public void method_4(string string_1) { Class208 @class = new Class208(); byte[] rgbKey = Class207.smethod_0(Class186.smethod_3(string_1)); this.icryptoTransform_0 = @class.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, null); }
private void method_113(Class208 A_0, float A_1) { bool useHangingIndentAsListTab = (this.method_108() as Document).UseHangingIndentAsListTab; if (((base.method_51() < A_1) || !useHangingIndentAsListTab) || (((A_1 == base.method_51()) && (A_1 == 0f)) && useHangingIndentAsListTab)) { float num2 = (A_1 + ((float)base.Interface22.imethod_1().method_0())) + base.method_19(); float num = (float)A_0.method_22((double)num2, null); if ((A_1 <= Math.Abs(base.method_19())) && useHangingIndentAsListTab) { if (A_0.class215_0.method_4() != 0f) { base.method_52(A_1 + num); } else if (base.method_19() == 0f) { base.method_52(num); } else if ((num > Math.Abs(base.method_19())) && (num == A_0.method_13())) { base.method_52(Math.Abs(A_1)); } else if (num <= Math.Abs(base.method_19())) { base.method_52(Math.Min(A_1 + num, Math.Abs(base.method_19()))); } else { base.method_52(Math.Abs(base.method_19())); } } else if (((A_0.class215_0.method_4() != 0f) && !useHangingIndentAsListTab) && (((A_1 + num) > Math.Abs(base.method_19())) && (base.method_19() != 0f))) { if (A_1 > Math.Abs(base.method_19())) { base.method_52(A_1 + num); } else { base.method_52(Math.Abs(base.method_19())); } } else if ((A_0.class215_0.method_4() == 0f) && (A_1 <= Math.Abs(base.method_19()))) { base.method_52(Math.Min(A_1 + num, Math.Abs(base.method_19()))); } else { base.method_52(A_1 + num); } } }
private int method_11(byte[] byte0, int int2, int int3) { if (!method_4()) { throw new ZipException("Library cannot extract this entry. Version required is (" + _class1930.method_11() + ")"); } if (_class1930.method_0()) { if (_password == null) { throw new ZipException("No password set."); } var @class = new Class208(); var rgbKey = Class207.smethod_0(Class186.smethod_3(_password)); Class2010.method_12(@class.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, null)); var array = new byte[12]; Class2010.method_7(array, 0, 12); if (array[11] != _class1930.method_2()) { throw new ZipException("Invalid password"); } if (Long0 >= 12L) { Long0 -= 12L; } else if ((_class1930.method_4() & 8) == 0) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Entry compressed size {0} too small for encryption", Long0)); } } else { Class2010.method_12(null); } if (_int0 == 8 && Class2010.method_1() > 0) { Class2010.method_3(Class1960); } _delegate50 = method_12; return(method_12(byte0, int2, int3)); }
private int method_11(byte[] byte_0, int int_2, int int_3) { if (!this.method_4()) { throw new ZipException("Library cannot extract this entry. Version required is (" + this.class193_0.method_11().ToString() + ")"); } if (this.class193_0.method_0()) { if (this.password == null) { throw new ZipException("No password set."); } Class208 @class = new Class208(); byte[] rgbKey = Class207.smethod_0(Class186.smethod_3(this.password)); this.class201_0.method_12(@class.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, null)); byte[] array = new byte[12]; this.class201_0.method_7(array, 0, 12); if (array[11] != this.class193_0.method_2()) { throw new ZipException("Invalid password"); } if (this.long_0 >= 12L) { this.long_0 -= 12L; } else if ((this.class193_0.method_4() & 8) == 0) { throw new ZipException(string.Format("Entry compressed size {0} too small for encryption", this.long_0)); } } else { this.class201_0.method_12(null); } if (this.int_0 == 8 && this.class201_0.method_1() > 0) { this.class201_0.method_3(this.class196_0); } this.delegate5_0 = new ZIPCompressor.Delegate5(this.method_12); return(this.method_12(byte_0, int_2, int_3)); }
private void method_112(ListLevel A_0) { Class208 class2 = new Class208(this.paragraph_0, A_0); using (Class196 class3 = new Class196()) { bool flag = (this.method_108() as Document).bool_23; SizeF ef = new SizeF(); if (A_0.IsEmptyPicture && (A_0.PicBullet == null)) { ef = flag ? class3.method_309(base.method_65(), class3.method_376(base.method_71()), null) : class3.method_316(base.method_65(), base.method_71().Font, null); } else { SizeF ef2 = flag ? class3.method_309(base.method_65(), class3.method_376(base.method_71()), null) : class3.method_316(base.method_65(), base.method_71().Font, null); SizeF ef3 = class3.method_306(A_0.PicBullet); float num = Math.Min((float)(ef2.Width / ef3.Width), (float)(ef2.Height / ef3.Height)); if (num != 1f) { ef = new SizeF(ef3.Width * num, ef3.Height * num); } } base.method_70(ef.Width); if (A_0.NumberAlignment == ListNumberAlignment.Left) { this.method_113(class2, ef.Width); } else if (A_0.NumberAlignment == ListNumberAlignment.Center) { this.method_113(class2, ef.Width / 2f); } else { this.method_113(class2, 0f); } base.method_78(class2.class215_0); } }
public bool Add(ITask task) { Class208 class2 = new Class208 { itask_0 = task }; if (class2.itask_0 == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("task"); } if (this.IsFrozen) { ilog_0.ErrorFormat("[Add] This TaskManager is frozen.", Array.Empty<object>()); return false; } if (this.list_0.Any<ITask>(new Func<ITask, bool>(class2.method_0))) { ilog_0.ErrorFormat("[Add] A task with the name of {0} has already been added. This one will be skipped.", class2.itask_0.Name); return false; } ilog_0.DebugFormat("[Add] Now adding [{0}] {1}.", class2.itask_0.Name, class2.itask_0.Description); this.list_0.Add(class2.itask_0); return true; }
public abstract void Visit(Class208 c);
public override void Visit(Class208 c) { }