Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Refresh()
            this.Turn = $"{this.Game.Turn} ({this.Game.TurnColour})";
            this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.Turn);

            this.State = this.Game.Board.State.ToString();
            this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.State);

            this.Move = this.Game.Board.ExecutingMove;
            this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.Move);

            int i = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < 8; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 8; x++)
                    Square           square = this.Squares[i++];
                    ChessBoardSquare sq     = this.Game.Board[x, y];
                    square.Symbol = Convert.ToString(sq.OccupiedBy?.Symbol);

                    square.BorderColour = sq.IsUnderAttack ? Brushes.Red : Brushes.Transparent;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void PushEPawn()
            var move = new ChessMove {
                StartSquare = ChessBoardSquare.GetAN(5, 2),
                EndSquare   = ChessBoardSquare.GetAN(5, 4),
                Piece       = ChessPiece.WhitePawn

            Assert.AreEqual("Pe2-e4", move.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public bool Equals(ChessBoardSquare p)
        // If parameter is null return false:
        if ((object)p == null)
            return false;

        // Return true if the fields match:
        return (position == p.position) && ( piece == p.piece );
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void PromotionCaptureCheckmate()
            var move = new ChessMove
                StartSquare      = ChessBoardSquare.GetAN(1, 7),
                EndSquare        = ChessBoardSquare.GetAN(2, 8),
                WasPieceCaptured = true,
                PawnPromotedTo   = PromotionChessPiece.Queen,
                IsCheckmateMove  = true,
                Piece            = ChessPiece.WhitePawn

            Assert.AreEqual("Pa7xb8=q#", move.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public static bool GetBishopMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        // left-up - diagonal
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_LeftUp_Diagonal );
        // left-down - diagonal
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_LeftDown_Diagonal );
        // right-up - diagonal
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_RightUp_Diagonal );
        // right-down - diagonal
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_RightDown_Diagonal );

        if( listRetBoardPos.Count > 0 )
            return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public static bool GetKnightMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        // left-up - steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Steep_LeftUp_Leap );
        // left-down - steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Steep_LeftDown_Leap );
        // right-up - steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Steep_RightUp_Leap );
        // right-down - steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Steep_RightDown_Leap );

        // left-up - non-steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_NonSteep_LeftUp_Leap );
        // left-down - on-steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_NonSteep_LeftDown_Leap );
        // right-up - on-steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_NonSteep_RightUp_Leap );
        // right-down - on-steep diagonal
        GetLeapMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_NonSteep_RightDown_Leap );

        if( listRetBoardPos.Count > 0 )
            return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    // AI Move
    public bool AIMoveTo( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, ChessBoardSquare trgSquare )
        if( CurrTurn != UserPlayerSide ) {

            //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "AIMoveTo() - current turn = " + CurrTurn );
            if( srcSquare.IsBlank() == false ) {

                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "AIMoveTo() - no blank" );

                List<ChessMoveManager.sMove> listAiMovable = new List<ChessMoveManager.sMove>();
                bool bMoveList = ChessMoveManager.GetValidateMoveList( this, srcSquare, listAiMovable );
                if( bMoveList ) {
                    //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "AIMoveTo() - no blank" + " " + bMoveList );
                    ChessMoveManager.sMove aIMove = new ChessMoveManager.sMove();
                    if( IsValidAIMove( trgSquare, listAiMovable, aIMove ) ) {

                        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "AIMoveTo() - IsValidAIMove()" );

                        UpdateMove( aIMove );

                        return true;

        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "AIMoveTo() - !!!!" );

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public void UpdateCastlingState( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare )
        // disable castling state
        switch( srcSquare.piece.piecePlayerType )
            case PiecePlayerType.eWhite_King:
                currCastlingState.CastlingWKSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;
                currCastlingState.CastlingWQSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;

            case PiecePlayerType.eWhite_LookLeft:
                currCastlingState.CastlingWQSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;

            case PiecePlayerType.eWhite_LookRight:
                currCastlingState.CastlingWKSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;

            case PiecePlayerType.eBlack_King:
                currCastlingState.CastlingBKSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;
                currCastlingState.CastlingBQSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;

            case PiecePlayerType.eBlack_LookLeft:
                currCastlingState.CastlingBQSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;

            case PiecePlayerType.eBlack_LookRight:
                currCastlingState.CastlingBKSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Disable_State;
Ejemplo n.º 9
    // interface
    public void Init( BattleChessMain chessMain, Transform[] aPieceRef, ParticleSystem selectPSystemRef, ParticleSystem movablePSystemRef )
        // etc property
        CurrTurn = PlayerSide.e_White;
        UserPlayerSide = PlayerSide.e_White;
        ThinkingTime = 18000;
        nCurrHalfMove = 0;
        nCurrTotalMove = 0;

