Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateCoach(string coachId, [FromBody] CoachUpdateModel coachUpdateModel)
            var currentUserId = User.Identity.Name;

                if (User.IsInRole(Role.Admin))
                    await _coachService.UpdateCoachFromAdminAsync(coachId, coachUpdateModel);
                else if (User.IsInRole(Role.Coach))
                    await _coachService.UpdateCoachFromCoachAsync(currentUserId, coachId, coachUpdateModel);
                    return(Forbid("You must be part of the Buildup program"));
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException e)
                return(Forbid($"You are not allowed to update this coach: {e.Message}"));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(BadRequest($"Can't update the coach: {e.Message}"));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Updating the coach
        public async Task UpdateCoachFromAdminAsync(string coachId, CoachUpdateModel coachUpdateModel)
            Coach coach = await GetCoachFromCoachId(coachId);

            if (coach == null)
                throw new Exception("This coach doesn't exist");

            User user = await GetUserFromAdminAsync(coachId);

            if (user == null)
                throw new Exception("Their is no user for this coach...");

            await UpdateCoach(coachId, coachUpdateModel);

            // Only admins are supposed to be able to change the steps
            // Since we don't want to spam, we only check notifications
            // on admin side
            if (coachUpdateModel.Status == CoachStatus.Deleted)
                await _notificationService.NotifyRefusedCoach(user.Email, user.FirstName);
            if (coach.Step == CoachSteps.Preselected && coachUpdateModel.Step == CoachSteps.Meeting)
                await _notificationService.NotifyPreselectionCoach(user.Email, user.FirstName);
            if (coach.Step != CoachSteps.Signing && coachUpdateModel.Step == CoachSteps.Signing)
                await _notificationService.NotifyAcceptationCoach(user.Email);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private async Task UpdateCoach(string id, CoachUpdateModel coachUpdateModel)
            var update = Builders <Coach> .Update
                         .Set(dbCoach => dbCoach.Status, coachUpdateModel.Status)
                         .Set(dbCoach => dbCoach.Step, coachUpdateModel.Step)
                         .Set(dbCoach => dbCoach.Situation, coachUpdateModel.Situation)
                         .Set(dbCoach => dbCoach.Description, coachUpdateModel.Description);

            string fileId = "";

            if (coachUpdateModel.CoachCard != null && coachUpdateModel.CoachCard.Length >= 1)
                fileId = await _filesService.UploadFile($"coachcar_{id}", coachUpdateModel.CoachCard);

                update = update.Set(dbCoach => dbCoach.CoachCardId, fileId);

            await _coachs.UpdateOneAsync(databaseCoach =>
                                         databaseCoach.Id == id,
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task UpdateCoachFromCoachAsync(string currentUserId, string coachId, CoachUpdateModel coachUpdateModel)
            Coach coach = await GetCoachFromCoachId(coachId);

            if (coach == null || coach.UserId != currentUserId)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("You are trying to update an other coach than you");

            await UpdateCoach(coachId, coachUpdateModel);