Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static string GetTopThreeGameweekEntries(ClassicLeague league, Gameweek gameweek)
            var topThree = league.Standings.Entries
                           .GroupBy(e => e.EventTotal)
                           .OrderByDescending(g => g.Key)

            if (!topThree.Any())

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("Top three this gameweek was:\n");

            for (var i = 0; i < topThree.Length; i++)
                var group = topThree[i];
                foreach (var entry in group)
                    sb.Append($"{Formatter.RankEmoji(i)} {entry.GetEntryLink(gameweek.Id)} - {entry.EventTotal}\n");

Ejemplo n.º 2
    public async Task Handle(PublishGameweekFinishedToGuild message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        var sub = await _repo.GetGuildSubscription(message.GuildId, message.ChannelId);

        if (sub != null && message.LeagueId.HasValue && sub.Subscriptions.ContainsSubscriptionFor(EventSubscription.Standings))
            var settings = await _settingsClient.GetGlobalSettings();

            var           gameweeks = settings.Gameweeks;
            var           gw        = gameweeks.SingleOrDefault(g => g.Id == message.GameweekId);
            ClassicLeague league    = await _leagueClient.GetClassicLeague(message.LeagueId.Value, tolerate404 : true);

            if (league != null)
                var messages  = new List <RichMesssage>();
                var intro     = Formatter.FormatGameweekFinished(gw, league);
                var standings = Formatter.GetStandings(league, gw, includeExternalLinks: false);
                var topThree  = Formatter.GetTopThreeGameweekEntries(league, gw, includeExternalLinks: false);
                var worst     = Formatter.GetWorstGameweekEntry(league, gw, includeExternalLinks: false);
                messages.AddRange(new RichMesssage[]
                    new ("ℹ️ Gameweek finished!", intro),
                    new ("ℹ️ Standings", standings),
                    new ("ℹ️ Top 3", topThree),
                    new ("ℹ️ Lantern beige", worst)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public static string GetWorstGameweekEntry(ClassicLeague league, Gameweek gameweek, bool includeExternalLinks = true)
        var    worst            = league.Standings.Entries.OrderBy(e => e.EventTotal).FirstOrDefault();
        string entryOrEntryLink = includeExternalLinks? worst.GetEntryLink(gameweek.Id) : worst?.EntryName;

        return(worst == null ? null : $"💩 {entryOrEntryLink} only got {worst.EventTotal} points. Wow.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static string GetStandings(ClassicLeague league, Gameweek gameweek, bool includeExternalLinks = true)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();

        var sortedByRank = league.Standings.Entries.OrderBy(x => x.Rank);

        var numPlayers = league.Standings.Entries.Count;

        if (gameweek == null)
            sb.Append("No current gameweek!");

        sb.Append($"⭐️ *Here's the current standings after {gameweek.Name}* ⭐ \n\n");

        foreach (var player in sortedByRank)
            var    arrow       = GetRankChangeEmoji(player, numPlayers, gameweek.Id);
            string entryOrLink = includeExternalLinks ? player.GetEntryLink(gameweek.Id) : player.EntryName;
            sb.Append($"\n{player.Rank}. {entryOrLink} - {player.Total} {arrow}");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static string GetStandings(ClassicLeague league, ICollection <Gameweek> gameweeks)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var sortedByRank = league.Standings.Entries.OrderBy(x => x.Rank);

            var numPlayers = league.Standings.Entries.Count;

            var currentGw = gameweeks.SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsCurrent)?.Id;

            sb.Append($":star: *Results after GW {currentGw}* :star: \n\n");

            foreach (var player in sortedByRank)
                var arrow = GetRankChangeEmoji(player, numPlayers);
                sb.Append($"{player.Rank}. {player.GetEntryLink(currentGw)} - {player.Total} {arrow} \n");

