public static IPFrame ToIPFrame(UdpFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(frame)); } if (frame.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { throw new ArgumentNullException("UDP frames of this address family type are not supported."); } if (frame.Payload.Length <= 0) { return(null); } int offset = sizeof(udp_hdr); int payload_len = frame.Payload.Length; byte[] message = new byte[offset + payload_len]; fixed(byte *pinned = message) { udp_hdr *udphdr = (udp_hdr *)pinned; udphdr->dest = CheckSum.htons((ushort)frame.Destination.Port); udphdr->src = CheckSum.htons((ushort)frame.Source.Port); udphdr->len = CheckSum.htons((ushort)message.Length); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(message, offset, payload_len)) { ms.Write(frame.Payload.Buffer, frame.Payload.Offset, payload_len); } ushort pseudo_checksum = CheckSum.inet_chksum_pseudo(pinned, (uint)ProtocolType.Udp, (uint)message.Length, IPFrame.GetAddressV4(frame.Source.Address), IPFrame.GetAddressV4(frame.Destination.Address)); if (pseudo_checksum == 0) { pseudo_checksum = 0xffff; } udphdr->chksum = pseudo_checksum; } return(new IPFrame(ProtocolType.Udp, frame.Source.Address, frame.Destination.Address, new BufferSegment(message)) { Ttl = frame.Ttl, SourceMacAddress = frame.SourceMacAddress, DestinationMacAddress = frame.DestinationMacAddress, }); }
public void TooManyRegistersInRangeMessage() { // Arrange var buffer = new byte[] { 0xBB, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xA5, 0x01, 0x07, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x00 }; // fill checkSums buffer[3] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, 3).ToArray()); buffer[buffer.Length - 1] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, buffer.Length - 1).ToArray()); // Act Assert.Throws <TooMuchDataRequestedException>(() => _parser.Parse(buffer)); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, _messageCount); }
public void PacketTooLong() { // Arrange var buffer = new byte[] { 0xBB, 0x01, 0x11, 0x00, 0xA5, 0x01, 0x08, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x10, 0x11, 0x00 }; // fill checkSums buffer[3] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, 3).ToArray()); buffer[buffer.Length - 1] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, buffer.Length - 1).ToArray()); // Act _parser.Parse(buffer); // Assert Assert.Equal(0, _messageCount); }
public void TestMethod2() { CheckSum checker = new CheckSum(); string testDir = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.CurrentDirectory).Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName; string result1 = checker.GetCheckSum($@"{testDir}\TestDir"); SafeCheckSum safeChecker = new SafeCheckSum(); string result2 = safeChecker.GetCheckSum($@"{testDir}\TestDir"); Assert.AreEqual(result2, result1); }
public void StartAddressIsGreaterThanEndAddress() { // Arrange var buffer = new byte[] { 0xBB, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0xA5, 0x04, 0x01, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x00 }; // fill checkSums buffer[3] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, 3).ToArray()); buffer[buffer.Length - 1] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, buffer.Length - 1).ToArray()); // Act Assert.Throws <InvalidRegistersException>(() => _parser.Parse(buffer)); // Assert Assert.Equal(1, _messageCount); }
public static BufferSegment ToArray(IPFrame frame) { if (frame == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(frame)); } BufferSegment payload_segment = frame.Payload; BufferSegment options_segment = frame.Options; int options_size = options_segment?.Length ?? 0; int payload_offset = sizeof(ip_hdr) + options_size; int payload_size = payload_segment?.Length ?? 0; byte[] message_data = new byte[payload_offset + payload_size]; fixed(byte *pinned = message_data) { ip_hdr *iphdr = (ip_hdr *)pinned; iphdr->dest = frame.DestinationAddressV4; iphdr->src = frame.SourceAddressV4; iphdr->_ttl = (byte)frame.Ttl; iphdr->_proto = (byte)frame.ProtocolType; iphdr->_v_hl = (byte)(4 << 4 | payload_offset >> 2); iphdr->_tos = frame.Tos; // Routine Mode iphdr->_len = CheckSum.htons((ushort)message_data.Length); iphdr->_id = CheckSum.htons(frame.Id); iphdr->_flags = CheckSum.ntohs((ushort)frame.Flags); if (options_size > 0) { IntPtr destination_options = (IntPtr)(pinned + sizeof(ip_hdr)); Marshal.Copy(options_segment.Buffer, options_segment.Offset, destination_options, options_size); } if (payload_size > 0) { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(message_data, payload_offset, payload_size)) { ms.Write(payload_segment.Buffer, payload_segment.Offset, payload_size); } } iphdr->_chksum = CheckSum.inet_chksum(pinned, payload_offset); if (iphdr->_chksum == 0) { iphdr->_chksum = 0xffff; } } return(new BufferSegment(message_data)); }
