private void method_13(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.myGalleryViewer_0 != null) { Class410.smethod_10(base.ParentForm, this.myGalleryViewer_0); } }
// Token: 0x06001ECC RID: 7884 RVA: 0x0000BF85 File Offset: 0x0000A185 public static void smethod_1(IntPtr hWnd) { Class410.smethod_3(hWnd); Class265.RedrawWindow(hWnd, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, Enum45.flag_0 | Enum45.flag_2 | Enum45.flag_7 | Enum45.flag_8 | Enum45.flag_10); Class265.InvalidateRect(hWnd, IntPtr.Zero, true); Class265.UpdateWindow(hWnd); }
// Token: 0x0600225D RID: 8797 RVA: 0x00074D50 File Offset: 0x00072F50 private void btnSelector_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { Class335.smethod_2(WindowSelector.string_2, true); if (this.eventHandler_1 != null) { this.eventHandler_1(this, EventArgs.Empty); } if (this.class366_0 == null) { Cursor.Current = Cursors.Cross; } else { Cursor.Current = this.class366_0.Cursor; } this.SelectedWindow = IntPtr.Zero; this.method_3(); if (this.list_0 == null) { this.list_0 = new List <KeyValuePair <IntPtr, Rectangle> >(); } Class410.smethod_12(this.list_0); } }
// Token: 0x0600162A RID: 5674 RVA: 0x00035A8C File Offset: 0x00033C8C public void method_4() { if (this.func_0()) { Class410.smethod_23(new HandleRef(this.class115_0.form_0, this.class116_0.intptr_0), FormWindowState.Normal, null); } }
// Token: 0x06001636 RID: 5686 RVA: 0x00035CA0 File Offset: 0x00033EA0 public void method_16(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { this.toonTownParentForm_0.timer_0.Enabled = false; if (this.func_1()) { this.action_4(); Class265.SetParent(this.class116_0.intptr_0, this.intptr_0); Enum79 @enum = (Enum79)Class265.smethod_2(this.class116_0.intptr_0, Enum55.const_3); @enum &= ~Enum79.flag_2; @enum |= (Enum79)2147483648U; @enum |= Enum79.flag_19; @enum |= Enum79.flag_14; @enum |= Enum79.flag_9; Class265.smethod_4(this.class116_0.intptr_0, Enum55.const_3, (int)@enum); Rectangle rectangle; FormWindowState formWindowState = Class410.smethod_22(new HandleRef(this.toonTownParentForm_0, this.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle), out rectangle); if (formWindowState.HasFlag(FormWindowState.Minimized)) { Class410.smethod_23(new HandleRef(this.toonTownParentForm_0, this.class116_0.intptr_0), formWindowState, new Rectangle?(rectangle)); } else { this.action_6(); this.action_8(null, rectangle); this.action_7(); Class410.smethod_23(new HandleRef(this.toonTownParentForm_0, this.class116_0.intptr_0), formWindowState, null); } this.action_5(); } this.class115_0.class141_0.Dispose(); this.toonTownParentForm_0.Dispose(); this.class115_0.form_0.Close(); ToonTownParentForm.hashSet_0.Remove(this.int_0); }
// Token: 0x060023CD RID: 9165 RVA: 0x000790CC File Offset: 0x000772CC public static Bitmap smethod_3(IntPtr hWnd, Rectangle rec) { Rectangle rectangle = Class410.smethod_16(hWnd); if (rec.Size.Height + rec.Y > rectangle.Size.Height || rec.Size.Width + rec.X > rectangle.Size.Width) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(Class364.string_1, rec.Size, rec.Location, rectangle.Size)); } rec.X += rectangle.X; rec.Y += rectangle.Y; return(Class364.smethod_4(Class265.GetDesktopWindow(), rec)); }
// Token: 0x0600299C RID: 10652 RVA: 0x0009F9D8 File Offset: 0x0009DBD8 public static void smethod_3(Point p) { Cursor.Position = p; if (!Class265.SetCursorPos(p.X, p.Y)) { new Win32Exception().smethod_0(); Class316 @class = new Class316(); Point p2 = Class410.smethod_13(p); if (!Class365.smethod_0(@class.method_5(p2))) { Class265.mouse_event(Enum129.flag_0 | Enum129.flag_11, (uint)p2.X, (uint)p2.Y, 0U, IntPtr.Zero); } } }
// Token: 0x06001627 RID: 5671 RVA: 0x00035968 File Offset: 0x00033B68 public void method_1() { if (this.class115_0.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { int processId = Class265.GetProcessId(this.class115_0.class141_0.Process.Handle); if (processId != 0 && this.int_0 == processId) { using (Process processById = Process.GetProcessById(processId)) { Class410.smethod_8(this.toonTownParentForm_0, processById.MainWindowHandle); } } } }
