Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static int Write(
            CidList list,
            string name,
            string description,
            string folderId,
            UserObjectAccess accessLevel)
            UserObject UserObject = new UserObject(UserObjectType.CnList);

            UserObject.Name             = name;
            UserObject.Description      = description;
            UserObject.ParentFolder     = folderId;
            UserObject.ParentFolderType = (folderId.ToUpper().StartsWith("FOLDER_")) ? FolderTypeEnum.User : FolderTypeEnum.System;
            UserObject.AccessLevel      = accessLevel;
            return(Write(list, UserObject));
Ejemplo n.º 2
/// <summary>
/// Edit current list
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string EditTemp(
            string tempListName)
            tempListName = GetInternalTempListName(tempListName);

            CidList cnList = Read(tempListName);

            if (cnList == null)           // create empty current if needed
                cnList = new CidList();
                UserObject uo = UserObject.ParseInternalUserObjectName(tempListName, UserObjectType.CnList, SS.I.UserName);
                Write(cnList, uo);
Ejemplo n.º 3
/// <summary>
/// Save current to specified destination
/// </summary>
/// <param name="saveToTempList"></param>
/// <param name="tempListName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        static UserObject SaveCurrentList(
            bool saveToTempList,
            string tempListName)
            CidList curList = Read(CidList.CurrentListInternalName);

            if (curList == null || curList.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("The current list is empty");

            UserObject uo = SaveList(curList, "Save Current List", saveToTempList, tempListName);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void GroupSalts_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            DisplayStatusMsg("Grouping Salts, wait please...");
            List <string> al      = MoleculeUtil.GroupSalts(CidList.ToStringList());
            CidList       newList = new CidList(al);

            newList.UserObject = CidList.UserObject;
            CidList            = newList;
            string formattedList = FormatList();

            CidListCtl.Text = formattedList;     // put text in editor
            CidListCtl.Select(0, 0);             // position cursor at beginning of list
Ejemplo n.º 5
/// <summary>
/// Read the list of compounds for a library
/// </summary>
/// <param name="libId"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static CidList ReadLibrary(
            int libId)
            CidList     l   = new CidList();
            DbCommandMx dao = new DbCommandMx();
            string      sql = @"
				SELECT l.library_name, l.library_desc_text, s.corp_nbr 
				FROM corp_owner.corp_substance s,
				 corp_owner.corp_library_substance ls,
				 corp_owner.corp_library l
				 l.lib_id = <libId> and 
				 s.cpd_id = ls.cpd_id and
				 l.lib_id = ls.lib_id"                ;

            sql = Lex.Replace(sql, "<libId>", libId.ToString());

            MetaTable rootMt = MetaTableCollection.Get(MetaTable.PrimaryRootTable);

            while (dao.Read())
                if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(l.UserObject.Name))
                    string name = dao.GetString(0);
                    if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(name) || Lex.IsInteger(name))
                        name = dao.GetString(1);                                                                     // use desc if no name or just a number
                    if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                        name = "Library " + libId;
                    l.UserObject.Name = name;

                int    intCorpId = dao.GetInt(2);
                string corpId    = CompoundId.Normalize(intCorpId, rootMt);


Ejemplo n.º 6
/// <summary>
/// Read the current list from the current client query QueryManager data (server not accessed)
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static CidList ReadCurrentListLocal()
            //CidList cidList = new CidList();
            //QueryManager qm =	QbUtil.QueryManager; // (error: may be original qm rather than derived with correct keys)
            //if (qm == null || qm.DataTableManager == null) return cidList;
            //List<string> keys = qm.DataTableManager.ResultsKeys;
            //cidList = new CidList(keys);

            CidList    cidList = new CidList(SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys);
            UserObject uo      = cidList.UserObject;

            uo.Owner        = SS.I.UserName;
            uo.ParentFolder = UserObject.TempFolderName;
            uo.Name         = "Current";
            uo.Id           = SessionManager.CurrentListId;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Adding a new SasMap view to an existing query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public DialogResult ShowInitialViewSetupDialog(
            QueryColumn sasQc,
            Query baseQuery)
            MetaTable    mt;
            QueryColumn  qc = null;
            DialogResult dr;

            AssertMx.IsNotNull(sasQc, "SasQc");
            AssertMx.IsNotNull(SasQuery, "SasMapQuery");

            SasQc     = sasQc;
            BaseQuery = baseQuery;

            Parms = GetParmsFromQueryColumnCriteria(SasQc);

            qc = BaseQuery?.GetFirstKeyColumn();
            if (qc == null)
                qc = QueryTable.GetDefaultRootQueryTable()?.KeyQueryColumn;
            qc = qc.Clone();

            Parms.KeyCriteriaQc = qc;             // assign QC with undefined criteria

            QueryManager  refQm       = (baseQuery.QueryManager as QueryManager);
            List <string> resultsKeys = refQm?.DataTableManager?.ResultsKeys;

            if (resultsKeys != null && resultsKeys.Count > 0)
                string listText = Csv.JoinCsvString(resultsKeys);
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = CidList.FormatAbbreviatedCidListForDisplay(qc, listText);
                qc.Criteria        = qc.MetaColumn.Name + " IN (" + listText + ")";

            Parms.EndpointMc = BaseQuery?.GetFirstResultColumnByPriority(true)?.MetaColumn;             // pick the highest priority result column as the default endpoint

            dr = Edit();
            if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                StoreParmsInQueryColumnCriteria(Parms, SasQc);

Ejemplo n.º 8
/// <summary>
/// Open the specified query or copy the list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="e"></param>

        private void GridView_RowCellClick(object sender, RowCellClickEventArgs e)
            StreamReader sr;

            int         r  = e.RowHandle;
            int         c  = e.Column.AbsoluteIndex;
            HistoryItem hi = SS.I.History[r]; // get item allowing for header row

            if (c == 0)                       // open query
                sr = new StreamReader(hi.QueryFileName);
                string queryText = sr.ReadToEnd();
                Query  q         = Query.Deserialize(queryText);
                q.UserObject.Name =                   // append time to name
                                    q.UserObject.Name + " - " + hi.DateTime.ToLongTimeString();
                q.Mode = QueryMode.Build;             // want to be in build mode
                q.UserObject.Content = q.Serialize(); // set content so not prompted for save when closed

                QbUtil.AddQueryAndRender(q, false);

            // Copy list to current list

            sr = new StreamReader(hi.ListFileName);
            string  listText = sr.ReadToEnd();
            CidList cidList  = new CidList(listText);

            SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys = cidList.ToStringList();

            if (c == 1)             // return message if just copying list to current
                string msg = "The list has been copied to the current list (" + SessionManager.CurrentResultKeysCount + ")";

            HistoryList_Deactivate(null, null);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a compound id list given an internal list name (e.g. FOLDER_123.name or LIST_1234)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static CidList Read(
            string internalName,
            MetaTable mt,
            bool allowLocalRead)
            UserObject uo, uo2;
            string     fileName, cn;
            int        i1;

            uo = UserObjectUtil.ParseInternalUserObjectName(internalName, UserObjectType.CnList);
            if (uo == null)

            if (allowLocalRead && UserObject.IsCurrentObjectInternalName(internalName))             // get from the current query

            uo2 = UserObjectDao.Read(uo);             // get from the server side
            if (uo2 == null)
                    "Unable to find list: " + internalName + "\r\n\r\n" +
                    CommandExec.GetUserObjectReadAccessErrorMessage(uo.Id, "list"));

