Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SetLocation(DFLocation location, bool performLayout = true)
            if (!ReadyCheck())

            // Validate
            if (this.isSet)
                throw new Exception("This location has already been set.");
            if (!location.Loaded)
                throw new Exception("DFLocation not loaded.");

            // Set summary
            summary           = new LocationSummary();
            summary.MapID     = location.MapTableData.MapId;
            summary.Longitude = (int)location.MapTableData.Longitude;
            summary.Latitude  = (int)location.MapTableData.Latitude;
            DFPosition mapPixel   = MapsFile.LongitudeLatitudeToMapPixel(summary.Longitude, summary.Latitude);
            DFPosition worldCoord = MapsFile.MapPixelToWorldCoord(mapPixel.X, mapPixel.Y);

            summary.MapPixelX      = mapPixel.X;
            summary.MapPixelY      = mapPixel.Y;
            summary.WorldCoordX    = worldCoord.X;
            summary.WorldCoordZ    = worldCoord.Y;
            summary.RegionName     = location.RegionName;
            summary.LocationName   = location.Name;
            summary.WorldClimate   = (MapsFile.Climates)location.Climate.WorldClimate;
            summary.LocationType   = location.MapTableData.LocationType;
            summary.DungeonType    = location.MapTableData.DungeonType;
            summary.HasDungeon     = location.HasDungeon;
            summary.Climate        = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(location.Climate.ClimateType);
            summary.Nature         = ClimateSwaps.FromAPITextureSet(location.Climate.NatureSet);
            summary.SkyBase        = location.Climate.SkyBase;
            summary.BlockWidth     = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
            summary.BlockHeight    = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;
            summary.LegacyLocation = location;

            // Assign starting climate
            CurrentSeason    = ClimateSeason.Summer;
            CurrentClimate   = summary.Climate;
            CurrentNatureSet = summary.Nature;

            // Perform layout
            if (performLayout)
                LayoutLocation(ref location);

            // Set location rect

            // Seal location
            isSet = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get model name for current climate and season.
        /// </summary>
        private static string ClimateSeasonName(string modelName)
            if (!GameManager.HasInstance)

            // Get climate
            ClimateBases climateBase = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType);
            string       name        = modelName + "_" + climateBase.ToString();

            // Get season
            if (climateBase != ClimateBases.Desert)
                if (DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue == DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter)
                    name += "Winter";
                    name += "Summer";

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a new Material based on climate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">Material key.</param>
        /// <param name="climate">New climate base.</param>
        /// <param name="season">New season.</param>
        /// <param name="windowStyle">New window style.</param>
        /// <returns>New material.</returns>
        public Material ChangeClimate(int key, ClimateBases climate, ClimateSeason season, WindowStyle windowStyle)
            // Ready check
            if (!IsReady)

            // Reverse key and apply climate
            int archive, record, frame;

            ReverseTextureKey(key, out archive, out record, out frame);
            archive = ClimateSwaps.ApplyClimate(archive, record, climate, season);

            // Get new material
            Material       material;
            CachedMaterial cm = GetMaterialFromCache(archive, record, out material);

            // Handle windows
            if (cm.isWindow)
                ChangeWindowEmissionColor(material, windowStyle);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set ground climate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dfUnity">DaggerfallUnity singleton. Required for content readers and settings.</param>
        /// <param name="climate">Climate to set.</param>
        /// <param name="season">Season to set.</param>
        public void SetClimate(DaggerfallUnity dfUnity, ClimateBases climate, ClimateSeason season)
            int archive = ClimateSwaps.GetGroundArchive(climate, season);

            SetClimate(dfUnity, archive, season);
            summary.climate = climate;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void ApplyMaterials(bool force, int[] dungeonTextureTable = null)
            if (Materials == null || Materials.Length == 0)

            if (UseDungeonTextureTable && dungeonTextureTable == null)

                var meshRenderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                if (!meshRenderer)
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to find MeshRenderer on {0}.", name);

                DFLocation.ClimateBaseType climateBaseType = GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType;
                ClimateBases  climate = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(climateBaseType);
                ClimateSeason season  = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue == DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter ? ClimateSeason.Winter : ClimateSeason.Summer;

                Material[] materials = meshRenderer.sharedMaterials;
                for (int i = 0; i < Materials.Length; i++)
                    int index = Materials[i].Index;

                    if (!force && materials[index])
                        Debug.LogWarningFormat("A runtime material is being assigned to {0} (index {1}) but current material is not equal to null." +
                                               " Make sure you are not including unnecessary auto-generated materials.", meshRenderer.name, i);

                    materials[index] = GetMaterial(Materials[i], climateBaseType, climate, season, dungeonTextureTable);
                    if (!materials[index])
                        Debug.LogErrorFormat("Failed to find material for {0} (index {1}).", meshRenderer.name, i);
                meshRenderer.sharedMaterials = materials;
            catch (Exception e)
                hasAppliedMaterials = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private Material GetMaterial(RuntimeMaterial runtimeMaterial, ClimateBases climate, ClimateSeason season)
            int archive = runtimeMaterial.Archive;
            int record  = runtimeMaterial.Record;

            if (runtimeMaterial.ApplyClimate)
                archive = ClimateSwaps.ApplyClimate(archive, record, climate, season);