        Ready = false;

        // move
        currMove = new ChessMoveManager.sMove();
        currCastlingState = new ChessCastling() {

            CastlingWKSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State,
            CastlingWQSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State,
            CastlingBKSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State,
            CastlingBQSide = CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State

        listCurrMovable = new List<ChessMoveManager.sMove>();

        // init board
        // piece list
        listPiece = new List<ChessPiece>();
        aBoardSquare = new ChessBoardSquare[ChessData.nNumPile,ChessData.nNumRank];

        ChessPiece currPiece = null;
        for( int i=0; i<ChessData.nNumPile; i++ ){
            for( int j=0; j<ChessData.nNumRank; j++ ){

                // movable square effect Particle System
                ParticleSystem movablePiecePSystem = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( movablePSystemRef, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity ) as ParticleSystem;

                if( ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j] == PiecePlayerType.eNone_Piece ) {

                    aBoardSquare[i,j] = new ChessBoardSquare( null, movablePiecePSystem, i, j );
                    Vector3 currPos = new Vector3( j - 3.5f, 0.0f, i - 3.5f );

                    Transform currTransform = aPieceRef[(int)ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j]];
                    Transform currPieceObject = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( currTransform, currPos, currTransform.rotation ) as Transform;

                    if( i == 0 || i == 1 ) {

                        currPiece = new ChessPiece( currPieceObject.gameObject, PlayerSide.e_White,	ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j] );
                        listPiece.Add( currPiece );

                        aBoardSquare[i,j] = new ChessBoardSquare( currPiece, movablePiecePSystem, i, j );
                    else if( i == 6 || i == 7 ) {

                        currPiece = new ChessPiece( currPieceObject.gameObject, PlayerSide.e_Black,	ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j] );
                        listPiece.Add( currPiece );

                        aBoardSquare[i,j] = new ChessBoardSquare( currPiece, movablePiecePSystem, i, j );

        // piece coloar
        SetWhiteSidePieceColor( Color.white );
        SetBlackSidePieceColor( Color.white );

        // board material
        if( chessMain.renderer.materials.Length == 2 ) {

            matBoard1 = chessMain.renderer.materials[0];
            matBoard2 = chessMain.renderer.materials[1];

            Color rgbaWhiteBoard, rgbaBlackBoard;
            rgbaWhiteBoard = new Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
            rgbaBlackBoard = new Color( 0.039f, 0.34f, 0.22f, 1.0f );

            SetWhiteSideBoardColor( rgbaWhiteBoard );
            SetBlackSideBoardColor( rgbaBlackBoard );

        // particle effect
        selectSquare = null;
        selectPiecePSystem = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( selectPSystemRef, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity ) as ParticleSystem;
        public void IsValidSquare_StaticMethod(int file, int rank, string expectedAN)
            var anResult = ChessBoardSquare.GetAN(file, rank);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAN, anResult);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public Form1()
            isWhitesTurn = true;
            isKingInCheck = false;
            currentHighlight = null;
            possiblePositions = new List<Position>();
            pieceMap = new Dictionary<Position, ChessPiece>();
            statusLabel = new ToolStripLabel();
            info = null;
            lastMove = null;    // a reference for the last Position.

            //adding status label to the status strip, cant be added via the designer because this is a static object.

            tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount = 8;
            tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnCount = 8;
            for (int i = 0; i < tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnCount; j++)
                    squares[i, j] = new ChessBoardSquare(i, j);

            // defining the resource dictionary
            resourceMap = new Dictionary<ChessPiece, Icon>();
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.WhiteRook, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.White_Rook);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.WhiteHorse, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.White_Horse);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.WhiteBishop, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.White_Bishop);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.WhiteKing, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.White_King);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.WhiteQueen, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.White_Queen);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.WhitePawn, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.White_Pawn);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.BlackRook, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.Black_Rook);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.BlackHorse, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.Black_Horse);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.BlackBishop, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.Black_Bishop);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.BlackKing, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.Black_King);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.BlackQueen, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.Black_Queen);
            resourceMap.Add(ChessPiece.BlackPawn, WindowsFormsApplication2.Properties.Resources.Black_Pawn);