            CidList cnList = CidList.Deserialize(uo2, mt);

            if (UserObject.IsCurrentObjectInternalName(internalName))             // if current list store keys with query
                SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys = cnList.ToStringList();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Read a compound id list given a list name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static CidList Read(
            string name,
            MetaTable mt)
            UserObject uo;
            CidList    cnList = new CidList();
            string     fileName, cn;
            int        i1;

            uo = UserObject.ParseInternalUserObjectName(name, UserObjectType.CnList, Security.UserName);
            if (uo == null)

            uo = UserObjectDao.Read(uo);
            if (uo == null)
                return(new CidList());

            return(CidList.Deserialize(uo, mt));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute list logic on a pair of persisted list objects & store results in current list for user
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list1InternalName"></param>
        /// <param name="list2InternalName"></param>
        /// <param name="op"></param>
        /// <returns>Number of results from logic operation</returns>

        public static int ExecuteListLogic(
            string list1InternalName,
            string list2InternalName,
            ListLogicType op)
            CidList list1 = Read(list1InternalName);

            if (list1 == null)
                throw new Exception("List not found: " + list1InternalName);

            CidList list2 = Read(list2InternalName);

            if (list2 == null)
                throw new Exception("List not found: " + list2InternalName);

            list1.ApplyListLogic(list2, op);

            CidListDao.Write(list1, "Current");             // write new current list
Ejemplo n.º 12
        string FormatCidListForDisplay(List <string> cidList)
            string      txt;
            QueryColumn qc = null;

            int count = 0;

            if (cidList != null && cidList.Count > 0)
                count = cidList.Count;
            if (count > 0 && SourceQuery.Tables.Count > 0 && SourceQuery.Tables[0].KeyQueryColumn.MetaColumn.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId)
                qc = SourceQuery.Tables[0].KeyQueryColumn;
                string cidListString = MqlUtil.FormatValueListString(cidList, false);
                txt = CidList.FormatAbbreviatedCidListForDisplay(qc, cidListString);

Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a compound number list
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int Write(
            CidList list,
            UserObject uo)
            string fileName;

            string content = list.ToMultilineString();

            uo.Type = UserObjectType.CnList;
            if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(uo.Owner))             // set current user as owner if owner not defined
                uo.Owner = SS.I.UserName;

            if (Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(uo.ParentFolder))
                throw new Exception("No parent folder for list");

            uo.Content = content;
            uo.Count   = list.Count;
            UserObjectDao.Write(uo, uo.Id);

            if (uo.IsCurrentObject)
                SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys = list.ToStringList();

            if (uo.HasDefinedParentFolder)

Ejemplo n.º 14
/// <summary>
/// Get list from control removing blank lines & normalizing the ids
/// </summary>
/// <param name="CidList"></param>

        void GetNormalizedListFromControl(CidList CidList)
            CidList.Clear();             // clear contents, keep name

            string[] cna = CidListCtl.Lines;

            bool allowDuplicates = !RemoveDuplicates.Checked;

            for (int i1 = 0; i1 < cna.Length; i1++)
                string extCn = cna[i1];
                if (extCn.Trim() == "" || extCn.StartsWith("("))
                string intCid = CompoundId.Normalize(extCn, RootTable);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(intCid))
                    intCid = extCn;
                CidList.Add(intCid, allowDuplicates);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Search button clicked, process input
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        DialogResult ProcessInput()
            CidList      cidList             = null;
            StreamReader structureFileReader = null;
            string       qid;       // query identifier, compoundId, file name or sdFile key value
            QueryManager qm;
            DataTableMx  dt;
            DataColumn   dc;
            DataRowMx    dr;
            //object[] dr; // if using Qe
            DialogResult   dlgRslt = DialogResult.OK;
            Query          q = null;
            QueryTable     qt = null;
            QueryColumn    simScoreQc, structQc;          // query column containing latest query settings
            MetaTable      mt = null;
            MetaColumn     keyMc = null, structMc = null, dbSetMc = null, simScoreMc = null, mc;
            MetaColumnType storageType;
            string         txt, tok;

            if (DatabasesToSearch.Text == "")
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Databases to search must be defined.");

            // Get list of databases

            string[]         dba    = DatabasesToSearch.Text.Split(',');
            List <MetaTable> tables = new List <MetaTable>();

            foreach (string dbLabel0 in dba)
                string dbLabel = dbLabel0.Trim();

                RootTable dbInfo = RootTable.GetFromTableLabel(dbLabel);
                if (dbInfo == null)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't find database " + DatabasesToSearch.Text);

                mt = MetaTableCollection.Get(dbInfo.MetaTableName);
                if (mt == null)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Unable to locate parent structure table for database: " + DatabasesToSearch.Text);

                if (dbSetMc == null)
                    dbSetMc = mt.DatabaseListMetaColumn;


            if (dbSetMc == null)
                throw new Exception("\"Databases\" metacolumn not found for any of the databases to search");

            // Validate other form values

            RetrieveStructures = RetrieveMatchingStructures.Checked;

            bool fromList        = FromList.Checked;
            int  listCidsRead    = 0;
            int  inputQueryCount = -1;

            if (fromList)             // using list, validate list name
                if (SavedListUo == null)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Compound list must be defined.");

                cidList = CidListCommand.Read(SavedListUo);
                if (cidList == null)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error reading list.");

                inputQueryCount = cidList.Count;

            else             // Using SdFile, validate SdFile name
                StructureFile = FileName.Text;
                if (StructureFile == "")
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("File must be defined.");

                try { structureFileReader = new StreamReader(StructureFile); structureFileReader.Close(); }
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Can't read file: " + Lex.Dq(StructureFile));

                keyField = KeyField.Text;             // get key, blank to use name in 1st line

                inputQueryCount = -1;                 // don't know how many queries unless we read the file (todo?)

            tok = ResultsName.Text.Trim();             // name to store results under
            if (tok == "")
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A name for the results must be provided.");

            if (SubStruct.Checked)
                Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.Substructure;
            else if (Full.Checked)
                Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.FullStructure;
            else if (Similarity.Checked)
                Psc.SearchType = StructureSearchType.MolSim;
                throw new Exception("Unrecognized search type");

            // Write initial log entries

            string logFileName = ClientDirs.DefaultMobiusUserDocumentsFolder + @"\Multistructure Search " + SearchCount + ".txt";

            if (!UIMisc.CanWriteFileToDefaultDir(logFileName))
            LogStream = new StreamWriter(logFileName);

            if (ResultsUo == null)
                ResultsUo = new UserObject(UserObjectType.Annotation);
            ResultsUo.Name = tok;