            return(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.MaterialReader.GetMaterial(archive, record));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private Material GetMaterial(RuntimeMaterial runtimeMaterial, DFLocation.ClimateBaseType climateBaseType, ClimateBases climate, ClimateSeason season, int[] dungeonTextureTable)
            int archive = runtimeMaterial.Archive;
            int record = runtimeMaterial.Record;

            if (dungeonTextureTable != null)
                archive = DungeonTextureTables.ApplyTextureTable(archive, dungeonTextureTable, climateBaseType);

            if (runtimeMaterial.ApplyClimate)
                archive = ClimateSwaps.ApplyClimate(archive, record, climate, season);

            return DaggerfallUnity.Instance.MaterialReader.GetMaterial(archive, record);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Makes texture results for given material.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="material">Unity material.</param>
        /// <param name="archive">Texture archive.</param>
        /// <param name="record">Record index.</param>
        /// <returns>Results for the given material.</returns>
        public static GetTextureResults MakeResults(Material material, int archive, int record)
            string      path        = Path.Combine(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.MaterialReader.TextureReader.Arena2Path, TextureFile.IndexToFileName(archive));
            TextureFile textureFile = new TextureFile(path, FileUsage.UseMemory, true);

            return(new GetTextureResults()
                albedoMap = GetTextureOrDefault(material, Uniforms.MainTex),
                normalMap = GetTextureOrDefault(material, Uniforms.BumpMap),
                emissionMap = GetTextureOrDefault(material, Uniforms.EmissionMap),
                singleRect = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1),
                isWindow = ClimateSwaps.IsExteriorWindow(archive, record),
                isEmissive = material.HasProperty(Uniforms.EmissionMap),
                textureFile = textureFile
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Update terrain nature
        private void UpdateTerrainNature(TerrainDesc terrainDesc)
            // Setup billboards
            DaggerfallTerrain        dfTerrain        = terrainDesc.terrainObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch dfBillboardBatch = terrainDesc.billboardBatchObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboardBatch>();

            if (dfTerrain && dfBillboardBatch)
                // Get current climate and nature archive
                int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(LocalPlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.NatureSet, dfUnity.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue);
                TerrainHelper.LayoutNatureBillboards(dfTerrain, dfBillboardBatch, TerrainScale);

            // Only set active again once complete
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// Get all accepted names for a model ordered by priority.
        private static string[] GetName(uint modelID)
            if (!GameManager.HasInstance)
                return new string[] { modelID.ToString() }

            ClimateBases climateBase = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType);
            string       climateName = climateBase == ClimateBases.Desert ?
                                       string.Format("{0}_{1}", modelID, climateBase):
                                       string.Format("{0}_{1}{2}", modelID, climateBase, DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue);

            return(new string[]
        private void Display3dModelSelection(int selectedIdx)
            if (goModel)
                goModel = null;

            // Position camera and set model id
            uint modelId = 0;

            if (housesForSale == null)
                camera.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 12, DaggerfallBankManager.GetShipCameraDist((ShipType)selectedIdx));
                modelId = DaggerfallBankManager.GetShipModelId((ShipType)selectedIdx);
                camera.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 3, -20);
                BuildingSummary house = housesForSale[selectedIdx];
                modelId = house.ModelID;

            // Inject custom GameObject if available else create standard mesh game object for the model
            goModel = MeshReplacement.ImportCustomGameobject(modelId, goBankPurchase.transform, new Matrix4x4());
            if (goModel == null)
                goModel = GameObjectHelper.CreateDaggerfallMeshGameObject(modelId, goBankPurchase.transform);

            goModel.layer = layer;

            // Apply current climate
            ClimateBases   climateBase = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(GameManager.Instance.PlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType);
            ClimateSeason  season      = (DaggerfallUnity.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue == DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter) ? ClimateSeason.Winter : ClimateSeason.Summer;
            DaggerfallMesh dfMesh      = goModel.GetComponent <DaggerfallMesh>();

            dfMesh.SetClimate(climateBase, season, WindowStyle.Day);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private int GetNatureArchive()
            int natureArchive;

            switch (ClimateUse)
            case LocationClimateUse.UseLocation:
                natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(summary.Nature, CurrentSeason);

            case LocationClimateUse.Custom:
                natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(CurrentNatureSet, CurrentSeason);

            case LocationClimateUse.Disabled:
                natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(ClimateNatureSets.TemperateWoodland, ClimateSeason.Summer);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Update terrain nature
        private void UpdateTerrainNature(TerrainDesc terrainDesc)
            //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //long startTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // Setup billboards
            DaggerfallTerrain        dfTerrain        = terrainDesc.terrainObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch dfBillboardBatch = terrainDesc.billboardBatchObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboardBatch>();

            if (dfTerrain && dfBillboardBatch)
                // Get current climate and nature archive
                int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(LocalPlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.NatureSet, dfUnity.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue);
                TerrainHelper.LayoutNatureBillboards(dfTerrain, dfBillboardBatch, TerrainScale);

