Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static async Task <string> GetFileAsync(CloudTask boundTask, string fileName, bool dumpFile = true)
            //Dump the standard out file of the task.
            NodeFile file = await boundTask.GetNodeFileAsync(Batch.Constants.StandardOutFileName);

            string fileContent = await file.ReadAsStringAsync();

            if (dumpFile)
                Console.WriteLine($"Task {boundTask.Id} {fileName}:");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for a task's success or failure, and optionally dumps the output of the task.  In the case that the task hit a scheduler or execution error,
        /// dumps that information as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="boundTask">The task.</param>
        /// <param name="dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess">True to log the standard output file of the task even if it succeeded.  False to not log anything if the task succeeded.</param>
        /// <returns>The string containing the standard out of the file, or null if stdout could not be gathered.</returns>
        public static async Task <string> CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(CloudTask boundTask, bool dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess)
            if (boundTask.State == TaskState.Completed)
                string result = null;

                //Check to see if the task has execution information metadata.
                if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation != null)
                    //Dump the task scheduling error if there was one.
                    if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation.SchedulingError != null)
                        TaskSchedulingError schedulingError = boundTask.ExecutionInformation.SchedulingError;
                        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} hit scheduling error.", boundTask.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Code: {0}", schedulingError.Code);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Message: {0}", schedulingError.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Category: {0}", schedulingError.Category);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Details:");

                        foreach (NameValuePair detail in schedulingError.Details)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", detail.Name, detail.Value);

                        throw new TextSearchException(String.Format("Task {0} failed with a scheduling error", boundTask.Id));

                    //Read the content of the output files if the task exited.
                    if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.HasValue)
                        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} exit code: {1}", boundTask.Id, boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                        if (dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess && boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.Value == 0 || boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.Value != 0)
                            //Dump the standard out file of the task.
                            NodeFile taskStandardOut = await boundTask.GetNodeFileAsync(Batch.Constants.StandardOutFileName);

                            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} StdOut:", boundTask.Id);
                            string stdOutString = await taskStandardOut.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            result = stdOutString;

                        //Check for nonzero exit code and dump standard error if there was a nonzero exit code.
                        if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.Value != 0)
                            NodeFile taskErrorFile = await boundTask.GetNodeFileAsync(Batch.Constants.StandardErrorFileName);

                            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} StdErr:", boundTask.Id);
                            string stdErrString = await taskErrorFile.ReadAsStringAsync();


                            throw new TextSearchException(String.Format("Task {0} failed with a nonzero exit code", boundTask.Id));

                throw new TextSearchException(String.Format("Task {0} is not completed yet.  Current state: {1}", boundTask.Id, boundTask.State));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for a task's success or failure, and optionally dumps the output of the task.  In the case that the task hit a scheduler or execution error,
        /// dumps that information as well.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="boundTask">The task.</param>
        /// <param name="dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess">True to log the standard output file of the task even if it succeeded.  False to not log anything if the task succeeded.</param>
        /// <returns>The string containing the standard out of the file, or null if stdout could not be gathered.</returns>
        public static async Task<string> CheckForTaskSuccessAsync(CloudTask boundTask, bool dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess)
            if (boundTask.State == TaskState.Completed)
                string result = null;

                //Check to see if the task has execution information metadata.
                if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation != null)
                    //Dump the task scheduling error if there was one.
                    if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation.SchedulingError != null)
                        TaskSchedulingError schedulingError = boundTask.ExecutionInformation.SchedulingError;
                        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} hit scheduling error.", boundTask.Id);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Code: {0}", schedulingError.Code);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Message: {0}", schedulingError.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Category: {0}", schedulingError.Category);
                        Console.WriteLine("SchedulingError Details:");

                        foreach (NameValuePair detail in schedulingError.Details)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0} : {1}", detail.Name, detail.Value);

                        throw new TextSearchException(String.Format("Task {0} failed with a scheduling error", boundTask.Id));
                    //Read the content of the output files if the task exited.
                    if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.HasValue)
                        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} exit code: {1}", boundTask.Id, boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode);

                        if (dumpStandardOutOnTaskSuccess && boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.Value == 0 || boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.Value != 0)
                            //Dump the standard out file of the task.
                            NodeFile taskStandardOut = await boundTask.GetNodeFileAsync(Batch.Constants.StandardOutFileName);

                            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} StdOut:", boundTask.Id);
                            string stdOutString = await taskStandardOut.ReadAsStringAsync();
                            result = stdOutString;

                        //Check for nonzero exit code and dump standard error if there was a nonzero exit code.
                        if (boundTask.ExecutionInformation.ExitCode.Value != 0)
                            NodeFile taskErrorFile = await boundTask.GetNodeFileAsync(Batch.Constants.StandardErrorFileName);

                            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} StdErr:", boundTask.Id);
                            string stdErrString = await taskErrorFile.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            throw new TextSearchException(String.Format("Task {0} failed with a nonzero exit code", boundTask.Id));

                return result;
                throw new TextSearchException(String.Format("Task {0} is not completed yet.  Current state: {1}", boundTask.Id, boundTask.State));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async static Task <IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] RunICPRequest req, TraceWriter log)
                var startTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
                log.Info($"Dunction started: {startTime}");
                var timer = new Stopwatch();