Ejemplo n.º 6
    public async Task Handle(PublishStandingsToSlackWorkspace message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        var settings = await _settingsClient.GetGlobalSettings();

        var           gameweeks = settings.Gameweeks;
        var           gw        = gameweeks.SingleOrDefault(g => g.Id == message.GameweekId);
        ClassicLeague league    = null;

            league = await _leagueClient.GetClassicLeague(message.LeagueId);

            var intro     = Formatter.FormatGameweekFinished(gw, league);
            var standings = Formatter.GetStandings(league, gw);
            var topThree  = Formatter.GetTopThreeGameweekEntries(league, gw);
            var worst     = Formatter.GetWorstGameweekEntry(league, gw);
            await _publisher.PublishToWorkspace(message.WorkspaceId, message.Channel, intro, standings, topThree, worst);
        catch (HttpRequestException e) when(e.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
            await _publisher.PublishToWorkspace(message.WorkspaceId, message.Channel, $"League standings are now generally ready, but I could not seem to find a classic league with id `{message.LeagueId}`. Are you sure it's a valid classic league id?");
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void FormatGameweekFinished_ShoudReturnCorrectMessage(
        int globalAverage, int entryScore1, int entryScore2, int entryScore3, string expectedMessage)
        // Arrange
        var gameweek = new Gameweek
            Name         = "Gameweek 1",
            AverageScore = globalAverage
        var league = new ClassicLeague
            Standings = new ClassicLeagueStandings
                Entries = new[]
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = entryScore1
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = entryScore2
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = entryScore3

        // Act
        var message = Formatter.FormatGameweekFinished(gameweek, league);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(expectedMessage, message);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static string GetStandings(ClassicLeague league, Gameweek gameweek)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var sortedByRank = league.Standings.Entries.OrderBy(x => x.Rank);

            var numPlayers = league.Standings.Entries.Count;

            if (gameweek == null)
                sb.Append("No current gameweek!");

            sb.Append($":star: *Here's the current standings after {gameweek.Name}* :star: \n\n");

            foreach (var player in sortedByRank)
                var arrow = GetRankChangeEmoji(player, numPlayers);
                sb.Append($"{player.Rank}. {player.GetEntryLink(gameweek.Id)} - {player.Total} {arrow} \n");

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static string GetWorstGameweekEntry(ClassicLeague league, Gameweek gameweek)
            var worst = league.Standings.Entries.OrderBy(e => e.EventTotal).FirstOrDefault();

            return(worst == null ? null : $":poop: {worst.GetEntryLink(gameweek.Id)} only got {worst.EventTotal} points. Wow.");
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public async Task Handle(ProcessGameweekStartedForSlackWorkspace message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        var newGameweek = message.GameweekId;

        var team = await _teamRepo.GetTeam(message.WorkspaceId);

        if (team.HasRegisteredFor(EventSubscription.Captains) || team.HasRegisteredFor(EventSubscription.Transfers))
            await _publisher.PublishToWorkspace(team.TeamId, team.FplBotSlackChannel, $"Gameweek {message.GameweekId}!");

        var messages = new List <string>();

        var           leagueExists = false;
        ClassicLeague league       = null;

        if (team.FplbotLeagueId.HasValue)
            league = await _leagueClient.GetClassicLeague(team.FplbotLeagueId.Value, tolerate404 : true);
        leagueExists = league != null;

        if (leagueExists && team.HasRegisteredFor(EventSubscription.Captains))
            var captainPicks = await _captainsByGameweek.GetEntryCaptainPicks(newGameweek, team.FplbotLeagueId.Value);

            if (league.Standings.Entries.Count < MemberCountForLargeLeague)
                messages.Add(_captainsByGameweek.GetCaptainsByGameWeek(newGameweek, captainPicks));
                messages.Add(_captainsByGameweek.GetCaptainsChartByGameWeek(newGameweek, captainPicks));
        else if (team.FplbotLeagueId.HasValue && !leagueExists && team.HasRegisteredFor(EventSubscription.Captains))
            messages.Add($"⚠️ You're subscribing to captains notifications, but following a league ({team.FplbotLeagueId.Value}) that does not exist. Update to a valid classic league, or unsubscribe to captains to avoid this message in the future.");
            _logger.LogInformation("Team {team} hasn't subscribed for gw start captains, so bypassing it", team.TeamId);

