Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an object with data from the databas
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">Country Id</param>
    public Beer(int id)
        string query = "select be_id, be_grd_alcoh,be_presentation, be_level_ferm,be_unitMeas,be_content,br_code,cla_code,be_price from beer where be_id = @ID";
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id);
        //execute query
        DataTable table = MySqlConnection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        //check if rows were found
        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            //read first and only row
            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
            //read data
            _id              = (int)row["be_id"];
            _gradoAlcohol    = (double)row["be_grd_alcoh"];
            _presentation    = (PresentationType)(int)row["be_presentation"];
            _fermentation    = (Fermentation)row["be_nicel_ferm"];
            _measurementUnit = (MeasurementUnit)row["be_unitMeas"];
            _content         = (double)row["be_content"];
            _brand           = (Brand)row["br_code"];
            _clasification   = (Clasification)row["cla_code"];
            _price           = (double)row["be_price"];
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public static List <Beer> GetBeers(Country co)
        List <Beer> list = new List <Beer>();
        string query = "select be_id, be_grd_alcoh,be_presentation,be_level_ferm,be_unitMeas,be_content,beer.br_code,cla_code,be_price,be_image from beer join brand on beer.br_code= brand.br_code join country on country.cn_code = brand.cn_code where country.cn_code=@CON";
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CON", co.Id);
        //execute query
        DataTable table = MySqlConnection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        //iterate rows
        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            //read fields
            int              id              = (int)row["be_id"];
            double           gradoalcohol    = (double)row["be_grd_alcoh"];
            PresentationType presentation    = (PresentationType)(int)row["be_presentation"];
            Fermentation     fermentation    = (Fermentation)(int)row["be_level_ferm"];
            MeasurementUnit  measurementUnit = (MeasurementUnit)row["be_unitMeas"];
            double           content         = (double)row["be_content"];
            Brand            brand           = new Brand((string)row["br_code"]);
            Clasification    clasification   = new Clasification((string)row["cla_code"]);
            double           price           = (double)row["be_price"];
            string           image           = (string)row["be_image"];
            //add country to list
            list.Add(new Beer(id, gradoalcohol, presentation, fermentation, measurementUnit, content, brand, clasification, price, image));
        //return list
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, [Bind("ClasificationId,ItemType")] Clasification clasification)
            if (id != clasification.ClasificationId)

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ClasificationExists(clasification.ClasificationId))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    //creates a instance method for get the clasification of the a brand
    public List <Clasification> GetClasifications()
        List <Clasification> list = new List <Clasification>();
        string query = "select cla_code from clasification_brand where br_code=@ID";
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", _id);
        //execute query
        DataTable table = MySqlConnection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        //iterate rows
        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            //read fields
            Clasification id = new Clasification((string)row["cla_code"]);
            //add country to list

        //return list
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public LocalSymbol(int Position, Type LocalType)
     this.Kind      = Clasification.PARAM;
     this.LocalType = LocalType;
     this.Position  = Position;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Editar()
            EditarClasificacionViewModel editarClasicacion = new EditarClasificacionViewModel(ClasificacionSeleccionada);
            IWindowManager manejador2 = new WindowManager();

            manejador2.ShowDialog(editarClasicacion, null, null);
            Clasificaciones = null;
            Clasificaciones = new BindableCollection <Clasification>(Clasification.GetAll());
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Clasificaciones);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Agregar()
            AgregarClasificacionViewModel agregarClasificacion = new AgregarClasificacionViewModel();
            IWindowManager manejador1 = new WindowManager();

            manejador1.ShowDialog(agregarClasificacion, null, null);
            Clasificaciones = null;
            Clasificaciones = new BindableCollection <Clasification>(Clasification.GetAll());
            NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Clasificaciones);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create([Bind("ClasificationId,ItemType")] Clasification clasification)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Beer()
     _id              = 0;
     _gradoAlcohol    = 0;
     _presentation    = new PresentationType();
     _fermentation    = new Fermentation();
     _measurementUnit = new MeasurementUnit();
     _content         = 0;
     _brand           = new Brand();
     _clasification   = new Clasification();
     _price           = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Borrar()
            MessageBoxResult resultado = MessageBox.Show("¿Estas seguro de eliminar el elemento?", "Eliminando", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

