Ejemplo n.º 1
        public AutoRotateAction()
            this.Name   = "AutoRotate";
            this.Action = (input) =>
                this.Status = "Processing...";
                var maxRotation      = this.MaxRotationDegrees.DegToRad();
                var clusterThreshold = this.ClusterThresholdDegrees.DegToRad();
                var zeroRotation     = this.searchFor == SearchForEnum.HorizontalLines
                                                ? 90.0
                                                : 0.0;

                var canny = input.Canny(this.Threshold1, this.Threshold2, 3);

                // Apply Hough Lines.
                var lines       = canny.HoughLines(this.HoughRho, this.HoughTheta, (int)this.HoughThreshold);
                var thetaValues = lines
                                  .Select(l => (double)l.Theta)
                                  .Where(t => t.DistanceToRad(zeroRotation, ignoreRotationDirection: true) < maxRotation);

                // Detect biggest cluster.
                var cluster = ClusterDetection1D.Detect(thetaValues, clusterThreshold);
                var(important, nonImportant) = lines.Split(line => cluster.Contains(line.Theta));

                // Draw lines.
                Mat image;

                if (this.Debug)
                    if (input.Channels() == 1)
                        image = input.CvtColor(ColorConversionCodes.GRAY2BGR);
                        image = input;

                    foreach (var line in nonImportant)
                        line.Draw(image, Scalar.Red);
                    foreach (var line in important)
                        line.Draw(image, Scalar.Green);
                    image = input;

                // Rotate.
                var rotation = !cluster.Any() ? 0.0
                                : cluster.Average();
                if (rotation != 0.0)
                    var origin = this.SearchFor == SearchForEnum.HorizontalLines
                                 ? 270.0 : 180.0;
                    var transformMatrix = Cv2.GetRotationMatrix2D(new Point2f(input.Width / 2, input.Height / 2), origin + rotation.RadToDeg(), 1);
                    var size            = input.Size();
                    image = image.WarpAffine(transformMatrix, size);

                this.Status = $"{lines.Length} lines detected ({important.Count} used to determine rotation of {rotation.RadToDeg():F1}°)";

        public void DetectTest(double[] input, double[] expectedOutput)
            var cluster = ClusterDetection1D.Detect(input, 0.1);
