };

            EncodeResponseType encResp = client.Encode(encReq);

            //Verify encoding result
            if (encResp.globalError != null) Assert.Fail(encResp.globalError.errorValue);
            Assert.AreEqual(encReq.applicationName, encResp.applicationName);

            IEnumerable<ErrorType> encErrors = from r in encResp.response where r.error != null select r.error;
            Assert.Equals(0, encErrors.Count());
            //Here you normaly check the errors, but since it is only a test it fails right here

            EncodedDataType encDetail1 = (from r in encResp.response where r.encodedData != null && r.encodedData.id == "1" select r.encodedData).Single();
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, encDetail1.value.Length);

            EncodedDataType encDetail2 = (from r in encResp.response where r.encodedData != null && r.encodedData.id == "2" select r.encodedData).Single();
            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, encDetail2.value.Length);

            //Do decoding
            EncodedDataType enc1 = new EncodedDataType();
            enc1.id = "1";
            enc1.value = encDetail1.value;

            EncodedDataType enc2 = new EncodedDataType();
            enc2.id = "2";
            enc2.value = encDetail2.value;

            DecodeRequestType decReq = new DecodeRequestType();
            decReq.applicationName = "Test";
            decReq.encodedData = new EncodedDataType[] { enc1, enc2 };

            DecodeResponseType decResp = client.Decode(decReq);
            if (decResp.globalError != null) Assert.Fail(decResp.globalError.errorValue);

            IEnumerable<ErrorType> decErrors = from r in decResp.response where r.error != null select r.error;
            Assert.AreEqual(0, decErrors.Count());
            //Here you normaly check the errors, but since it is only a test it fails right here

            DecodedDataType decDetail1 = (from r in decResp.response where r.decodedData != null && r.decodedData.id == "1" select r.decodedData).Single();
            Assert.AreEqual(org1.inputData, decDetail1.outputData);

            DecodedDataType decDetail2 = (from r in decResp.response where r.decodedData != null && r.decodedData.id == "2" select r.decodedData).Single();
            Assert.AreEqual(org2.inputData, decDetail2.outputData);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ConfigViaConfig()
            CodageClient client = new CodageClient("Ssin");