            // setting initial positions for pieces
            squares[0, 0].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteRook); 
            squares[0, 1].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteHorse); 
            squares[0, 2].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteBishop);
            squares[0, 3].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteKing);
            squares[0, 4].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteQueen);
            squares[0, 5].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteBishop);
            squares[0, 6].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteHorse);
            squares[0, 7].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhiteRook);

            squares[7, 0].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackRook);
            squares[7, 1].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackHorse);
            squares[7, 2].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackBishop);
            squares[7, 3].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackKing);
            squares[7, 4].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackQueen);
            squares[7, 5].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackBishop);
            squares[7, 6].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackHorse);
            squares[7, 7].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackRook);

            for (int i = 0; i < tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnCount; i++)
                    squares[1, i].setPiece(ChessPiece.WhitePawn);
                    squares[6, i].setPiece(ChessPiece.BlackPawn);

            setStatus("White's Move now");
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Set( sMove move )
            this.moveType = move.moveType;

            this.trgSquare = move.trgSquare;
            this.srcSquare = move.srcSquare;
            this.capturedSquare = move.capturedSquare;
Ejemplo n.º 13
    public static bool GetKingMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        ChessPosition srcPos = selSquare.position;
        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;

        ChessPosition movePos = new ChessPosition(srcPos.pos);

        // all(radial) direction one move
        int nTempRank, nTempPile;

        for( int nMovePile=-1; nMovePile<=1; nMovePile++ ) {
            for( int nMoveRank=-1; nMoveRank<=1; nMoveRank++ ) {

                nTempRank = nMoveRank;
                nTempPile = nMovePile;

                movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );
                bool bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
                if( bValidMove ) {

                    ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
                    // normal move
                    if( trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                        sMove move = new sMove();
                        // normal move
                        move.moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move;

                        move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                        move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                        listRetBoardPos.Add( move );
                    // capture move
                    else if( trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) ) {

                        sMove move = new sMove();
                        // normal move
                        move.moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move;

                        move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                        move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                        listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // castling move
        // king side castling
        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

        nTempRank = 2;
        nTempPile = 0;

        bool bValidCastlingMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidCastlingMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            if(	trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                // position check castling
                bool bCalstling = false;
                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {

                    if( board.currCastlingState.CastlingWKSide == CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State ) {
                        bCalstling = true;
                else {
                    if( board.currCastlingState.CastlingBKSide == CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State ) {
                        bCalstling = true;

                if( bCalstling ) {

                    // check look square blank
                    nTempRank = -1;
                    nTempPile = 0;

                    ChessPosition moveLookPos = new ChessPosition(movePos.pos);

                    bValidCastlingMove = moveLookPos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
                    if( bValidCastlingMove ) {

                        ChessBoardSquare lookTrgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[moveLookPos.nPile, moveLookPos.nRank];
                        if(	lookTrgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                            sMove move = new sMove();

                            MoveType castlingSideType = srcPlayerSide ==
                                PlayerSide.e_White ? MoveType.eCastling_White_KingSide_Move : MoveType.eCastling_Black_KingSide_Move;
                            move.moveType = MoveType.eCastling_Move | castlingSideType;

                            move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                            move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                            listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // queen side castling
        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

        nTempRank = -2;
        nTempPile = 0;

        bValidCastlingMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidCastlingMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            if(	trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                // position check castling
                bool bCalstling = false;
                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {

                    if( board.currCastlingState.CastlingWQSide == CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State ) {
                        bCalstling = true;
                else {
                    if( board.currCastlingState.CastlingBQSide == CastlingState.eCastling_Enable_State ) {
                        bCalstling = true;

                if( bCalstling ) {

                    // check look square blank
                    nTempRank = 1;
                    nTempPile = 0;

                    ChessPosition moveLookPos = new ChessPosition(movePos.pos);
                    bValidCastlingMove = moveLookPos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
                    if( bValidCastlingMove ) {

                        ChessBoardSquare lookTrgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[moveLookPos.nPile, moveLookPos.nRank];
                        if(	lookTrgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                            sMove move = new sMove();

