Ejemplo n.º 1
    void CalculatePositionCC(ClayMesh clayMeshA, ClayMesh clayMeshB)
        List <float> init_dataA = clayMeshA.RowAvgRadiusList;
        List <float> init_dataB = clayMeshB.RowAvgRadiusList;

        GetCorrelation(init_dataA, init_dataB);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void CalculateCurvatureCC(ClayMesh clayMeshA, ClayMesh clayMeshB)
        List <float> init_dataA = clayMeshA.RowAvgRadiusList;
        List <float> init_dataB = clayMeshB.RowAvgRadiusList;

        var curA = GetCurvature(init_dataA);
        var curB = GetCurvature(init_dataB);

        GetCorrelation(curA, curB);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public void UpdateMesh()
        int heightDivision = radiusList.Count - 1;

        float angleDelta  = Mathf.PI * 2f / axisDivision;
        float heightDelta = height / heightDivision;

        float angleTheta  = 0f;
        float heightTheta = 0f;

        var newVertices  = new List <Vector3>();
        var newTriangles = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < heightDivision + 1; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < axisDivision; ++j)
                float   r = radiusList[i];
                Vector3 p = new Vector3(r * Mathf.Cos(angleTheta), heightTheta, r * Mathf.Sin(angleTheta));


                angleTheta += angleDelta;

            heightTheta += heightDelta;

        for (int j = 0; j < heightDivision; ++j)
            for (int i = 0; i < axisDivision; ++i)
                                        i + axisDivision * j,
                                        (i + 1) % axisDivision + axisDivision * j,
                                        i + axisDivision * (j + 1),
                                        (i + 1) % axisDivision + axisDivision * (j + 1));

        Mesh m = new Mesh();

        m.vertices  = newVertices.ToArray();
        m.triangles = newTriangles.ToArray();

        m_meshFilter.sharedMesh = m;
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public void CreateMesh()
        // cleanup first
        for (int i = 0; i < m_clayRoot.childCount; ++i)

        // create ClayMesh
        ClayMesh clayMesh = ClayMeshFactory();

        // assign ClayMesh
        ClayMeshContext cmc = Instantiate <ClayMeshContext>(m_prefab, m_clayRoot);

        cmc.gameObject.name = "Clay Mesh " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
        cmc.clayMesh        = clayMesh;

        // generate mesh based on ClayMesh

        Vertices  = clayMesh.Mesh.vertexCount;
        Triangles = clayMesh.Mesh.triangles.Length / 3;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    ClayMesh ClayMeshFactory()
        float        delta       = 2f * Mathf.PI / (float)m_segment;
        float        heightDelta = (float)m_height / (float)m_verticalSegment;
        float        theta       = 0f;
        float        heightTheta = 0f;
        Perlin       perlin      = new Perlin();
        List <float> radiusList  = new List <float> ();
        float        maxRadius   = 0f;

        for (int j = 0; j < m_verticalSegment + 1; ++j)
            theta = 0f;

            // model the shape as a ellipse, get radius based on height
            // x^2 / a^2 + y^2 / b^2 = 1
            float ellipsoidRadius = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(0f, m_height * m_height - heightTheta * heightTheta)) * m_radius / m_height;
            float baseRadius      = m_topBaseRatio * m_radius + (1f - m_topBaseRatio) * ellipsoidRadius;

            // get noise center
            float noiseParameter = (float)j / (float)m_verticalSegment;
            // 1. direction
            // 1D
            float   noise0      = perlin.Noise(noiseParameter * m_angleNoiseSpan);
            float   offsetAngle = Mathf.Lerp(0f, 2 * Mathf.PI, noise0);
            Vector3 offsetDir   = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(offsetAngle), 0f, Mathf.Sin(offsetAngle)).normalized;

            // 2. length
            // 1D
            float noise1       = perlin.Noise(noiseParameter * m_centerNoiseSpan);
            float offsetLength = noise1 * m_centerNoiseScale * m_radius;

            // the noise center
            Vector3 noiseCenter = offsetDir * offsetLength;

            // get collective noise radius
            // 1D
            // 1. length
            float noise2         = perlin.Noise(noiseParameter * m_rowNoiseSpan);
            float rowNoiseRadius = noise2 * m_rowNoiseScale * m_radius;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_segment; ++i)
                // get individual noise
                // 3D

                float noise3 = perlin.Noise(
                    Mathf.Cos(theta) * m_radius * m_individualNoiseSpan,
                    Mathf.Sin(theta) * m_radius * m_individualNoiseSpan);

                float individualNoiseRadius = noise3 * m_individualNoiseScale * m_radius;
                float finalRadius           = baseRadius + rowNoiseRadius + individualNoiseRadius;

                var   noisePos = noiseCenter + new Vector3(finalRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta), 0f, finalRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta));
                float result   = noisePos.magnitude;

                if (result > maxRadius)
                    maxRadius = result;

                // fill noise radius matrix

                theta += delta;
            heightTheta += heightDelta;

        ClayMesh cMesh = new ClayMesh(m_verticalSegment + 1, m_segment, radiusList, m_height, m_thicknessRatio);
