public void TestAlertWithHostsAndNoConnection()
            XenServerVersion ver = new XenServerVersion("1.2.3", "name", true, false, "http://url", new List <XenServerPatch>(), new List <XenServerPatch>(), new DateTime(2011, 4, 1).ToString(), "123", "", false, "", "", "", "", "");
            var alert            = new XenServerVersionAlert(ver);

            alert.IncludeHosts(new List <Host> {
                hostA.Object, hostB.Object

            ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(alert, new AlertClassUnitTestData
                AppliesTo    = "HostAName, HostBName",
                FixLinkText  = "Go to Web Page",
                HelpID       = "XenServerUpdateAlert",
                Description  = "name is now available. Download the latest at the " + BrandManager.COMPANY_NAME_SHORT + " website.",
                HelpLinkText = "Help",
                Title        = "name is now available",
                Priority     = "Priority5"


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void TestAlertWithHostsAndNoConnection()
            XenServerPatch      p     = new XenServerPatch("uuid", "name", "My description", "guidance", string.Empty, "6.0.1", "http://url", "http://patchUrl", new DateTime(2011, 4, 1).ToString(), "1", "", "");
            XenServerPatchAlert alert = new XenServerPatchAlert(p);

            alert.IncludeHosts(new List <Host>()
                hostA.Object, hostB.Object

            ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(alert, new AlertClassUnitTestData
                AppliesTo    = "HostAName, HostBName",
                FixLinkText  = "Go to Web Page",
                HelpID       = "XenServerPatchAlert",
                Description  = "My description",
                HelpLinkText = "Help",
                Title        = "New Update Available - name",
                Priority     = "Priority1"


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void SettersTest()
            var inputData = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "WlbVersion", "6.0" },
                { "AutoBalanceEnabled", "false" },
                { "AutoBalancePollIntervals", "0.333333" },
                { "AutoBalanceSeverity", "High" },
                { "AutoBalanceAggressiveness", "High" },
                { "PowerManagementEnabled", "false" },
                { "PowerManagementPollIntervals", "5.321264" },
                { "EnableOptimizationModeSchedules", "false" } //Equal to AutomateOptimizationMode

            var expectedData = new MRSensitiveData
                AutoBalanceEnabled           = true,
                AutoBalancePollIntervals     = 2.0,
                AutoBalanceSeverity          = WlbPoolAutoBalanceSeverity.Low,
                AutoBalanceAggressiveness    = WlbPoolAutoBalanceAggressiveness.Medium,
                PowerManagementEnabled       = true,
                PowerManagementPollIntervals = 7.0,
                AutomateOptimizationMode     = true

            ClassVerifiers.VerifySettersAndGetters(new WlbPoolConfiguration(inputData), expectedData);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void VerifyStoredDataWithDefaultConstructor()
     ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(new DuplicateIqnAlert(new Host(), new Dictionary <Host, Host>()),
                                  new ClassData
         FixLinkText  = "Edit IQN",
         HelpID       = "DuplicateIqnAlert",
         HelpLinkText = "Help",
         Title        = "iSCSI-IQN Exists",
         Priority     = "Priority3"
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void CheckClone()
            WlbScheduledTask clone = task.Clone();

            Assert.AreNotEqual(task, clone);

            //Check contents are all equal to the expected
            ClassVerifiers.VerifyPropertyCounter(task, NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES);
            ClassVerifiers.VerifyPropertyCounter(clone, NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES);

            ClassVerifiers.VerifySettersAndGetters(task, exampleData);
            ClassVerifiers.VerifySettersAndGetters(clone, exampleData);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void VerifyStoredDataWithDefaultConstructor()
     ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(new GuiOldAlert(),
                                  new AlertClassUnitTestData
         AppliesTo    = XenAdmin.Branding.BRAND_CONSOLE,
         Description  = "There is a newer version of " + XenAdmin.Branding.BRAND_CONSOLE + " available. Please contact your support representative.",
         FixLinkText  = "Go to Web Page",
         HelpID       = "GuiOldAlert",
         HelpLinkText = "Help",
         Title        = "Newer " + XenAdmin.Branding.BRAND_CONSOLE + " Available",
         Priority     = "Priority5"
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void VerifyStoredDataWithDefaultConstructor()
     ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(new MissingIqnAlert(new Host()),
                                  new AlertClassUnitTestData
         AppliesTo    = "",
         FixLinkText  = "Edit IQN",
         HelpID       = "MissingIqnAlert",
         Description  = " has no iSCSI-IQN. This could cause problems with iSCSI storage on this network.",
         HelpLinkText = "Help",
         Title        = "iSCSI-IQN Missing",
         Priority     = "Priority3"
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void SettersThatSetVerbatim()
            var inputData = new Dictionary <string, string>
                //Simple setters.....
                { "OptimizationMode", "MaximizeDensity" }, //PerformanceMode
                { "MetricGroomingPeriod", "2.0" },
                { "RecentMoveMinutes", "2.0" },
                //{"ReportingUseRSServer", "false"},
                { "ReportingSMTPServer", "some string" },
                //These set ranges of values.....
                { "HostCpuThresholdCritical", "3" },
                { "HostMemoryThresholdCritical", "3.0" },
                { "HostPifReadThresholdCritical", "4.0" },  //HostNetworkReadThresholdCritical
                { "HostPifWriteThresholdCritical", "5.0" }, //HostNetworkWriteThresholdCritical
                { "HostPbdReadThresholdCritical", "6.0" },  //HostDiskReadThresholdCritical
                { "HostPbdWriteThresholdCritical", "7.0" }, //HostDiskWriteThresholdCritical
                { "VmCpuUtilizationWeightHigh", "8" },
                { "VmMemoryWeightHigh", "9" },
                { "VmDiskReadWeightHigh", "10" },
                { "VmDiskWriteWeightHigh", "11" },
                { "VmNetworkReadWeightHigh", "12" },
                { "VmNetworkWriteWeightHigh", "13" }