                            MoveType castlingSideType = srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ?
                                MoveType.eCastling_White_QueenSide_Move : MoveType.eCastling_Black_QueenSide_Move;
                            move.moveType = MoveType.eCastling_Move | castlingSideType;

                            move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                            move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                            listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
    // stright line move
    public static bool GetStraightMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType moveDirection )
        ChessPosition srcPos = selSquare.position;
        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;

        ChessPosition movePos = new ChessPosition(srcPos.pos);

        // all(radial) direction one move
        int nTempRank, nTempPile;

        int nIterCount;
        nIterCount = GetNumDirectionIterCount( movePos.nRank, movePos.nPile, moveDirection );
        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetStraightMoveList() - nIterCount = " + nIterCount + " movePos.nRank, movePos.nPile " + movePos.nRank + " " + movePos.nPile );

        for( int nCurrIter=1; nCurrIter<=nIterCount; nCurrIter++ ) {

            nTempRank = 0;
            nTempPile = 0;

            GetNextDirectionRankPile( ref nTempRank, ref nTempPile, moveDirection, nCurrIter );
            //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetStraightMoveList() - nTempRank, nTempPile " + nTempRank + " " + nTempPile );

            movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );
            bool bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
            if( bValidMove ) {

                UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetStraightMoveList() - bValidMove - nTempRank, nTempPile " + nTempRank + " " + nTempPile );

                ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
                // normal move
                if( trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                    sMove move = new sMove();

                    // normal move
                    move.moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move;

                    move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                    move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                    listRetBoardPos.Add( move );
                // capture move
                else if( trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) ) {

                    sMove move = new sMove();

                    // normal move
                    move.moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move;

                    move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                    move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                    listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

                    return true;
                // our piece
                else {

                    if( nCurrIter > 1 )
                        return true;
                    return false;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    public static bool GetPawnMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetPawnMoveList - start" + " " + piece.position + " " + piece.playerSide );

        ChessPosition srcPos = selSquare.position;
        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;

        ChessPosition movePos = new ChessPosition(srcPos.pos);
        // pure move
        // pure move - one pile move
        int nTempRank, nTempPile;
        nTempRank = 0;
        nTempPile = srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ? 1 : -1;

        bool bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            // check already existing piece
            if( trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                // normal move
                sMove move = new sMove();
                move.moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;
                // promote move
                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {
                    if( movePos.IsTopBoundary() )
                        move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;
                else {

                    if( movePos.IsBottomBoundary() )
                        move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;

                move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // pure move - two pile move
        if( ( srcPos.nPile == 1 && srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) ||
            ( srcPos.nPile == 6 && srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_Black ) ) {

            movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

            nTempRank = 0;
            nTempPile = srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ? 2 : -2;

            bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
            if( bValidMove ) {

                ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
                if(	trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                    sMove move = new sMove();
                    move.moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Two_Move ;

                    move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                    move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                    // en passant target move check
                    move.enPassantTargetSquare.Rank = movePos.nRank;
                    move.enPassantTargetSquare.Pile = movePos.nPile;
                    move.enPassantTargetSquare.Available = true;

                    listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // capture move
        // left diagonal capture
        // check left boundary
        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

        nTempRank = -1;
        nTempPile = srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ? 1 : -1;

        bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            if(	trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) ) {

                sMove move = new sMove();
                // capture move
                move.moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;

                // promote move
                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {

                    if( movePos.IsTopBoundary() )
                        move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;
                else {

                    if( movePos.IsBottomBoundary() )
                        move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;

                move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // right diagonal capture
        // check right boundary
        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

        nTempRank = 1;
        nTempPile = srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ? 1 : -1;

        bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            if(	trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) ) {

                sMove move = new sMove();
                // capture move
                move.moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;

                // promote move
                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {

                    if( movePos.IsTopBoundary() )
                        move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;
                else {

                    if( movePos.IsBottomBoundary() )
                        move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;

                move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // en-passant move
        // left en passant move check
        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

        nTempRank = -1;
        nTempPile = 0;

        bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            if(	trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) &&
                trgSquare.piece.bEnPassantCapture ) {

                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White )
                    bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( 0, 1 );
                    bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( 0, -1 );

                if( bValidMove ) {

                    ChessBoardSquare finalTrgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
                    if(	finalTrgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                        sMove move = new sMove();
                        // capture move
                        move.moveType = MoveType.eEnPassan_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;

