public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            CoContacts coContacts = db.CoContacts.Find(id);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private bool EditContact(GetContactInfoByContactID_Result Model)
            int siteCoID = siteusercompanyid;

            CommonRepository   repo    = new CommonRepository();
            CoContactCompanies company = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.ContactCompany))
                company = repo.AddCompany(siteCoID, Model.ContactCompany);
            if (company == null)
                company = new CoContactCompanies()
                    ContactCoID = 0

            CoContacts contact = db.CoContacts
                                 .Include(p => p.CoContactAddresses)
                                 .Include(p => p.CoContactEmails)
                                 .Where(p => p.ContactID == Model.ViewID).FirstOrDefault();

            contact.ContactID        = Model.ViewID;
            contact.SiteCoID         = siteCoID;
            contact.ContactTypeID    = Model.ContactTypeID ?? 0;
            contact.ContactSubtypeID = Model.ContactSubtypeID ?? 0;
            contact.ContactStatusID  = Model.ContactStatusID;
            contact.ContactFirstName = Model.ContactFirst;
            contact.ContactLastName  = Model.ContactLast;
            contact.ContactCoID      = company.ContactCoID;
            contact.ModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now;
            contact.ContactManager   = Model.ContactOwnerID;
            contact.Custom1          = Model.Custom1;
            contact.Custom2          = Model.Custom2;
            contact.Custom3          = Model.Custom3;
            contact.Custom4          = Model.Custom4;

            repo.UpdatePhone(Model.ViewID, (int)EnumWrapper.PhoneTypes.Mobile, Model.Mobile, true);
            repo.UpdatePhone(Model.ViewID, (int)EnumWrapper.PhoneTypes.Phone, Model.Phone, true);
            repo.UpdateEmail(Model.ViewID, Model.ContactEmail, true);
            repo.UpdateAddress(Model.ViewID, new CoContactAddresses()
                Address1      = Model.ContactAddress1,
                Address2      = Model.ContactAddress2,
                City          = Model.ContactCity,
                State         = Model.ContactState,
                Zip           = Model.ContactZip,
                CountryID     = Model.CountryID,
                AddressTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.AddressTypes.Main
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var siteCoID = siteusercompanyid;

            ViewBag.ContactCo      = new SelectList(db.GetContactCompaniesBySiteCoID(siteCoID), "ViewID", "Company", siteCoID);
            ViewBag.Country        = new SelectList(new CommonRepository().GetCountries(), "CountryID", "Country");
            ViewBag.ContactType    = new SelectList(db.GetPeopleTypesBySiteCoID(siteCoID), "ViewID", "Name", siteCoID);
            ViewBag.ContactSubType = new SelectList(db.GetContactSubTypesBySiteCoID(siteCoID), "ViewID", "Type", siteCoID);
            ViewBag.ContactStatus  = new SelectList(db.SiteContactStatus.OrderBy(p => p.StatusOrder), "StatusID", "Status");
            ViewBag.Owner          = new SelectList(db.GetCoUsersBySiteCoID(siteCoID), "UserID", "User", siteCoID);
            ViewBag.ContactCustoms = db.GetContactCustomFieldsBySiteCoID(siteCoID).FirstOrDefault();
            ViewBag.siteuserid     = siteuserid;

            GetContactInfoByContactID_Result Model = new GetContactInfoByContactID_Result();
            CoContacts contact = db.CoContacts
                                 .Include(p => p.CoContactAddresses)
                                 .Include(p => p.CoContactEmails)
                                 .Where(p => p.ContactID == id).FirstOrDefault();
            CoContactAddresses address = contact.CoContactAddresses.Where(p => p.ContactID == id).FirstOrDefault() ?? new CoContactAddresses();