private void OpenServer() { IsConnected = !IsConnected; ConnectStatus = $"연결 {(!IsConnected ? "시작" : "중지")}"; RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(ConnectStatus)); if (IsConnected == false) { receiverSubscription?.Dispose(); return; } //serial. // using(Serial serial = new Serial()) //{ if (senderSubscription != null) { senderSubscription.Dispose(); } if (receiverSubscription != null) { receiverSubscription.Dispose(); } var startChar = (0x02).AsObservable(); var endChar = (0x03).AsObservable(); serial.OpenSerial(configuration); receiverSubscription = serial .BufferUntilByte(startChar, endChar, 100) .Subscribe(v => { if (IsOn == false) { IsOn = true; } byte checksum = v[v.Length - 1]; var data = v.Skip(1).Take(v.Length - 2).ToArray(); //var checksum2 = (byte)(data.Aggregate(0,(c, d) => c + d) & 0xFF); var Checksum = new CheckSum(); var result = Checksum.GetCheckSum(checksum, data); var bytetostring = BitConverter.ToString(v); ReceiveTB += "받은 데이터 : " + bytetostring + " 체크섬 : " + result.Item1 + " bool " + result.Item2 + " \n"; if (ReceiveTB.Length >= 3000) { ReceiveTB = "받은 데이터 : " + bytetostring + " 체크섬 : " + result.Item1 + " bool " + result.Item2 + " \n"; } RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(ReceiveTB)); }); //serial.RecvDataList //blahblah //} }
public ActionResult CreatePayment(RequestData data) { String merchantKey = PaytmTest.merchantKey; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", PaytmTest.merchantId); parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail"); parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "WEBSTAGING"); parameters.Add("EMAIL", data.Email); parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", data.MobileNumber); parameters.Add("CUST_ID", "22"); parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", "abcdefghijklmnodfdfdsfp"); parameters.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", data.Amount); parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL", ""); //This parameter is not mandatory. Use this to pass the callback url dynamically. string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters); string paytmURL = "" + parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == "ORDER_ID").Value; string outputHTML = "<html>"; outputHTML += "<head>"; outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>"; outputHTML += "</head>"; outputHTML += "<body>"; outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>"; outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>"; outputHTML += "<table border='1'>"; outputHTML += "<tbody>"; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>"; } outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>"; outputHTML += "</tbody>"; outputHTML += "</table>"; outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();"; outputHTML += "</script>"; outputHTML += "</form>"; outputHTML += "</body>"; outputHTML += "</html>"; Response.Write(outputHTML); ViewBag.htmldata = outputHTML; return(View("PaymentPage")); }
String strDBError = "Изменения не сохранены из-за ошибки. Возможно введены повторяющиеся данные."; //текст ошибки public EditDBForm(string selectDataGridViesEdit, object[] defaultRowItemArray, int[] required, string command, String[] paramsNames, SqlDbType[] types, bool tag, int idForTags, CheckSum checkSum, bool isReserve)//конструктор { InitializeComponent(); this.selectDataGridViesEdit = selectDataGridViesEdit; this.defaultRowItemArray = defaultRowItemArray; this.required = required; this.command = command; this.paramsNames = paramsNames; this.types = types; this.tag = tag; this.idForTags = idForTags; this.checkSum = checkSum; this.isReserve = isReserve; if (selectDataGridViesEdit != null)//заполнение дгв { Program.SetDataGridViewDataSource(selectDataGridViesEdit, ref dataGridViewEdit); if (defaultRowItemArray != null) { ((DataTable)dataGridViewEdit.DataSource).Rows.Add(defaultRowItemArray); } try { dataGridViewEdit.Columns["Сумма"].DefaultCellStyle.Format = "F"; } catch { } this.Width = dataGridViewEdit.ColumnCount * 185; } else { HideSelect(); } if (tag) { UpdateTegs(); } else { HideTags(); } }