// Token: 0x06001ECB RID: 7883 RVA: 0x00065248 File Offset: 0x00063448 public static void smethod_0(IntPtr hWnd) { IntPtr windowDC = Class265.GetWindowDC(hWnd); using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromHdc(windowDC)) { using (SolidBrush solidBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Red))) { graphics.FillRectangle(solidBrush, Class410.smethod_19(hWnd)); } } if (Class265.ReleaseDC(hWnd, windowDC) == 0) { throw new Win32Exception(); } Class410.smethod_4(hWnd); }
public void method_5(Stream A_0) { if (A_0 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } Stream stream = null; if (!A_0.CanSeek) { stream = A_0; A_0 = new MemoryStream(); } this.stream_0 = A_0; this.stream_0.Position = 0x200L; this.class522_0 = new Class522(); this.class917_0 = new Class917(this.stream_0, this.class522_0); this.class916_0 = new Class916(); this.memoryStream_0 = new MemoryStream(); this.class410_0 = new Class410(); this.method_6(this.class1089_0, null); if (this.memoryStream_0.Length > 0L) { int num; this.class410_0.method_0(0).uint_4 = this.method_8(this.memoryStream_0, true); this.class410_0.method_0(0).long_2 = this.memoryStream_0.Length; this.class522_0.uint_3 = this.method_7(this.class916_0.method_4(), true, out num); this.class522_0.int_7 = num; } else { this.class522_0.uint_3 = 0xfffffffe; } this.class522_0.uint_2 = this.method_8(this.class410_0.method_7(), true); this.class917_0.method_8(); this.stream_0.Position = 0L; this.class522_0.method_1(new BinaryWriter(this.stream_0, Encoding.Unicode)); this.stream_0.Position = this.stream_0.Length; if (stream != null) { A_0.Position = 0L; ((MemoryStream)A_0).WriteTo(stream); A_0.Close(); A_0 = stream; } }
// Token: 0x060014E9 RID: 5353 RVA: 0x0002A0D4 File Offset: 0x000282D4 protected void method_0() { Enum17 @enum = (Enum17)Class265.smethod_2(base.Handle, Enum55.const_4); if ([email protected](Enum17.flag_7)) { Class265.smethod_4(base.Handle, Enum55.const_4, (int)(@enum | Enum17.flag_7)); } using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(base.Width, base.Height)) { using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) { this.vmethod_0(graphics); } Class410.smethod_0(base.Handle, base.Location, base.Size, bitmap); } }
// Token: 0x06001794 RID: 6036 RVA: 0x0003DDC4 File Offset: 0x0003BFC4 private void method_8() { if (this.class142_0.ToonTownProcess.ProcessOpen) { Point point; try { Rectangle rec = Class410.smethod_16(this.intptr_0); point = new Point(rec.smethod_10() - base.Width / 2, rec.Bottom - base.Height); } catch (Win32Exception) { return; } if (base.Location != point) { base.Location = point; } } }
// Token: 0x0600163B RID: 5691 RVA: 0x00035E2C File Offset: 0x0003402C public void method_21() { if (this.func_1()) { if (this.toonTownParentForm_0.WindowState != FormWindowState.Minimized) { Rectangle left = Class410.smethod_15(this.class116_0.intptr_0, this.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle); if (left != this.toonTownParentForm_0.ClientRectangle) { this.action_9(new IntPtr?(this.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle), this.toonTownParentForm_0.ClientRectangle); return; } } } else { this.action_0(); this.toonTownParentForm_0.Close(); } }
// Token: 0x0600280B RID: 10251 RVA: 0x00093E4C File Offset: 0x0009204C public static Enum107 smethod_0(Class141 toontownWindow, Class150 original_capture, Struct46 bounds, Class104 settings) { if (original_capture == null) { return(Enum107.const_2); } if (bounds.IsSizeEmpty) { return(Enum107.const_2); } IntPtr mainWindowHandle = toontownWindow.MainWindowHandle; if (!toontownWindow.ProcessOpen) { return(Enum107.const_2); } if (original_capture != null && !Struct46.smethod_0(bounds, Struct46.struct46_0)) { Rectangle rec = bounds.method_0(Class410.smethod_16(mainWindowHandle).Size); Enum107 result; using (Bitmap bitmap = Class364.smethod_3(mainWindowHandle, rec)) { using (Class125 @class = new Class125(bitmap)) { using (Class150 class2 = new Class150(@class)) { if (Class150.smethod_1(class2, original_capture, settings.MaxColorRange)) { result = Enum107.const_0; } else { result = Enum107.const_1; } } } } return(result); } return(Enum107.const_2); }