            var data = new MRInSensitiveData
                PerformanceMode      = WlbPoolPerformanceMode.MaximizePerformance,
                MetricGroomingPeriod = 5.0,
                RecentMoveMinutes    = 6.0,
                //ReportingUseRSServer = true,
                ReportingSMTPServer               = "who knows what?!",
                HostCpuThresholdCritical          = 1,
                HostMemoryThresholdCritical       = 2,
                HostNetworkReadThresholdCritical  = 1.0,
                HostNetworkWriteThresholdCritical = 2.0,
                HostDiskReadThresholdCritical     = 3.0,
                HostDiskWriteThresholdCritical    = 4.0,
                VmCpuUtilizationWeightHigh        = 5,
                VmMemoryWeightHigh       = 6,
                VmDiskReadWeightHigh     = 7,
                VmDiskWriteWeightHigh    = 8,
                VmNetworkReadWeightHigh  = 9,
                VmNetworkWriteWeightHigh = 10

            ClassVerifiers.VerifySettersAndGetters(new WlbPoolConfiguration(inputData), data);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void VerifyStoredDataWithDefaultConstructor()
            var version = new XenCenterVersion("6.0.2", "xc", true, false, "http://url",
                                               new DateTime(2011, 12, 09).ToString());

            ClassVerifiers.VerifyGetters(new XenCenterUpdateAlert(version),
                                         new AlertClassUnitTestData
                AppliesTo   = XenAdmin.Branding.BRAND_CONSOLE,
                FixLinkText = "Go to Web Page",
                HelpID      = "XenCenterUpdateAlert",
                Description = "xc is now available. Download the new version from the "
                              + XenAdmin.Branding.COMPANY_NAME_SHORT + " website.",
                HelpLinkText = "Help",
                Title        = "xc is now available",
                Priority     = "Priority5"
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void GettersAndSetters()
            var expected = new SubscriptionData
                Id                 = "subs Id",
                Created            = new DateTime(2011, 12, 25),
                Name               = "my name",
                Description        = "meaningful description",
                SubscriberId       = "1",
                SubscriberName     = "subscriber name",
                ScheduleId         = "2",
                DaysOfWeek         = WlbScheduledTask.WlbTaskDaysOfWeek.Monday,
                ExecuteTimeOfDay   = new DateTime(2011, 12, 26),
                TriggerType        = 3,
                Enabled            = true,
                EnableDate         = new DateTime(2011, 12, 27),
                LastTouched        = new DateTime(2011, 12, 28),
                LastTouchedBy      = "wasn't me!!",
                LastRun            = new DateTime(2011, 12, 29),
                LastRunResult      = "broken",
                EmailTo            = "you",
                EmailReplyTo       = "definitely you",
                ReportRenderFormat = 4,
                EmailSubject       = "stuff is broken",
                EmailComment       = "badly",
                EmailCc            = "me",
                EmailBcc           = "someone else",
                ReportId           = 5,
                ReportName         = "Report name",
                ReportParameters   = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "key", "value" }
                ReportDisplayName = "Display name"

            ClassVerifiers.VerifySettersAndGetters(new WlbReportSubscription("some id"), expected);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void XapiFriendlyNameStaticMethodsReturnStrings()
     ClassVerifiers.VerifyStaticMethodReturn(typeof(FriendlyErrorNames), typeof(string));
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void InvisibleMessagesStaticMethodsReturnStrings()
     ClassVerifiers.VerifyStaticMethodReturn(typeof(InvisibleMessages), typeof(string));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void VerifyGettersAndSetters()
     ClassVerifiers.VerifySettersAndGetters(task, exampleData);
     ClassVerifiers.VerifyPropertyCounter(task, NUMBER_OF_PROPERTIES);
     Assert.AreEqual(73, task.TaskId, "Task ID as set in ctor");