Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (CloudLevel != 0)
                hash ^= CloudLevel.GetHashCode();
            if (RainLevel != 0)
                hash ^= RainLevel.GetHashCode();
            if (WindLevel != 0)
                hash ^= WindLevel.GetHashCode();
            if (SnowLevel != 0)
                hash ^= SnowLevel.GetHashCode();
            if (FogLevel != 0)
                hash ^= FogLevel.GetHashCode();
            if (WindDirection != 0)
                hash ^= WindDirection.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string weatherImageUrl)
            var weather                 = Translator.Instance.GetWeather(GameplayCondition);
            var weatherKey              = $"weather_{Convert.ToInt32(GameplayCondition)}";
            var weatherEmoji            = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis.ContainsKey(weatherKey) && GameplayCondition != WeatherCondition.None ? GameplayCondition.GetWeatherEmojiIcon() : string.Empty;
            var hasWeather              = GameplayCondition != WeatherCondition.None;
            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var staticMapLink           = StaticMap.GetUrl(whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps["weather"], Latitude, Longitude, weatherImageUrl, PokemonTeam.All, null, Polygon);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = UrlShortener.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);
            var address                 = new Location(null, city, Latitude, Longitude).GetAddress(whConfig);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "id", Id.ToString() },
                { "weather_condition", weather },
                { "has_weather", Convert.ToString(hasWeather) },
                { "weather", weather ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_emoji", weatherEmoji ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_img_url", weatherImageUrl },

                { "wind_direction", WindDirection.ToString() },
                { "wind_level", WindLevel.ToString() },
                { "raid_level", RainLevel.ToString() },
                { "cloud_level", CloudLevel.ToString() },
                { "fog_level", FogLevel.ToString() },
                { "snow_level", SnowLevel.ToString() },
                { "warn_weather", Convert.ToString(WarnWeather ?? false) },
                { "special_effect_level", SpecialEffectLevel.ToString() },
                { "severity", Severity.ToString() },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Latitude.ToString("0.00000") },
                { "lng_5", Longitude.ToString("0.00000") },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Ejemplo n.º 3
        private IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> GetProperties(DiscordGuild guild, WhConfig whConfig, string city, string weatherImageUrl)
            var weather                 = Translator.Instance.GetWeather(GameplayCondition);
            var weatherKey              = $"weather_{Convert.ToInt32(GameplayCondition)}";
            var weatherEmoji            = MasterFile.Instance.Emojis.ContainsKey(weatherKey) && GameplayCondition != WeatherType.None ? GameplayCondition.GetWeatherEmojiIcon() : string.Empty;
            var hasWeather              = GameplayCondition != WeatherType.None;
            var gmapsLink               = string.Format(Strings.GoogleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var appleMapsLink           = string.Format(Strings.AppleMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var wazeMapsLink            = string.Format(Strings.WazeMaps, Latitude, Longitude);
            var scannerMapsLink         = string.Format(whConfig.Urls.ScannerMap, Latitude, Longitude);
            var templatePath            = Path.Combine(whConfig.StaticMaps.TemplatesFolder, whConfig.StaticMaps.Weather.TemplateFile);
            var staticMapLink           = Utils.GetStaticMapsUrl(templatePath, whConfig.Urls.StaticMap, whConfig.StaticMaps.Weather.ZoomLevel, Latitude, Longitude, weatherImageUrl, null);
            var gmapsLocationLink       = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? gmapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, gmapsLink);
            var appleMapsLocationLink   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? appleMapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, appleMapsLink);
            var wazeMapsLocationLink    = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? wazeMapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, wazeMapsLink);
            var scannerMapsLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? scannerMapsLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, scannerMapsLink);

            Geofence.Location address = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.GoogleMapsKey))
                address = Utils.GetGoogleAddress(city, Latitude, Longitude, whConfig.GoogleMapsKey);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.NominatimEndpoint))
                address = Utils.GetNominatimAddress(city, Latitude, Longitude, whConfig.NominatimEndpoint);
            //var staticMapLocationLink = string.IsNullOrEmpty(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl) ? staticMapLink : NetUtil.CreateShortUrl(whConfig.ShortUrlApiUrl, staticMapLink);

            const string defaultMissingValue = "?";
            var          dict = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Main properties
                { "id", Id.ToString() },
                { "weather_condition", weather },
                { "has_weather", Convert.ToString(hasWeather) },
                { "weather", weather ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_emoji", weatherEmoji ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "weather_img_url", weatherImageUrl },

                { "wind_direction", WindDirection.ToString() },
                { "wind_level", WindLevel.ToString() },
                { "raid_level", RainLevel.ToString() },
                { "cloud_level", CloudLevel.ToString() },
                { "fog_level", FogLevel.ToString() },
                { "snow_level", SnowLevel.ToString() },
                { "warn_weather", Convert.ToString(WarnWeather ?? false) },
                { "special_effect_level", SpecialEffectLevel.ToString() },
                { "severity", Severity.ToString() },

                //Location properties
                { "geofence", city ?? defaultMissingValue },
                { "lat", Latitude.ToString() },
                { "lng", Longitude.ToString() },
                { "lat_5", Math.Round(Latitude, 5).ToString() },
                { "lng_5", Math.Round(Longitude, 5).ToString() },

                //Location links
                { "tilemaps_url", staticMapLink },
                { "gmaps_url", gmapsLocationLink },
                { "applemaps_url", appleMapsLocationLink },
                { "wazemaps_url", wazeMapsLocationLink },
                { "scanmaps_url", scannerMapsLocationLink },

                { "address", address?.Address },

                // Discord Guild properties
                { "guild_name", guild?.Name },
                { "guild_img_url", guild?.IconUrl },

                { "date_time", DateTime.Now.ToString() },

                //Misc properties
                { "br", "\r\n" }

Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Show the top altitude of clouds for the selected cloud level on the image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cl">The cloud level to use (low, mid, or high).</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string CloudTopAltitude(CloudLevel cl)
     return "presclt " + (char)cl.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Show the cloud cover for the selected cloud level on the image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cl">The cloud level to use (low, mid, or high).</param>
 /// <param name="contour">If set to <c>true</c> a contour chart will be drawn rather than a shaded chart.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string CloudCover(CloudLevel cl, bool contour = false)
     return (contour ? "tccc " : "tcc ") + (char) cl.GetHashCode();