public PieceMove(ChessNode start, ChessNode end) { this.board = start.board; this.start = start.GetCord(); this.end = end.GetCord(); playerColor = start.piece.color; }
public ChessPiece(ChessNode node, PieceType type, PlayerColor player, bool moved = false) { this.node = node; this.type = type; this.color = player; this.moved = moved; }
public ChessPiece(ChessPiece piece) { this.node = piece.node; this.type = piece.type; this.color = piece.color; this.moved = piece.moved; }
public ComplexMove(ChessNode start, ChessNode end, ChessNode secondaryStart, ChessNode secondaryEnd, bool valid) : base(start, end) { this.secondaryEnd = secondaryEnd.GetCord(); this.secondaryStart = secondaryStart.GetCord(); this.valid = true; this.validated = true; }
public static bool CheckOverlap(List <PieceMove> moves, ChessNode node) { foreach (var move in moves) { if (move.CheckOverlap(node)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool ReplaceWithAnother(ChessNode node) { if (piece != null) { board.pieces[piece.color].Remove(piece); } piece = node.piece; piece.node = this; node.piece = null; return(true); }
public int AddMove(List <PieceMove> list, int offset_x, int offset_y) { // Add the given move into the list, // if the node exist, and it doesnt contain an ally on it. ( we dont wanna eat an ally ) ChessNode current = node.GetNodeFrom(offset_x, offset_y); if (current == null) { return(0); } //Debug.Log (current.x + " , " + current.y + " ,,," + offset_x + " , " + offset_y); if (current != node && !IsAlly(current.piece)) { list.Add(new PieceMove(node, current)); return(current.piece == null ? 1 : -1); } return(0); }
public ChessBoard() { // Create a plain new Board pieces.Add(white, new List <ChessPiece> ()); pieces.Add(black, new List <ChessPiece> ()); for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { nodes[x, y] = new ChessNode(this, x, y); } } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { nodes[i, 6].InitializePiece(PieceType.Pawn, black, this); nodes[i, 1].InitializePiece(PieceType.Pawn, white, this); } initSide(7, black); initSide(0, white); }
public override Action ChooseMove() { elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup; while(true){ computerTeam.Sort(); ChessNode act = Search(oldRoot, d); if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - elapsedTime > maxTime){ break; } d++; cResult = FindNextAction(act); oldRoot = new ChessNode(); } oldRoot = new ChessNode(); d = 2; return cResult; }
public bool IsChecked(PlayerColor color) { var enemyColor = color == PlayerColor.white ? : PlayerColor.white; ChessNode node = kings[color].node; foreach (PieceType type in System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(PieceType))) { if (type == PieceType.none) { continue; } var piece = new ChessPiece(node, type, color, true); foreach (var move in piece.GetMoves()) { var current = GetPieceAt(move.end.x, move.end.y); if (current != null && current.type == piece.type && current.color == enemyColor) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public ChessBoard(Dictionary <PlayerColor, List <ChessPiece> > copy, PlayerColor nextTurn) { // Generate a copy of a board this.currentPlayer = nextTurn; this.pieces.Add(white, new List <ChessPiece> ()); this.pieces.Add(black, new List <ChessPiece> ()); for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++) { nodes[x, y] = new ChessNode(this, x, y); } } foreach (var piece in copy[black]) { nodes[piece.node.x, piece.node.y].InitializePiece(piece.type, piece.color, this, piece.moved); } foreach (var piece in copy[white]) { nodes[piece.node.x, piece.node.y].InitializePiece(piece.type, piece.color, this, piece.moved); } }
Action FindNextAction(ChessNode node) { while(node.Father().Father() != null){ node = (ChessNode)node.Father(); } return node.GetData(); }
public bool Overlaps(ChessNode node) { return(node.x == x && node.y == y); }
/// <summary> /// Abstract function used to get all the possible children of the node /// </summary> /// <returns>All child nodes</returns> public override List<MinMaxNode> getChildren() { //System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stp = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); //stp.Start(); ChessPiece playerMax = TurnManager.Singleton.CurrentTurn.PlayerColor; ChessPiece playerMin = playerMax == ChessPiece.WHITE ? ChessPiece.BLACK : ChessPiece.WHITE; ChessPiece color = ChessPiece.NONE; color = NodeType == global::NodeType.MAX ? playerMax : playerMin; List<BoardStatus> childrenBoards = m_board.getAllBoardMovements(color); List<MinMaxNode> res = new List<MinMaxNode>(); ChessNode node = null; for (int i = 0; i < childrenBoards.Count; ++i) { node = new ChessNode(childrenBoards[i], Depth - 1, this, NodeType == global::NodeType.MIN ? global::NodeType.MAX : global::NodeType.MIN); res.Add(node); } //stp.Stop(); //DataTable data = StorageMgr.Blackboard.Get<DataTable>("Tiempos"); //DataTable depthData = (DataTable)data[Depth]; //depthData.Add(stp.ElapsedMilliseconds); return res; }
/// <summary> /// Node constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="board">Board status</param> /// <param name="depth">Depth from the origin node</param> /// <param name="parentNode">Parent node</param> /// <param name="nodeType">Node type</param> public ChessNode(BoardStatus board, int depth, ChessNode parentNode, NodeType nodeType) : base(depth, parentNode, nodeType) { m_board = board; }
private ChessNode Min(ChessNode a, ChessNode b) { if(a==null) return b; if(b==null) return a; return (a.Utility()<=b.Utility())?a:b; }
public bool CheckOverlap(ChessNode node) { return(end.Overlaps(node)); }
ChessNode MinSearch(ChessNode node, int level, int alpha, int beta) { if(node.GetData() != null){ if(_board.TerminalState(node.GetData())){ node.SetUtility(node.Utility() + level); return node; } else if(level == 1){ node.SetUtility(Util () - level); return node; } } if(Time.realtimeSinceStartup - elapsedTime > maxTime){ return node; } int v = int.MaxValue; ChessNode result = null; foreach(Action cAction in GetPossibleMove(1)){ ChessNode cNode = new ChessNode(node, cAction); _board.ApplyAction(cAction); result = Min (result, MaxSearch(cNode, level-1,alpha, beta)); _board.RevertAction(cAction); if(result != null) v = result.Utility(); beta = Math.Min(beta, v); if(beta <= alpha){ return result; } } return result; }
public bool Overlaps(ChessNode node) { return(this.x == node.x && this.y == node.y); }
/// <summary> /// Class constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="depth">Depth from the origin node</param> /// <param name="parentNode">Parent node</param> /// <param name="nodeType">Node type</param> public MinMaxNode(int depth, ChessNode parentNode, NodeType nodeType) { m_Depth = depth; m_parent = parentNode; m_NodeType = nodeType; }
ChessNode Search(ChessNode root, int level) { return MaxSearch(root, level,int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); }
public void SetNode(ChessNode node) { this.node = node; UpdateImage(); move = null; }