            // Only set active again once complete

            //long totalTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - startTime;
            //DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage(string.Format("Time to update terrain nature: {0}ms", totalTime), true);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // Update terrain data
        // Spreads loading across several frames to reduce gameplay stalls
        // This can also be done using true multi-threading, but at much greater
        // complexity for only minor visible gains.
        // Only yields after initial init complete
        private IEnumerator UpdateTerrains()
            // First stage updates terrain heightmaps
            for (int i = 0; i < terrainArray.Length; i++)
                if (terrainArray[i].active && terrainArray[i].updateHeights)
                    terrainArray[i].updateHeights = false;
                    if (!init)
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            // Wait for physics update when streaming
            if (!init)
                yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            // Second stage updates terrain nature
            for (int i = 0; i < terrainArray.Length; i++)
                if (terrainArray[i].active && terrainArray[i].updateNature)
                    terrainArray[i].updateNature = false;
                    if (!init)
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            // Get key for central player terrain
            int playerKey = TerrainHelper.MakeTerrainKey(MapPixelX, MapPixelY);

            // Third stage updates location if present
            // Vast majority of terrains will not have a location
            // Locations are not optimised as yet and are quite heavy on drawcalls
            for (int i = 0; i < terrainArray.Length; i++)
                // Get key for this terrain
                int key = TerrainHelper.MakeTerrainKey(terrainArray[i].mapPixelX, terrainArray[i].mapPixelY);

                if (terrainArray[i].active && terrainArray[i].hasLocation)
                    // Create location if not present
                    if (!locationDict.ContainsKey(key))
                        // Create location object
                        DFLocation location;
                        GameObject locationObject = CreateLocationGameObject(i, out location);
                        if (!locationObject)

                        // Add location object to dictionary
                        locationDict.Add(key, locationObject);

                        // Create location beacon
                        // This is parented to location and shares its lifetime
                        if (AddLocationBeacon)
                            const float beaconHeight   = 900f;
                            const float beaconOffset   = (MapsFile.WorldMapTerrainDim * MeshReader.GlobalScale) / 2f;
                            GameObject  locationMarker = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject>("LocationBeacon"));
                            locationMarker.hideFlags               = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                            locationMarker.transform.parent        = locationObject.transform;
                            locationMarker.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(beaconOffset, beaconHeight, beaconOffset);

                        // Add one nature batch for entire location
                        // This is parented to location and shares its lifetime
                        GameObject natureBatchObject = new GameObject("NatureBatch");
                        natureBatchObject.hideFlags               = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                        natureBatchObject.transform.parent        = locationObject.transform;
                        natureBatchObject.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                        DaggerfallBillboardBatch natureBatch = natureBatchObject.AddComponent <DaggerfallBillboardBatch>();
                        int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(LocalPlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.NatureSet, dfUnity.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue);

                        // RMB blocks are laid out in centre of terrain to align with ground
                        int     width   = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
                        int     height  = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;
                        float   offsetX = ((8 * RMBLayout.RMBSide) - (width * RMBLayout.RMBSide)) / 2;
                        float   offsetZ = ((8 * RMBLayout.RMBSide) - (height * RMBLayout.RMBSide)) / 2;
                        Vector3 origin  = new Vector3(offsetX, 2.0f * MeshReader.GlobalScale, offsetZ);

                        // Perform layout and yield after each block is placed
                        DaggerfallLocation dfLocation = locationObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallLocation>();
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                // Set origin for billboard batch add
                                // This causes next additions to be offset by this position
                                Vector3 blockOrigin = origin + new Vector3((x * RMBLayout.RMBSide), 0, (y * RMBLayout.RMBSide));
                                natureBatch.origin = blockOrigin;

                                // Add block and yield
                                string     blockName = dfUnity.ContentReader.BlockFileReader.CheckName(dfUnity.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetRmbBlockName(ref location, x, y));
                                GameObject go        = RMBLayout.CreateGameObject(blockName, true, natureBatch);
                                go.hideFlags               = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                                go.transform.parent        = locationObject.transform;
                                go.transform.localPosition = blockOrigin;
                                if (!init)
                                    yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                        // If this is the player terrain we may need to reposition player
                        if (playerKey == key && repositionPlayer)
                            // Position to location and use start marker for large cities
                            bool useStartMarker = (dfLocation.Summary.LocationType == DFRegion.LocationTypes.TownCity);
                            PositionPlayerToLocation(MapPixelX, MapPixelY, dfLocation, origin, width, height, useStartMarker);
                            repositionPlayer = false;

                        // Apply nature batch
                else if (terrainArray[i].active)
                    if (playerKey == key && repositionPlayer)
                        PositionPlayerToTerrain(MapPixelX, MapPixelY, Vector3.zero);
                        repositionPlayer = false;

            // If this is an init we can use the load time to unload unused assets
            // Keeps memory usage much lower over time
            if (init)

            // Finish by collecting stale data and setting neighbours
        /// <summary>
        /// Transition player through an exterior door into building interior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doorOwner">Parent transform owning door array.</param>
        /// <param name="door">Exterior door player clicked on.</param>
        public void TransitionInterior(Transform doorOwner, StaticDoor door)
            // Ensure we have component references
            if (!ReferenceComponents())

            // Get current climate
            ClimateBases climateBase = ClimateBases.Temperate;

            if (playerGPS)
                climateBase = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(playerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType);