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountName) ||
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountKey) ||
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(BatchAccountUrl) ||
                    String.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName) ||
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("One or more account credential strings have not been populated. Please ensure that your Batch and Storage account credentials have been specified.");

                // Create batch job and task names
                var nameUnifier = startTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss_ffff");
                var jobName     = JobNamePrefix + (CreateNewJobOnEveryRun ? $"__{nameUnifier}" : String.Empty);
                var taskName    = TaskNamePrefix + $"__{nameUnifier}";

                // Create Blob client
                var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(StorageConnectionString);
                var blobClient     = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

                // Create input container
                var container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(InputContainerName);
                await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

                // Upload the data files to Azure Storage. This is the data that will be processed by each of the tasks that are
                // executed on the compute nodes within the pool.
                var inputFiles = new List <ResourceFile>();

                var blobFileNamePrefix = $"{jobName}/{taskName}/";
                inputFiles.Add(await UploadStringToContainer(blobClient, InputContainerName, blobFileNamePrefix + ModelPointsFileName, ModelPointsFileName, req.ModelPoints));
                inputFiles.Add(await UploadStringToContainer(blobClient, InputContainerName, blobFileNamePrefix + ScanPointsFileName, ScanPointsFileName, req.ScanPoints));

                // Get a Batch client using account creds

                var batchCredentials = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(BatchAccountUrl, BatchAccountName, BatchAccountKey);

                using (var batchClient = BatchClient.Open(batchCredentials))
                    // Create a Batch pool, VM configuration, Windows Server image
                    log.Info("Creating pool [{PoolName}]...");

                    var imageReference = new ImageReference(
                        publisher: NodeOsPublisher,
                        offer: NodeOsOffer,
                        sku: NodeOsSku,
                        version: NodeOsVersion);

                    var virtualMachineConfiguration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration(
                        imageReference: imageReference,
                        nodeAgentSkuId: NodeAgentSkuId);

                        var pool = batchClient.PoolOperations.CreatePool(
                            poolId: PoolName,
                            virtualMachineSize: PoolVmSize,
                            virtualMachineConfiguration: virtualMachineConfiguration);

                        var startTaskCmd = "vc_redist.x64.exe /quiet /install";
                        var redistFile   = new ResourceFile(VCRedistributableUri, "vc_redist.x64.exe");
                        pool.StartTask = new StartTask(startTaskCmd)
                            ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile> {
                            UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(new AutoUserSpecification(elevationLevel: ElevationLevel.Admin))

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PoolAutoscaleFormula))
                            pool.AutoScaleEnabled            = true;
                            pool.AutoScaleFormula            = PoolAutoscaleFormula;
                            pool.AutoScaleEvaluationInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                            pool.TargetDedicatedComputeNodes   = PoolDedicatedNodeCount;
                            pool.TargetLowPriorityComputeNodes = PoolLowPriorityNodeCount;

                        pool.MaxTasksPerComputeNode = PoolMaxTasksPerNodeCount;

                    catch (BatchException be)
                        // Accept the specific error code PoolExists as that is expected if the pool already exists
                        if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.PoolExists)
                            log.Info($"The pool {PoolName} already existed when we tried to create it");
                            throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                    // Create a Batch job
                    log.Info("Creating job [" + jobName + "]...");

                        CloudJob job = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob();
                        job.Id = jobName;
                        job.PoolInformation = new PoolInformation {
                            PoolId = PoolName

                    catch (BatchException be)
                        // Accept the specific error code JobExists as that is expected if the job already exists
                        if (be.RequestInformation?.BatchError?.Code == BatchErrorCodeStrings.JobExists)
                            log.Info($"The job {JobNamePrefix} already existed when we tried to create it");
                            throw; // Any other exception is unexpected

                    // Adding task
                    var taskCommandLine = String.Format($"cmd /c %AZ_BATCH_APP_PACKAGE_ICP%\\ICP_PCL.exe %AZ_BATCH_TASK_WORKING_DIR% {ScanPointsFileName} {ModelPointsFileName} 1 1");
                    var task            = new CloudTask(taskName, taskCommandLine)
                        ResourceFiles = inputFiles,
                        ApplicationPackageReferences = new List <ApplicationPackageReference>
                            new ApplicationPackageReference {
                                ApplicationId = ApplicationPackageId

                    await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(jobName, task);

                    // Monitor task
                    var stateMonitor = batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor();

                    task = batchClient.JobOperations.GetTask(jobName, taskName);
                    stateMonitor.WaitAll(new List <CloudTask> {
                    }, TaskState.Completed, timeout: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5));

                    log.Info("Task completed");
                        var result = new RunICPResponse
                            Content = (await task.GetNodeFileAsync("wd\\" + ApplicationOutputFileName)).ReadAsString()

                        log.Info("Execution finished successfully");
                        return(new OkObjectResult(result));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        var stdout = (await task.GetNodeFileAsync("stdout.txt")).ReadAsString();
                        var stderr = (await task.GetNodeFileAsync("stderr.txt")).ReadAsString();
                        var stdall = $"stdout:\n{stdout}\n\nstderr:{stderr}";
                        log.Error($"File not found, app logs:\n\n\n\n{stdall}");
                        return(new NotFoundObjectResult(e));
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("Unknown exception:", e);