Ejemplo n.º 1
    public async Task InitializeAsync()
        _harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();

        var options           = _harness.CreateClientBuilder().BuildOptions();
        var securityContext   = new SecurityContext();
        var systemClock       = new SystemClock();
        var connectionFactory = new KuduConnectionFactory(
            options, securityContext, NullLoggerFactory.Instance);

        _testConnectionFactory = new TestConnectionFactory(connectionFactory);

        _client = new KuduClient(

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        _table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public async Task TestSubmitWriteOpAfterCommit()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(2, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        using var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync();

        int key     = 0;
        var insert1 = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, key++);
        await transaction.WriteAsync(new[] { insert1 });

        await transaction.CommitAsync();

        await transaction.WaitForCommitAsync();

        var insert2   = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, key);
        var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NonRecoverableException>(
            async() => await transaction.WriteAsync(new[] { insert2 }));

        Assert.Matches(".* transaction ID .* not open: COMMITTED", exception.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public async Task TestScanTokenRequestsWithMetadata(
        bool includeTableMetadata, bool includeTabletMetadata)
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        await ClientTestUtil.LoadDefaultTableAsync(_client, table, 1);

        var tokens = await _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table)

        var token = Assert.Single(tokens);

        // Use a new client to simulate hydrating in a new process.
        var newClient = _harness.CreateClient();

        var scanBuilder = await newClient.NewScanBuilderFromTokenAsync(token.Serialize());

        var scanner = scanBuilder.Build();

        Assert.Equal(1, await scanner.CountAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public async Task TestCount()
        await using var miniCluster = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildAsync();
        await using var client      = miniCluster.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(4, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        int numRows = 123;
        var rows    = Enumerable.Range(0, numRows)
                      .Select(i => ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, i));

        await client.WriteAsync(rows);

        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)

        long numScannedRows = await scanner.CountAsync();

        Assert.Equal(numRows, numScannedRows);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public async Task TestDiffScanTokensConcurrentColumnRename()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Set up the table for a diff scan.
        int  numRows   = 20;
        long timestamp = await SetupTableForDiffScansAsync(table, numRows);

        // Since the diff scan interval is [start, end), increment the start timestamp
        // to exclude the last row inserted in the first group of ops, and increment the
        // end timestamp to include the last row deleted in the second group of ops.
        List <KuduScanToken> tokens = await _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table)
                                      // TODO(KUDU-3146): Disable including the table metadata so the new column
                                      // name is retrieved when deserializing the scanner.
                                      .DiffScan(timestamp + 1, _client.LastPropagatedTimestamp + 1)

        var token = Assert.Single(tokens);

        // Rename a column between when the token is created and when it is
        // rehydrated into a scanner
        await _client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)
                                      .RenameColumn("column1_i", "column1_i_new"));

        var scanBuilder = await _client.NewScanBuilderFromTokenAsync(token);

        var scanner = scanBuilder.Build();

        await CheckDiffScanResultsAsync(scanner, 3 *numRows / 4, numRows / 4);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public async Task TestOpenScanWithDroppedPartition()
        await using var miniCluster = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildAsync();
        await using var client      = miniCluster.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("key", 0);
            upper.SetInt32("key", 1000);
                      .AddRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("key", 1000);
            upper.SetInt32("key", 2000);

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Load rows into both partitions.
        int numRows = 1999;
        await ClientTestUtil.LoadDefaultTableAsync(client, table, numRows);

        // Scan the rows while dropping a partition.
        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)
                      // Set a small batch size so the first scan doesn't read all the rows.

        long rowsScanned = 0;
        int  batchNum    = 0;

        await foreach (var resultSet in scanner)
            if (batchNum == 1)
                // Drop the partition.
                await client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)
                                             .DropRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
                    lower.SetInt32("key", 0);
                    upper.SetInt32("key", 1000);

                // Give time for the background drop operations.
                await Task.Delay(1000);

                // TODO: Verify the partition was dropped.

            rowsScanned += resultSet.Count;

        Assert.True(batchNum > 1);
        Assert.Equal(numRows, rowsScanned);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public async Task TestInsertIgnore()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Test insert ignore implements normal insert.
        var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsertIgnore(table, 1);
        await _client.WriteAsync(new[] { insert });

        var rowStrings = await ClientTestUtil.ScanTableToStringsAsync(_client, table);

        var rowString = Assert.Single(rowStrings);