            // Layout interior
            // This needs to be done first so we know where the enter markers are
            GameObject newInterior = new GameObject(string.Format("DaggerfallInterior [Block={0}, Record={1}]", door.blockIndex, door.recordIndex));

            newInterior.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
            interior = newInterior.AddComponent <DaggerfallInterior>();
            interior.DoLayout(doorOwner, door, climateBase);

            // Position interior directly inside of exterior
            // This helps with finding closest enter/exit point relative to player position
            interior.transform.position = doorOwner.position + (Vector3)door.buildingMatrix.GetColumn(3);
            interior.transform.rotation = GameObjectHelper.QuaternionFromMatrix(door.buildingMatrix);

            // Position player above closest enter marker
            Vector3 marker;

            if (!interior.FindClosestEnterMarker(transform.position, out marker))
                // Could not find an enter marker, probably not a valid interior

            // Assign new interior to parent
            if (InteriorParent != null)
                newInterior.transform.parent = InteriorParent.transform;

            // Disable exterior parent
            if (ExteriorParent != null)

            // Enable interior parent
            if (InteriorParent != null)

            // Cache some information about this interior
            buildingType = interior.BuildingData.BuildingType;

            // Set player to marker position
            // Not sure how to set facing here as player transitions to a marker, not a door
            // Could always find closest door and use that
            transform.position = marker + Vector3.up * (controller.height * 0.6f);

            // Player is now inside building
            isPlayerInside = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a fully standalone in-place location layout.
        /// This method is used only by editor layouts, not by streaming world.
        /// </summary>
        private void LayoutLocation(ref DFLocation location)
            // Get city dimensions
            int width  = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
            int height = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;

            // Create billboard batch game objects for this location
            TextureAtlasBuilder miscBillboardAtlas = null;

            summary.NatureBillboardBatch = null;
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch lightsBillboardBatch  = null;
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch animalsBillboardBatch = null;
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch miscBillboardBatch    = null;

            if (dfUnity.Option_BatchBillboards)
                miscBillboardAtlas = dfUnity.MaterialReader.MiscBillboardAtlas;
                int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(CurrentNatureSet, CurrentSeason);
                summary.NatureBillboardBatch = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(natureArchive, transform);
                lightsBillboardBatch         = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive, transform);
                animalsBillboardBatch        = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive, transform);
                miscBillboardBatch           = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(miscBillboardAtlas.AtlasMaterial, transform);

            // Import blocks
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    if (dfUnity.Option_BatchBillboards)
                        // Set block origin for billboard batches
                        // This causes next additions to be offset by this position
                        Vector3 blockOrigin = new Vector3((x * RMBLayout.RMBSide), 0, (y * RMBLayout.RMBSide));
                        summary.NatureBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin = blockOrigin;
                        lightsBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin         = blockOrigin;
                        animalsBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin        = blockOrigin;
                        miscBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin           = blockOrigin;

                    string     blockName = dfUnity.ContentReader.BlockFileReader.CheckName(dfUnity.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetRmbBlockName(ref location, x, y));
                    GameObject go        = GameObjectHelper.CreateRMBBlockGameObject(
                    go.transform.parent   = this.transform;
                    go.transform.position = new Vector3((x * RMBLayout.RMBSide), 0, (y * RMBLayout.RMBSide));

            // Apply batches
            if (summary.NatureBillboardBatch)
            if (lightsBillboardBatch)
            if (animalsBillboardBatch)
            if (miscBillboardBatch)

            // Enumerate start marker game objects
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a fully standalone in-place location layout.
        /// This method is used only by editor layouts, not by streaming world.
        /// </summary>
        private void LayoutLocation(ref DFLocation location)
            // Start timing
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            long startTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // Get city dimensions
            int width  = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
            int height = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;

            // Create billboard batch game objects for this location
            //TextureAtlasBuilder miscBillboardAtlas = null;
            summary.NatureBillboardBatch = null;
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch lightsBillboardBatch  = null;
            DaggerfallBillboardBatch animalsBillboardBatch = null;
            //DaggerfallBillboardBatch miscBillboardBatch = null;
            if (dfUnity.Option_BatchBillboards)
                //miscBillboardAtlas = dfUnity.MaterialReader.MiscBillboardAtlas;
                int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(CurrentNatureSet, CurrentSeason);
                summary.NatureBillboardBatch = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(natureArchive, transform);
                lightsBillboardBatch         = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive, transform);
                animalsBillboardBatch        = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive, transform);
                //miscBillboardBatch = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(miscBillboardAtlas.AtlasMaterial, transform);

            // Import blocks
            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                    if (dfUnity.Option_BatchBillboards)
                        // Set block origin for billboard batches
                        // This causes next additions to be offset by this position
                        Vector3 blockOrigin = new Vector3((x * RMBLayout.RMBSide), 0, (y * RMBLayout.RMBSide));
                        summary.NatureBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin = blockOrigin;
                        lightsBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin         = blockOrigin;
                        animalsBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin        = blockOrigin;
                        //miscBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin = blockOrigin;

                    string     blockName = dfUnity.ContentReader.BlockFileReader.CheckName(dfUnity.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetRmbBlockName(ref location, x, y));
                    GameObject go        = GameObjectHelper.CreateRMBBlockGameObject(
                        null, //miscBillboardAtlas,
                        null, //miscBillboardBatch,
                    go.transform.parent   = this.transform;
                    go.transform.position = new Vector3((x * RMBLayout.RMBSide), 0, (y * RMBLayout.RMBSide));