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            WriteToLog("Multiple " + Psc.SearchType + " Search");
            WriteToLog("Databases: " + DatabasesToSearch.Text);
            WriteToLog("Date: " + startTime);
            if (fromList)
                WriteToLog("Input List: " + SavedListUo.Name);
                WriteToLog("Input Structure File: " + StructureFile);
            WriteToLog("Output List: " + ResultsUo.Name);

            WriteToLog("Log File: " + logFileName);
            WriteToLog("Query, Match, Score");

            int              queryCount           = 0;
            int              matchAtLeastOneCount = 0;
            MoleculeMx       queryStructure       = null; // current structure being searched
            CidList          matchList            = new CidList();
            List <MatchData> matchData            = new List <MatchData>();

            if (FromFile.Checked)             // open SdFile as required
                structureFileReader = new StreamReader(StructureFile);

            // Search of structures one at a time

            while (true)
                if (fromList)                 // get next structure from list
                    if (listCidsRead >= cidList.Count)
                    qid = cidList[listCidsRead].Cid;
                    if (qid.Trim() == "")
                    if (qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".mol") > 0 || qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".skc") > 0)
                    {                     // file reference
                        if (!File.Exists(qid))
                        if (qid.ToLower().IndexOf(".mol") > 0)
                            queryStructure = MoleculeMx.ReadMolfile(qid);
                            queryStructure = MoleculeMx.ReadSketchFile(qid);

                        queryStructure = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(qid);
                    if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0)
                        continue;                                                                              // oops

                else                 // get next structure from input file
                    qid = null;

                    if (StructureFile.ToLower().EndsWith(".sdf"))
                        List <SdFileField> fList = SdFileDao.Read(structureFileReader);
                        if (fList == null)                         // end of sdFile
                        if (fList.Count == 0)

                        queryStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, fList[0].Data);
                        if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0)

                        if (keyField != "")                         // key field specified?
                            qid = SdFileDao.GetDataField(fList, keyField);
                        else                         // get name from 1st line of molfile
                            string molFile = fList[0].Data;
                            int    i1      = molFile.IndexOf("\n");
                            if (i1 == 0)
                                qid = "";
                                qid = molFile.Substring(0, i1).Trim();
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(qid))
                            qid = SdFileDao.GetDataField(fList, "compound_id");

                    else                     // assume smiles file
                        string smiles = structureFileReader.ReadLine();
                        if (smiles == null)                         // end of sdFile
                        smiles = smiles.Trim();
                        if (smiles.Length == 0)

                        int i1 = smiles.IndexOf(",");                         // get any preceeding queryId
                        if (i1 < 0)
                            i1 = smiles.IndexOf("\t");
                        if (i1 >= 0)
                            qid    = smiles.Substring(0, i1).Trim();
                            smiles = smiles.Substring(i1 + 1).Trim();

                        queryStructure = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Smiles, smiles);
                        if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0)

                    if (qid == null || qid.Trim() == "")
                        qid = (queryCount + 1).ToString();                                                      // be sure we have a query id

                queryCount++;                 // count the query
                if (queryStructure == null || queryStructure.AtomCount == 0)
                    WriteToLog("Error converting specific structure " + queryCount.ToString() + ", " + qid);

                queryStructure.RemoveStructureCaption();                 // remove any Mobius-added caption
                Psc.Molecule = queryStructure;

                string msg =
                    "Searching Structure: " + queryCount.ToString();
                if (inputQueryCount > 0)
                    msg += " of " + inputQueryCount.ToString();
                msg += "\n" +
                       "Structures with one or more matches: " + matchAtLeastOneCount.ToString() + "\n" +
                       "Total Matches: " + matchList.Count.ToString();


                // Do the search over the list of databases

                for (int ti = 0; ti < tables.Count; ti++)
                    mt = tables[ti];

                    q = new Query();                     // build basic query
                    //q.SingleStepExecution = true; // do in single step (doesn't currently return sim score)
                    q.ShowStereoComments = false;

                    qt = new QueryTable(mt);

                    qt.SelectKeyOnly();                     // start selecting desired cols

                    keyMc = mt.KeyMetaColumn;

                    structMc          = mt.FirstStructureMetaColumn;
                    structQc          = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(structMc.Name);
                    structQc.Selected = RetrieveStructures;

                    dbSetMc = mt.DatabaseListMetaColumn;
                    if (dbSetMc == null)
                        throw new Exception("\"Databases\" metacolumn not found for table: " + mt.Label);
                    QueryColumn dbSetQc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(dbSetMc.Name);
                    dbSetQc.Selected = true;                     // select the database name
                    RootTable root = RootTable.GetFromTableName(mt.Name);
                    txt = " in (" + root.Label + ")";
                    dbSetQc.Criteria        = dbSetMc.Name + txt;
                    dbSetQc.CriteriaDisplay = txt;

                    simScoreMc = mt.SimilarityScoreMetaColumn;
                    simScoreQc = null;
                    if (simScoreMc != null)                     // get sim score if it exists
                        simScoreQc          = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(simScoreMc.Name);
                        simScoreQc.Selected = true;                         // return sim score

                    Psc.QueryColumn = structQc;
                    ParsedStructureCriteria psc2 = AdjustSearchForSmallWorldAsNeeded(Psc);
                    psc2.ConvertToQueryColumnCriteria(structQc);                     // format the QC for the structure search

                    DateTime t0 = DateTime.Now;

                    //QueryEngine qe = new QueryEngine();
                    //qe.NextRowsMin = 1000; // minimum number of rows to prefetch
                    //qe.NextRowsMax = -1; // maximum number of rows to prefetch
                    //qe.NextRowsMaxTime = 10000; // max time in milliseconds for next fetch

                    qm = new QueryManager();
                    try { dlgRslt = qm.ExecuteQuery(ref q); }
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        WriteToLog("Error searching structure: " + ex.Message + ", " + queryCount.ToString() + ", " + qid);

                    if (dlgRslt != DialogResult.OK)

                    double executeTime = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0);

                    int offset = qm.DataTableManager.KeyValueVoPos + 1;
                    //int offset = 0; // for QE
                    int keyPos = offset++;
                    int strPos = RetrieveStructures ? offset++ : -1;
                    int dbPos  = offset++;
                    int simPos = offset++;

                    int fetchCnt = 0;
                    while (true)
                        dr = qm.NextRow();
                        //dr = qe.NextRow(); // for Qe
                        if (dr == null)


                        if (fetchCnt == 1)
                            matchAtLeastOneCount++;                             // number of queries that have at least one match
                        MatchData md = new MatchData();
                        md.Qno = queryCount;
                        md.Qid = qid;
                        if (RetrieveStructures)
                            md.Qstr = "Chime=" + queryStructure.GetChimeString();

                        CompoundId cid = CompoundId.ConvertTo(dr[keyPos]);
                        md.Mid = cid.Value;

                        if (RetrieveStructures)
                            MoleculeMx ms = MoleculeMx.ConvertTo(dr[strPos]);
                            if (!NullValue.IsNull(ms))
                                md.Mstr = "Chime=" + ms.GetChimeString();

                        StringMx db = StringMx.ConvertTo(dr[dbPos]);
                        if (!NullValue.IsNull(db))
                            md.Db = db.Value;