            "INT32 key=1, INT32 column1_i=2, INT32 column2_i=3, " +
            "STRING column3_s=a string, BOOL column4_b=True", rowString);

        // Test insert ignore does not return a row error.
        await _client.WriteAsync(new[] { insert });

        rowStrings = await ClientTestUtil.ScanTableToStringsAsync(_client, table);

        rowString = Assert.Single(rowStrings);
            "INT32 key=1, INT32 column1_i=2, INT32 column2_i=3, " +
            "STRING column3_s=a string, BOOL column4_b=True", rowString);
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public async Task TestInsertAfterInsertIgnoreHasRowError()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var rows = new[]
            ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsertIgnore(table, 1),
            ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1)

        var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <KuduWriteException>(
            () => _client.WriteAsync(rows));

        var rowError = Assert.Single(exception.PerRowErrors);


        var rowStrings = await ClientTestUtil.ScanTableToStringsAsync(_client, table);

        var rowString = Assert.Single(rowStrings);

            "INT32 key=1, INT32 column1_i=2, INT32 column2_i=3, " +
            "STRING column3_s=a string, BOOL column4_b=True", rowString);
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public async Task TestTimeoutEvenWhenServerHangs()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var tableBuilder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(tableBuilder);

        var row = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);
        await client.WriteAsync(new[] { row });

        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table).Build();

        // Scan with a short timeout.
        var timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

        using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout);

        // The server will not respond for the lifetime of the test, so we
        // expect the operation to time out.
        await Assert.ThrowsAsync <OperationCanceledException>(
            async() => await scanner.CountAsync(cts.Token));
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public async Task TestIterable()
        await using var miniCluster = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildAsync();
        await using var client      = miniCluster.CreateClient();
        await using var session     = client.NewSession();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        IDictionary <int, PartialRow> inserts = new Dictionary <int, PartialRow>();
        int numRows = 10;

        for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
            var insert = table.NewInsert();
            inserts.TryAdd(insert.GetInt32(0), insert);
            await session.EnqueueAsync(insert);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)

        await foreach (var resultSet in scanner)
            foreach (var row in resultSet)
                var key    = row.GetInt32(0);
                var insert = Assert.Contains(key, inserts);

                Assert.Equal(insert.GetInt32(1), row.GetInt32(1));
                Assert.Equal(insert.GetInt32(2), row.GetInt32(2));

                if (insert.IsNull(3))
                    Assert.Equal(insert.GetString(3), row.GetString(3));

                Assert.Equal(insert.GetBool(4), row.GetBool(4));


Ejemplo n.º 11
    public async Task TestTxnKeepaliveSwitchesToOtherTxnManager()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()
                                  // Set Raft heartbeat interval short for faster test runtime: speed up
                                  // leader failure detection and new leader election.
                                  // The txn keepalive interval should be long enough to accommodate Raft
                                  // leader failure detection and election.

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(2, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        using var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync();

        var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 0);
        await transaction.WriteAsync(new[] { insert });

        await harness.KillLeaderMasterServerAsync();

        // Wait for two keepalive intervals to make sure the backend got a chance
        // to automatically abort the transaction if not receiving txn keepalive
        // messages.
        await Task.Delay(2 * 1000);

        // It should be possible to commit the transaction. This is to verify that
        //   * the client eventually starts sending txn keepalive messages to other
        //     TxnManager instance (the original was hosted by former leader master
        //     which is no longer available), so the backend doesn't abort the
        //     transaction automatically due to not receiving keepalive messages
        //   * the client switches to the new TxnManager for other txn-related
        //     operations as well
        await transaction.CommitAsync();

        await transaction.WaitForCommitAsync();

        // An extra sanity check: read back the rows written into the table in the
        // context of the transaction.
        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)

        Assert.Equal(1, await scanner.CountAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public async Task TestPropagateTxnCommitTimestamp()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()
                                  // Inject latency to have a chance spotting the transaction in the
                                  // FINALIZE_IN_PROGRESS state and make KuduTransaction.WaitForCommitAsync()
                                  // have to poll multiple times.

