Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform routing using the RoutingCloudClient through a preset set of waypoints
        /// </summary>
        private async void RouteWaypoints()
            // Create a set of preset waypoints to route through
            PointShape startPoint = new PointShape(-10776986.85, 3908680.24);
            PointShape waypoint1  = new PointShape(-10776836.12, 3912348.04);
            PointShape waypoint2  = new PointShape(-10778917.01, 3909965.17);
            PointShape endPoint   = new PointShape(-10779631.80, 3915721.82);

            // Show a loading graphic to let users know the request is running
            loadingIndicator.IsRunning = true;
            loadingLayout.IsVisible    = true;

            // Send the routing request
            CloudRoutingGetRouteResult routingResult = await GetRoute(new Collection <PointShape> {
                startPoint, waypoint1, waypoint2, endPoint

            // Hide the loading graphic
            loadingIndicator.IsRunning = false;
            loadingLayout.IsVisible    = false;

            // Handle an exception returned from the service
            if (routingResult.Exception != null)
                await DisplayAlert("Error", routingResult.Exception.Message, "OK");


            //Draw the result on the map
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Set options and perform routing using the RoutingCloudClient through a preset set of waypoints
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <CloudRoutingGetRouteResult> GetRoute(Collection <PointShape> waypoints)
            // Set up options for the routing request
            // Enable turn-by-turn so we get turn by turn instructions
            CloudRoutingGetRouteOptions options = new CloudRoutingGetRouteOptions();

            options.TurnByTurn = true;

            CloudRoutingGetRouteResult route = await routingCloudClient.GetRouteAsync(waypoints, 3857, options);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw the result of a Cloud Routing request on the map
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawRoute(CloudRoutingGetRouteResult routingResult)
            // Get the routing feature layer from the MapView
            InMemoryFeatureLayer routingLayer = (InMemoryFeatureLayer)mapView.FindFeatureLayer("Routing Layer");

            // Clear the previous features from the routing layer

            // Create a collection to hold the route segments. These include information like distance, duration, warnings, and instructions for turn-by-turn routing
            List <CloudRoutingSegment> routeSegments = new List <CloudRoutingSegment>();

            int index = 0;

            // Add the route waypoints and route segments to the map
            foreach (CloudRoutingWaypoint waypoint in routingResult.RouteResult.Waypoints)
                Dictionary <string, string> columnValues = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                // Get the order of the stops and label the point
                // '0' represents the start/end point of the route for a round trip route, so we change the label to indicate that for readability
                columnValues.Add("SequenceNumber", (index == 0 ? "Start Point" : "Stop " + index));
                PointShape routeWaypoint = new PointShape(waypoint.Coordinate);

                // Add the point to the map
                routingLayer.InternalFeatures.Add(new Feature(routeWaypoint, columnValues));

                // Increment the index for labeling purposes
            foreach (CloudRoutingRoute route in routingResult.RouteResult.Routes)
                routingLayer.InternalFeatures.Add(new Feature(route.Shape));

            // Set the data source for the list box to the route segments
            lsbRouteSegments.ItemsSource = routeSegments;

            // Set the map extent to the newly displayed route
            mapView.CurrentExtent = RectangleShape.ScaleUp(routingLayer.GetBoundingBox(), 20).GetBoundingBox();