// Token: 0x0600163D RID: 5693 RVA: 0x00035EC0 File Offset: 0x000340C0 public void method_0() { Rectangle rectangle; if (this.nullable_0 != null && this.class117_0.func_1()) { rectangle = Class410.smethod_15(this.class116_0.intptr_0, this.nullable_0.Value); } else { if (!this.class117_0.func_0()) { return; } rectangle = Class410.smethod_14(this.class116_0.intptr_0); } bool flag = rectangle.Size != this.rectangle_0.Size; bool flag2 = rectangle.Location != this.rectangle_0.Location; if (flag) { if (flag2) { if (!Class265.SetWindowPos(this.class116_0.intptr_0, Class265.intptr_3, this.rectangle_0.X, this.rectangle_0.Y, this.rectangle_0.Width, this.rectangle_0.Height, (Enum31)0U)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } } else if (!Class265.SetWindowPos(this.class116_0.intptr_0, Class265.intptr_3, 0, 0, this.rectangle_0.Width, this.rectangle_0.Height, Enum31.flag_7)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } } else if (flag2 && !Class265.SetWindowPos(this.class116_0.intptr_0, Class265.intptr_3, this.rectangle_0.X, this.rectangle_0.Y, 0, 0, Enum31.flag_12)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } }
// Token: 0x0600299D RID: 10653 RVA: 0x0009FA44 File Offset: 0x0009DC44 public static void smethod_4(IntPtr hWnd, Point p) { Rectangle rectangle = Class410.smethod_16(hWnd); if (p.X < 0) { p.X = 0; } if (p.Y < 0) { p.Y = 0; } if (p.X > rectangle.Width) { p.X = rectangle.Width; } if (p.Y > rectangle.Height) { p.Y = rectangle.Height; } p.X += rectangle.X; p.Y += rectangle.Y; Class465.smethod_3(p); }
private void method_9() { int num = 4; this.class410_0 = new Class410(); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(this.stream_0, Encoding.Unicode); uint num2 = this.class522_0.uint_2; Class335 class2 = new Class335(); while (num2 != 0xfffffffe) { this.stream_0.Position = Class967.smethod_0(num2, true); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.class410_0.method_3(new Class1090(reader)); } class2.Interface34.imethod_1(num2); num2 = this.class917_0.method_0(num2); if (class2.Interface34.imethod_3(num2)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(BookmarkStart.b("縩䐫䬭ု䄱䀳䐵䴷夹䠻䬽㈿❁⁃晅㭇㹉⍋㱍ㅏ㕑ㅓ癕㹗㍙せ㭝䁟ᅡţͥէᥩ䱫ᩭὯ剱ᙳ፵塷፻౽ꚇꪉ쪋쾍쒏늑秊ﶛ캟톡蒣얥톧즩삫쮭쎯鲱", num)); } } }
// Token: 0x06001DE3 RID: 7651 RVA: 0x00060CF0 File Offset: 0x0005EEF0 private static void smethod_0() { using (MemoryMappedFile memoryMappedFile = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting(Class283.string_13, MemoryMappedFileRights.Read)) { using (MemoryMappedViewStream memoryMappedViewStream = memoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream(0L, (long)Class283.int_0, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read)) { using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryMappedViewStream)) { int processId = binaryReader.ReadInt32(); long value = binaryReader.ReadInt64(); using (Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess()) { using (Process processById = Process.GetProcessById(processId)) { if (!processById.Responding || !Class410.smethod_28(new IntPtr(value), Environment.CommandLine, new IntPtr(currentProcess.Id), 5000U)) { DialogBox.smethod_3(Class283.string_11, Class283.string_12); } } } } } } }
public override void Visit(Class410 c) { }
// Token: 0x06001615 RID: 5653 RVA: 0x00035214 File Offset: 0x00033414 public static ToonTownParentForm smethod_2(Form parent) { ToonTownParentForm.Class115 @class = new ToonTownParentForm.Class115(); @class.form_0 = parent; @class.class141_0 = new Class141(); if (ToonTownParentForm.smethod_1(@class.class141_0, @class.form_0)) { Func <bool> func = null; ToonTownParentForm.Class116 class2 = new ToonTownParentForm.Class116(); class2.class115_0 = @class; class2.intptr_0 = @class.class141_0.MainWindowHandle; Enum79 @enum = (Enum79)Class265.smethod_2(class2.intptr_0, Enum55.const_3); if (@enum.HasFlag(Enum79.flag_19) && @enum.HasFlag(Enum79.flag_14) && @enum.HasFlag(Enum79.flag_9)) { ToonTownParentForm.Class117 class3 = new ToonTownParentForm.Class117(); class3.class116_0 = class2; class3.class115_0 = @class; class3.int_0 = @class.class141_0.Process.Id; ToonTownParentForm.hashSet_0.Add(class3.int_0); Rectangle bounds; FormWindowState formWindowState = Class410.smethod_22(new HandleRef(@class.form_0, class2.intptr_0), out bounds); @enum &= ~(Enum79.flag_9 | Enum79.flag_10); @enum &= ~Enum79.flag_14; @enum |= Enum79.flag_2; @enum &= ~Enum79.flag_1; @enum &= ~Enum79.flag_9; Class265.smethod_4(class2.intptr_0, Enum55.const_3, (int)@enum); IntPtr handle = Class265.smethod_3(new HandleRef(@class.form_0, class2.intptr_0), Enum104.const_5); Icon icon = Icon.FromHandle(handle); class3.toonTownParentForm_0 = new ToonTownParentForm(); class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Icon = icon; ToonTownParentForm.Class117 class4 = class3; if (func == null) { func = new Func <bool>(class2.method_0); } class4.func_0 = func; class3.func_1 = new Func <bool>(class3.method_0); class3.action_0 = new Action(class3.method_1); class3.action_1 = new Action <Action>(class3.method_2); class3.action_2 = new Action(class3.method_3); class3.action_3 = new Action(class3.method_4); class3.action_4 = new Action(class3.method_5); class3.action_5 = new Action(class3.method_6); class3.action_6 = new Action(class3.method_7); class3.action_7 = new Action(class3.method_8); class3.action_8 = new Action <IntPtr?, Rectangle>(class3.method_9); class3.action_9 = new Action <IntPtr?, Rectangle>(class3.method_10); class3.toonTownParentForm_0.OnResizeStarted += class3.method_11; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.OnResizeEnded += class3.method_12; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.GotFocus += class3.method_13; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.WindowStateChanged += class3.method_14; @class.class141_0.ProcessExited += class3.method_15; if (formWindowState.HasFlag(FormWindowState.Maximized)) { if (formWindowState.HasFlag(FormWindowState.Minimized)) { Class410.smethod_23(new HandleRef(@class.form_0, class2.intptr_0), FormWindowState.Minimized, null); } else { Class410.smethod_23(new HandleRef(@class.form_0, class2.intptr_0), FormWindowState.Normal, null); } } class3.intptr_0 = Class265.SetParent(class2.intptr_0, class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle); class3.toonTownParentForm_0.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Bounds = bounds; class3.action_9(new IntPtr?(class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle), class3.toonTownParentForm_0.ClientRectangle); Class410.smethod_23(new HandleRef(@class.form_0, class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle), formWindowState, null); class3.toonTownParentForm_0.FormClosing += class3.method_16; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.OnCloseClicked += class3.method_17; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.timer_0.Tick += class3.method_18; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Shown += class3.method_19; class3.toonTownParentForm_0.Show(); return(class3.toonTownParentForm_0); } DialogBox.smethod_3("The ToonTown window appears to be full screen and cannot be used. Please change ToonTown to window mode and try again.", "Invalid ToonTown Window"); } else { @class.class141_0.Dispose(); } return(null); }
private void method_17(object sender, EventArgs e) { Class410.smethod_10(this.myGalleryViewer_0, base.ParentForm); }
// Token: 0x06001791 RID: 6033 RVA: 0x00007468 File Offset: 0x00005668 protected void method_7() { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.intptr_0); }
// Token: 0x06002370 RID: 9072 RVA: 0x000775A0 File Offset: 0x000757A0 protected override void OnVisibleChanged(EventArgs e) { base.OnVisibleChanged(e); if (Class500.IsRunningOnMono) { return; } if ((base.Visible && this.ShowingAnimation == Enum70.flag_0) || (!base.Visible && this.HidingAnimation == Enum70.flag_0)) { return; } Enum120 @enum = base.Visible ? Enum120.flag_0 : Enum120.flag_6; Enum70 enum2 = base.Visible ? this.ShowingAnimation : this.HidingAnimation; if (enum2 == Enum70.flag_9) { if (SystemInformation.IsMenuAnimationEnabled) { if (SystemInformation.IsMenuFadeEnabled) { enum2 = Enum70.flag_7; } else { enum2 = (Enum70.flag_6 | (base.Visible ? Enum70.flag_3 : Enum70.flag_4)); } } else { enum2 = Enum70.flag_0; } } if ((enum2 & (Enum70.flag_5 | Enum70.flag_6 | Enum70.flag_7 | Enum70.flag_8)) == Enum70.flag_0) { return; } if (this.bool_0) { if ((enum2 & Enum70.flag_4) != Enum70.flag_0) { enum2 = ((enum2 & ~Enum70.flag_4) | Enum70.flag_3); } else if ((enum2 & Enum70.flag_3) != Enum70.flag_0) { enum2 = ((enum2 & ~Enum70.flag_3) | Enum70.flag_4); } } if (this.bool_1) { if ((enum2 & Enum70.flag_2) != Enum70.flag_0) { enum2 = ((enum2 & ~Enum70.flag_2) | Enum70.flag_1); } else if ((enum2 & Enum70.flag_1) != Enum70.flag_0) { enum2 = ((enum2 & ~Enum70.flag_1) | Enum70.flag_2); } } @enum |= (Enum120)((Enum70)1048575 & enum2); Class410.smethod_9(this); Class410.smethod_11(this, this.AnimationDuration, @enum); }