            if (contact != null)
                Model = new GetContactInfoByContactID_Result()
                    ContactAddress1  = address.Address1,
                    ContactAddress2  = address.Address2,
                    ContactCity      = address.City,
                    CountryID        = address.CountryID,
                    ContactState     = address.State,
                    ContactZip       = address.Zip,
                    ContactCompany   = contact.CoContactCompanies != null ? contact.CoContactCompanies.ContactCoName : "",
                    ViewID           = contact.ContactID,
                    ContactEmail     = contact.CoContactEmails.Any() ? contact.CoContactEmails.Select(p => p.EmailAddress).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                    ContactFirst     = contact.ContactFirstName,
                    ContactLast      = contact.ContactLastName,
                    Mobile           = contact.CoContactPhones.Any() ? contact.CoContactPhones.Where(p => p.PhoneTypeID == 2).Select(p => p.Phone).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                    Phone            = contact.CoContactPhones.Any() ? contact.CoContactPhones.Where(p => p.PhoneTypeID == 1).Select(p => p.Phone).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                    ContactStatusID  = contact.ContactStatusID,
                    ContactTypeID    = contact.ContactTypeID,
                    ContactOwnerID   = contact.ContactManager,
                    ContactSubtypeID = contact.ContactSubtypeID,
                    FaceBook         = contact.FaceBook,
                    LinkedIn         = contact.LinkedIn,
                    Skype            = contact.Skype,
                    Custom1          = contact.Custom1,
                    Custom2          = contact.Custom2,
                    Custom3          = contact.Custom3,
                    Custom4          = contact.Custom4

            return(View("_Edit", Model));
        // GET: Mobile/mContactInfo/Delete/5
        public ActionResult Delete(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            CoContacts coContacts = db.CoContacts.Find(id);

            if (coContacts == null)
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            ViewBag.ContactCo     = new SelectList(db.CoContactCompanies.Where(p => p.SiteCoID == siteusercompanyid).OrderBy(p => p.ContactCoName), "ContactCoID", "ContactCoName");
            ViewBag.Country       = new SelectList(db.SiteCountries.OrderBy(p => p.Country), "CountryID", "Country");
            ViewBag.ContactType   = new SelectList(db.CoContactTypes.Where(p => p.SiteCoID == siteusercompanyid).OrderBy(p => p.ContactTypeOrder), "ContactTypeID", "ContactTypeName");
            ViewBag.ContactStatus = new SelectList(db.SiteContactStatus.OrderBy(p => p.StatusOrder), "StatusID", "Status");
            ViewBag.Owner         = new SelectList(db.SiteUsers.Where(p => p.SiteCoID == siteusercompanyid).OrderBy(p => p.UserDisplayName), "SiteUserID", "UserDisplayName", siteuserid);
            ViewBag.siteuserid    = siteuserid;

            PeopleModels.NewContact Model = new PeopleModels.NewContact();
            CoContacts contact            = db.CoContacts
                                            .Include(p => p.CoContactAddresses)
                                            .Include(p => p.CoContactEmails)
                                            .Where(p => p.ContactID == id).FirstOrDefault();
            CoContactAddresses address = contact.CoContactAddresses.Where(p => p.ContactID == id).FirstOrDefault() ?? new CoContactAddresses();

            if (contact != null)
                Model = new PeopleModels.NewContact()
                    Address1  = address.Address1,
                    Address2  = address.Address2,
                    City      = address.City,
                    CountryID = address.CountryID,
                    State     = address.State,
                    Zip       = address.Zip,
                    Company   = contact.CoContactCompanies != null ? contact.CoContactCompanies.ContactCoName : "",
                    ContactID = contact.ContactID,
                    Email     = contact.CoContactEmails.Any() ? contact.CoContactEmails.Select(p => p.EmailAddress).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                    First     = contact.ContactFirstName,
                    Last      = contact.ContactLastName,
                    Mobile    = contact.CoContactPhones.Any() ? contact.CoContactPhones.Where(p => p.PhoneTypeID == 1).Select(p => p.Phone).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                    Phone     = contact.CoContactPhones.Any() ? contact.CoContactPhones.Where(p => p.PhoneTypeID == 2).Select(p => p.Phone).FirstOrDefault() : "",
                    StatusID  = contact.ContactStatusID,
                    TypeID    = contact.ContactTypeID,
                    OwnerID   = contact.ContactManager

            return(View("_Edit", Model));
        // GET: Mobile/mContactInfo
        public ActionResult Details(int?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));

            CoContacts coContacts = db.CoContacts.Find(id);

            if (coContacts == null || coContacts.SiteCoID != base.siteusercompanyid)

            ViewBag.Country = "";
            var address = coContacts.CoContactAddresses.FirstOrDefault();

            if (address != null)
                ViewBag.Country = new CommonRepository().GetCountryNameByID(address.CountryID ?? 0);

            if (coContacts.CoContactTypes == null)
                coContacts.CoContactTypes = new CoContactTypes();//to prevent null checks, init to new()