            // Apply batches
            if (summary.NatureBillboardBatch)
            if (lightsBillboardBatch)
            if (animalsBillboardBatch)
            //if (miscBillboardBatch) miscBillboardBatch.Apply();

            // Enumerate start marker game objects

            // Show timer
            long totalTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - startTime;
            DaggerfallUnity.LogMessage(string.Format("Time to layout location: {0}ms", totalTime), true);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private IEnumerator UpdateLocation(int index, bool allowYield)
            int  key             = TerrainHelper.MakeTerrainKey(terrainArray[index].mapPixelX, terrainArray[index].mapPixelY);
            int  playerKey       = TerrainHelper.MakeTerrainKey(MapPixelX, MapPixelY);
            bool isPlayerTerrain = (key == playerKey);

            if (terrainArray[index].active && terrainArray[index].hasLocation && terrainArray[index].updateLocation)
                // Disable update flag
                terrainArray[index].updateLocation = false;

                // Create location object
                DFLocation location;
                GameObject locationObject = CreateLocationGameObject(index, out location);
                if (locationObject)
                    // Add location object to dictionary
                    LocationDesc locationDesc = new LocationDesc();
                    locationDesc.locationObject = locationObject;
                    locationDesc.mapPixelX      = terrainArray[index].mapPixelX;
                    locationDesc.mapPixelY      = terrainArray[index].mapPixelY;

                    // Create billboard batch game objects for this location
                    // Streaming world always batches for performance, regardless of options
                    int natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(LocalPlayerGPS.ClimateSettings.NatureSet, dfUnity.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue);
                    TextureAtlasBuilder      miscBillboardAtlas    = dfUnity.MaterialReader.MiscBillboardAtlas;
                    DaggerfallBillboardBatch natureBillboardBatch  = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(natureArchive, locationObject.transform);
                    DaggerfallBillboardBatch lightsBillboardBatch  = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(TextureReader.LightsTextureArchive, locationObject.transform);
                    DaggerfallBillboardBatch animalsBillboardBatch = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(TextureReader.AnimalsTextureArchive, locationObject.transform);
                    DaggerfallBillboardBatch miscBillboardBatch    = GameObjectHelper.CreateBillboardBatchGameObject(miscBillboardAtlas.AtlasMaterial, locationObject.transform);

                    // Set hide flags
                    natureBillboardBatch.hideFlags  = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                    lightsBillboardBatch.hideFlags  = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                    animalsBillboardBatch.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                    miscBillboardBatch.hideFlags    = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

                    // RMB blocks are laid out in centre of terrain to align with ground
                    int     width   = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
                    int     height  = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;
                    float   offsetX = ((8 * RMBLayout.RMBSide) - (width * RMBLayout.RMBSide)) / 2;
                    float   offsetZ = ((8 * RMBLayout.RMBSide) - (height * RMBLayout.RMBSide)) / 2;
                    Vector3 origin  = new Vector3(offsetX, 2.0f * MeshReader.GlobalScale, offsetZ);

                    // Get location data
                    DaggerfallLocation dfLocation = locationObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallLocation>();

                    // Perform layout and yield after each block is placed
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            // Set block origin for billboard batches
                            // This causes next additions to be offset by this position
                            Vector3 blockOrigin = origin + new Vector3((x * RMBLayout.RMBSide), 0, (y * RMBLayout.RMBSide));
                            natureBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin  = blockOrigin;
                            lightsBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin  = blockOrigin;
                            animalsBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin = blockOrigin;
                            miscBillboardBatch.BlockOrigin    = blockOrigin;

                            // Add block and yield
                            string     blockName = dfUnity.ContentReader.BlockFileReader.CheckName(dfUnity.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetRmbBlockName(ref location, x, y));
                            GameObject go        = GameObjectHelper.CreateRMBBlockGameObject(
                            go.hideFlags               = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;
                            go.transform.parent        = locationObject.transform;
                            go.transform.localPosition = blockOrigin;
                            if (allowYield)
                                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

                    // If this is the player terrain we may need to reposition player
                    if (isPlayerTerrain && repositionPlayer)
                        // Position to location and use start marker for large cities
                        bool useStartMarker = (dfLocation.Summary.LocationType == DFRegion.LocationTypes.TownCity);
                        PositionPlayerToLocation(MapPixelX, MapPixelY, dfLocation, origin, width, height, useStartMarker);
                        repositionPlayer = false;

                    // Apply billboard batches
            else if (terrainArray[index].active)
                if (playerKey == key && repositionPlayer)
                    PositionPlayerToTerrain(MapPixelX, MapPixelY, Vector3.zero);
                    repositionPlayer = false;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Transition player through an exterior door into building interior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doorOwner">Parent transform owning door array..</param>
        /// <param name="door">Exterior door player clicked on.</param>
        public void TransitionInterior(Transform doorOwner, StaticDoor door, bool doFade = false, bool start = true)
            // Ensure we have component references
            if (!ReferenceComponents())