                        move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                        move.trgSquare = finalTrgSquare;

                        listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        // right en passant move check
        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );

        nTempRank = 1;
        nTempPile = 0;

        bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            if(	trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) &&
                trgSquare.piece.bEnPassantCapture ) {

                if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White )
                    bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( 0, 1 );
                    bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( 0, -1 );

                if( bValidMove ) {

                    ChessBoardSquare finalTrgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
                    if(	finalTrgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                        sMove move = new sMove();
                        // capture move
                        move.moveType = MoveType.eEnPassan_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;

                        move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                        move.trgSquare = finalTrgSquare;

                        listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

        return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
    public static bool GetLookMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        // up
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Up );
        // down
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Down );
        // left
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Left );
        // right
        GetStraightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType.eDirection_Move_Right );

        if( listRetBoardPos.Count > 0 )
            return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    // leap move
    public static bool GetLeapMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos, MoveDirectionType moveDirection )
        ChessPosition srcPos = selSquare.position;
        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;

        ChessPosition movePos = new ChessPosition(srcPos.pos);

        // all(radial) direction one move
        int nTempRank = 0, nTempPile = 0;

        GetNextDirectionRankPile( ref nTempRank, ref nTempPile, moveDirection, 0 );

        movePos.SetPosition( srcPos );
        bool bValidMove = movePos.MovePosition( nTempRank, nTempPile );
        if( bValidMove ) {

            ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[movePos.nPile, movePos.nRank];
            // normal move
            if( trgSquare.IsBlank() ) {

                sMove move = new sMove();

                // normal move
                move.moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move;

                move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

                return true;
            // capture move
            else if( trgSquare.IsEnemy( srcPlayerSide ) ) {

                sMove move = new sMove();

                // normal move
                move.moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move;

                move.srcSquare = selSquare;
                move.trgSquare = trgSquare;

                listRetBoardPos.Add( move );

                return true;
            // our piece
            else {

                return false;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
    // validate move position
    public static bool GetValidateMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        bool bRet = false;

        if( selSquare == null )
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetValidateMoveList - selSquare - selSquare == null" );
            return bRet;

        if( selSquare.IsBlank() )
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetValidateMoveList - selSquare - IsBlank()" );
            return bRet;

        if( selSquare.IsInvalidPos() )
            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetValidateMoveList - selSquare - IsInvalidPos()" );
            return bRet;

        switch( selSquare.piece.pieceType ) {

            case PieceType.e_King:
                bRet = GetKingMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

            case PieceType.e_Queen:
                bRet = GetQueenMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

            case PieceType.e_Rook:
                bRet = GetRookMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

            case PieceType.e_Bishop:
                bRet = GetBishopMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

            case PieceType.e_Knight:
                bRet = GetKnightMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

            case PieceType.e_Pawn:
                bRet = GetPawnMoveList( board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );


        return bRet;
Ejemplo n.º 19
    public void CaptureSquare( ChessBoardSquare capturedSquare )
        //if( capturedSquare.IsBlank() )
        //	UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "ChessBoard::CaptureSquare() - File : " + capturedSquare.position.nPile + "   Rank : " + capturedSquare.position.nRank );

        listLivePiece.Remove( capturedSquare.piece );
        listCapturedPiece.Add( capturedSquare.piece );

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void Clear()
            this.moveType = MoveType.eNone_Move;

            this.trgSquare = null;
            this.srcSquare = null;
            this.capturedSquare = null;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    // interface
    public void Init( BattleChessMain chessMain, Transform[] aPieceRef, ParticleSystem selectPSystemRef, ParticleSystem movablePSystemRef )
        battleChessMain = chessMain;

        // etc property
        CurrTurn = PlayerSide.e_White;
        UserPlayerSide = PlayerSide.e_White;
        ThinkingTime = 18000;
        nCurrHalfMove = 0;
        nCurrTotalMove = 0;

        Ready = false;

        IsWhiteCallCheck = false;
        IsBlackCallCheck = false;

        IsWhiteInCheckMate = false;
        IsBlackInCheckMate = false;

        // move
        currWhiteMove = new ChessMover.sMove();
        currBlackMove = new ChessMover.sMove();

        listWhiteMoveHistory = new List<ChessMover.sMove>();
        listBlackMoveHistory = new List<ChessMover.sMove>();

        listCurrMovable = new List<ChessMover.sMove>();

        listCapturedPiece = new List<ChessPiece>();