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(8, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Make sure the commit timestamp for a transaction is propagated to the
        // client upon committing a transaction.
        using (var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync())
            // Insert many rows: the goal is to get at least one row inserted into
            // every tablet of the hash-partitioned test table, so every tablet would
            // be a participant in the transaction, and most likely every tablet
            // server would be involved.
            var inserts = Enumerable
                          .Range(0, 128)
                          .Select(key => ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, key));

            await transaction.WriteAsync(inserts);
            await CommitAndVerifyTransactionAsync(client, transaction);

        // Make sure the commit timestamp for a transaction is propagated to the
        // client upon committing a transaction (using a session).
        using (var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync())
            await using var session = transaction.NewSession();

            // Insert many rows: the goal is to get at least one row inserted into
            // every tablet of the hash-partitioned test table, so every tablet would
            // be a participant in the transaction, and most likely every tablet
            // server would be involved.
            for (int key = 128; key < 256; key++)
                var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, key);
                await session.EnqueueAsync(insert);

            await session.FlushAsync();
            await CommitAndVerifyTransactionAsync(client, transaction);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public async Task TestKuduRequireEncryption()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();
        await using var client  = harness.CreateClientBuilder()

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

Ejemplo n.º 14
    public async Task TestSwitchToOtherTxnManagerInFlightCalls()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()
                                  // Set Raft heartbeat interval short for faster test runtime: speed up
                                  // leader failure detection and new leader election.

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(2, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        using var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync();

        var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 0);
        await transaction.WriteAsync(new[] { insert });

        await harness.KillAllMasterServersAsync();

        var startMastersTask = Task.Run(async() =>
            // Sleep for some time to allow the commit call
            // below issue RPCs to non-running TxnManangers.
            await Task.Delay(1000);
            await harness.StartAllMasterServersAsync();

        // It should be possible to commit the transaction.
        await transaction.CommitAsync();

        await transaction.WaitForCommitAsync();

        await startMastersTask;

        // An extra sanity check: read back the rows written into the table in the
        // context of the transaction.
        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)

        Assert.Equal(1, await scanner.CountAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public async Task TestGetTableStatistics()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        // Create a table.
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema().SetTableName(_tableName);
        var table   = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Insert some rows and test the statistics.
        var prevStatistics    = new KuduTableStatistics(-1, -1);
        var currentStatistics = new KuduTableStatistics(-1, -1);
        var session           = client.NewSession();
        int num = 100;

        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
            // Get current table statistics.
            currentStatistics = await client.GetTableStatisticsAsync(_tableName);

            Assert.True(currentStatistics.OnDiskSize >= prevStatistics.OnDiskSize);
            Assert.True(currentStatistics.LiveRowCount >= prevStatistics.LiveRowCount);
            Assert.True(currentStatistics.LiveRowCount <= i + 1);
            prevStatistics = currentStatistics;
            // Insert row.
            var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, i);
            await session.EnqueueAsync(insert);

            await session.FlushAsync();

            long numRows = await ClientTestUtil.CountRowsAsync(client, table);

            Assert.Equal(i + 1, numRows);

        // Final accuracy test.
        // Wait for master to aggregate table statistics.
        await Task.Delay(200 * 6);

        currentStatistics = await client.GetTableStatisticsAsync(_tableName);

        Assert.True(currentStatistics.OnDiskSize >= prevStatistics.OnDiskSize);
        Assert.True(currentStatistics.LiveRowCount >= prevStatistics.LiveRowCount);
        Assert.Equal(num, currentStatistics.LiveRowCount);
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public async Task TestExceptionCallback()
        int numCallbacks = 0;
        SessionExceptionContext sessionContext = null;

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var row1 = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);
        var row2 = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);

        var sessionOptions = new KuduSessionOptions
            ExceptionHandler = HandleSessionExceptionAsync

        await using var session = _client.NewSession(sessionOptions);

        await session.EnqueueAsync(row1);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        await session.EnqueueAsync(row2);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        ValueTask HandleSessionExceptionAsync(SessionExceptionContext context)
            sessionContext = context;
            return(new ValueTask());

        Assert.Equal(1, numCallbacks);

        var errorRow = Assert.Single(sessionContext.Rows);

        Assert.Same(row2, errorRow);

        var exception    = Assert.IsType <KuduWriteException>(sessionContext.Exception);
        var exceptionRow = Assert.Single(exception.PerRowErrors);

Ejemplo n.º 17
    public async Task TestKuduRequireAuthenticationInsecureCluster()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();
        await using var client  = harness.CreateClientBuilder()

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NonRecoverableException>(
            () => client.CreateTableAsync(builder));

            "Client requires authentication, but server does not have Kerberos enabled",
    public async Task TestAuthzTokensDuringElection()
        await using var client  = _harness.CreateClient();
        await using var session = client.NewSession();