        if (leagueExists && team.HasRegisteredFor(EventSubscription.Transfers))
                if (league.Standings.Entries.Count < MemberCountForLargeLeague)
                    messages.Add(await _transfersByGameweek.GetTransfersByGameweekTexts(newGameweek, team.FplbotLeagueId.Value));
                    var externalLink = $"See https://www.fplbot.app/leagues/{team.FplbotLeagueId.Value} for all transfers";
            catch (HttpRequestException hre) when(hre.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests) // fallback
                var externalLink = $"See https://www.fplbot.app/leagues/{team.FplbotLeagueId.Value} for all transfers";

        else if (team.FplbotLeagueId.HasValue && !leagueExists && team.HasRegisteredFor(EventSubscription.Transfers))
            messages.Add($"⚠️ You're subscribing to transfers notifications, but following a league ({team.FplbotLeagueId.Value}) that does not exist. Update to a valid classic league, or unsubscribe to transfers to avoid this message in the future.");
            _logger.LogInformation("Team {team} hasn't subscribed for gw start transfers, so bypassing it", team.TeamId);

        await _publisher.PublishToWorkspace(team.TeamId, team.FplBotSlackChannel, messages.ToArray());
        public void GetTopThreeGameweekEntriesTests_ShoudReturnCorrectMessage()
            // Arrange
            var gameweek = new Gameweek
                Name = "1",
                Id   = 1
            var league = new ClassicLeague
                Standings = new ClassicLeagueStandings
                    Entries = new[]
                        new ClassicLeagueEntry
                            EventTotal = 50,
                            Total      = 1337,
                            Entry      = 1,
                            EntryName  = "K"
                        new ClassicLeagueEntry
                            EventTotal = 90,
                            Total      = 500,
                            Entry      = 2,
                            EntryName  = "L"
                        new ClassicLeagueEntry
                            EventTotal = 90,
                            Total      = 500,
                            Entry      = 3,
                            EntryName  = "La"
                        new ClassicLeagueEntry
                            EventTotal = 10,
                            Total      = 42,
                            Entry      = 4,
                            EntryName  = "M"
                        new ClassicLeagueEntry
                            EventTotal = 10,
                            Total      = 43,
                            Entry      = 5,
                            EntryName  = "J"
                        new ClassicLeagueEntry
                            EventTotal = 5,
                            Total      = 43,
                            Entry      = 6,
                            EntryName  = "X"

            // Act
            var message = Formatter.GetTopThreeGameweekEntries(league, gameweek);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("Top three this gameweek was:\n" +
                         ":first_place_medal: <https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/2/event/1|L> - 90\n" +
                         ":first_place_medal: <https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/3/event/1|La> - 90\n" +
                         ":second_place_medal: <https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/1/event/1|K> - 50\n" +
                         ":third_place_medal: <https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/4/event/1|M> - 10\n" +
                         ":third_place_medal: <https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/5/event/1|J> - 10\n", message);
Ejemplo n.º 12
    public async Task Handle(ProcessGameweekStartedForGuildChannel message, IMessageHandlerContext context)
        var newGameweek = message.GameweekId;

        var team = await _repo.GetGuildSubscription(message.GuildId, message.ChannelId);

        var messages = new List <RichMesssage>();

        if (team.Subscriptions.ContainsSubscriptionFor(EventSubscription.Captains) ||
            messages.Add(new RichMesssage($"Gameweek {message.GameweekId}!", ""));