        // init board

        // piece list
        listAllPiece = new List<ChessPiece>();
        listLivePiece = new List<ChessPiece>();
        aBoardSquare = new ChessBoardSquare[ChessData.nNumPile,ChessData.nNumRank];

        ChessPiece currPiece = null;
        for( int i=0; i<ChessData.nNumPile; i++ ){
            for( int j=0; j<ChessData.nNumRank; j++ ){

                // movable square effect Particle System
                //ParticleSystem movablePiecePSystem = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( movablePSystemRef.gameObject, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity ) as ParticleSystem;
                ParticleSystem movablePiecePSystem = battleChessMain.gameObject.AddChildInstantiate<ParticleSystem>( movablePSystemRef, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity );

                if( ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j] == PiecePlayerType.eNone_Piece ) {

                    aBoardSquare[i,j] = new ChessBoardSquare( null, movablePiecePSystem, i, j );
                    Vector3 currPos = new Vector3( j - 3.5f, 0.0f, i - 3.5f );

                    Transform currTransform = aPieceRef[(int)ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j]];
                    //Transform currPieceObject = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( currTransform, currPos, currTransform.rotation ) as Transform;
                    Transform currPieceObject = battleChessMain.gameObject.AddChildInstantiate<Transform>( currTransform, currPos, currTransform.rotation );

                    if( i == 0 || i == 1 ) {

                        currPiece = new ChessPiece( currPieceObject.gameObject, PlayerSide.e_White,	ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j] );
                        listAllPiece.Add( currPiece );

                        aBoardSquare[i,j] = new ChessBoardSquare( currPiece, movablePiecePSystem, i, j );
                    else if( i == 6 || i == 7 ) {

                        currPiece = new ChessPiece( currPieceObject.gameObject, PlayerSide.e_Black,	ChessData.aStartPiecePos[i,j] );
                        listAllPiece.Add( currPiece );

                        aBoardSquare[i,j] = new ChessBoardSquare( currPiece, movablePiecePSystem, i, j );

        // piece coloar
        SetWhiteSidePieceColor( Color.white );
        SetBlackSidePieceColor( Color.white );

        // board material
        if( chessMain.renderer.materials.Length == 2 ) {

            matBoard1 = chessMain.renderer.materials[0];
            matBoard2 = chessMain.renderer.materials[1];

            Color rgbaWhiteBoard, rgbaBlackBoard;
            rgbaWhiteBoard = new Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
            rgbaBlackBoard = new Color( 0.039f, 0.34f, 0.22f, 1.0f );

            SetWhiteSideBoardColor( rgbaWhiteBoard );
            SetBlackSideBoardColor( rgbaBlackBoard );

        // particle effect
        currSelectedSquare = null;
        //selectPiecePSystem = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate( selectPSystemRef, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity ) as ParticleSystem;
        selectPiecePSystem = battleChessMain.gameObject.AddChildInstantiate<ParticleSystem>( selectPSystemRef, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity );
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public static void BitBoardToMoveList( ulong ulBitboard, MoveType moveType,
		ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        for( int i=0; i<ChessData.nNumBoardSquare; i++ ) {

            ulong ulCurrMask = (ulong)1 << i;
            ulong ulCurrPosition = ulBitboard & ulCurrMask;
            if( ulCurrPosition > 0 ) {

                int nCurrRank, nCurrFile;
                nCurrRank = i % ChessData.nNumRank;
                nCurrFile = i / ChessData.nNumPile;

                ChessBoardSquare trgSquare = board.aBoardSquare[nCurrFile, nCurrRank];

                ChessBoardSquare capturedSquare = null;

                sMove move = new sMove();

                // check capture move
                if( ChessMover.IsCaptureMove( moveType ) ) {

                    if( ChessMover.IsEnpassantMove( moveType ) ) {

                        int nCapturedPawnRank, nCapturedPawnFile;
                        nCapturedPawnRank = nCurrRank;
                        nCapturedPawnFile = srcSquare.piece.playerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ? nCurrFile - ChessData.nNumPile : nCurrFile + ChessData.nNumPile;
                        capturedSquare = board.aBoardSquare[nCapturedPawnFile, nCapturedPawnRank];
                        capturedSquare = trgSquare;