/*[ValidateInput(false)] * public ActionResult ReturnOLD(FormCollection form) * { * var processor = _paymentService.LoadPaymentMethodBySystemName("Payments.Paytm") as PaytmPaymentProcessor; * if (processor == null || * !processor.IsPaymentMethodActive(_paymentSettings) || !processor.PluginDescriptor.Installed) * throw new NopException("Paytm module cannot be loaded"); * * * var myUtility = new PaytmHelper(); * string orderId, Amount, AuthDesc, ResCode; * bool checkSumMatch = false; * //Assign following values to send it to verifychecksum function. * if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantKey)) * throw new NopException("Paytm key is not set"); * * string workingKey = _PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantKey; * * * Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * if (Request.Form.AllKeys.Length > 0) * { * * string paytmChecksum=""; * foreach (string key in Request.Form.Keys){ * parameters.Add(key.Trim(), Request.Form[key].Trim()); * } * * if(parameters.ContainsKey("CHECKSUMHASH")){ * paytmChecksum = parameters["CHECKSUMHASH"]; * parameters.Remove("CHECKSUMHASH"); * } * * if (CheckSum.verifyCheckSum(workingKey, parameters, paytmChecksum)) { * checkSumMatch = true; * * } * * } * * orderId = parameters["ORDERID"]; * Amount = parameters["TXNAMOUNT"]; * ResCode = parameters["RESPCODE"]; * AuthDesc = parameters["STATUS"]; * * if (checkSumMatch == true) * { * if (ResCode == "01" && AuthDesc == "TXN_SUCCESS") * { * var order = _orderService.GetOrderById(Convert.ToInt32(orderId)); * if (_orderProcessingService.CanMarkOrderAsPaid(order)) * { * _orderProcessingService.MarkOrderAsPaid(order); * } * return RedirectToRoute("CheckoutCompleted", new { orderId = order.Id }); * } * else if (AuthDesc == "TXN_FAILURE") * { * return RedirectToRoute("ShoppingCart"); * } * else * { * return Content("Security Error. Illegal access detected"); * } * } * else * { * return Content("Security Error. Illegal access detected, Checksum failed"); * } * }*/ private bool TxnStatus(string OrderId, String amount) { String uri = ""; if (_PaytmPaymentSettings.PaymentUrl.ToLower().Contains("")) { uri = ""; } Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", _PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantId); parameters.Add("ORDERID", OrderId); string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(_PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantKey, parameters);//.Replace("+", "%2B"); try { string postData = "{\"MID\":\"" + _PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantId + "\",\"ORDERID\":\"" + OrderId + "\",\"CHECKSUMHASH\":\"" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(checksum) + "\"}"; HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri); webRequest.Method = "POST"; webRequest.Accept = "application/json"; webRequest.ContentType = "application/json"; using (StreamWriter requestWriter2 = new StreamWriter(webRequest.GetRequestStream())) { requestWriter2.Write("JsonData=" + postData); } string responseData = string.Empty; using (StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(webRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())) { responseData = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); if (responseData.Contains("TXN_SUCCESS") && responseData.Contains(amount)) { return(true); } else { // } } } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("Error " + ex.Message); } return(false); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\t*****************************"); Console.WriteLine("\tChecksum Calculation"); Console.WriteLine("\t*****************************"); Console.WriteLine("\tPlease enter a NMI."); var nmi = Console.ReadLine(); var checkSumValue = CheckSum.GetCheckDigit(nmi); Console.WriteLine("\t"); Console.WriteLine("\t*****************************"); Console.WriteLine($"\tResult is: \t {checkSumValue}"); Console.WriteLine("\t*****************************"); }
public void ComposeRange(int firstRegisterAddress, int registerCount, MessageType messageType, OperationType operationType, byte[] expected) { // Arrange // fill checkSums expected[3] = CheckSum.Crc8(expected.AsSpan().Slice(0, 3).ToArray()); expected[expected.Length - 1] = CheckSum.Crc8(expected.AsSpan().Slice(0, expected.Length - 1).ToArray()); IRegisterMessage message = _messageFactory.CreateRange(firstRegisterAddress, registerCount, operationType, messageType); // Act byte[] actual = _composer.Compose(message, out IReadOnlyCollection <IRegisterGroup> composedGroups); // Assert Assert.Equal(expected, actual); }