// Token: 0x06001797 RID: 6039 RVA: 0x000074AE File Offset: 0x000056AE protected void method_11(Struct46 bounds) { this.method_12(Class410.smethod_16(this.intptr_0), bounds); }
// Token: 0x06001796 RID: 6038 RVA: 0x0003DE3C File Offset: 0x0003C03C protected void method_10(Struct42 pnt) { Rectangle window_bounds = Class410.smethod_16(this.intptr_0); this.method_13(window_bounds, pnt.method_0(new Point(window_bounds.Width, window_bounds.Height))); }
// Token: 0x0600172D RID: 5933 RVA: 0x0003824C File Offset: 0x0003644C protected bool method_10(string message, string question, Struct46 ratio, out Class125 bmp, out Struct46 resulting_ratio) { bmp = null; resulting_ratio = default(Struct46); if (!this.class141_0.ProcessOpen && !this.class141_0.smethod_1(this)) { return(false); } using (Class499 @class = new Class499(this, true)) { using (DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox(question, "Are you ready?", Enum90.const_0, null, false, Enum121.const_1, new Enum39[] { Enum39.const_0, Enum39.const_1 })) { @class.method_1(dialogBox, DialogResult.OK); DialogResult dialogResult = dialogBox.ShowDialog(); if (dialogResult != DialogResult.OK) { return(false); } @class.method_4(); @class.method_6(); } if (this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); using (CountDown countDown = new CountDown()) { @class.method_1(countDown, DialogResult.OK); if (countDown.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { @class.method_6(); @class.method_4(); if (this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { Class410.smethod_8(this, this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); EventHandler eventHandler = null; CaptureSetupForm.Class159 class2 = new CaptureSetupForm.Class159(); class2.regionSelector_0 = new RegionSelector(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); try { @class.method_0(class2.regionSelector_0); Rectangle rectangle = Class410.smethod_16(this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle); class2.regionSelector_0.SelectionBounds = Rectangle.Empty; class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion = ratio.method_0(rectangle.Size); class2.regionSelector_0.RegionSelectorType = Enum124.const_0; class2.regionSelector_0.FullSelect = false; class2.regionSelector_0.FullSize = true; class2.regionSelector_0.FullScreenCapture = true; class2.regionSelector_0.MovableResizeMessage = message + " Press any key to accept or escape to cancel."; Form regionSelector_ = class2.regionSelector_0; if (eventHandler == null) { eventHandler = new EventHandler(class2.method_0); } regionSelector_.Shown += eventHandler; if (class2.regionSelector_0.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK && class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion.smethod_2()) { bmp = class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedBitmap; resulting_ratio = Struct46.smethod_3(class2.regionSelector_0.SelectedRegion, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, rectangle.Size)); return(true); } } finally { if (class2.regionSelector_0 != null) { ((IDisposable)class2.regionSelector_0).Dispose(); } } } } } } } return(false); }
private void method_1() { Rectangle rectangle = Class410.smethod_16(this.toonTownParentForm_0.Handle); this.parTeePuttGuideLine_0.Location = new Point(rectangle.Location.X + (rectangle.Width / 2 - this.parTeePuttGuideLine_0.Width / 2), rectangle.Location.Y + ParTeePutt.struct51_0.method_0(rectangle.Height)); }
