Ejemplo n.º 1
        void Send_mail()
            StringBuilder strBody = new StringBuilder();

            strBody.Append("<table><tr><td><span style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana'>Dear User  " + lblusername.Text + ",</span></td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td><span style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana'>New Request Generated :-</span></td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2><table width='500 px' id=tab1e border=1 style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana' cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=-1>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td bgcolor='#8CC3F7' style='width:100px'> Request No. </td><td Align='Center' style='width:10px'>:</td><td Align='Left' style='width:400px'>" + lblrequestid.Text + "</td></tr> ");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td bgcolor='#8CC3F7'style='width:100px'> Requested By </td><td Align='Center' style='width:10px'>:</td><td Align='Left' style='width:400px'>" + lblusername.Text + " " + Session["LastName"] + "</td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td bgcolor='#8CC3F7' style='width:100px'> Request Title </td><td Align='Center' style='width:10px'>:</td><td Align='Left' style='width:400px'>" + txtrequesttitle.Text + "</td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td bgcolor='#8CC3F7' style='width:100px'> Description </td><td Align='Center' style='width:10px'>:</td><td align='Left' style='width:400px'>" + txtshortdescription.Text + "</td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td bgcolor='#8CC3F7' style='width:100px'> Reason for change </td><td Align='Center' style='width:10px'>:</td><td Align='Left' style='width:400px'>" + txtreasonforchange.Text + "</td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2>&nbsp;</tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2><span style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana'>Thanks & Regards,</span></td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2><span style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana'>Software Team</span></td></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2></tr>");
            strBody.Append("<tr><td colspan=2><span style='FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana'>Note:- Please do not reply to the mail, this is a system auto generated mail.");

            string maillist = "";

            maillist = lbluseremail.Text; //+ ";" + lblreportingemail.Text;
            ClsSendMail.Send_Mail_Direct(maillist.ToString(), strBody.ToString(), "New Software Request No. " + lblrequestid.Text + "", "*****@*****.**");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void Send_mail(string strPass)
            StringBuilder strBody = new StringBuilder();

            strBody.Append("<table class='style1'>");
            strBody.Append("<img alt='rupeeboss.com' width='120px' src='http://erp.rupeeboss.com/Common/Images/Logo.png' ");
            strBody.Append("style='height: 100px' /></td>");
            strBody.Append("<td style='font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 14px; '");
            strBody.Append("Welcome to  <span style='color: #FF0000'> RupeeBoss.com ERP </span></td>");
            strBody.Append("</tr><tr><td colspan='2' class='style2' style='font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px'>");
            strBody.Append("Dear " + txtbroker.Text + ",<br />");
            strBody.Append("<br />Your email id is your user name for RupeeBoss.com ERP login :"******"<br />Your Password is :" + strPass + "<br />");
            strBody.Append("<br />URL to access your account http://erp.rupeeboss.com <br />");
            strBody.Append("<br />Thanks You<br /><br />Software Team<br />");
            strBody.Append("RupeeBoss.Com<br />");
            strBody.Append("<a href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a><br />");

            strBody.Append("91.9920298619<br /> </td></tr></table>");
            ClsSendMail.Send_Mail_Direct(txtEmail.Text, strBody.ToString(), "Welcome to RupeeBoss.com", "*****@*****.**");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string[] Param = new string[2];
        Param[0] = "email";
        Param[1] = TxtEmail.Value;
        //   TxtEmail.Value = "Dsdsdsds";

        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

        ds = CommanDataLoad.ExecuteDataSet("User_Master_Password_Select", "1", "Forgot_Password", Param);

        if (ds != null)
            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                str1 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["email"].ToString();
                str2 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pass"].ToString();
                str3 = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["username"].ToString();
                string mobile = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["mobile"].ToString();
                string name   = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["emp_name"].ToString();
                // if (TxtEmail.Value == str1)
                //  {
                string strPass = CommanDataLoad.Generate(6, 8);
                string str     = "update usr_login set pass='******' where email='" + TxtEmail.Value + "' or empcode='" + TxtEmail.Value + "'";
                CommanDataLoad.ExecuteNonQuery(str, "2", "Change Pass", "");
                String strbody = "";
                strbody = strbody + "<table><tr><td><img alt='RupeeBoss.com' width='120px' src='http://erp.rupeeboss.com/Common/Images/Logo.png' ' /></td>";
                strbody = strbody + "<td style='font-weight: bold; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 12px;' valign='middle'>";
                strbody = strbody + "Welcome to RupeeBoss-ERP</td></tr></table>";
                strbody = strbody + "<br/>Dear " + str3 + ",<br/>";
                strbody = strbody + "<br/>Your Password is : " + strPass;
                strbody = strbody + "<br/><br/>Thank You";
                strbody = strbody + "<br /><br />RupeeBoss Software Team<br />";
                strbody = strbody + "<br />+91.9920298619<br />";
                strbody = strbody + "<br />[email protected]<br /></p>";
                string stra = "";
                    stra = ClsSendMail.Send_Mail_Direct(str1, strbody, "Password detail", "*****@*****.**");
                    string smsbody = "Dear " + name + ", Your password for RB ERP and APP is " + strPass;
                    CommanDataLoad.Send_SMS_Save_Data(mobile, smsbody, Request.UserHostAddress);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Response.Write(stra + "--" + ex.Message);
                    //  GetError();
                // }
                lblmsg.Text = "User not found";
            lblmsg.Text = "User not found";