                        if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim)
                            NumberMx nex = NumberMx.ConvertTo(dr[simPos]);
                            if (!NullValue.IsNull(nex))
                                md.Score = nex.Value;

                        if (matchList.Contains(cid.Value))                         // already have compound id as match for other query?
                            if (Psc.SearchType != StructureSearchType.MolSim)
                                continue;                                                             // if similarity search see if more similar
                            CidListElement le = matchList.Get(cid.Value);                             // reference current score
                            if (le.Tag > md.Score)
                                continue;                                         // only replace if more similar
                            matchList.Remove(le.Cid);                             // remove from list
                            for (int mi = 0; mi < matchData.Count; mi++)          // remove from data
                                if (matchData[mi].Mid == md.Mid)

                        matchList.Get(md.Mid).Tag = md.Score;      // keep score in list
                        matchData.Add(md);                         // add to results

                        txt = md.Qid + ", " + md.Mid + ", " + md.Score.ToString();
                    }                     // Fetch result loop

                    double fetchTime = TimeOfDay.Delta(ref t0);
                }                 // DB loop

                if (Progress.CancelRequested)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Search cancelled.");
                    try { LogStream.Close(); } catch { }
            }                                           // key loop

            CidListCommand.WriteCurrentList(matchList); // write the list of numbers


            txt =
                "=== Multiple structure search complete ===\r\n\r\n" +

                "Structures Searched: " + queryCount.ToString() + "\r\n";

            txt +=
                "Structures with one or more matches: " + matchAtLeastOneCount.ToString() + "\r\n" +
                "Total Matches: " + matchList.Count.ToString() + "\r\n";

            TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime);

            ts   = new TimeSpan(ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds);
            txt += "Total Time: " + ts + "\r\n\r\n";

            WriteToLog("\r\n" + txt);
            try { LogStream.Close(); } catch { }

            if (matchList.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No matches have been found.");

            tok = "Matching compound ids";
            if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim)
                tok = "Similar compound ids";
            txt += tok + " have been written to the current list: " + ResultsUo.Name + "\n" +
                   "Log file written to: " + logFileName + "\n\n" +
                   "Do you want to view the match results?";

            DialogResult dRslt = MessageBoxMx.Show(txt, "Multiple Structure Search", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question);

            if (dRslt == DialogResult.Cancel)

            else if (dRslt == DialogResult.No)             // show log

            // Display results

            Progress.Show("Formatting results...");

            mt                = new MetaTable();
            mt.Name           = "MULTSTRUCTSEARCH_" + SearchCount;
            mt.Label          = "Multiple Structure Search " + SearchCount;
            mt.TableMap       = "Mobius.Tools.MultStructSearch";       // plugin id
            mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.NoSql;

            ColumnSelectionEnum structureColumnSelection = RetrieveStructures ? ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected : ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected;

            keyMc       = keyMc.Clone();
            keyMc.Name  = "MatchingCid";
            keyMc.Label = "Matching Compound Id";

            structMc                  = structMc.Clone();
            structMc.Name             = "MatchingStructure";
            structMc.Label            = "Matching Structure";
            structMc.InitialSelection = structureColumnSelection;

            dbSetMc      = dbSetMc.Clone();
            dbSetMc.Name = "Database";
            //if (DatabasesToSearch.Text.Contains(","))
            dbSetMc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected;

            mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("Molsimilarity", "Similarity Search Score", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Unselected, 10);
            if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim)
                mc.InitialSelection = ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected;

            mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryNo", "Query Number", MetaColumnType.Integer);
            //mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryMatchNo", "Query Match Number", MetaColumnType.Integer);

            mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryId", "Query Id", MetaColumnType.String);
            mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("QueryStructure", "Query Structure", MetaColumnType.Structure);
            mc.InitialSelection = structureColumnSelection;

            q  = ToolHelper.InitEmbeddedDataToolQuery(mt);
            dt = q.ResultsDataTable as DataTableMx;

            for (int mi = 0; mi < matchData.Count; mi++)
                MatchData md = matchData[mi];
                dr = dt.NewRow();
                dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchingCid"] = new CompoundId(md.Mid);
                if (RetrieveStructures)
                    dr[qt.Alias + ".MatchingStructure"] = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, md.Mstr);
                dr[qt.Alias + ".Database"] = new StringMx(md.Db);
                if (Psc.SearchType == StructureSearchType.MolSim)
                    dr[qt.Alias + ".Molsimilarity"] = new NumberMx(md.Score);
                dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryNo"] = new NumberMx(md.Qno);
                dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryId"] = new StringMx(md.Qid);
                if (RetrieveStructures)
                    dr[qt.Alias + ".QueryStructure"] = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Chime, md.Qstr);


            ToolHelper.DisplayData(q, dt, true);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to read existing results file into the query DataTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="qm"></param>

        public void ReadBinaryResultsFile(string fileName)
            QueryTable   qt;
            QueryColumn  qc;
            BinaryReader br = null;

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                bool saveHandlersEnabled = Qm.DataTable.EnableDataChangedEventHandlers(false);                 // disable for faster load

                bool saveUpdateMaxRowsPerKey = UpdateMaxRowsPerKeyEnabled;
                UpdateMaxRowsPerKeyEnabled = false;                 // disable for faster load

                int id = Query.UserObject.Id;
                if (id <= 0)
                    throw new Exception("Query not saved");
                if (DataTableMx == null || DataTableMx.Columns.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("DataTable not defined");

                br = BinaryFile.OpenReader(fileName);
                string       sq  = br.ReadString();
                Query        q0  = Query.Deserialize(sq);         // deserialize the saved query
                QueryManager qm0 = new QueryManager();
                ResultsFormat        rf0  = new ResultsFormat(qm0, OutputDest.WinForms);
                ResultsFormatFactory rff0 = new ResultsFormatFactory(qm0, OutputDest.WinForms);
                rff0.Build();                 // build format with vo positions

                // The cached query cols should match those of the current query: however,
                // we'll create a mapping just in case they don't

                int voArrayLen0 = br.ReadInt32();                            // cached vo array len
                int voArrayLen  = DataTableMx.Columns.Count - KeyValueVoPos; // current query vo array len

                List <int> q0VoMap = new List <int>();                       // vo position in cached query data
                List <int> qVoMap  = new List <int>();                       // vo position in current version of query

                q0VoMap.Add(0);                                              // first position is the common key value

                foreach (QueryTable qt0 in q0.Tables)                 // scan each table in cached data
                    foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in qt0.QueryColumns)     // and each column
                        if (qc0.VoPosition < 0)
                            continue;                                 // skip if not mapped to the vo in cached data
                        int q0VoPos = qc0.VoPosition - KeyValueVoPos; // where it is in cache

                        int qvoPos = -1;                              // where it will go
                        qt = Query.GetTableByName(qt0.MetaTable.Name);
                        if (qt != null)
                            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(qc0.MetaColumn.Name);
                            if (qc != null)
                                qvoPos = qc.VoPosition - KeyValueVoPos;