// Token: 0x060015E7 RID: 5607 RVA: 0x00032490 File Offset: 0x00030690 private void RegionSelector_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.RegionSelectorControl.BackgroundOverlayColor = Color.FromArgb(180, Color.Black); this.RegionSelectorControl.BorderColor = Color.FromArgb(255, Color.Red); this.RegionSelectorControl.WindowRegionOverlayColor = Color.FromArgb(90, 255, 128, 64); this.RegionSelectorControl.CloseMessageTextColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Red); this.RegionSelectorControl.CloseMessageBorderTextColor = Color.FromArgb(200, Color.Black); this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectorType = this.RegionSelectorType; this.RegionSelectorControl.FullScreen = this.FullScreenCapture; if (this.bool_0 && !this.class141_0.ProcessOpen) { this.method_0(); return; } IntPtr mainWindowHandle = this.class141_0.MainWindowHandle; if (this.FullScreenCapture) { try { this.RegionSelectorControl.ScreenCapture = (this.bitmap_0 = Class364.smethod_0()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } if (!this.bool_0) { if (this.FullSize) { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Size); } else { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = this.SelectionBounds; } if (this.FullSelect) { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds.Size).smethod_1(this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds); } else { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = this.SelectedRegion.smethod_1(this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds); } } else { try { this.rectangle_0 = Class410.smethod_16(mainWindowHandle); } catch (Exception ex2) { ex2.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } if (SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.X < 0) { this.rectangle_0.X = this.rectangle_0.X - SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.X; } if (SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Y < 0) { this.rectangle_0.Y = this.rectangle_0.Y - SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Y; } if (this.FullSize) { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = this.rectangle_0; } else { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = new Rectangle(this.SelectionBounds.Location.smethod_10(this.rectangle_0.Location), this.SelectionBounds.Size); } if (this.FullSelect) { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds; } else { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = new Rectangle(this.SelectedRegion.Location.smethod_10(this.rectangle_0.Location), this.SelectedRegion.Size).smethod_1(this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds); } } base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; base.Location = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Location; base.Size = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Size; } else if (!this.bool_0) { if (this.FullSize) { try { this.RegionSelectorControl.ScreenCapture = (this.bitmap_0 = Class364.smethod_0()); } catch (Exception ex3) { ex3.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = this.SelectionBounds; base.Size = SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Size; } else { try { this.RegionSelectorControl.ScreenCapture = (this.bitmap_0 = Class364.smethod_1(this.SelectionBounds.smethod_8())); } catch (Exception ex4) { ex4.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.SelectionBounds.Size); base.Size = this.SelectionBounds.Size; } if (this.FullSelect) { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds.Size); } else { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = new Rectangle(this.SelectedRegion.Location.smethod_11(this.SelectionBounds.Location), this.SelectedRegion.Size).smethod_1(this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds); } base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D; base.CenterToScreen(); } else { if (this.FullSize) { try { this.RegionSelectorControl.ScreenCapture = (this.bitmap_0 = Class364.smethod_2(mainWindowHandle)); this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, Class410.smethod_18(mainWindowHandle)); } catch (Exception ex5) { ex5.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } base.Size = this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds.Size; base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D; try { base.Location = Class410.smethod_14(mainWindowHandle).Location; goto IL_60F; } catch (Exception ex6) { ex6.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } } try { this.RegionSelectorControl.ScreenCapture = (this.bitmap_0 = Class364.smethod_3(mainWindowHandle, this.SelectionBounds)); } catch (Exception ex7) { ex7.