public void paytmpayment(string EMAIL, string MOBILE_NO, string CUST_ID, string ORDER_ID, string TXN_AMOUNT) { String merchantKey = "rd_&uwtYvTsEoGXZ"; //String merchantKey = "#8WZV0O&@j6rmhSg"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", "keUFsv31297320723737"); //parameters.Add("MID", "CiyDSy57205844069986"); parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail"); parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "WEBSTAGING"); parameters.Add("EMAIL", EMAIL); parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", MOBILE_NO); parameters.Add("CUST_ID", CUST_ID); parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", ORDER_ID); parameters.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", TXN_AMOUNT); parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL", CALLBACK_URL); //This parameter is not mandatory. Use this to pass the callback url dynamically. string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters); string paytmURL = "" + ORDER_ID; string outputHTML = "<html>"; outputHTML += "<head>"; outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>"; outputHTML += "</head>"; outputHTML += "<body>"; outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>"; outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>"; outputHTML += "<table border='1'>"; outputHTML += "<tbody>"; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>"; } outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>"; outputHTML += "</tbody>"; outputHTML += "</table>"; outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();"; outputHTML += "</script>"; outputHTML += "</form>"; outputHTML += "</body>"; outputHTML += "</html>"; Response.Write(outputHTML); }
/// <summary> /// Post process payment (used by payment gateways that require redirecting to a third-party URL) /// </summary> /// <param name="postProcessPaymentRequest">Payment info required for an order processing</param> public void PostProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest) { //string amount = postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.OrderTotal.ToString ("#.##"); //amount.ToString (); var remotePostHelper = new RemotePost(); var remotePostHelperData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); remotePostHelper.FormName = "PaytmForm"; remotePostHelper.Url = _PaytmPaymentSettings.PaymentUrl; remotePostHelperData.Add("MID", _PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantId.ToString()); remotePostHelperData.Add("WEBSITE", _PaytmPaymentSettings.Website.ToString()); remotePostHelperData.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); remotePostHelperData.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", _PaytmPaymentSettings.IndustryTypeId.ToString()); remotePostHelperData.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.OrderTotal.ToString("#.##")); remotePostHelperData.Add("ORDER_ID", postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.Id.ToString()); remotePostHelperData.Add("EMAIL", postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.BillingAddress.Email); remotePostHelperData.Add("MOBILE_NO", postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.BillingAddress.PhoneNumber); remotePostHelperData.Add("CUST_ID", postProcessPaymentRequest.Order.BillingAddress.Email); remotePostHelperData.Add("CALLBACK_URL", _webHelper.GetStoreLocation(false) + "Plugins/PaymentPaytm/Return"); //remotePostHelperData.Add("CALLBACK_URL", _PaytmPaymentSettings.CallBackUrl.ToString()); Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string> (); foreach (var item in remotePostHelperData) { parameters.Add(item.Key, item.Value); remotePostHelper.Add(item.Key, item.Value); } try { string checksumHash = ""; checksumHash = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(_PaytmPaymentSettings.MerchantKey, parameters); remotePostHelper.Add("CHECKSUMHASH", checksumHash); remotePostHelper.Post(); } catch (Exception ep) { throw new Exception(ep.Message); } }