        // Test sending various requests that require authorization.
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Restart the masters to trigger an election.
        await _harness.KillAllMasterServersAsync();

        await _harness.StartAllMasterServersAsync();

        int numReqs = 10;

        await InsertRowsAsync(session, table, 0, numReqs);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        // Do the same for batches of inserts.
        await _harness.KillAllMasterServersAsync();

        await _harness.StartAllMasterServersAsync();

        await InsertRowsAsync(session, table, numReqs, numReqs);

        await session.FlushAsync();

        // And for scans.
        await _harness.KillAllMasterServersAsync();

        await _harness.StartAllMasterServersAsync();

        for (int i = 0; i < numReqs; i++)
            var numRows = await ClientTestUtil.CountRowsAsync(client, table);

            Assert.Equal(2 * numReqs, numRows);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public async Task TestScannerExpiration()
        await using var miniCluster = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()
        await using var client = miniCluster.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(2, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        int numRows = 1000;
        var rows    = Enumerable.Range(0, numRows)
                      .Select(i => ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, i));

        await client.WriteAsync(rows);

        var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)
                      .SetBatchSizeBytes(100) // Use a small batch size so we get many batches.

        var scanEnumerator = scanner.GetAsyncEnumerator();

        // Initialize the scanner and verify we can read rows.
        Assert.True(await scanEnumerator.MoveNextAsync());
        Assert.True(scanEnumerator.Current.Count > 0);

        // Wait for the scanner to time out.
        await Task.Delay(ShortScannerTtlMs * 2);

        var exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <NonRecoverableException>(async() =>
                                                                           await scanEnumerator.MoveNextAsync());

        Assert.Matches(".*Scanner .* not found.*", exception.Message);

        // Closing an expired scanner shouldn't throw an exception.
        await scanEnumerator.DisposeAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 20
    public async Task TestFailover(bool restart)
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var rows = Enumerable.Range(0, 3)
                   .Select(i => ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, i));

        await client.WriteAsync(rows);

        // Make sure the rows are in there before messing things up.
        long numRows = await ClientTestUtil.CountRowsAsync(client, table);

        Assert.Equal(3, numRows);

        if (restart)
            await harness.RestartLeaderMasterAsync();
            await harness.KillLeaderMasterServerAsync();

        var rows2 = Enumerable.Range(3, 3)
                    .Select(i => ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, i));

        await client.WriteAsync(rows2);

        long numRows2 = await ClientTestUtil.CountRowsAsync(client, table);

        Assert.Equal(6, numRows2);
Ejemplo n.º 21
    public async Task TestMasterLookupOverflow()
        var tableName = "TestHandleTooBusy";

        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()
                                  // Short queue to provoke overflow.
                                  // Low number of service threads, so things stay in the queue.
                                  // Inject latency so lookups process slowly.

        await using var client1 = harness.CreateClient();

        await client1.CreateTableAsync(ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var tasks = new List <Task>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
                    await using var client = harness.CreateClient();
                    var table = await client.OpenTableAsync(tableName);

                    for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                        await client.GetTableLocationsAsync(
                            table.TableId, Array.Empty <byte>(), 1);


        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public async Task TestTxnSessionClose()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()

        await using var client = harness.CreateClient();

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()
                      .AddHashPartitions(2, "key");

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Open and close an empty transaction session.
        using (var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync())
            await using var session = transaction.NewSession();

        // Open new transaction, insert one row for a session, close the session
        // and then rollback the transaction. No rows should be persisted.
        using (var transaction = await client.NewTransactionAsync())
            await using var session = transaction.NewSession();

            var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);
            await session.EnqueueAsync(insert);

            await session.FlushAsync();

            await transaction.RollbackAsync();

            var scanner = client.NewScanBuilder(table)

            Assert.Equal(0, await scanner.CountAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 23
    public async Task TestScanTokensWithExtraPredicate()
        int numRows        = 100;
        int predicateIndex = 0;
        int predicateValue = 1;

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        await ClientTestUtil.LoadDefaultTableAsync(_client, table, numRows);

        var tokens = await _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table).BuildAsync();

        var columnSchema = table.Schema.GetColumn(predicateIndex);
        var predicate    = KuduPredicate.NewComparisonPredicate(
            columnSchema, ComparisonOp.Equal, predicateValue);

        var resultKeys = new List <int>();

        foreach (var token in tokens)
            byte[] serialized  = token.Serialize();
            var    scanBuilder = await _client.NewScanBuilderFromTokenAsync(serialized);

            var scanner = scanBuilder

            await foreach (var resultSet in scanner)
                foreach (var row in resultSet)