                // check pawn promote move
                if( ChessMover.IsPawnMove( moveType ) ) {
                    // promote move	check
                    if( srcSquare.piece.playerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {
                        if( (ulCurrMask & ChessBitBoard.firstRank) > 0 )
                            move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;
                    else {

                        if( (ulCurrMask & ChessBitBoard.lastRank) > 0 )
                            move.moveType |= MoveType.ePromote_Move;

                // normal move
                move.moveType = moveType;

                move.srcSquare = srcSquare;
                move.trgSquare = trgSquare;
                move.capturedSquare = capturedSquare;

                // check mate state
                // virtually move
                board.bitBoardVirtual.CopyFrom( board.bitBoard );
                board.bitBoardVirtual.MoveUpdate( move );

                bool bWillCheckMateState = false;
                if( srcSquare.piece.playerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {

                    if( board.bitBoardVirtual.IsWhiteKingInCheck() ) {
                        bWillCheckMateState = true;
                else if( srcSquare.piece.playerSide == PlayerSide.e_Black ) {

                    if( board.bitBoardVirtual.IsBlackKingInCheck() ) {
                        bWillCheckMateState = true;

                // unmove virtually

                // skip this move
                if( bWillCheckMateState )

                // for debug
                foreach( sMove aMove in listRetBoardPos ) {

                    if( aMove.trgSquare == move.trgSquare ) {
                        UnityEngine.Debug.Log( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ChessMover::BitBoardToMoveList() - move collision Aleady exist!!!!   " +
                         	"file : " + move.trgSquare.position.nPile + "   Rank : " + move.trgSquare.position.nRank );

                        string strOccupied = string.Format( "occupied : {0:X}", board.bitBoard.occupiedBB );
                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ChessMover::BitBoardToMoveList() - " + strOccupied );

                        string strEmpty = string.Format( "empty : {0:X}", board.bitBoard.emptyBB );
                        UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ChessMover::BitBoardToMoveList() - " + strEmpty );

                listRetBoardPos.Add( move );
Ejemplo n.º 23
    bool IsValidAIMove( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, ChessBoardSquare trgSquare, List<ChessMover.sMove> listMove, ChessMover.sMove aiMove )
        foreach( ChessMover.sMove move in listMove ) {

            if( move.srcSquare == srcSquare && move.trgSquare == trgSquare ) {

                aiMove.Set( move );
                return true;

        return false;
        public void IsValidSquare_ConstructWithChar(char file, int rank, string expectedAN)
            var square = new ChessBoardSquare(file, rank);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedAN, square.GetAN());
Ejemplo n.º 25
    bool IsValidMove( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, ChessBoardSquare trgSquare, ChessMover.sMove userMove )
        foreach( ChessMover.sMove move in listCurrMovable ) {

            if( move.srcSquare == srcSquare && move.trgSquare == trgSquare ) {

                userMove.Set( move );
                return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void Set( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, ChessBoardSquare trgSquare, MoveType moveType )
            this.moveType = moveType;

            this.trgSquare = trgSquare;
            this.srcSquare = srcSquare;

            this.enPassantTargetSquare.Rank = -1;
            this.enPassantTargetSquare.Pile = -1;
            this.enPassantTargetSquare.Available = false;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void Set( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, ChessBoardSquare trgSquare, MoveType moveType, ChessEnPassant enPassantTrgSquare )
            this.moveType = moveType;

            this.trgSquare = trgSquare;
            this.srcSquare = srcSquare;

            this.enPassantTargetSquare = enPassantTrgSquare;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    public void SelectSquare( ChessBoardSquare selSquare )
        if( selSquare != null && selSquare.IsBlank() == false ) {

            if( selSquare.piece.playerSide == UserPlayerSide ) {

                PlaySelectEffect( selSquare.piece.gameObject.transform.position, selSquare.piece.gameObject.transform.rotation );
                selectSquare = selSquare;


        // movable pos
        selectSquare = null;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void Clear()
            this.moveType = MoveType.eNone_Move;

            this.trgSquare = null;
            this.srcSquare = null;

            this.enPassantTargetSquare.Rank = -1;
            this.enPassantTargetSquare.Pile = -1;
            this.enPassantTargetSquare.Available = false;
Ejemplo n.º 30
    bool IsValidMove( ChessBoardSquare trgSquare, ChessMoveManager.sMove targetMove )
        foreach( ChessMoveManager.sMove move in listCurrMovable ) {

            if( move.trgSquare.position == trgSquare.position ) {

                targetMove.Set( move );
                return true;

        return false;
Ejemplo n.º 31
    public static bool GetRookMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;
        int nSrcRookSq = (int)selSquare.position.pos;