                        q0VoMap.Add(q0VoPos);                       // where it is in saved data
                        qVoMap.Add(qvoPos);                         // where it will go (not including attributes & check cols)

                if (q0VoMap.Count != voArrayLen0)
                    throw new Exception("Cached Vo length doesn't match list of selected columns");

                DataTableMx.Clear();                           // clear the rows
                CidList  cidList = new CidList();
                object[] voa     = new object[voArrayLen];     // array to fill

                while (!BinaryFile.ReaderEof(br))              // process each row
                    for (int mi = 0; mi < q0VoMap.Count; mi++) // each col
                        object o = VoArray.ReadBinaryItem(br);
                        if (mi == 0 && o != null)                         // add to key list if key
                            cidList.Add(o.ToString(), false);

                        if (qVoMap[mi] >= 0)                         // save in new buf if mapped
                            voa[qVoMap[mi]] = o;

                    DataRowMx dr = AddDataRow(voa);


                UpdateMaxRowsPerKeyEnabled = saveUpdateMaxRowsPerKey;

                ResultsKeys = cidList.ToStringList();                 // include keys in DTM as well

                double ms = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (br != null)
                throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 17
/// <summary>
/// Set the display form of the list
/// </summary>

        void SetCidListDisplay()
            string txt = CidList.FormatAbbreviatedCidListForDisplay(Qc, CidListString);

            CidListDisplay.Text = txt;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup the form for display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cid"></param>
        /// <param name="qm"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        bool SetupForm(
            string cid,
            QueryManager qm)
            AssertMx.IsDefined(cid, "Compound Id (CorpId)");

            SelectedCid = cid;
            PreviousCid = cid;

            RootTable = CompoundId.GetRootMetaTableFromCid(cid);

            Qm          = null;    // no query context
            SourceQuery = null;
            CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList = null;

            if (qm != null)             // if querymanager defined then base the related data query on the "current" query
                Qm          = qm;       // setup query context
                SourceQuery = qm.Query;
                RootTable   = qm.Query.RootMetaTable;

                if (qm.Query != null && qm.Query.Mode == QueryMode.Browse)                 // if browsing current base query results then get that cid list
                    CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList = Qm.DataTableManager.GetMostCompleteResultsKeyList();

            //else throw new Exception("Parameters not defined");

            //if (Lex.IsUndefined(SelectedCid) &&
            // (Qm == null || Qm.MoleculeGrid == null || Qm.MoleculeGrid.Helpers == null))
            //	return false;


            // Current Cid

            //if (Qm != null)
            //	SelectedCid = Qm.MoleculeGrid.Helpers.GetCidForSelectedCell();

            SelectedCid = CompoundId.Format(SelectedCid);
            CidCtl.Text = SelectedCid;

            // Marked cid count

            MarkedCidsList = null;
            if (Qm?.MoleculeGrid != null)
                CidList cl = Qm.MoleculeGrid.GetMarkedList();
                if (cl != null)
                    MarkedCidsList = cl.ToStringList();

            int selCnt = (MarkedCidsList != null ? MarkedCidsList.Count : 0);

            MarkedCidsCheckEdit.Text    = "Selected compound Ids (" + FormatCidListForDisplay(MarkedCidsList) + ")";
            MarkedCidsCheckEdit.Enabled = (selCnt > 0);
            if (selCnt == 0 && MarkedCidsCheckEdit.Checked)
                CurrentCidCheckEdit.Checked = true;

            // All Cid count

            int allCnt = (CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList != null ? CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList.Count : 0);

            AllCidsCheckEdit.Text    = "All Ids in the current result set (" + FormatCidListForDisplay(CurrentBaseQueryCidHitList) + ")";
            AllCidsCheckEdit.Enabled = (allCnt > 0);
            if (selCnt == 0 && AllCidsCheckEdit.Checked)
                CurrentCidCheckEdit.Checked = true;

            // Structure

            MoleculeMx cs = new MoleculeMx();

            if (Lex.IsDefined(SelectedCid))
                cs = MoleculeUtil.SelectMoleculeForCid(SelectedCid);


            // MRU list


Ejemplo n.º 19
/// <summary>
/// Setup for edit
/// </summary>
/// <param name="inList"></param>
/// <param name="rootTable"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        bool Setup(
            CidList inList,
            MetaTable rootTable)
            string formattedCid, label, txt;

            RootTable = rootTable;

            InListName = inList.UserObject.Name;
            ListName   = InListName;

            CidList  = inList.Clone();        // make copy of list to edit
            CidCount = InitialCount = CidList.Count;
            if (CidCount > 32000)             // too big to edit?
                txt =
                    "The list contains " + CidList.Count.ToString() + " compound numbers which\n" +
                    "exceeds the maximum of 32,000 that can be directly edited.\n" +
                    " Do you want to clear the list and start a new list?";

                DialogResult dr = MessageBoxMx.Show(txt, "List Too Large to Edit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                if (dr != DialogResult.Yes)

                CidList            = new CidList();
                CidList.UserObject =                         // set name properly
                                     UserObjectUtil.ParseInternalUserObjectName(InListName, UserObjectType.CnList);

            Text = "Edit List - [" + CidList.UserObject.Name + "]";

            Before = FormatList();             // convert & save initial list

            if (rootTable != null)
                label = rootTable.KeyMetaColumn.Label;
                label = "Compound Id";

            ListLabel.Text = " " + label + " - (Enter one number per line) ";
            RNLabel.Text   = label + ":";

            MolCtl.ClearMolecule();             // clear any structure
            CidCtl.Text = HeavyAtoms.Text = Weight.Text = Formula.Text = "";

            CidListCtl.Text = Before;             // put text in editor


            if (SS.I.AllowGroupingBySalts)
                SaltsMenu.Enabled = true;
                SaltsMenu.Enabled = false;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Write a compound number list
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int Write(
            CidList list)
            return(Write(list, list.UserObject));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Run Query & return any error message
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="rf"></param>
        /// <param name="browseExistingResults">If true browse existing results</param>
        /// <returns>Command command or an error message</command></returns>

        public static string RunQuery2(
            Query query,
            ResultsFormat rf,
            bool browseExistingResults = false)
            QueryManager     qm = null;
            DataTableMx      dt;
            QueryTable       qt = null;
            QueryColumn      qc;
            MetaTable        mt;
            MetaColumn       mc;
            QueryExec        qex;
            ResultsFormatter rfmtr;
            Query            modifiedQuery = null;
            DialogResult     dr;
            bool             success;
            int ti, ci, count;

            if (query == null)
                throw new Exception("Null Query");

            qm = query.QueryManager as QueryManager;

            if (qm == null || !qm.ContainsRenderedResults())
                browseExistingResults = false;

            if (ToolHelper.IsOldToolQuery(query) && !browseExistingResults)

            //if (query.FirstView == null)
            ResultsViewType tableViewType = ResultsViewType.Table;

            if (rf.OutputDestination == OutputDest.Html)
                tableViewType = ResultsViewType.HtmlTable;


            //CheckForConnectionLeaks(); // do routine check for connection leaks (disabled for now)