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.SelectionBounds.Size); base.Size = this.SelectionBounds.Size; base.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D; try { base.Location = Class410.smethod_14(mainWindowHandle).Location.smethod_10(this.SelectionBounds.Location); } catch (Exception ex8) { ex8.smethod_0(); this.method_0(); return; } IL_60F: if (this.FullSelect) { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectionBounds.Size); } else { this.RegionSelectorControl.SelectedRegion = new Rectangle(this.SelectedRegion.Location.smethod_11(this.SelectionBounds.Location), this.SelectedRegion.Size); } } base.TopMost = true; base.BringToFront(); base.Activate(); switch (this.RegionSelectorType) { case Enum124.const_0: this.toolTip_0.SetToolTip(this.RegionSelectorControl, this.MovableResizeMessage); break; case Enum124.const_1: this.toolTip_0.SetToolTip(this.RegionSelectorControl, this.MovableMessage); break; case Enum124.const_2: this.toolTip_0.SetToolTip(this.RegionSelectorControl, this.LockedMessage); break; } this.RegionSelectorControl.Focus(); }
// Token: 0x0600179A RID: 6042 RVA: 0x000074E7 File Offset: 0x000056E7 protected void method_14(Point p) { this.method_13(Class410.smethod_16(this.intptr_0), p); }
// Token: 0x060023CC RID: 9164 RVA: 0x000790AC File Offset: 0x000772AC public static Bitmap smethod_2(IntPtr hWnd) { Rectangle rec = Class410.smethod_16(hWnd); return(Class364.smethod_4(Class265.GetDesktopWindow(), rec)); }
public abstract void Visit(Class410 c);
// Token: 0x06001A3C RID: 6716 RVA: 0x0004D28C File Offset: 0x0004B48C public void method_0(object _) { IntPtr foregroundWindow = Class265.GetForegroundWindow(); if (foregroundWindow == IntPtr.Zero) { return; } Dictionary <IntPtr, Class205.Class127> dictionary = null; Struct21 hotkey = this.eventArgs18_0.State.Hotkey; lock (this.class205_0.dictionary_0) { if (this.class205_0.dictionary_0.ContainsKey(hotkey)) { dictionary = this.class205_0.dictionary_0[hotkey]; if (dictionary.ContainsKey(foregroundWindow)) { this.class205_0.method_2(dictionary[foregroundWindow], true); return; } } Process process = null; bool flag2 = false; try { process = Class265.smethod_7(foregroundWindow); if (flag2 = (process.smethod_2().ToLower() == "toontown")) { Class87 @class = this.class205_0.class112_0.Hotkeys[hotkey]; Class205.Class206.Class207 class2 = new Class205.Class206.Class207(); class2.class206_0 = this; switch (@class.HotkeyType) { case Enum40.const_0: if (@class.StopOtherHotkeys) { List <Class205.Class127> list = new List <Class205.Class127>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <Struct21, Dictionary <IntPtr, Class205.Class127> > keyValuePair in this.class205_0.dictionary_0) { if (Struct21.smethod_1(keyValuePair.Key, hotkey) && keyValuePair.Value.ContainsKey(foregroundWindow)) { list.Add(keyValuePair.Value[foregroundWindow]); } } foreach (Class205.Class127 hotkey2 in list) { this.class205_0.method_2(hotkey2, true); } } if (dictionary == null) { this.class205_0.dictionary_0.Add(hotkey, dictionary = new Dictionary <IntPtr, Class205.Class127>()); } class2.class127_0 = new Class205.Class127(foregroundWindow, process, @class); dictionary.Add(foregroundWindow, class2.class127_0); process.EnableRaisingEvents = true; process.Exited += class2.method_0; class2.class127_0.Terminated += class2.method_1; if (process.HasExited) { this.class205_0.method_2(class2.class127_0, false); } else { class2.class127_0.method_5(); } break; case Enum40.const_1: { Process[] array = null; try { array = Class156.smethod_3("toontown"); if (array.Length > 1) { int i = 0; while (i < array.Length) { if (!(array[i].smethod_0() == foregroundWindow)) { i++; } else { IntPtr intPtr; if (i == array.Length - 1) { intPtr = array[0].smethod_0(); } else { intPtr = array[i + 1].smethod_0(); } if (intPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { Class410.smethod_8(this.class205_0, intPtr); break; } break; } } } } finally { if (array != null) { foreach (Process process2 in array) { process2.Dispose(); } } } break; } } } } finally { if (!flag2 && process != null) { process.Dispose(); } } } }