            if (resultado == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                Clasificaciones = null;
                Clasificaciones = new BindableCollection <Clasification>(Clasification.GetAll());
                NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => Clasificaciones);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Editar()
            MessageBoxResult resultado = MessageBox.Show("Estas seguro de editar esta clasificacion?", "Guardando", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question);

            if (resultado == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                Clasification clasificacion = new Clasification();
                clasificacion.Name     = Nombre;
                clasificacion.Code     = Codigo;
                clasificacion.BeerType = TipoSeleccionado;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an object with data from the arguments
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id"></param>
 /// <param name="name"></param>
 public Beer(int id, double gradoalcohol, PresentationType presentation, Fermentation fermentation, MeasurementUnit measurementUnit, double content, Brand brand, Clasification clasification, double price, string image)
     _id              = id;
     _gradoAlcohol    = gradoalcohol;
     _presentation    = presentation;
     _fermentation    = fermentation;
     _measurementUnit = measurementUnit;
     _content         = content;
     _brand           = brand;
     _clasification   = clasification;
     _price           = price;
     _image           = image;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public Order(int id)
        string query = @"SELECT ord_id,ord_request_date,ord_delivery_date,cus_id from Orders where ord_id=@ID";

        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id);
        //execute command
        DataTable table = MySqlConnection.ExecuteQuery(command);
        //check if rows found 
        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)

            //get first(and only) found row
            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];
            //read the values of the the field
            _id = id;
            _requestdate = (DateTime)row["ord_request_date"];
            _deliverydate = (DateTime)row["ord_delivery_date"];
            _customer = new Customer((int)row["cus_id"]);

        query = @"select be.be_id,br.br_code,cl.cla_code,br.br_name,cl.cla_name, be.be_grd_alcoh, be.be_presentation,be.be_level_ferm,be.be_unitMeas,be.be_content,od.ordDet_quantity,be.be_price,od.ordDet_UnitPrice, be.be_image
                    from beer be join brand br on br.br_code=be.br_code join clasification cl on cl.cla_code = be.cla_code join orderdetail od on
                    od.be_id = be.be_id join orders ord on ord.ord_id = od.ord_id where od.ord_id=@ID";
        command = new MySqlCommand(query);
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id);
        //execute again command        
        table = MySqlConnection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        //get values of this sale
        _detail = new List<OrderDetail>();

        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) {
            Brand brand = new Brand((string)row["br_code"],(string)row["br_name"]);
            Clasification clasification = new Clasification((string)row["cla_code"], (string)row["cla_name"]);
            Beer beer = new Beer((int)row["be_id"], (double)row["be_grd_alcoh"], (PresentationType)(int)row["be_presentation"], (Fermentation)(int)row["be_level_ferm"], (MeasurementUnit)(int)row["be_unitMeas"], (double)row["be_content"],brand,clasification,(double)row["be_price"],(string)row["be_image"]);
            OrderDetail detail = new OrderDetail(beer,(int)row["ordDet_quantity"], (double)row["ordDet_UnitPrice"]);


Ejemplo n.º 14
        public EditarClasificacionViewModel(Clasification seleccion)
            Nombre = seleccion.Name;
            int indice = Tipos.IndexOf(seleccion.BeerType);

            // no me gusta mucho, pero funciona
            // busca el elemento de la lista que sea igual al que escogiste
            // anteriormente y lo pone como seleccionado
            for (int i = 0; i < Tipos.Count; i++)
                if (seleccion.BeerType.Id == Tipos[i].Id)
                    TipoSeleccionado = Tipos[i];
            Codigo = seleccion.Code;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    /// <summary>
    /// Crea un objeto cerveza a partir de sus registro de la base datos, filtrado
    /// por su ID.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id">Beer Id</param>
    public Beer(int id)
        // Cadena de Consulta
        string query = "select be_id, be_grd_alcoh,be_presentation, be_level_ferm,"
                       + "be_unitMeas,be_content,br_code,cla_code,be_price, be_image, be_level_ferm"
                       + " from beer where be_id = @ID";

        // Comando MySQL
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);

        // Parametros Preparados
        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", id);

        // Ejecutamos Consulta
        MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection();

        connection.ConnectionSource = new AppSettings();

        // Guardamos la consulta en una tabla
        DataTable table = connection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        // Mostramos si la tabla tiene filas (no esta vacia)
        if (table.Rows.Count > 0)
            // Guardamos la primera fila que guarda la informacion
            // de este objeto
            DataRow row = table.Rows[0];

