Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task Throw_When_CRL_User_IsNull()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(Throw_When_CRL_User_IsNull));

            var cocktail = new Cocktail()
                Id = Guid.Parse("74d3f564-5811-4eda-97d6-e39d6bbd35a9"),
                Name = "Cosmopolitan",
                Description = "The legendary Cosmopolitan is a simple cocktail with a big history."

            var hasher = new PasswordHasher<User>();
            var user = new User
                Id = Guid.Parse("a137730d-bb81-4611-8fb8-bb777aae86ac"),
                UserName = "******",
                NormalizedUserName = "******",
                FirstName = "Boyan",
                LastName = "Vuchev",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                LockoutEnabled = true,
                SecurityStamp = "DC6E275DD1E24957A7781D42BB68293B",
            user.PasswordHash = hasher.HashPassword(user, "123456");

            var cReview = new CocktailReview()
                Id = Guid.Parse("d7047a3a-7b5e-4eb5-8ed2-c846b7a4d5ce"),
                CocktailId = cocktail.Id,
                UserId = user.Id,
                Rating = 1,
                Comment = "Too sour",
                ReviewedOn = DateTime.UtcNow

            using (var arrangeContext = new CMContext(options))
                var sut = new CocktailReviewLikeService(arrangeContext);

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();


            using (var assertContext = new CMContext(options))
                var sut = new CocktailReviewLikeService(assertContext);
                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync<ArgumentNullException>
                    (async () => await sut.AddCocktailReviewLike(cReview.Id, "Pesho"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task Throw_If_CR_IsNull()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(Throw_If_CR_IsNull));
            var cRId    = Guid.Parse("d7047a3a-7b5e-4eb5-8ed2-c846b7a4d5ce");

            using (var assertContext = new CMContext(options))
                var sut = new CocktailReviewLikeService(assertContext);
                await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentNullException>
                    (async() => await sut.GetCocktailReviewNumberOfLikes(cRId));
        public async Task Get_Correct_Number_CRL()
            var options = Utils.GetOptions(nameof(Get_Correct_Number_CRL));

            var cocktail = new Cocktail()
                Id          = Guid.Parse("8a15e590-0b66-4fae-abfa-d75812b76da6"),
                Name        = "White Russian",
                Description = "The White Russian is decadent and sophisticated."

            var  hasher = new PasswordHasher <User>();
            User user1  = new User
                Id                 = Guid.Parse("a137730d-bb81-4611-8fb8-bb777aae86ac"),
                UserName           = "******",
                NormalizedUserName = "******",
                FirstName          = "Boyan",
                LastName           = "Vuchev",
                Email              = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedEmail    = "*****@*****.**",
                LockoutEnabled     = true,
                SecurityStamp      = "DC6E275DD1E24957A7781D42BB68293B",

            user1.PasswordHash = hasher.HashPassword(user1, "123456");

            User user2 = new User
                Id                 = Guid.Parse("ad513447-0536-432b-a848-ea96ade0040d"),
                UserName           = "******",
                NormalizedUserName = "******",
                FirstName          = "Radoslav",
                LastName           = "Simeonov",
                Email              = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedEmail    = "*****@*****.**",
                LockoutEnabled     = true,
                SecurityStamp      = "HNWQ7GQFUMWKGOAWSJNC5XV2VFYQRWHC",

            user2.PasswordHash = hasher.HashPassword(user2, "123456");

            var cReview = new CocktailReview()
                Id         = Guid.Parse("d7047a3a-7b5e-4eb5-8ed2-c846b7a4d5ce"),
                CocktailId = cocktail.Id,
                UserId     = user1.Id,
                Rating     = 1,
                Comment    = "Too sour",
                ReviewedOn = DateTime.UtcNow

            var cReview2 = new CocktailReview()
                Id         = Guid.Parse("11c58b41-f0db-480d-bbe5-115bc027f868"),
                CocktailId = cocktail.Id,
                UserId     = user2.Id,
                Rating     = 5,
                Comment    = "Great",
                ReviewedOn = DateTime.UtcNow

            var cReviewLike = new CocktailReviewLike()
                CocktailReviewId = cReview.Id,
                UserId           = user2.Id,
                IsLiked          = true

            var cReviewLike2 = new CocktailReviewLike()
                CocktailReviewId = cReview2.Id,
                UserId           = user2.Id,
                IsLiked          = true

            var cReviewLike3 = new CocktailReviewLike()
                CocktailReviewId = cReview2.Id,
                UserId           = user1.Id,
                IsLiked          = true

            using (var arrangeContext = new CMContext(options))

                await arrangeContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            using (var assertContext = new CMContext(options))
                var sut    = new CocktailReviewLikeService(assertContext);
                var result = await sut.GetAllSpecificCocktailReviewLikes(cocktail.Id);

                Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count());