            ViewBag.Activities = db.GetActivitiesByContactID(id);
            if ((coContacts.CoContactTypes).IsVendor != true)
                ViewBag.Projects = db.GetProjectsByContactID(id);
            if (coContacts.CoContactTypes.IsVendor == true)
                ViewBag.POR = db.GetPORByContactID(id);

            return(View("details", coContacts));
        public bool AddUpdateSaleztoolSync(string fileid, SessionInfoModel Sessioninfo)
            bool ret = false;

                STClientModel info = Sessioninfo.clientInfo;
                if (info != null)
                    CoContacts contact = db.CoContacts.Where(s => (s.ContactFirstName == null ? "" : s.ContactFirstName).Trim().ToLower() == info.firstName.Trim().ToLower() && (s.ContactLastName == null ? "" : s.ContactLastName).Trim().ToLower() == info.lastName.Trim().ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (contact != null)
                        contact.ApiLinkID = fileid;// info.otherField == null ? "" : info.otherField;
                        string firstName    = info.firstName == null ? "" : info.firstName.Trim();
                        string lastName     = info.lastName == null ? "" : info.lastName.Trim();
                        string otherField   = fileid;//info.otherField == null ? "" : info.otherField.Trim();
                        string address1     = info.homeAddress == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.Street == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.Street.Trim();
                        string City         = info.homeAddress == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.City == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.City.Trim();
                        string Zip          = info.homeAddress == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.Zip == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.Zip.Trim();
                        string State        = info.homeAddress == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.State == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.State.Trim();
                        string emailAddress = info.emailAddress == null ? "" : info.emailAddress.Trim();
                        string Phone        = info.homeAddress == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.Phone == null ? "" : info.homeAddress.Phone.Trim();
                        db.InsertSalezToolzCustomer(siteusercompanyid, firstName, lastName, siteuserid, siteuserid, otherField, address1, City, State, Zip, emailAddress, Phone);
                        //Get Contact
                        contact = db.CoContacts.Where(s => (s.ContactFirstName == null ? "" : s.ContactFirstName).Trim().ToLower() == firstName.ToLower() && (s.ContactLastName == null ? "" : s.ContactLastName).Trim().ToLower() == lastName.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                    //Project for contact
                    if (contact != null)
                        string projectname = info.fileName == null ? "" : info.fileName.Trim();
                        if (projectname != "")
                            ProjectInfo project = db.ProjectInfo.Where(s => (s.ProjectName == null ? "" : s.ProjectName).Trim().ToLower() == projectname.ToLower()).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (project != null)
                                project.ApiLinkID = fileid;// info.otherField == null ? "" : info.otherField;
                                string   otherField   = fileid;//info.otherField == null ? "" : info.otherField.Trim();
                                string   address1     = info.workAddress == null ? "" : info.workAddress.Street == null ? "" : info.workAddress.Street.Trim();
                                string   City         = info.workAddress == null ? "" : info.workAddress.City == null ? "" : info.workAddress.City.Trim();
                                string   Zip          = info.workAddress == null ? "" : info.workAddress.Zip == null ? "" : info.workAddress.Zip.Trim();
                                string   State        = info.workAddress == null ? "" : info.workAddress.State == null ? "" : info.workAddress.State.Trim();
                                string   emailAddress = info.emailAddress == null ? "" : info.emailAddress.Trim();
                                string   Phone        = info.workAddress == null ? "" : info.workAddress.Phone == null ? "" : info.workAddress.Phone.Trim();
                                DateTime startdate    = info.createDate == null ? DateTime.Now : info.createDate;

                                //tax info
                                bool    istax          = Sessioninfo.taxProfile != null;
                                string  taxCode        = !istax ? "" : Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxName == null ? "" : Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxName.Trim();
                                string  taxDescription = (istax && Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes != null && Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes.Count > 0) ? Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes[0].applyType == null ? "" : Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes[0].applyType : "";
                                decimal salesrate_dec  = (istax && Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes != null && Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes.Count > 0) ? Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes[0].value == null ? 0 : ExtractDecimalFromString(Sessioninfo.taxProfile.taxes[0].value) : 0;
                                //decimal salesrate_dec = 0;
                                //decimal.TryParse(salesrate, out salesrate_dec);