// Build/update the QueryManager as needed (including the QueryExec) if running the query rather than just browsing existing results

            if (!browseExistingResults)                       // initialize QueryManager
                query.SetupQueryPagesAndViews(tableViewType); // adjust views as necessary to match query
                qm = BuildQueryManager(query, rf);

// Attempt to display already retrieved data in memory or in cached results file

                if (qm != null)
                    if (qm.QueryExec == null)                     // create QueryExec if not defined
                        qex = new QueryExec(qm);

                    if (qm.ResultsFormatter == null)                     // create ResultsFormatter if not defined
                        rfmtr = new ResultsFormatter(qm);

                    qm = BuildQueryManager(query, rf);

                if (Lex.IsDefined(query.ResultsDataTableFileName))                 // get data from file

                else                 // should have data in DataTable already

                if (qm.DataTableManager != null && qm.QueryExec != null)
                    qm.QueryExec.ResultsKeys = qm.DataTableManager.ResultsKeys;                     // have data in memory already

            if (rf.OutputDestination == OutputDest.WinForms && rf.SessionOutputFormContext)
            {                                                       // save qm and query if this is a runquery from the main window
                QueriesControl.Instance.CurrentBrowseQuery = query; // save ref to the query being browsed

            if (rf.SessionOutputFormContext)             // if not a popup then update main status bar
                qm.StatusBarManager = SessionManager.Instance.StatusBarManager;

            LastQEx = qm.QueryExec;             // keep track of last QueryExec


            bool saveHitList = (rf.SessionOutputFormContext && !browseExistingResults);             // if popup or browsing existing results don't change hitlist

            qex = qm.QueryExec;
            string response = qex.RunQuery3(rf, saveHitList, browseExistingResults); // run the query

            if (qex.ResultsKeys != null && qex.ResultsKeys.Count > 0 &&              // save in history list if normal query that resulted in hits
                !query.Preview && !MqlUtil.SingleStepExecution(query) && !browseExistingResults &&
                rf.OutputDestination == OutputDest.WinForms)
                CidList keyList = new CidList(qex.ResultsKeys);
                AddToHistoryList(query, keyList);                 // use original query

            if (response != "" && !response.ToLower().StartsWith("command"))

            else if (Lex.EndsWith(response, "refetch")) // data to be retrieved has changed, redo fetch part of query
                if (!query.Preview)                     // use current keys if not preview
                    query.ResultKeys = qex.QueryEngine.GetKeys();
                goto SetupRunQuery;

            //else if (response == "") response = "Command EditQuery";

            //if (rf.OutputDestination == OutputDest.Grid)
            //  QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Build); // back to build mode
            //  QbUtil.RenderQuery(QbUtil.Qt);

Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="browseExistingResults">If true browse existing results</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public string RunQuery3(
            ResultsFormat rf,
            bool saveHitlist,
            bool browseExistingResults)
            Query        modifiedQuery;
            QueryTable   qt;
            QueryColumn  qc;
            ResultsTable rt;
            ResultsField rfld;
            MetaTable    mt;
            MetaColumn   mc;
            string       txt, msg;
            DialogResult dr;
            bool         success;
            CellGraphic  cg;
            Lex          lex = new Lex();
            string       tempfile, tok, command, unrecognizedCommand, response;
            int          ti, gi, rc, i1, i2;

            // Begin execution

            if (rf == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null ResultsFormat");

            if (ResultsFormatter == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null ResultsFormatter");

            if (rf.Segments == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null ResultsFormat.Segments");

            if (Query == null)
                throw new Exception("QueryExec.Run - Null Rf.Query");

            if (Query.Tables == null || Query.Tables.Count <= 0)
                throw new QueryException("QueryExec.Run - No Query Tables");

            QueryManager qm = QueryManager;

            ReturnMsg = "";

            //bool useExistingQueryEngine = Rf.ParentQe != null;
            //bool useExistingDataTable = Query.BrowseExistingResultsWhenOpened && Query.SerializeResults &&
            //  qm.DataTable != null && qm.DataTable.Rows.Count > 0;

                //if (Math.Sqrt(4) == 2) throw new Exception("test"); // debug

                if (!browseExistingResults)                 // normal open of search
                    Progress.Show("Analyzing query...");    // put up a status message to the user as soon as possible to let them know something is happening...

                    dr = ValidateQuery(Query);
                    if (dr == DialogResult.Cancel)


                    if (rf.OutputDestination == OutputDest.WinForms)                     // update access stats if grid

                    Query.ResultsDataTable = null;                     // be sure to get new results

                    qm = BuildQueryManager(Query, rf);

                    Query.ResetViewStates();                     // reset state of views for proper operation

                    if (Rf.ParentQe == null)                     // open search unless using existing query engine
                        if (!ExecuteSearch(saveHitlist))         // returns false if cancelled by user

                    if ((ResultsKeys == null || ResultsKeys.Count == 0) &&                      // nothing for search
                        !Query.Preview &&
                        !MqlUtil.SingleStepExecution(Query) &&
                        qm.DataTable.Rows.Count == 0 &&
                        // if (!Rf.PopupDisplay)
                        if (qm.StatusBarManager != null)
                        // if (QueryEngine.Cancelled) return ""; // cancelled by user
                        msg = "No data have been found that matches your query.";
                        if (ResultsFormat.PopupOutputFormContext && !ResultsFormat.SuppressNoDataMessage)
                            MessageBoxMx.Show(msg, "Search Result",
                                              MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                            return("Command EditQuery");                            // return to edit query menu

                    //if (ResultsFormat.PopupDisplay)
                    //  SessionManager.DisplayStatusMessage("Retrieving data...");
                    //else Progress.Show("Retrieving data...", UmlautMobius.Value, true, "Cancelling Retrieval...");

                    //Progress.Show("Retrieving data...", UmlautMobius.String, true, "Cancelling Retrieval...");
                    Progress.Hide();                     // hide progress - "Retrieving data..." message now appears as bottom line of grid

                    if (ResultsFormat.Grid)
                        if (ResultsFormat.SessionOutputFormContext)              // if normal main session form grid display, set browse mode & view state
                            Query.ResetViewStates();                             // reset view state for all views
                            QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Browse, Query);

                            if (ResultsFormat.Query.LogicType == QueryLogicType.And)                             // log grid query by logic type
                                UsageDao.LogEvent("QueryGridAnd", "");
                            else if (ResultsFormat.Query.LogicType == QueryLogicType.Or)
                                UsageDao.LogEvent("QueryGridOr", "");
                            else if (ResultsFormat.Query.LogicType == QueryLogicType.Complex)
                                UsageDao.LogEvent("QueryGridComplex", "");

                        else if (ResultsFormat.PopupOutputFormContext)                         // create popup window & configure
                            //MoleculeGridPanel.ConfigureAndShow(qm, null);

                        else if (ResultsFormat.ToolOutputFormContext)
                            ContainerControl    cc;
                            QueryResultsControl qrc = ResultsFormat.OutputContainerControl as QueryResultsControl;
                            AssertMx.IsTrue(qrc != null, "ResultsFormat.OutputContainerControl must be a QueryResultsControl");
                            if (!WindowsHelper.FindContainerControl(qrc, typeof(ToolResultsContainer), out cc))
                                throw new Exception("ToolResultsContainer not found");

