Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges the 'from' elevation sub grid and the 'intermediary' sub grid result into a single sub grid for
        /// subsequent calculation. THe result is placed into the 'from' sub grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void MergeIntermediaryResults(ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid heightGrid1, ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid intermediaryHeightGrid)
            // Combine this result with the result of the first query to obtain a modified heights grid

            // Merge the first two results to give the profile calc the correct combined 'from' surface
            // HeightsGrid1 is 'latest @ first filter', HeightsGrid1 is earliest @ second filter
            SubGridUtilities.SubGridDimensionalIterator((x, y) =>
                if (heightGrid1.Cells[x, y] == CellPassConsts.NullHeight &&
                    // Check if there is a non null candidate in the earlier @ second filter
                    intermediaryHeightGrid.Cells[x, y] != CellPassConsts.NullHeight)
                    heightGrid1.Cells[x, y] = intermediaryHeightGrid.Cells[x, y];
                    heightGrid1.Times[x, y] = intermediaryHeightGrid.Times[x, y];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populate requested elevation information into the sub grid result
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subGrid"></param>
        public override void Populate(IClientLeafSubGrid subGrid)
            byte BytesForRangeExcludingNull(uint range) => range < byte.MaxValue ? ONE_BYTE : range < ushort.MaxValue ? TWO_BYTES : FOUR_BYTES;



            ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid elevSubGrid = (ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid)subGrid;
            var elevations = elevSubGrid.Cells;
            var times      = elevSubGrid.Times;

            IsNull = true;

            subGrid.CalculateWorldOrigin(out var worldOriginX, out var worldOriginY);
            SubGridOriginX = worldOriginX;
            SubGridOriginY = worldOriginY;

            if (elevSubGrid.Cells != null)
                // Determine the minimum/maximum non-null elevation/time in the sub grid
                double minElevation = DOUBLE_VALUE;
                double maxElevation = -DOUBLE_VALUE;
                uint   minTime      = TIME_MAXIMUM_VALUE;
                uint   maxTime      = TIME_MINIMUM_VALUE;

                SubGridUtilities.SubGridDimensionalIterator((x, y) =>
                    var valueHeight = elevations[x, y];

                    if (Math.Abs(valueHeight - CellPassConsts.NullHeight) > Consts.TOLERANCE_DIMENSION)
                        if (valueHeight < minElevation)
                            minElevation = valueHeight;
                        if (valueHeight > maxElevation)
                            maxElevation = valueHeight;

                        long valueTime = times[x, y];

                        if (valueTime < minTime)
                            minTime = (uint)valueTime;
                        if (valueTime > maxTime)
                            minTime = (uint)valueTime;

                if (Math.Abs(minElevation - CellPassConsts.NullHeight) >= Consts.TOLERANCE_DIMENSION)
                    var minElevationAsMM = (uint)Math.Floor(minElevation * ELEVATION_OFFSET_FACTOR + ELEVATION_OFFSET_TOLERANCE);
                    var maxElevationAsMM = (uint)Math.Floor(maxElevation * ELEVATION_OFFSET_FACTOR + ELEVATION_OFFSET_TOLERANCE);

                    // Set the appropriate values into the result
                    Data   = new PatchOffsetsRecord[SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension, SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridTreeDimension];
                    IsNull = false;

                    ElevationOrigin     = (float)minElevation;
                    ElevationOffsetSize = BytesForRangeExcludingNull(maxElevationAsMM - minElevationAsMM);

                    TimeOrigin     = minTime;
                    TimeOffsetSize = BytesForRangeExcludingNull(minTime - maxTime);

                    SubGridUtilities.SubGridDimensionalIterator((x, y) =>
                        var valueHeight = elevations[x, y];
                        var valueTime   = (uint)times[x, y];

                        if (Math.Abs(valueHeight - CellPassConsts.NullHeight) < Consts.TOLERANCE_DIMENSION)
                            Data[x, y] = new PatchOffsetsRecord(uint.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue);
                            Data[x, y] = new PatchOffsetsRecord((uint)Math.Floor((valueHeight - minElevation) * ELEVATION_OFFSET_FACTOR + ELEVATION_OFFSET_TOLERANCE),
                                                                valueTime - minTime);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes each sub grid in turn into the resulting profile.
        /// </summary>
        public void ProcessSubGroup(SubGridCellAddress address, bool prodDataAtAddress, SubGridTreeBitmapSubGridBits cellOverrideMask)
            var okToProceed = false;

            // Execute a client grid request for each requester and create an array of the results
            var clientGrids = Requestors.Select(x =>
                x.CellOverrideMask = cellOverrideMask;

                // Reach into the sub grid request layer and retrieve an appropriate sub grid
                var requestSubGridInternalResult = x.RequestSubGridInternal(address, prodDataAtAddress, true);
                if (requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult != ServerRequestResult.NoError)
                    Log.LogError($"Request for sub grid {address} request failed with code {requestSubGridInternalResult.requestResult}");


            // If an intermediary result was requested then merge the 'from' and intermediary sub grids now
            if (IntermediaryFilterRequired)
                MergeIntermediaryResults(clientGrids[0] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid, clientGrids[1] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid);
                //... and chop out the intermediary grid
                clientGrids = new[] { clientGrids[0], clientGrids[2] };

            // Assign the results of the sub grid requests according to the ordering of the filter in the overall
            // volume type context of the request
            ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid heightsGrid1 = null;

            if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenFilterAndDesign || VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.Between2Filters)
                heightsGrid1 = clientGrids[0] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid;

            ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid heightsGrid2 = null;

            if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenDesignAndFilter)
                heightsGrid2 = clientGrids[0] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid;
            else if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.Between2Filters)
                heightsGrid2 = clientGrids[1] as ClientHeightAndTimeLeafSubGrid;

            IClientHeightLeafSubGrid designHeights = null;

            if (VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenFilterAndDesign || VolumeType == VolumeComputationType.BetweenDesignAndFilter)
                if (svDesignWrapper?.Design != null)
                    var getDesignHeightsResult = svDesignWrapper.Design.GetDesignHeightsViaLocalCompute(SiteModel, svDesignWrapper.Offset, address, SiteModel.CellSize);

                    if (getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode != DesignProfilerRequestResult.OK || getDesignHeightsResult.designHeights == null)
                        if (getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode == DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)
                            Log.LogInformation("Call to RequestDesignElevationPatch failed due to no elevations in requested patch.");
                            Log.LogError($"Call to RequestDesignElevationPatch failed due to no TDesignProfilerRequestResult return code {getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode}.");
                        designHeights = getDesignHeightsResult.designHeights;
                        okToProceed   = true;
                    Log.LogError("Missing design reference. Call to request Summary Volumes Profile using design failed due to no reference design");
                okToProceed = true;

            if (okToProceed)
                for (int I = 0; I < cellCounter; I++)
                    int cellX = profileCellList[I].OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                    int cellY = profileCellList[I].OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask;
                    if (heightsGrid1 != null)
                        profileCellList[I].LastCellPassElevation1 = heightsGrid1.Cells[cellX, cellY];
                    if (heightsGrid2 != null)
                        profileCellList[I].LastCellPassElevation2 = heightsGrid2.Cells[cellX, cellY];
                    profileCellList[I].DesignElev = designHeights?.Cells[cellX, cellY] ?? CellPassConsts.NullHeight;