            // Copy owner position to door
            // This ensures the door itself is all we need to reposition interior
            // Useful when loading a save and doorOwner is null (as outside world does not exist)
            if (doorOwner)
                door.ownerPosition = doorOwner.position;
                door.ownerRotation = doorOwner.rotation;

            if (!start)
                // Update scene cache from serializable state for exterior->interior transition
                // Explicitly deregister all stateful objects since exterior isn't destroyed
                // Clear all stateful objects from world loose object tracking

            // Raise event
            RaiseOnPreTransitionEvent(TransitionType.ToBuildingInterior, door);

            // Ensure expired rooms are removed

            // Get climate
            ClimateBases climateBase = ClimateBases.Temperate;

            if (OverrideLocation)
                climateBase = OverrideLocation.Summary.Climate;
            else if (playerGPS)
                climateBase = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(playerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType);

            // Layout interior
            // This needs to be done first so we know where the enter markers are
            GameObject newInterior = new GameObject(DaggerfallInterior.GetSceneName(playerGPS.CurrentLocation, door));

            newInterior.hideFlags = defaultHideFlags;
            interior = newInterior.AddComponent <DaggerfallInterior>();

            // Try to layout interior
            // If we fail for any reason, use that old chestnut "this house has nothing of value"
                interior.DoLayout(doorOwner, door, climateBase, buildingDiscoveryData);

            // Position interior directly inside of exterior
            // This helps with finding closest enter/exit point relative to player position
            interior.transform.position = door.ownerPosition + (Vector3)door.buildingMatrix.GetColumn(3);
            interior.transform.rotation = GameObjectHelper.QuaternionFromMatrix(door.buildingMatrix);

            // Position player above closest enter marker
            Vector3 marker;

            if (!interior.FindClosestEnterMarker(transform.position, out marker))
                // Could not find an enter marker, probably not a valid interior

            // Enumerate all exterior doors belonging to this building
            DaggerfallStaticDoors exteriorStaticDoors = interior.ExteriorDoors;

            if (exteriorStaticDoors && doorOwner)
                List <StaticDoor> buildingDoors = new List <StaticDoor>();
                for (int i = 0; i < exteriorStaticDoors.Doors.Length; i++)
                    if (exteriorStaticDoors.Doors[i].recordIndex == door.recordIndex)
                        StaticDoor newDoor = exteriorStaticDoors.Doors[i];
                        newDoor.ownerPosition = doorOwner.position;
                        newDoor.ownerRotation = doorOwner.rotation;

            // Assign new interior to parent
            if (InteriorParent != null)
                newInterior.transform.parent = InteriorParent.transform;

            // Cache some information about this interior
            buildingType = interior.BuildingData.BuildingType;
            factionID    = interior.BuildingData.FactionId;

            // Set player to marker position
            // TODO: Find closest door for player facing
            transform.position = marker + Vector3.up * (controller.height * 0.6f);


            // Add quest resources
            GameObjectHelper.AddQuestResourceObjects(SiteTypes.Building, interior.transform, interior.EntryDoor.buildingKey);

            // Update serializable state from scene cache for exterior->interior transition (unless new/load game)
            if (!start)

            // Raise event
            RaiseOnTransitionInteriorEvent(door, interior);

            // Fade in from black
            if (doFade)
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private void LoadVertices(ref ModelData model, float scale)
            const int BuildingDoors         = 74;
            const int DungeonEnterDoors     = 56;
            const int DungeonRuinEnterDoors = 331;
            const int DungeonExitDoors      = 95;

            // Allocate arrays
            model.Vertices = new Vector3[model.DFMesh.TotalVertices];
            model.Normals  = new Vector3[model.DFMesh.TotalVertices];
            model.UVs      = new Vector2[model.DFMesh.TotalVertices];

            // Door list
            List <ModelDoor> modelDoors = new List <ModelDoor>();

            // Loop through all submeshes
            int vertexCount = 0;

            foreach (DFMesh.DFSubMesh dfSubMesh in model.DFMesh.SubMeshes)
                // Get cached material data
                CachedMaterial cm;
                dfUnity.MaterialReader.GetCachedMaterial(dfSubMesh.TextureArchive, dfSubMesh.TextureRecord, 0, out cm);
                Vector2 sz = cm.recordSizes[0];

                // Get base climate archive for door check
                // All base door textures are < 100, except dungeon ruins doors
                int doorArchive = dfSubMesh.TextureArchive;
                if (doorArchive > 100 && doorArchive != DungeonRuinEnterDoors)
                    // Reduce to base texture set
                    // This shifts all building climate doors to the same index
                    ClimateTextureInfo ci = ClimateSwaps.GetClimateTextureInfo(dfSubMesh.TextureArchive);
                    doorArchive = (int)ci.textureSet;

                // Check if this is a door archive
                bool      doorFound = false;
                DoorTypes doorType  = DoorTypes.None;
                switch (doorArchive)
                case BuildingDoors:
                    doorFound = true;
                    doorType  = DoorTypes.Building;

                case DungeonEnterDoors:
                    doorFound = true;
                    doorType  = DoorTypes.DungeonEntrance;

                case DungeonRuinEnterDoors:
                    if (dfSubMesh.TextureRecord > 0)        // Dungeon ruins index 0 is just a stone texture
                        doorFound = true;
                        doorType  = DoorTypes.DungeonEntrance;

                case DungeonExitDoors:
                    doorFound = true;
                    doorType  = DoorTypes.DungeonExit;