                                bool          isadjust           = Sessioninfo.adjustment != null;
                                decimal       equipAdjust        = 0;
                                string        equipAdjustLabel   = "";
                                decimal       laborAdjust        = 0;
                                string        laborAdjustLabel   = "";
                                decimal       otherAdjust        = 0;
                                string        otherAdjustLabel   = "";
                                string        otherAdjustType    = "";
                                decimal       profileAdjust      = 0;
                                string        profileAdjustLabel = "";
                                string        profileAdjustType  = "";
                                StringBuilder projectItems       = new StringBuilder();
                                if (isadjust)
                                    equipAdjust      = == null ? 0 : ExtractDecimalFromString(;
                                    equipAdjustLabel = Sessioninfo.adjustment.equipmentLabel == null ? "" : Sessioninfo.adjustment.equipmentLabel.Trim();
                                    laborAdjust      = Sessioninfo.adjustment.labor == null ? 0 : ExtractDecimalFromString(Sessioninfo.adjustment.labor.Trim());
                                    laborAdjustLabel = Sessioninfo.adjustment.laborLabel == null ? "" : Sessioninfo.adjustment.laborLabel.Trim();
                                    otherAdjust      = Sessioninfo.adjustment.otherDiscountValue == null ? 0 : ExtractDecimalFromString(Sessioninfo.adjustment.otherDiscountValue.Trim());
                                    otherAdjustLabel = Sessioninfo.adjustment.otherDiscountLabel == null ? "" : Sessioninfo.adjustment.otherDiscountLabel.Trim();
                                    otherAdjustType  = Sessioninfo.adjustment.discountType == null ? "" : Sessioninfo.adjustment.discountType.Trim();
                                    //profileAdjust = == null ? 0 : ExtractDecimalFromString(;

                                if (Sessioninfo.selectedPackages != null && Sessioninfo.selectedPackages.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (STPackageModel package in Sessioninfo.selectedPackages)
                                        projectItems.Append("<SiteUserID>" + siteuserid + "</SiteUserID>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<GroupName>" + SetValueForXML(package.packageGroupName) + "</GroupName>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<ManufacturerName>" + SetValueForXML(package.manufacturer) + "</ManufacturerName>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<ContactCoName>" + SetValueForXML(package.vendor) + "</ContactCoName>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Model>" + SetValueForXML(package.packageName) + "</Model>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<SKU>" + SetValueForXML(package.sku) + "</SKU>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<ProductDescription>" + SetValueForXML(package.description) + "</ProductDescription>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<SalesDescription>" + SetValueForXML(package.description) + "</SalesDescription>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<StageName>" + SetValueForXML(package.phase) + "</StageName>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<SalesTaxed>" + (SetValueForXML(package.taxable).Trim().ToLower() == "yes" ? "True" : "False") + "</SalesTaxed>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Cost>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.cost) + "</Cost>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Price>" + SetDecimalValueForXML( + "</Price>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<DivisionName>" + SetValueForXML(package.packageGroupName) + "</DivisionName>");
                                        if (package.roomsQuantity != null && package.roomsQuantity.Count > 0)
                                            projectItems.Append("<Qty>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.roomsQuantity[0].quantity) + "</Qty>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<EstHrs>" + (SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor1Hours) <= 0 ? 1 : SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor1Hours)) + "</EstHrs>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<StageLabor1Cost>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor1HourlyRateCost) + "</StageLabor1Cost>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<StageLabor1Price>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor1HourlyRate) + "</StageLabor1Price>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<StageLabor2Cost>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor2HourlyRateCost) + "</StageLabor2Cost>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<StageLabor2Price>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor2HourlyRate) + "</StageLabor2Price>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Labor1Cost>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor1Cost) + "</Labor1Cost>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Labor1Price>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor1Price) + "</Labor1Price>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Labor2Cost>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor2Cost) + "</Labor2Cost>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<Labor2Price>" + SetDecimalValueForXML(package.labor2Price) + "</Labor2Price>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<ModelLabor1>" + SetValueForXML(package.packageName) + " Labor 1</ModelLabor1>");
                                        projectItems.Append("<ModelLabor2>" + SetValueForXML(package.packageName) + " Labor 2</ModelLabor2>");