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext) { if (value == null) { return(ValidationResult.Success); } var bulstat = value.ToString(); if (bulstat != null && (bulstat.Length == this.mass.Length + 1 || bulstat.Length == this.mass.Length + this.massDomain.Length)) { if (int.TryParse(bulstat.Substring(0, 9), out var workData)) { int res = new CheckSum().CalculateCheckSum(workData, this.mass); if (res == 10) { res = new CheckSum().CalculateCheckSum(workData, this.massExt); } if (res % 10 != workData % 10) { return(new ValidationResult(this.errorMessage)); } if (bulstat.Length == 13) { if (int.TryParse(bulstat.Substring(8, 4), out workData)) { res = new CheckSum().CalculateCheckSum(workData, this.massDomain); if (res == 10) { res = new CheckSum().CalculateCheckSum(workData, this.massDomainExt); } if (res % 10 != workData % 10) { return(new ValidationResult(this.errorMessage)); } } } return(ValidationResult.Success); } } return(new ValidationResult(this.errorMessage)); }
private void Code39() { int index; char checkDigit; int inputLength = barcodeData.Length; StringBuilder rowPattern = new StringBuilder(); if (inputLength > 74) { throw new InvalidDataLengthException("Code 39: Input data too long."); } for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) { if (CharacterSets.Code39Set.IndexOf(barcodeData[i]) == -1) { throw new InvalidDataException("Code 39: Invalid characters in input data."); } } rowPattern.Append(Code39Table[43]); for (int i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) { index = CharacterSets.Code39Set.IndexOf(barcodeData[i]); rowPattern.Append(Code39Table[index]); } if (optionalCheckDigit) { checkDigit = CheckSum.Mod43CheckDigit(barcodeData); index = CharacterSets.Code39Set.IndexOf(checkDigit); rowPattern.Append(Code39Table[index]); checkDigitText = checkDigit.ToString(); } rowPattern.Append(Code39Table[43]); if (symbolId == Symbology.LOGMARS || encodingMode == EncodingMode.HIBC) { rowPattern.Replace('2', '3'); } barcodeText = barcodeMessage; // Expand the row pattern into the symbol data. SymbolBuilder.ExpandSymbolRow(Symbol, rowPattern, 0.0f); }
protected void PaytmPayment(object sender, EventArgs e) { string emailId = ((TextBox)FindControl("txtEmail")).Text; string mobileNumber = ((TextBox)FindControl("txtMobileNumber")).Text; String merchantKey = "3nq9CVSw2mPNqs6o"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", "lEGUpY97255671347258"); parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail"); parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "WEBSTAGING"); parameters.Add("EMAIL", emailId); parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", mobileNumber); parameters.Add("CUST_ID", "Cust01"); parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", "OR06"); parameters.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", "200"); parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL", "http://localhost:6042/Response.aspx"); string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters); string paytmURL = ""; string outputHTML = "<html>"; outputHTML += "<head>"; outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>"; outputHTML += "</head>"; outputHTML += "<body>"; outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>"; outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>"; outputHTML += "<table border='1'>"; outputHTML += "<tbody>"; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>"; } outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>"; outputHTML += "</tbody>"; outputHTML += "</table>"; outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();"; outputHTML += "</script>"; outputHTML += "</form>"; outputHTML += "</body>"; outputHTML += "</html>"; Response.Write(outputHTML); }
public void PaytmPay(string EMAIL, string MOBILE_NO, string CUST_ID, string ORDER_ID, string TXN_AMOUNT, string CALLBACK_URL) { String merchantKey = "xw5xw0o97g2nwG5z"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", "shopps11631241477240"); parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail"); parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "WEB_STAGING"); parameters.Add("EMAIL", EMAIL); parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", MOBILE_NO); parameters.Add("CUST_ID", CUST_ID); parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", ORDER_ID); parameters.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", TXN_AMOUNT); parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL", CALLBACK_URL); //This parameter is not mandatory. Use this to pass the callback url dynamically. string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters); string paytmURL = "" + ORDER_ID; string outputHTML = "<html>"; outputHTML += "<head>"; outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>"; outputHTML += "</head>"; outputHTML += "<body>"; outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>"; outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>"; outputHTML += "<table border='1'>"; outputHTML += "<tbody>"; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>"; } outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>"; outputHTML += "</tbody>"; outputHTML += "</table>"; outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();"; outputHTML += "</script>"; outputHTML += "</form>"; outputHTML += "</body>"; outputHTML += "</html>"; Response.Write(outputHTML); }