                // Loop through all planes in this submesh
                int doorCount = 0;
                foreach (DFMesh.DFPlane dfPlane in dfSubMesh.Planes)
                    // If this is a door then each plane is a single door
                    if (doorFound)
                        // Set door verts
                        DFMesh.DFPoint p0        = dfPlane.Points[0];
                        DFMesh.DFPoint p1        = dfPlane.Points[1];
                        DFMesh.DFPoint p2        = dfPlane.Points[2];
                        ModelDoor      modelDoor = new ModelDoor()
                            Index = doorCount++,
                            Type  = doorType,
                            Vert0 = new Vector3(p0.X, -p0.Y, p0.Z) * scale,
                            Vert1 = new Vector3(p1.X, -p1.Y, p1.Z) * scale,
                            Vert2 = new Vector3(p2.X, -p2.Y, p2.Z) * scale,

                        // Set door normal
                        Vector3 u = modelDoor.Vert0 - modelDoor.Vert2;
                        Vector3 v = modelDoor.Vert0 - modelDoor.Vert1;
                        modelDoor.Normal = Vector3.Normalize(Vector3.Cross(u, v));

                        // Add door to list

                    // Copy each point in this plane to vertex buffer
                    foreach (DFMesh.DFPoint dfPoint in dfPlane.Points)
                        // Position and normal
                        Vector3 position = new Vector3(dfPoint.X, -dfPoint.Y, dfPoint.Z) * scale;
                        Vector3 normal   = new Vector3(dfPoint.NX, -dfPoint.NY, dfPoint.NZ);

                        // Store vertex data
                        model.Vertices[vertexCount] = position;
                        model.Normals[vertexCount]  = Vector3.Normalize(normal);
                        model.UVs[vertexCount]      = new Vector2((dfPoint.U / sz.x), -(dfPoint.V / sz.y));

                        // Inrement count

            // Assign found doors
            model.Doors = modelDoors.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Unity Material from Daggerfall texture with more options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="archive">Archive index.</param>
        /// <param name="record">Record index.</param>
        /// <param name="frame">Frame index.</param>
        /// <param name="rectOut">Receives UV rect for texture inside border.</param>
        /// <param name="border">Number of pixels internal border around each texture.</param>
        /// <param name="dilate">Blend texture into surrounding empty pixels.</param>
        /// <param name="shader">Shader for material. If null, DefaultShaderName will be applied.</param>
        /// <returns>Material or null.</returns>
        public Material GetMaterial(
            int archive,
            int record,
            int frame,
            int alphaIndex,
            out Rect rectOut,
            int border    = 0,
            bool dilate   = false,
            Shader shader = null)
            // Ready check
            if (!IsReady)
                rectOut = new Rect();

            // HACK: Override shader for unlit textures
            // TODO: Find a better way to do this
            if (archive == 356 && (record == 0 || record == 2 || record == 3) ||
                archive == 87 && record == 0)
                // Only override if not specified
                if (shader == null)
                    shader = Shader.Find(dfUnity.MaterialReader.DefaultUnlitTextureShaderName);

            int key = MakeTextureKey((short)archive, (byte)record, (byte)frame);

            if (materialDict.ContainsKey(key))
                CachedMaterial cm = materialDict[key];
                if (cm.filterMode == MainFilterMode)
                    // Properties are the same
                    rectOut = cm.singleRect;
                    // Properties don't match, remove material and reload

            if (shader == null)
                shader = Shader.Find(DefaultShaderName);

            Material material = new Material(shader);

            material.name = FormatName(archive, record);
            Texture2D texture = textureReader.GetTexture2D(archive, record, frame, alphaIndex, out rectOut, border, dilate);

            material.mainTexture            = texture;
            material.mainTexture.filterMode = MainFilterMode;

            DFSize size   = textureReader.TextureFile.GetSize(record);
            DFSize scale  = textureReader.TextureFile.GetScale(record);
            DFSize offset = textureReader.TextureFile.GetOffset(record);

            Vector2[] recordSizes = new Vector2[1] {
                new Vector2(size.Width, size.Height)
            Vector2[] recordScales = new Vector2[1] {
                new Vector2(scale.Width, scale.Height)
            Vector2[] recordOffsets = new Vector2[1] {
                new Vector2(offset.Width, offset.Height)
            CachedMaterial newcm = new CachedMaterial()
                key              = key,
                keyGroup         = 0,
                singleRect       = rectOut,
                material         = material,
                filterMode       = MainFilterMode,
                isWindow         = ClimateSwaps.IsExteriorWindow(archive, record),
                recordSizes      = recordSizes,
                recordScales     = recordScales,
                recordOffsets    = recordOffsets,
                recordFrameCount = textureReader.TextureFile.GetFrameCount(record),

            materialDict.Add(key, newcm);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Transition player through an exterior door into building interior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doorOwner">Parent transform owning door array..</param>
        /// <param name="door">Exterior door player clicked on.</param>
        public void TransitionInterior(Transform doorOwner, StaticDoor door, bool doFade = false)
            // Ensure we have component references
            if (!ReferenceComponents())