                                db.InsertSalezToolzProjectInfo(siteusercompanyid, 5 /*projecttypeid*/, projectname, contact.ContactID, address1, City, State, Zip, startdate, Phone, emailAddress, siteuserid /*salesid*/, otherField, taxCode, taxDescription, salesrate_dec, equipAdjust, equipAdjustLabel, laborAdjust, laborAdjustLabel, otherAdjust, otherAdjustLabel, otherAdjustType, profileAdjust, profileAdjustLabel, profileAdjustType, projectItems.ToString());
                ret = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ret = false;
                //throw ex;
        private int SaveContact(PeopleModels.NewContact Model)
            int siteCoID = siteusercompanyid;

            CommonRepository   repo    = new CommonRepository();
            CoContactCompanies company = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.Company))
                company = repo.AddCompany(siteCoID, Model.Company);
            if (company == null)
                company = new CoContactCompanies()
                    ContactCoID = 0

            var coContact = new CoContacts()
                ContactID        = Model.ContactID ?? 0,
                SiteCoID         = siteCoID,
                ContactTypeID    = Model.TypeID ?? 0,
                ContactStatusID  = Model.StatusID,
                ContactFirstName = Model.First,
                ContactLastName  = Model.Last,
                ContactCoID      = company.ContactCoID,
                ModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                ContactManager   = Model.OwnerID

            coContact.CoContactPhones.Add(new CoContactPhones()
                PhoneTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.PhoneTypes.Mobile, Phone = Model.Mobile, IsDefault = true
            coContact.CoContactPhones.Add(new CoContactPhones()
                PhoneTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.PhoneTypes.Phone, Phone = Model.Phone, IsDefault = true
            coContact.CoContactEmails.Add(new CoContactEmails()
                EmailAddress = Model.Email, IsDefault = true
            coContact.CoContactAddresses.Add(new CoContactAddresses()
                Address1      = Model.Address1,
                Address2      = Model.Address2,
                City          = Model.City,
                State         = Model.State,
                Zip           = Model.Zip,
                CountryID     = Model.CountryID,
                AddressTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.AddressTypes.Main

            int contactID = repo.AddContact(coContact);

            if (contactID > 0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private int SaveContact(GetContactInfoByContactID_Result Model)
            int siteCoID = siteusercompanyid;

            CommonRepository   repo    = new CommonRepository();
            CoContactCompanies company = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.ContactCompany))
                company = repo.AddCompany(siteCoID, Model.ContactCompany);
            if (company == null)
                company = new CoContactCompanies()
                    ContactCoID = 0

            var coContact = new CoContacts()
                ContactID        = Model.ViewID,
                SiteCoID         = siteCoID,
                ContactTypeID    = Model.ContactTypeID ?? 0,
                ContactSubtypeID = Model.ContactSubtypeID ?? 0,
                //When creating it needs to be set to 1 Active otherwise if they do Not it errors - REQUIRED
                ContactStatusID  = Model.ContactStatusID,
                ContactFirstName = Model.ContactFirst,
                ContactLastName  = Model.ContactLast,
                ContactCoID      = company.ContactCoID,
                ModifiedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                Custom1          = Model.Custom1,
                Custom2          = Model.Custom2,
                Custom3          = Model.Custom3,
                Custom4          = Model.Custom4,
                ContactManager   = Model.ContactOwnerID

            coContact.CoContactPhones.Add(new CoContactPhones()
                PhoneTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.PhoneTypes.Mobile, Phone = Model.Mobile, IsDefault = true
            coContact.CoContactPhones.Add(new CoContactPhones()
                PhoneTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.PhoneTypes.Phone, Phone = Model.Phone, IsDefault = true
            coContact.CoContactEmails.Add(new CoContactEmails()
                EmailAddress = Model.ContactEmail, IsDefault = true
            coContact.CoContactAddresses.Add(new CoContactAddresses()
                Address1      = Model.ContactAddress1,
                Address2      = Model.ContactAddress2,
                City          = Model.ContactCity,
                State         = Model.ContactState,
                Zip           = Model.ContactZip,
                CountryID     = Model.CountryID,
                AddressTypeID = (int)EnumWrapper.AddressTypes.Main

            int contactID = repo.AddContact(coContact);

            if (contactID > 0)