public static string Generate(string errorCode) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); ret.Append($",{errorCode}"); if (AppConfiguration.checkSumCheck) { var chksum = CheckSum.Compute(ret.ToString()); ret.Append(','); ret.Append(chksum); } ret.Append('\r'); ret.Insert(0, '?'); return(ret.ToString()); }
public static void Refund_PayTm_Order(string pOrderId, string pTxnId, string pRefundAmount, string pComments, string pReferenceId) { PayTmConfiguration lPayTmConfiguration = PaymentClass.Get_Paytm_Configuration(); PayTmPaymentGatewayRefundRequest lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest = new PayTmPaymentGatewayRefundRequest(); Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.MID = lPayTmConfiguration.MID; lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.TXNID = pTxnId; lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.ORDERID = pOrderId; lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.REFUNDAMOUNT = pRefundAmount; lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.TXNTYPE = "REFUND"; lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.COMMENTS = pComments; lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.REFID = pReferenceId; parameters.Add("MID", lPayTmConfiguration.MID); parameters.Add("TXNID", pTxnId); parameters.Add("ORDERID", pOrderId); parameters.Add("REFUNDAMOUNT", pRefundAmount); parameters.Add("TXNTYPE", "REFUND"); parameters.Add("COMMENTS", pComments); parameters.Add("REFID", pReferenceId); string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(lPayTmConfiguration.Merchant_Key, parameters); lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest.CHECKSUM = checksum; JavaScriptSerializer lJavaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var lJson = lJavaScriptSerializer.Serialize(lPaymentGatewayRefundRequest); WebRequest lWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(lPayTmConfiguration.Refund_Url + "?JsonData=" + lJson); HttpWebResponse lHttpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)lWebRequest.GetResponse(); Stream lStream = lHttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader lStreamReader = new StreamReader(lStream); string lResponseFromSender = lStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); // PaymentGatewayResponse lPaymentGatewayResponse = lJavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize<PaymentGatewayResponse>(lResponseFromSender); lStreamReader.Close(); lStream.Close(); lHttpWebResponse.Close(); // if (lPaymentGatewayResponse != null) // { }
public void PaytmGateway() { var rnd = new Random(); string merchantKey = "cGb1WUa9umc6ds0#"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", "qRhfGq94735000540451"); parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail"); parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "WEBSTAGING"); parameters.Add("EMAIL", "*****@*****.**"); parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", "9717245991"); parameters.Add("CUST_ID", "cust1"); parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", rnd.Next(1, 999999).ToString()); parameters.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", rnd.Next(99, 999).ToString()); parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL", "https://localhost:44380/Home/ordercompletion"); string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters); string paytmURL = ""; string outputHTML = "<html>"; outputHTML += "<head>"; outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>"; outputHTML += "</head>"; outputHTML += "<body>"; outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>"; outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>"; outputHTML += "<table border='1'>"; outputHTML += "<tbody>"; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>"; } outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>"; outputHTML += "</tbody>"; outputHTML += "</table>"; outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();"; outputHTML += "</script>"; outputHTML += "</form>"; outputHTML += "</body>"; outputHTML += "</html>"; Response.Write(outputHTML); }