        ClassicLeague league = null;

        if (team.LeagueId.HasValue)
            league = await _leagueClient.GetClassicLeague(team.LeagueId.Value, tolerate404 : true);

        var leagueExists = league != null;

        if (leagueExists && team.Subscriptions.ContainsSubscriptionFor(EventSubscription.Captains))
            var captainPicks = await _captainsByGameweek.GetEntryCaptainPicks(newGameweek, team.LeagueId.Value);

            if (league.Standings.Entries.Count < MemberCountForLargeLeague)
                string captainsByGameWeek = _captainsByGameweek.GetCaptainsByGameWeek(newGameweek, captainPicks, includeExternalLinks: false);
                messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Captains:", captainsByGameWeek));
                string captainsChartByGameWeek = _captainsByGameweek.GetCaptainsChartByGameWeek(newGameweek, captainPicks);
                messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Chart", captainsChartByGameWeek));
                string captainsByGameWeek = _captainsByGameweek.GetCaptainsStatsByGameWeek(captainPicks, includeHeader: false);
                messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Captain stats:", captainsByGameWeek));
        else if (team.LeagueId.HasValue && !leagueExists && team.Subscriptions.ContainsSubscriptionFor(EventSubscription.Captains))
            messages.Add(new RichMesssage("⚠️Warning!", $"️ You're subscribing to captains notifications, but following a league ({team.LeagueId.Value}) that does not exist. Update to a valid classic league, or unsubscribe to captains to avoid this message in the future."));
            _logger.LogInformation("Team {team} hasn't subscribed for gw start captains, so bypassing it", team.GuildId);

        if (leagueExists && team.Subscriptions.ContainsSubscriptionFor(EventSubscription.Transfers))
            if (league.Standings.Entries.Count < MemberCountForLargeLeague)
                var transfersByGameweekTexts = await _transfersByGameweek.GetTransferMessages(newGameweek, team.LeagueId.Value, includeExternalLinks : false);

                if (transfersByGameweekTexts.GetTotalCharCount() > 2000)
                    var array       = transfersByGameweekTexts.Messages.ToList();
                    int halfway     = array.Count() / 2;
                    var firstArray  = array.Take(halfway);
                    var secondArray = array.Skip(halfway);
                    messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Transfers", string.Join("", firstArray.Select(c => c.Message))));
                    messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Transfers (#2)", string.Join("", secondArray.Select(c => c.Message))));
                    messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Transfers", string.Join("", transfersByGameweekTexts.Messages.Select(m => m.Message))));
                var externalLink = $"See https://www.fplbot.app/leagues/{team.LeagueId.Value} for full details";
                messages.Add(new RichMesssage("Captains/Transfers/Chips", externalLink));
        else if (team.LeagueId.HasValue && !leagueExists && team.Subscriptions.ContainsSubscriptionFor(EventSubscription.Transfers))
            messages.Add(new RichMesssage("⚠️Warning!", $"⚠️ You're subscribing to transfers notifications, but following a league ({team.LeagueId.Value}) that does not exist. Update to a valid classic league, or unsubscribe to transfers to avoid this message in the future."));
            _logger.LogInformation("Team {team} hasn't subscribed for gw start transfers, so bypassing it", team.GuildId);

        var i = 0;

        foreach (var richMessage in messages)
            i = i + 2;
            var sendOptions = new SendOptions();
            await context.Send(new PublishRichToGuildChannel(team.GuildId, team.ChannelId, richMessage.Title, richMessage.Description), sendOptions);
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public void GetWorstGameweekEntryTests_ShoudReturnCorrectMessage()
        // Arrange
        var gameweek = new Gameweek
            Name = "1",
            Id   = 1
        var league = new ClassicLeague
            Standings = new ClassicLeagueStandings
                Entries = new[]
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = 50,
                        Total      = 1337,
                        Entry      = 1,
                        EntryName  = "K"
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = 90,
                        Total      = 500,
                        Entry      = 2,
                        EntryName  = "L"
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = 90,
                        Total      = 500,
                        Entry      = 3,
                        EntryName  = "La"
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = 10,
                        Total      = 42,
                        Entry      = 4,
                        EntryName  = "M"
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = 10,
                        Total      = 43,
                        Entry      = 5,
                        EntryName  = "J"
                    new ClassicLeagueEntry
                        EventTotal = 5,
                        Total      = 43,
                        Entry      = 6,
                        EntryName  = "X"

        // Act
        var message = Formatter.GetWorstGameweekEntry(league, gameweek);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal("💩 <https://fantasy.premierleague.com/entry/6/event/1|X> only got 5 points. Wow.", message);