Ejemplo n.º 1
        void AddSlopedTile(Point3D p, ChunkList chunks, int row, int col, int color_index)
            double x2  = p.X + Tile.SIZE;
            double z2  = p.Z + Tile.SIZE;
            int    y11 = chunks.GetTileAt(row, col).Height;
            int    y21 = chunks.GetTileAt(row + 1, col).Height;

            int y12 = y11;
            int y22 = y21;

            if (col < TileRow.NUM_COLUMNS - 1)
                y12 = chunks.GetTileAt(row, col + 1).Height;
                y22 = chunks.GetTileAt(row + 1, col + 1).Height;

            // adjust slope color to reflect tile height
            int ymax = Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Max(Math.Abs(y11), Math.Abs(y12)), Math.Abs(y21)), Math.Abs(y22));

            color_index = (int)(color_index + Math.Abs(ymax) / 84 + 1.5);

            // limit "darkest" color to be base color + intensity 1
            int min_color = (color_index & 0xF8) + 1;

            color_index = Math.Max(color_index, min_color);

                new Point3D(p.X, y11, p.Z),
                new Point3D(x2, y12, p.Z),
                new Point3D(x2, y22, z2),
                new Point3D(p.X, y21, z2),
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void BuildTile3D(ChunkList chunks, int row, int col, Point3D p)
            Tile tile = chunks.GetTileAt(row, col);

            int color = 0;

            switch (tile.Type)
            case Tile.TYPE.EMPTY_0: return;

            case Tile.TYPE.BLUE_1: color = 0x37; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.BLUE_JEWEL_2: color = 0x37; AddMathboxObject(Mathbox.Mesh.JEWEL, p + new Vector3D(Tile.SIZE / 2, -p.Y - Tile.SIZE, Tile.SIZE / 2)); break;

            case Tile.TYPE.UP_DOWN_3: color = 0x17; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.BRIDGE_4: color = 0x39; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.RED_5: color = 0x0F; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.BLACK_6: return;

            case Tile.TYPE.KILL_EYE_7: color = 0x0F; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.BLUE_SLOPE_8: AddSlopedTile(p, chunks, row, col, 0x30); return;

            case Tile.TYPE.DESTRUCTABLE_9: color = 0x34; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.GREEN_10: color = 0x25; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.BLUE_11: color = 0x37; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.BLUE_12: color = 0x37; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.RED_SLOPE_13: AddSlopedTile(p, chunks, row, col, 0x8); return;

            case Tile.TYPE.YELLOW_14: color = 0x1F; break;

            case Tile.TYPE.ILLEGAL_15: return;

            AddFlatTile(chunks, row, col, p, tile);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void AddFlatTile(ChunkList chunks, int row, int col, Point3D p, Tile tile)
            p.Y = tile.Height;
            double bottom = Tile.SIZE * 2;

            Point3D p2 = p + new Vector3D(Tile.SIZE, 0, 0);
            Point3D p3 = p2 + new Vector3D(0, 0, Tile.SIZE);
            Point3D p4 = p + new Vector3D(0, 0, Tile.SIZE);
            Point3D p5 = new Point3D(p.X, bottom, p.Z);
            Point3D p6 = p5 + new Vector3D(Tile.SIZE, 0, 0);
            Point3D p7 = p6 + new Vector3D(0, 0, Tile.SIZE);
            Point3D p8 = p5 + new Vector3D(0, 0, Tile.SIZE);

            // limit "darkest" color to be base color + intensity 1
            int color_index = tile.ColorIndex;
            int min_color   = (color_index & 0xF8) + 1;

            // top
            Material m = Palette.DiffuseMaterial[Math.Max(color_index, min_color)];

            AddRectangle(p, p2, p3, p4, m);

            // left/right
            //            m = Palette.DiffuseMaterial[Math.Max(color_index - 2, min_color)];

            bool left = true;

            if (col > 0)
                Tile t = chunks.GetTileAt(row, col - 1);
                if (t.IsVisible && !t.IsSloped && t.Height <= p.Y)
                    left = false;
            if (left)
                AddRectangle(p, p4, p8, p5, m);

            bool right = true;

            if (col < 15)
                Tile t = chunks.GetTileAt(row, col + 1);
                if (t.IsVisible && !t.IsSloped && t.Height <= p.Y)
                    right = false;
            if (right)
                AddRectangle(p2, p6, p7, p3, m);

            // front / back
            //            m = Palette.DiffuseMaterial[Math.Max(color_index - 4, min_color)];
            bool front = true;

            if (row < chunks.NumRows - 1)
                Tile t = chunks.GetTileAt(row + 1, col);
                if (t.IsVisible && !t.IsSloped && t.Height <= p.Y)
                    front = false;
            if (front)
                AddRectangle(p3, p4, p8, p7, m);
            bool back = true;

            if (row > 0)
                Tile t = chunks.GetTileAt(row - 1, col);
                if (t.IsVisible && !t.IsSloped && t.Height <= p.Y)
                    back = false;
            if (back)
                AddRectangle(p, p5, p6, p2, m);

            // bottom
            //m = Palette.DiffuseMaterial[Math.Max(color_index - 6, min_color)];
            AddRectangle(p5, p8, p7, p6, m);