        Assert.Collection(resultKeys, key => Assert.Equal(predicateValue, key));
Ejemplo n.º 24
    public async Task TestKuduOptionalEncryption()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder()

        await using var client = harness.CreateClientBuilder()

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

Ejemplo n.º 25
    public async Task TestAlterChangeOwner()
        var originalOwner = "alice";
        var builder       = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        Assert.Equal(originalOwner, table.Owner);

        var newOwner = "bob";
        await _client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)

        table = await _client.OpenTableAsync(table.TableName);

        Assert.Equal(newOwner, table.Owner);
Ejemplo n.º 26
    public async Task TestDeleteIgnore()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Test delete ignore does not return a row error.
        var delete = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaDeleteIgnore(table, 1);
        await _client.WriteAsync(new[] { delete });

        var insert = ClientTestUtil.CreateBasicSchemaInsert(table, 1);
        await _client.WriteAsync(new[] { insert });

        Assert.Single(await ClientTestUtil.ScanTableToStringsAsync(_client, table));

        // Test delete ignore implements normal delete.
        await _client.WriteAsync(new[] { delete });

        Assert.Empty(await ClientTestUtil.ScanTableToStringsAsync(_client, table));
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public async Task TestScanTokensConcurrentColumnRename()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var oldColName = "column1_i";

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var tokens = await _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table)
                     // TODO(KUDU-3146): Disable including the table metadata so the new column
                     // name is retrieved when deserializing the scanner.

        var token = Assert.Single(tokens);

        // Rename a column.
        var newColName = "new-name";
        await _client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)
                                      .RenameColumn(oldColName, newColName));

        var scanBuilder = await _client.NewScanBuilderFromTokenAsync(token);

        var scanner = scanBuilder.Build();

        // TODO(KUDU-3146): Handle renaming a column between when the token
        // is rehydrated as a scanner and when the scanner first hits a replica.
        // Note that this is almost certainly a very short period of vulnerability.

        Assert.Equal(0, await scanner.CountAsync());

        // Test that the old name cannot be used and the new name can be.
        var alteredSchema = scanner.ProjectionSchema;

        Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => alteredSchema.GetColumn(oldColName));

Ejemplo n.º 28
    public async Task TestMultipleSessions()
        int numTasks = 60;
        var tasks    = new List <Task>(numTasks);

        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        var token = cts.Token;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTasks; i++)
            var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    await using var session = _client.NewSession();

                    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++)
                        var row = table.NewUpsert();
                        row.SetInt32(0, j);
                        row.SetInt32(1, 12345);
                        row.SetInt32(2, 3);
                        row.SetBool(4, false);
                        await session.EnqueueAsync(row);


        await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
Ejemplo n.º 29
    public async Task TestScanTokensWithTableRename()
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await _client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        var tokens = await _client.NewScanTokenBuilder(table).BuildAsync();

        var token = Assert.Single(tokens);

        // Rename the table.
        await _client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)

        var scanBuilder = await _client.NewScanBuilderFromTokenAsync(token);

        var scanner = scanBuilder.Build();

        Assert.Equal(0, await scanner.CountAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 30
    public async Task TestDimensionLabel()
        await using var harness = await new MiniKuduClusterBuilder().BuildHarnessAsync();
        await using var client  = harness.CreateClient();

        // Create a table with dimension label.
        var builder = ClientTestUtil.GetBasicSchema()

        var table = await client.CreateTableAsync(builder);

        // Add a range partition to the table with dimension label.
        await client.AlterTableAsync(new AlterTableBuilder(table)
                                     .AddRangePartition((lower, upper) =>
            lower.SetInt32("key", 300);
            upper.SetInt32("key", 400);
        }, "labelB", RangePartitionBound.Inclusive, RangePartitionBound.Exclusive));

        var tablets = await client.GetTableLocationsAsync(table.TableId, null, 100);

        var dimensionMap = tablets
                           .SelectMany(t => t.Replicas)
                           .GroupBy(r => r.DimensionLabel)
                           .OrderBy(g => g.Key);

        Assert.Collection(dimensionMap, d =>
            Assert.Equal("labelA", d.Key);
            Assert.Equal(9, d.Count());
        }, d =>
            Assert.Equal("labelB", d.Key);
            Assert.Equal(3, d.Count());