Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static unsafe void WriteToBlobAsync(CloudPageBlob blob, IntPtr sourceAddress, ulong destinationAddress, uint numBytesToWrite, IOCompletionCallback callback, IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            // Even though Azure Page Blob does not make use of Overlapped, we populate one to conform to the callback API
            Overlapped            ov       = new Overlapped(0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, asyncResult);
            NativeOverlapped *    ovNative = ov.UnsafePack(callback, IntPtr.Zero);
            UnmanagedMemoryStream stream   = new UnmanagedMemoryStream((byte *)sourceAddress, numBytesToWrite);

            blob.BeginWritePages(stream, (long)destinationAddress, null, ar =>
                // I don't think I can be more specific in catch here because no documentation on exception behavior is provided
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Is there any documentation on the meaning of error codes here? The handler suggests that any non-zero value is an error
                    // but does not distinguish between them.
                    callback(1, numBytesToWrite, ovNative);
                callback(0, numBytesToWrite, ovNative);
            }, asyncResult);