Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override SearchDetails GetPathTick()
            if (NodoActual == null)
                if (!_Listaabierta.Any())

                // Take the current node off the open list to be examined
                NodoActual = _Listaabierta.OrderBy(x => x.F).ThenBy(x => x.H).First();

                // Move it to the closed list so it doesn't get examined again
                Cuadricula.SetCell(NodoActual.Coord, Enums.CellType.Closed);


            if (_vecinos.Any())
                Cuadricula.SetCell(NodoActual.Coord, Enums.CellType.Current);

                var thisNeighbour = _vecinos.First();

                // If the neighbour is the destination
                if (CoordsMatch(thisNeighbour, Destination))
                    // Construct the path by tracing back through the closed list until there are no more parent id references
                    Path = new List <Coord> {
                    int?parentId = NodoActual.Id;
                    while (parentId.HasValue)
                        var nextNode = Closed.First(x => x.Id == parentId);
                        parentId = nextNode.ParentId;

                    // Reorder the path to be from origin to destination and return


                // Get the cost of the current node plus the extra step weight and heuristic
                var hFromHere     = GetH(thisNeighbour, Destination);
                var cellWeight    = Grid.GetCell(thisNeighbour.X, thisNeighbour.Y).Weight;
                var neighbourCost = NodoActual.G + cellWeight + hFromHere;

                // Check if the node is on the open list already and if it has a higher cost path
                var openListItem = _Listaabierta.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == GetExistingNode(true, thisNeighbour));
                if (openListItem != null && openListItem.F > neighbourCost)
                    // Repoint the openlist node to use this lower cost path
                    openListItem.F        = neighbourCost;
                    openListItem.ParentId = NodoActual.Id;

                // Check if the node is on the closed list already and if it has a higher cost path
                var closedListItem = Closed.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == GetExistingNode(false, thisNeighbour));
                if (closedListItem != null && closedListItem.F > neighbourCost)
                    // Repoint the closedlist node to use this lower cost path
                    closedListItem.F        = neighbourCost;
                    closedListItem.ParentId = NodoActual.Id;

                // If the neighbour node isn't on the open or closed list, add it
                if (openListItem != null || closedListItem != null)
                _Listaabierta.Add(new Nodo(Id++, NodoActual.Id, thisNeighbour, NodoActual.G + cellWeight, hFromHere));
                Grid.SetCell(thisNeighbour.X, thisNeighbour.Y, Enums.CellType.Open);
                Grid.SetCell(NodoActual.Coord, Enums.CellType.Closed);
                NodoActual = null;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 private int?GetExistingNode(bool checkOpenList, Coord coordToCheck)
     return(checkOpenList ? _Listaabierta.FirstOrDefault(x => CoordsMatch(x.Coord, coordToCheck))?.Id : Closed.FirstOrDefault(x => CoordsMatch(x.Coord, coordToCheck))?.Id);