Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static SKImage RenderWithSkia(this CircularMaze maze,
                                             RenderOptions renderOptions,
                                             DistanceInfo distanceInfo,
                                             ShortestPathInfo shortestPathInfo)
            if (maze == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(maze));

            renderOptions = renderOptions ?? new RenderOptions();

            var imageWidth  = (GetRadiusAtRing(maze.RingCount) * 2) + (Margin * 2);
            var imageCenter = imageWidth / 2;

            var imageInfo = new SKImageInfo(imageWidth, imageWidth, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Premul);

            using (var surface = SKSurface.Create(imageInfo))

                var whitePaint = new SKPaint {
                    Color = SKColors.White, StrokeWidth = CellLineWidth, Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke

                var renderedWalls = new HashSet <CellWall>();
                foreach (var cell in maze.AllCells)
                    DrawRenderOptions(renderOptions, distanceInfo, cell, imageCenter, surface, shortestPathInfo, maze);
                    DrawWalls(maze, cell, renderedWalls, surface, imageCenter, whitePaint);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private static void DrawRenderOptions(RenderOptions renderOptions,
                                              DistanceInfo distanceInfo,
                                              Cell cell,
                                              int imageCenter,
                                              SKSurface surface,
                                              ShortestPathInfo shortestPathInfo,
                                              CircularMaze maze)
            var position     = maze.GetPositionOfCell(cell);
            var centerOfCell = GetCenterOfCell(position, imageCenter);
            var whitePaint   = new SKPaint {
                Color = SKColors.White, StrokeWidth = 1, TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center
            var startPaint = new SKPaint {
                Color = SKColors.Green, StrokeWidth = 1, TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center
            var finishPaint = new SKPaint {
                Color = SKColors.Red, StrokeWidth = 1, TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center
            var pathPaint = new SKPaint {
                Color = SKColors.Yellow, StrokeWidth = 1, TextAlign = SKTextAlign.Center

            if (renderOptions.ShowGradientOfDistanceFromStart)
                var path = new SKPath();
                if (position.RingNumber > 0)
                    var innerRadius = GetRadiusAtRing(position.RingNumber - 1);
                    var outerRadius = GetRadiusAtRing(position.RingNumber);
                    var innerBounds = new SKRect(imageCenter - innerRadius,
                                                 imageCenter - innerRadius,
                                                 imageCenter + innerRadius,
                                                 imageCenter + innerRadius);

                    var outerBounds = new SKRect(imageCenter - outerRadius,
                                                 imageCenter - outerRadius,
                                                 imageCenter + outerRadius,
                                                 imageCenter + outerRadius);

                    var degreeDifference = position.EndingDegree - position.StartingDegree;
                    var firstLineCoords  = GetCoords(outerRadius, position.EndingDegree);
                    var secondLineCoords = GetCoords(innerRadius, position.StartingDegree);

                    path.AddArc(innerBounds, NormalizeAngle(position.StartingDegree), NormalizeAngle(degreeDifference));
                    path.LineTo(imageCenter + firstLineCoords.x, imageCenter + firstLineCoords.y);
                    path.ArcTo(outerBounds, position.EndingDegree, -degreeDifference, false);
                    path.LineTo(imageCenter + secondLineCoords.x, imageCenter + secondLineCoords.y);
                    // Center cell should be fully shaded
                    path.AddCircle(imageCenter, imageCenter, CenterCellRadius);

                var finishingCellDistance = distanceInfo.DistanceFromStartMap[distanceInfo.FarthestCell];
                var currentCellDistance   = distanceInfo.DistanceFromStartMap[cell];
                var intensity             = (byte)(255 * (currentCellDistance / (decimal)finishingCellDistance));
                var color = new SKColor(0, 0, intensity);
                var paint = new SKPaint {
                    Color = color
                surface.Canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

            if (renderOptions.HighlightShortestPath && shortestPathInfo.IsCellInPath(cell))
                var paint = cell == maze.StartingCell ? startPaint
                    : cell == maze.FinishingCell ? finishPaint
                    : pathPaint;

                var distance = distanceInfo.DistanceFromStartMap[cell];
                surface.Canvas.DrawText(distance.ToString(), centerOfCell.x, centerOfCell.y, paint);
            else if (renderOptions.ShowAllDistances && distanceInfo.DistanceFromStartMap.ContainsKey(cell))
                var distance = distanceInfo.DistanceFromStartMap[cell];
                surface.Canvas.DrawText(distance.ToString(), centerOfCell.x, centerOfCell.y, whitePaint);
            else if (cell == maze.StartingCell)
                surface.Canvas.DrawText("S", centerOfCell.x, centerOfCell.y, startPaint);
            else if (cell == maze.FinishingCell)
                surface.Canvas.DrawText("E", centerOfCell.x, centerOfCell.y, finishPaint);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void DrawWalls(CircularMaze maze,
                                      Cell cell,
                                      HashSet <CellWall> renderedWalls,
                                      SKSurface surface,
                                      int imageCenter,
                                      SKPaint whitePaint)
            var position = maze.GetPositionOfCell(cell);

            foreach (var wall in cell.CellWalls)
                if (renderedWalls.Contains(wall))

                if (!wall.IsPassable)
                    var otherCellPosition = maze.GetPositionOfCell(wall.GetOtherCell(cell));
                    if (position.RingNumber == otherCellPosition.RingNumber)
                        // These cells border on the same ring, so find the angle that's the same and draw a line for it
                        var angle = Math.Abs(NormalizeAngle(position.StartingDegree) -
                                             NormalizeAngle(otherCellPosition.EndingDegree)) < 0.001
                            ? position.StartingDegree
                            : position.EndingDegree;

                        var lowerRing   = Math.Min(position.RingNumber, otherCellPosition.RingNumber);
                        var innerRadius = GetRadiusAtRing(lowerRing - 1);
                        var outerRadius = GetRadiusAtRing(lowerRing);

                        var lineStart = GetCoords(innerRadius, angle);
                        var lineEnd   = GetCoords(outerRadius, angle);
                        surface.Canvas.DrawLine(lineStart.x + imageCenter,
                                                lineStart.y + imageCenter,
                                                lineEnd.x + imageCenter,
                                                lineEnd.y + imageCenter,
                        var innerRing = Math.Min(position.RingNumber, otherCellPosition.RingNumber);
                        var radius    = GetRadiusAtRing(innerRing);
                        var bounds    = new SKRect(imageCenter - radius,
                                                   imageCenter - radius,
                                                   imageCenter + radius,
                                                   imageCenter + radius);

                        var startingDegree = Math.Max(position.StartingDegree, otherCellPosition.EndingDegree);
                        var endingDegree   = Math.Min(position.EndingDegree, otherCellPosition.StartingDegree);

                        var path = new SKPath();
                        path.AddArc(bounds, startingDegree, endingDegree - startingDegree);
                        surface.Canvas.DrawPath(path, whitePaint);


            if (position.RingNumber == maze.RingCount - 1 && cell != maze.FinishingCell && cell != maze.StartingCell)
                // Last ring, so add rim of the maze
                var radius = GetRadiusAtRing(maze.RingCount - 1);
                var bounds = new SKRect(imageCenter - radius,
                                        imageCenter - radius,
                                        imageCenter + radius,
                                        imageCenter + radius);

                var startingDegree = position.StartingDegree;
                var endingDegree   = position.EndingDegree;

                var path = new SKPath();
                path.AddArc(bounds, startingDegree, endingDegree - startingDegree);
                surface.Canvas.DrawPath(path, whitePaint);