Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Task <string> InsertClockHistoryAsync(ClockHistoryDTO hisDTO)
            if (hisDTO == null)
                return(Task.FromResult("dto passed as null"));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static ClockHistoryModel CreateModel(ClockHistoryDTO dto)
            ClockHistoryModel newModel = new ClockHistoryModel()
                Id        = dto.Id,
                driverID  = dto.driverID,
                time      = dto.time,
                lplateNum = dto.lplateNum,
                state     = dto.state

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// POST Call to the API service
        /// Update Clock History in db
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hisDTO">History model to insert entry</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task <string> InsertClockHistoryAsync(ClockHistoryDTO hisDTO)
            if (hisDTO == null)
                return("dto passed as null");

            var uri = "api/ClockHistory/Insert/";

            var json          = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(hisDTO);
            var stringContent = new StringContent(json, UnicodeEncoding.UTF8, "application/json");

            var response = await _client.PostAsync(uri, stringContent);

            if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                return("Error with code:" + response.StatusCode);

        public async Task <ActionResult> ConfirmClockVehicle(ClockModel cModel)
            //Due to the lack of an auth/identitfy of the driver
            //This would is acting as a placeholder for the current driver ID
            Guid driverID = Guid.NewGuid();

            string updateResponse = null;

            //If clock in, check for damages against the AI service
            if (cModel.clock == "In")
                //Generate a new ID for the potential damage model
                Guid damageID = Guid.NewGuid();

                //Create ImageDTO list for each image to be added as we go through the loop of uploads.
                List <ImageDTO> vehicleImages = new List <ImageDTO>();

                //Set state of tracking = null
                //Used to track the verdict.
                //This allows to continue processing all uploaded images but still know that one showed damage
                string verdictTracker = "Undamaged";
                //Set counter to 0. This is used to add a suffix count to the end of the image filename when uploaded
                int count = 0;

                //Loop through uploads
                foreach (IFormFile img in cModel.imgs)
                    //Increment the count
                    //Create a new image DTO.
                    ImageDTO newImageDTO = ImageDTO.CreateDTO(ImageDTO.GenerateImageId(damageID, cModel.time, count.ToString(), img), img);

                        //Check the damage of the images against the AI model
                        APIDTO returnApiDto = await _damageService.DamageCheckImg(newImageDTO);

                        //Extract at the decimal percentage of guesses for each tag
                        double damagedGuess = returnApiDto.predictions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.tagName == "Damaged").probability;
                        double wholeGuess   = returnApiDto.predictions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.tagName == "Whole").probability;

                        //If both results are over 0.1 then cant say for certain. i.e level of uncertainty
                        //This is to make sure a Staff member will manually resolve it
                        if (wholeGuess >= 0.1 && damagedGuess >= 0.1)
                            //If not already set to damage from previous image.
                            //Test this because Damaged is a stronger case than Inclonclusive
                            if (verdictTracker == "Undamaged")
                                verdictTracker = "Inconclusive";
                        //If the verdict is Damaged
                        else if (damagedGuess > wholeGuess)
                            //If Damaged then overrules the above conclusion of a previous image
                            verdictTracker = "Damaged";
                        //In any case of an error, set to Inclousive
                        verdictTracker = "Inconclusive";

                //After loop of images, check the state.
                //If either damage or incloncsive
                if (verdictTracker != "Undamaged")
                        //Set the new state to
                        if (verdictTracker == "Inconclusive")
                            cModel.clock = "Inconclusive";
                            cModel.clock = "Damaged";

                        //Create and Insert a Damage history record to keep track of vehicle damages
                        DamageHistoryDTO newDamageDTO = DamageHistoryDTO.CreateDTO(DamageHistoryModel.CreateModel(cModel, damageID, driverID));
                        updateResponse = await _vehicleService.InsertDamageHistoryAsync(newDamageDTO);

                        if (updateResponse != "Success")

                        //Update Vehicle with new state
                        cModel.vehicle.state = "Under Investigation";
                        VehicleDTO newVehDto = VehicleDTO.CreateDTO(cModel.vehicle);
                        updateResponse = await _vehicleService.UpdateVehicleAsync(newVehDto);

                        if (updateResponse != "Success")

                        //Loop and upload images to blob storage
                        foreach (ImageDTO img in vehicleImages)
                            //Save Images to the blob storage.
                            updateResponse = await _blobService.UploadImage(img);

                            if (updateResponse != "Success")

                        //Return back to confirmed view
                        return(View("ClockConfirmed", cModel));
                        //if error at anypoint, restart the form by rdirecting to initial action

            //Update state of the vehicle in vehicle table
            cModel.vehicle.state = cModel.clock;
            VehicleDTO vehDTO = VehicleDTO.CreateDTO(cModel.vehicle);

            updateResponse = await _vehicleService.UpdateVehicleAsync(vehDTO);

            if (updateResponse != "Success")

            //Insert into the history table.
            //Note: The DriverID would be replaced with identification if implemented as mentioned above
            Guid            historyID = Guid.NewGuid();
            ClockHistoryDTO newDTO    = ClockHistoryDTO.CreateDTO(cModel, historyID, driverID);

            updateResponse = await _vehicleService.InsertClockHistoryAsync(newDTO);

            if (updateResponse != "Success")

            //Return back to confirmed view
            return(View("ClockConfirmed", cModel));