                            ToolResultsContainer trc = cc as ToolResultsContainer;

                            throw new Exception("Invalid OutputformContext: " + ResultsFormat.OutputFormContext);

                else                 // reentering display switch to browse tab
                    QbUtil.SetMode(QueryMode.Browse, Query);

                response = ResultsFormatter.BeginFormatting(browseExistingResults); // format the data

                if (ResultsFormat.SessionOutputFormContext)                         // normal display
                    if (MqlUtil.SingleStepExecution(Query))
                    {                     // be sure hit count display is up to date
                        if (ResultsKeys != null)
                            if (qm.StatusBarManager != null)

                    if (saveHitlist)
                        CidList hitList = new CidList(ResultsKeys);
                        rc = CidListCommand.WriteCurrentList(hitList);

            }             // end of surrounding try

            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is UserQueryException)                 // exception that can occur from user error
                    throw new UserQueryException(ex.Message, ex);

                    msg = DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(ex);
                    if (!Lex.Contains(msg, "QueryLogged:"))                     // exception & query
                        QueryEngine.LogExceptionAndSerializedQuery(msg, Query);
                        ServicesLog.Message(msg);                      // just log exception
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message, ex);               // pass it up
Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute search & get hit list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveHitlist"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public bool ExecuteSearch(bool saveHitlist)
            int          voi, ti, fi;
            ResultsTable rt;
            ResultsField rfld;
            MetaTable    mt;
            MetaColumn   mc, mc2;

            if (saveHitlist)             // clear current list
                SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys = new List <string>();
                if (QueryManager.StatusBarManager != null)

            // Start thread running the query

            QueryResultsAvailable = false;
            QueryEngineException  = null;
            ThreadStart ts = new ThreadStart(ExecuteQueryThreadMethod);
            Thread      executeQueryThread = new Thread(ts);

            executeQueryThread.Name         = "ExecuteSearch";
            executeQueryThread.IsBackground = true;

            // Put up message for user

            if (((Query.ResultKeys != null && Query.UseResultKeys) ||             // already have list
                 ResultsFormat.SessionOutputFormContext) && !QueryEngineStatsForm.ShowStats)
                Progress.Show("Retrieving data...", UmlautMobius.String, true, "Cancelling retrieval...");

            else             // normal type search
                Progress.Show("Searching database - 0:00", UmlautMobius.String, true, "Cancelling search...");
                if (QueryEngineStatsForm.ShowStats)

            // Wait until results available or the query is cancelled by the user

            while (true)

                if (QueryResultsAvailable)                 // completed normally
                    ResultsKeys = QueryEngine.GetKeys();
                    if (saveHitlist)                     // store for session manager also (may differ but probably shouldn't)
                        SessionManager.CurrentResultKeys = ResultsKeys;

                else if (QueryEngineException != null)
                    if (QueryEngineException is QueryException ||
                        QueryEngineException is UserQueryException)
                        throw QueryEngineException;
                        throw new Exception(QueryEngineException.Message, QueryEngineException);

                else if (Progress.CancelRequested)
                    if (QueryEngine != null)
                        QueryEngine.Cancel(false);                                          // start the cancel
                    if (executeQueryThread != null)
                        executeQueryThread.Abort();                                                 // kill the local thread executing the query

            // If the query contains tables marked for remapping then build new expanded query & use going forward

            // modifiedQuery = QueryEngine.DoPresearchChecksAndTransforms(Query); // do any presearch transforms

            OriginalQuery = Query;
            if (TransformedQuery != null)
                //ResultsPages qrp = query.ResultsPages;
                //ResultsPages mqrp = modifiedQuery.ResultsPages; // use same set of results pages so view changes propagate back to original query
                Query.PresearchDerivedQuery = TransformedQuery; // link original query to the transformed query
                Query = TransformedQuery;                       // replace original query with this query

                Query.PresearchDerivedQuery = null;

            InitializeQueryManager(QueryManager, Query, QueryManager.ResultsFormat, QueryEngine, ResultsKeys);

            // Save the hit list as needed

            if (saveHitlist)
                CidList currentList = new CidList(ResultsKeys);

Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void OK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int    CnCount;
            string listName, listText, errMsg = "", tok, cidLo, cidHi, cid = null, cid2 = null;

            QueryColumn qc = Qc;
            MetaColumn  mc = qc.MetaColumn;
            MetaTable   mt = mc.MetaTable;

            // Perform validity check on form

            // Equality

            if (EQ.Checked)
                tok = Cid.Text.ToUpper();

                if (tok == "")
                    XtraMessageBox.Show("Single compound value is missing", UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);

                if (SS.I.ValidateCompoundIds)
                    if (tok == "")
                        errMsg = "You must supply a " + qc.ActiveLabel;

                    else if (RootTable.IsStructureDatabaseRootTable(mt.Root))
                        if (!CompoundId.IsValidForDatabase(tok, mt))
                            errMsg = tok + " is not a valid " + qc.ActiveLabel;

                            cid    = CompoundId.Normalize(tok, mt);
                            tok    = CompoundId.Format(cid, mt);
                            errMsg = "";

                        cid    = tok;                      // use as is
                        errMsg = "";                       // no error

                    if (errMsg != "")
                        MessageBoxMx.Show(errMsg, UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + tok;
                qc.Criteria        = mc.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(cid);
                CnCount            = 1;

// List

            else if (InList.Checked)
                listText = CidListString.Trim();
                if (listText == "")
                    XtraMessageBox.Show("The list must contain one or more items", UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
                    if (CidListDisplayIsEditable())

                qc.CriteriaDisplay = CidList.FormatAbbreviatedCidListForDisplay(qc, listText);

                qc.Criteria = mc.Name + " IN (" + listText + ")";

// Current list

            else if (TempList.Checked)
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = "In temporary list: " + TempListName.Text;
                qc.Criteria        = mc.Name + " IN LIST " + UserObject.TempFolderNameQualified + TempListName.Text;
                CnCount            = SessionManager.CurrentResultKeysCount;

// Saved list

            else if (SavedList.Checked)
                if (ListName.Text.Trim() == "")
                    XtraMessageBox.Show("A list name must be supplied", UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);

                string internalName = ResolveSavedListUo();
                if (internalName == null)

                qc.CriteriaDisplay = "In list: " + SavedListUo.Name;
                qc.Criteria        = mc.Name + " IN LIST " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes("CNLIST_" + SavedListUo.Id.ToString()); // quote list name
                CnCount            = 1;                                                                                  // may be larger

// Between

            else if (Between.Checked)
                cidLo = CidLo.Text.Trim();
                cidHi = CidHi.Text.Trim();
                if (cidLo == "" || cidHi == "")
                    XtraMessageBox.Show("Between value is missing", UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None);
                    if (CidLo.Text.Trim() == "")
                    else if (CidHi.Text.Trim() == "")

                if (SS.I.ValidateCompoundIds)
                    errMsg = "";
                    if (cidLo == "")
                        errMsg = "You must supply a " + qc.ActiveLabel;