        // attack/move!!!!
        // calc viable queen move
        ulong viableRookMove = board.bitBoard.RookMovesBB( nSrcRookSq );
        if( viableRookMove > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viableRookMove, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        // calc viable queen attack
        ulong viableRookAttack = board.bitBoard.RookAttacksBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcRookSq );
        if( viableRookAttack > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viableRookAttack, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        return listRetBoardPos.Count > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 32
    public static bool GetKingMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;
        int nSrcKingSq = (int)selSquare.position.pos;

        // attack/move!!!!

        // calc viable king move
        ulong viableKingMove = board.bitBoard.KingMovesBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcKingSq );
        if( viableKingMove > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viableKingMove, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        ulong viableKingAttack = board.bitBoard.KingAttacksBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcKingSq );
        if( viableKingAttack > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viableKingAttack, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        // castling!!!!
        // king side castling
        ulong viableKingCastling = board.bitBoard.KingCastlingBB( (int)srcPlayerSide );
        if( viableKingCastling > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eCastling_Move;

            if( srcPlayerSide == PlayerSide.e_White ) {
                if( board.bitBoard.currCastlingState.IsWhiteKingSideAvailable() )
                    moveType |= MoveType.eCastling_White_KingSide_Move;
                if( board.bitBoard.currCastlingState.IsWhiteQueenSideAvailable() )
                    moveType |= MoveType.eCastling_White_QueenSide_Move;
                if( board.bitBoard.currCastlingState.IsBlackKingSideAvailable() )
                    moveType |= MoveType.eCastling_Black_KingSide_Move;
                if( board.bitBoard.currCastlingState.IsWhiteQueenSideAvailable() )
                    moveType |= MoveType.eCastling_Black_QueenSide_Move;

            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viableKingCastling, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        return listRetBoardPos.Count > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        public void Set( sMove move )
            this.moveType = move.moveType;

            this.trgSquare = move.trgSquare;
            this.srcSquare = move.srcSquare;

            this.enPassantTargetSquare = move.enPassantTargetSquare;
Ejemplo n.º 34
    public static bool GetPawnMoveList( ChessBoard board, ChessBoardSquare selSquare, List<sMove> listRetBoardPos )
        //UnityEngine.Debug.LogError( "GetPawnMoveList - start" + " " + piece.position + " " + piece.playerSide );

        PlayerSide srcPlayerSide = selSquare.piece.playerSide;
        int nSrcPawnSq = (int)selSquare.position.pos;

        // attack/move!!!!
        // calc viable Pawn one move
        ulong viablePawnOneMove = board.bitBoard.PawnOneMovesBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcPawnSq );
        if( viablePawnOneMove > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viablePawnOneMove, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        // calc viable Pawn two move
        ulong viablePawnTwoMove = board.bitBoard.PawnTwoMovesBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcPawnSq );
        if( viablePawnTwoMove > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eNormal_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Two_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viablePawnTwoMove, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        // calc viable Pawn attack move
        ulong viablePawnAttackMove = board.bitBoard.PawnAttackMovesBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcPawnSq );
        if( viablePawnAttackMove > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eCapture_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viablePawnAttackMove, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        // calc viable Pawn attack move
        ulong viablePawnEnpassantMove = board.bitBoard.PawnEnpassantMovesBB( (int)srcPlayerSide, nSrcPawnSq );
        if( viablePawnEnpassantMove > 0 ) {

            MoveType moveType = MoveType.eEnPassan_Move | MoveType.ePawn_Move;
            // convert move list
            BitBoardToMoveList( viablePawnEnpassantMove, moveType, board, selSquare, listRetBoardPos );

        return listRetBoardPos.Count > 0;
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public sMove( ChessBoardSquare srcSquare, ChessBoardSquare trgSquare, MoveType moveType )
            this.moveType = moveType;

            this.trgSquare = trgSquare;
            this.srcSquare = srcSquare;

            this.enPassantTargetSquare = new ChessEnPassant() {

                Rank = -1,
                Pile = -1,
                Available = false