public void CheckSumTest() { var checkSumValue = CheckSum.CreateCheckSum(new CardChargeParams(TestConsts.recurringPbKey, "Okezie", "Okpara", "*****@*****.**", 4556.000m) { CardNo = "5438898014560229", Cvv = "789", Expirymonth = "09", Expiryyear = "19", TxRef = TestConsts.tranxRef }, TestConsts.recurringScKey); Trace.WriteLine(checkSumValue); Assert.IsNotNull(checkSumValue); }
public ActionResult checkCheksum() { String paytmChecksum = ""; /* Create a Dictionary from the parameters received in POST */ Dictionary <String, String> paytmParams = new Dictionary <String, String>(); foreach (string key in Request.Form.Keys) { if (key.Equals("CHECKSUMHASH")) { paytmChecksum = Request.Form[key]; } else { paytmParams.Add(key.Trim(), Request.Form[key].ToString().Trim()); } } /** * Verify checksum * Find your Merchant Key in your Paytm Dashboard at */ bool isValidChecksum = CheckSum.verifyCheckSum(Test_Merchant_Key, paytmParams, paytmChecksum); if (isValidChecksum) { Payment pt = new Payment(); pt.Id = Convert.ToInt64(paytmParams["ORDERID"] ); pt = _context.Payments.Find(pt.Id); pt.PAYMENTMODE = paytmParams["RESPMSG"]; pt.RESPCODE = paytmParams["RESPCODE"]; //pt.TXNID = Convert.ToInt64(paytmParams["TXNID"]); pt.Sataus = paytmParams["STATUS"]; _context.Payments.Update(pt); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("index", "home")); } return(RedirectToAction("index", "home")); }
public CheckSum ComputeCheckSum(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); } byte[] hash; using (var md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create()) { hash = md5.ComputeHash(stream); } var checkSum = new CheckSum(hash); return(checkSum); }
public void paytm_payment() { String merchantKey = "FxTPSZgXhhwsVXhd"; Dictionary <string, string> parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); parameters.Add("MID", "eLYJEc27730646912112"); parameters.Add("CHANNEL_ID", "WEB"); parameters.Add("INDUSTRY_TYPE_ID", "Retail"); parameters.Add("WEBSITE", "WEBSTAGING"); parameters.Add("EMAIL", "*****@*****.**"); parameters.Add("MOBILE_NO", "7054036620"); parameters.Add("CUST_ID", "123"); parameters.Add("ORDER_ID", "311"); parameters.Add("TXN_AMOUNT", "234"); //parameters.Add("CALLBACK_URL", "url"); //This parameter is not mandatory. Use this to pass the callback url dynamically. string checksum = CheckSum.generateCheckSum(merchantKey, parameters); string paytmURL = "" + "311"; string outputHTML = "<html>"; outputHTML += "<head>"; outputHTML += "<title>Merchant Check Out Page</title>"; outputHTML += "</head>"; outputHTML += "<body>"; outputHTML += "<center><h1>Please do not refresh this page...</h1></center>"; outputHTML += "<form method='post' action='" + paytmURL + "' name='f1'>"; outputHTML += "<table border='1'>"; outputHTML += "<tbody>"; foreach (string key in parameters.Keys) { outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='" + key + "' value='" + parameters[key] + "'>"; } outputHTML += "<input type='hidden' name='CHECKSUMHASH' value='" + checksum + "'>"; outputHTML += "</tbody>"; outputHTML += "</table>"; outputHTML += "<script type='text/javascript'>"; outputHTML += "document.f1.submit();"; outputHTML += "</script>"; outputHTML += "</form>"; outputHTML += "</body>"; outputHTML += "</html>"; Response.Write(outputHTML); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Uploading(IFormFile file) { string fullPath = ""; int folderCount = Track.level; //store the file FileMaster duplicateFiles = await _context.Files.Include(p => p.FileIterations).FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.FileName == file.FileName); //Folder getLastFolder = await _context.Folders.LastOrDefaultAsync(); //Folder parentFolder = await _context.Folders.FirstOrDefaultAsync(p => p.Id == getLastFolder.Id); if (duplicateFiles != null) { string dupliPath = root + duplicateFiles.Location + "/" + duplicateFiles.FileName; fullPath = FormatthePath(dupliPath); } if (file.Length > 0) { if (duplicateFiles == null) { return(new ObjectResult(await upNewFile(file))); } else { Stream stream = file.OpenReadStream(); CheckSum checkSum = new CheckSum(); if (duplicateFiles.FileIterations.Any(f => f.IterationCheckSum == checkSum.CalcCRC32(stream))) { return(new ObjectResult("Same file already exists!")); } else { FileMaster fi = await updateFile(stream, checkSum, file, duplicateFiles, fullPath); return(Ok()); } } } else { return(new ObjectResult("Empty file Choosen!")); } }