                        if (!CompoundId.IsValidForDatabase(cidLo, mt))
                            errMsg = cidLo + " is not a valid " + qc.ActiveLabel;
                            cid   = CompoundId.Normalize(cidLo, mt);
                            cidLo = CompoundId.Format(cid);
                    if (errMsg != "")
                        MessageBoxMx.Show(errMsg, UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                    cid = cidLo;                  // use as is
                if (SS.I.ValidateCompoundIds)
                    errMsg = "";
                    if (cidHi == "")
                        errMsg = "You must supply a " + qc.ActiveLabel;

                        if (!CompoundId.IsValidForDatabase(cidHi, mt))
                            errMsg = cidHi + " is not a valid " + qc.ActiveLabel;
                            cid2  = CompoundId.Normalize(cidHi, mt);
                            cidHi = CompoundId.Format(cid2);

                    if (errMsg != "")
                        MessageBoxMx.Show(errMsg, UmlautMobius.String, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

                    cid2 = cidHi;                  // use as is
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = "Between " + cidLo + " and " + cidHi;
                qc.Criteria        = mc.Name + " BETWEEN " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(cid) + " AND " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(cid2);

            else if (None.Checked)
                qc.CriteriaDisplay = "";
                qc.Criteria        = "";
                CnCount            = 0;

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
//			this.Hide();
Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyze key criteria in token list.
        /// A saved list reference is returned as a set of key values &
        /// blanked out in the token list.
        /// Other key references are returned as a set of indexes in a list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="q"></param>
        /// <param name="Qtd"></param>
        /// <param name="tokens"></param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaPositions">Token indexes for key criteria column names</param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaSavedListKeys">Keys in any referenced saved list</param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaInListKeys">Keys in any literal list </param>
        /// <param name="keyCriteriaConstantPositions">Positions of key values for literal lists</param>

        public static void AnalyzeKeyCriteria(
            Query q,
            QueryTableData[] Qtd,
            List <MqlToken> tokens,
            out CompareOp keyCriteriaOp,
            out List <int> keyCriteriaPositions,
            out List <string> keyCriteriaSavedListKeys,
            out List <string> keyCriteriaInListKeys,
            out List <int> keyCriteriaConstantPositions)
            string tok1, tok2, tok3, tok4, tok5;

            keyCriteriaOp                = CompareOp.Unknown;
            keyCriteriaPositions         = new List <int>();
            keyCriteriaSavedListKeys     = null;
            keyCriteriaInListKeys        = null;
            keyCriteriaConstantPositions = new List <int>();

            for (int tki = 0; tki < tokens.Count; tki++)
                QueryColumn qc = tokens[tki].Qc;
                if (qc == null)
                if (!qc.IsKey)

                keyCriteriaPositions.Add(tki);                 // remember position of key col reference

                if (tokens.Count < tki + 2)
                    throw new QueryException("Incomplete compound id criteria at end of statement");

                bool notLogic = false;

                tok1 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 1);

                if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "Not"))
                    notLogic = true;
                    if (tokens.Count < tki + 2)
                        throw new QueryException("Incomplete compound id criteria at end of statement");
                    tok1 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 1);

                tok2 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 2);
                tok3 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 3);
                tok4 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 4);
                tok5 = GetTokenListString(tokens, tki + 5);

                // Saved List

                if (tokens.Count > tki + 3 && Lex.Eq(tok1, "In") &&
                    Lex.Eq(tok2, "List"))
                {                 // have a saved list
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.InList;

                    if (keyCriteriaSavedListKeys != null)                     // already have it?
                        throw new UserQueryException("Only one condition is allowed for the " + qc.ActiveLabel + " field");

                    if (notLogic)                     // not currently allowed for saved lists
                        throw new UserQueryException("\"Not\" logic is not allowed for " + qc.ActiveLabel + " saved lists");

                    string     listName = tokens[tki + 3].Tok.Text;
                    UserObject uo       = ResolveCidListReference(listName);
                    if (uo == null)
                        throw new UserQueryException("Key list " + listName + " not found");
                    listName = uo.InternalName;
                    CidList keyCriteriaSavedList = CidListDao.Read(listName, QueryEngine.GetRootTable(q));
                    if (keyCriteriaSavedList == null)
                        throw new UserQueryException("Key list " + listName + " not found");
                    keyCriteriaSavedListKeys = keyCriteriaSavedList.ToStringList();
                    tokens[tki].Qc           = null;
                    tokens[tki].Tok.Text     = "";
                    for (int tki2 = tki + 1; tki2 <= tki + 3; tki2++)
                        tokens[tki2].Tok.Text = "";
                    if (!MqlUtil.DisableAdjacentAndLogic(tokens, tki, tki + 3))
                        throw new UserQueryException("Only \"And\" logic is allowed with " +
                                                     qc.ActiveLabel + " saved lists");

                    int ti = q.GetQueryTableIndexByAlias(qc.QueryTable.Alias);
                    keyCriteriaPositions.RemoveAt(keyCriteriaPositions.Count - 1);

                // Explicit list of allowed keys

                else if (tokens.Count > tki + 2 && Lex.Eq(tok1, "In") &&
                         Lex.Eq(tok2, "("))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.In;

                    int listKeyCount = 0;                     // count keys in this list
                    for (int tki2 = tki + 3; tki2 < tokens.Count; tki2++)
                        tok1 = tokens[tki2].Tok.Text;
                        if (tok1 == ",")
                        else if (tok1 == ")")
                        if (keyCriteriaInListKeys == null)
                            keyCriteriaInListKeys = new List <string>();

                        MetaTable rootTable = QueryEngine.GetRootTable(q);
                        string    normKey   = CompoundId.Normalize(tok1, rootTable);
                        if (normKey != null && normKey != "")

                    if (listKeyCount == 0)
                        throw new UserQueryException("The query contains an invalid empty list of " + qc.ActiveLabel + "s");

                // Between a range of key values

                else if (tokens.Count > tki + 4 && Lex.Eq(tok1, "Between") &&
                         Lex.Eq(tok3, "And"))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.Between;

                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 2);
                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 4);

                // Single key value, treat like a list with a single value

                else if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "="))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.Eq;

                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 2);
                    if (keyCriteriaInListKeys == null)
                        keyCriteriaInListKeys = new List <string>();

                    MetaTable rootTable = QueryEngine.GetRootTable(q);
                    string    normKey   = CompoundId.Normalize(tok2, rootTable);
                    if (Lex.IsDefined(normKey))

                // Other binary operator

                else if (MqlUtil.IsBasicComparisonOperator(tok1))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOpString.ToCompareOp(tok1);
                    keyCriteriaConstantPositions.Add(tki + 2);

                // Unary operator "is null"

                else if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "Is") && Lex.Eq(tok2, "Null"))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.IsNull;

                // Unary operator "is not null"

                else if (Lex.Eq(tok1, "Is") && Lex.Eq(tok2, "Not") && Lex.Eq(tok3, "Null"))
                    keyCriteriaOp = CompareOp.IsNotNull;

                    throw new QueryException("Unrecognized compound id condition " + tok1);