            // Copy owner position to door
            // This ensures the door itself is all we need to reposition interior
            // Useful when loading a save and doorOwner is null (as outside world does not exist)
            if (doorOwner)
                door.ownerPosition = doorOwner.position;
                door.ownerRotation = doorOwner.rotation;

            // Raise event
            RaiseOnPreTransitionEvent(TransitionType.ToBuildingInterior, door);

            // Get climate
            ClimateBases climateBase = ClimateBases.Temperate;

            if (OverrideLocation)
                climateBase = OverrideLocation.Summary.Climate;
            else if (playerGPS)
                climateBase = ClimateSwaps.FromAPIClimateBase(playerGPS.ClimateSettings.ClimateType);

            // Layout interior
            // This needs to be done first so we know where the enter markers are
            GameObject newInterior = new GameObject(string.Format("DaggerfallInterior [Block={0}, Record={1}]", door.blockIndex, door.recordIndex));

            newInterior.hideFlags = defaultHideFlags;
            interior = newInterior.AddComponent <DaggerfallInterior>();

            // Try to layout interior
            // If we fail for any reason, use that old chestnut "this house has nothing of value"
                interior.DoLayout(doorOwner, door, climateBase);

            // Position interior directly inside of exterior
            // This helps with finding closest enter/exit point relative to player position
            interior.transform.position = door.ownerPosition + (Vector3)door.buildingMatrix.GetColumn(3);
            interior.transform.rotation = GameObjectHelper.QuaternionFromMatrix(door.buildingMatrix);

            // Position player above closest enter marker
            Vector3 marker;

            if (!interior.FindClosestEnterMarker(transform.position, out marker))
                // Could not find an enter marker, probably not a valid interior

            // Enumerate all exterior doors belonging to this building
            DaggerfallStaticDoors exteriorStaticDoors = interior.ExteriorDoors;

            if (exteriorStaticDoors && doorOwner)
                List <StaticDoor> buildingDoors = new List <StaticDoor>();
                for (int i = 0; i < exteriorStaticDoors.Doors.Length; i++)
                    if (exteriorStaticDoors.Doors[i].recordIndex == door.recordIndex)
                        StaticDoor newDoor = exteriorStaticDoors.Doors[i];
                        newDoor.ownerPosition = doorOwner.position;
                        newDoor.ownerRotation = doorOwner.rotation;

            // Assign new interior to parent
            if (InteriorParent != null)
                newInterior.transform.parent = InteriorParent.transform;

            // Cache some information about this interior
            buildingType = interior.BuildingData.BuildingType;

            // Set player to marker position
            // TODO: Find closest door for player facing
            transform.position = marker + Vector3.up * (controller.height * 0.6f);


            // Raise event
            RaiseOnTransitionInteriorEvent(door, interior);

            // Fade in from black
            if (doFade)
        public void ApplyClimateSettings()
            // Do nothing if not ready
            if (!ReadyCheck())

            // Process all DaggerfallMesh child components
            DaggerfallMesh[] meshArray = GetComponentsInChildren <DaggerfallMesh>();
            foreach (var dm in meshArray)
                switch (ClimateUse)
                case LocationClimateUse.UseLocation:
                    dm.SetClimate(dfUnity, Summary.Climate, CurrentSeason, WindowTextureStyle);

                case LocationClimateUse.Custom:
                    dm.SetClimate(dfUnity, CurrentClimate, CurrentSeason, WindowTextureStyle);

                case LocationClimateUse.Disabled:

            // Process all DaggerfallGroundMesh child components
            DaggerfallGroundPlane[] groundMeshArray = GetComponentsInChildren <DaggerfallGroundPlane>();
            foreach (var gm in groundMeshArray)
                switch (ClimateUse)
                case LocationClimateUse.UseLocation:
                    gm.SetClimate(dfUnity, Summary.Climate, CurrentSeason);

                case LocationClimateUse.Custom:
                    gm.SetClimate(dfUnity, CurrentClimate, CurrentSeason);

                case LocationClimateUse.Disabled:
                    gm.SetClimate(dfUnity, ClimateBases.Temperate, ClimateSeason.Summer);

            // Determine correct nature archive
            int natureArchive;

            switch (ClimateUse)
            case LocationClimateUse.UseLocation:
                natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(summary.Nature, CurrentSeason);

            case LocationClimateUse.Custom:
                natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(CurrentNatureSet, CurrentSeason);

            case LocationClimateUse.Disabled:
                natureArchive = ClimateSwaps.GetNatureArchive(ClimateNatureSets.TemperateWoodland, ClimateSeason.Summer);

            // Process all DaggerfallBillboard child components
            DaggerfallBillboard[] billboardArray = GetComponentsInChildren <DaggerfallBillboard>();
            foreach (var db in billboardArray)
                if (db.Summary.FlatType == FlatTypes.Nature)
                    // Apply recalculated nature archive
                    db.SetMaterial(dfUnity, natureArchive, db.Summary.Record, 0, db.Summary.InDungeon);
                    // All other flats are just reapplied to handle any other changes
                    db.SetMaterial(dfUnity, db.Summary.Archive, db.Summary.Record, 0, db.Summary.InDungeon);