            // Asignamos los datos de la fila a propiedades del objeto
            // a crear
            _id              = (int)row["be_id"];
            _gradoAlcohol    = (double)row["be_grd_alcoh"];
            _presentation    = (PresentationType)(int)row["be_presentation"];
            _fermentation    = (Fermentation)(int)row["be_level_ferm"];
            _measurementUnit = (MeasurementUnit)row["be_unitMeas"];
            _content         = (double)row["be_content"];
            _image           = (byte[])row["be_image"];
            _brand           = (new Brand((string)row["br_code"]));
            _clasification   = (new Clasification((string)row["cla_code"]));
            _price           = (double)row["be_price"];
Ejemplo n.º 16
    /// <summary>
    /// Obtener Cervezas
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Lista de todos los objetos cervezas que hay en la base de datos</returns>
    public static List <Beer> GetAll()
        // Lista para guardar las cervezas de la base de datos
        List <Beer> list = new List <Beer>();

        // Consulta
        string query = "select be_id, be_grd_alcoh,be_presentation,be_level_ferm,be_unitMeas,be_content,br_code,cla_code,be_price,be_image from beer";

        // Comando
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);

        // Ejecutar Consulta
        MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection();

        connection.ConnectionSource = new AppSettings();

        // Tabla
        DataTable table = connection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        // Iteramos filas de la consulta para asignar valores
        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            // Asignamos valores
            int              id              = (int)row["be_id"];
            double           gradoalcohol    = (double)row["be_grd_alcoh"];
            PresentationType presentation    = (PresentationType)(int)row["be_presentation"];
            Fermentation     fermentation    = (Fermentation)(int)row["be_level_ferm"];
            MeasurementUnit  measurementUnit = (MeasurementUnit)row["be_unitMeas"];
            double           content         = (double)row["be_content"];
            Brand            brand           = new Brand((string)row["br_code"]);
            Clasification    clasification   = new Clasification((string)row["cla_code"]);
            double           price           = (double)row["be_price"];
            byte[]           image           = (byte[])row["be_image"];
            // Agregar Cerveza a la lista
            list.Add(new Beer(id, gradoalcohol, presentation, fermentation, measurementUnit, content, brand, clasification, price, image));

        // Regresamos lista de cerveza
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public static List <Beer> GetBeers(Brand br)
        List <Beer> list = new List <Beer>();
        string query = "select be_id, be_grd_alcoh,be_presentation,be_level_ferm,be_unitMeas,be_content,br_code,cla_code,be_price from beer where br_code=@BRD";
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(query);

        command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@BRD", br.Id);
        //execute query
        MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection();

        connection.ConnectionSource = new AppSettings();
        DataTable table = connection.ExecuteQuery(command);

        //iterate rows
        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            //read fields
            int              id              = (int)row["be_id"];
            double           gradoalcohol    = (double)row["be_grd_alcoh"];
            PresentationType presentation    = (PresentationType)(int)row["be_presentation"];
            Fermentation     fermentation    = (Fermentation)(int)row["be_level_ferm"];
            MeasurementUnit  measurementUnit = (MeasurementUnit)row["be_unitMeas"];
            double           content         = (double)row["be_content"];
            Brand            brand           = new Brand((string)row["br_code"]);
            Clasification    clasification   = new Clasification((string)row["cla_code"]);
            double           price           = (double)row["be_price"];
            byte[]           image           = (byte[])row["be_image"];
            //add beer to list
            list.Add(new Beer(id, gradoalcohol, presentation, fermentation, measurementUnit, content, brand, clasification, price, image));
        //return list
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public Toy(string _name)
     name     = _name;
     provider = "undefined";
     c        = Clasification.TECHMODEL;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public Toy(string _name, string _provider)
     name     = _name;
     provider = _provider;
     c        = Clasification.TECHMODEL;
Ejemplo n.º 20
  * Constructors by default, with several params
 public Toy()
     name     = "undefined";
     provider = "undefined";
     c        = Clasification.TECHMODEL;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public LocalSymbol(Type LocalType)
     this.LocalType = LocalType;
     this.Kind      = Clasification.VAR;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public Toy(string _name, string _provider, Clasification _c)
     name     = _name;
     provider = _provider;
     c        = _c;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public LocalSymbol(Type LocalType, dynamic Value)
     this.LocalType = LocalType;
     this.Kind      = Clasification.CONST;
     this.Value     = Value;