/// <summary> /// Testing run time. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">Path</param> private bool RunningTimeTesting(string path) { var checkSum = new CheckSum(); var stopWathSingleThreaded = new Stopwatch(); stopWathSingleThreaded.Start(); checkSum.SingleThreaded(path); stopWathSingleThreaded.Stop(); var stopWathMultipleThreaded = new Stopwatch(); stopWathMultipleThreaded.Start(); checkSum.SingleThreaded(path); stopWathMultipleThreaded.Stop(); return(stopWathMultipleThreaded.Elapsed > stopWathSingleThreaded.Elapsed ? true : false); }
//public BaseEvent() //{ // _builder = new StringBuilder(); //} public virtual string Generate(int device, string errorCode, string result = null) { var date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss,"); _builder.Insert(4, date); _builder.Insert(0, $",{device},EVNT,"); if (AppConfiguration.checkSumCheck) { var chksum = CheckSum.Compute(_builder.ToString()); _builder.Append(','); _builder.Append(chksum); } _builder.Append('\r'); _builder.Insert(0, '>'); return(_builder.ToString()); }
static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n#######-------Executing Assignment 1-------#######"); //executing ques1 CheckSum obj1 = new CheckSum(); obj1.Execute(); //executing ques2 TeamPoint obj2 = new TeamPoint(); obj2.Execute(); //executing ques3 GetFirstLetterWord obj3 = new GetFirstLetterWord(); obj3.Execute(); }
public void ParseErrorMessage(byte[] buffer) { // Arrange // fill checkSums buffer[3] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, 3).ToArray()); buffer[buffer.Length - 1] = CheckSum.Crc8(buffer.AsSpan().Slice(0, buffer.Length - 1).ToArray()); // Act _parser.Parse(buffer); // Asserts Assert.Equal(1, _messageCount); var milliGanjubusMessage = _parsedMessage as MilliGanjubusErrorMessage; Assert.NotNull(milliGanjubusMessage); Assert.Equal(_parsedMessage.SlaveDeviceAddress, buffer[1]); // Assert errorType Assert.NotNull(milliGanjubusMessage); Assert.Equal(buffer[5], milliGanjubusMessage.ErrorCode); }
private CheckSum findFWChecksum(FileStream a_fileStream, int areaStart) { logger.Debug("findFWChecksum with areaStart: " + areaStart.ToString("X8")); byte[] data = new byte[4]; byte areaNumber = 0; int baseAddr = 0; int ltemp = 0; int csumAddr = 0; short csumLength = 0; CheckSum r_checkSum = new CheckSum(); //if (areaStart > 0x7FFFF) areaStart = areaStart - m_sramOffset; if (areaStart > 0x7FFFF) { r_checkSum.checksumAddress = -1; r_checkSum.checksumValue = -1; return r_checkSum; } a_fileStream.Position = (areaStart + 22); while( a_fileStream.Position < 0x7FFFF ) { data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); if( data[0] == 0x48 ) { switch( data[1] ) { case 0x6D: data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); csumAddr = baseAddr + (int)(data[0] << 8 | data[1]); csumArea[areaNumber].addr = csumAddr; areaNumber++; break; case 0x78: data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); csumLength = (short)(data[0] << 8 | data[1]); csumArea[areaNumber].length = csumLength; break; case 0x79: data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[2] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[3] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); csumAddr = (int)(data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]); csumArea[areaNumber].addr = csumAddr; areaNumber++; break; default: break; } } else if( data[0] == 0x2A && data[1] == 0x7C ) { data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[2] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[3] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); ltemp = (int)(data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]); /*if (ltemp > 0xF00000L) { ltemp = ltemp - m_sramOffset; }*/ if( ltemp < 0xF00000L ) { baseAddr = ltemp; } } else if( data[0] == 0xB0 && data[1] == 0xB9 ) { data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[2] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[3] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); csumAddr = (int)(data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]); r_checkSum.checksumAddress = csumAddr; long tmpPos = a_fileStream.Position; a_fileStream.Position = r_checkSum.checksumAddress; data[0] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[1] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[2] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); data[3] = (byte)a_fileStream.ReadByte(); a_fileStream.Position = tmpPos; r_checkSum.checksumValue = (int)(data[0] << 24 | data[1] << 16 | data[2] << 8 | data[3]); break; } } return r_checkSum; }