Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void SendChatMessage(ChatModel model)
            string userName = Context.User.Identity.Name;

              //  Clients.Client(Context.ConnectionId).addChatMessage(userName, model.ChatMsgBoxtext);

            foreach (var connectionId in _connections.GetConnections(model.ChatFriendName))
                int hostId = model.ChatHostId;

                model.ChatHostName = model.ChatFriendName;
                model.ChatFriendName = Context.User.Identity.Name;
                model.ChatHostId = model.ChatFriendId;
                model.ChatFriendId = hostId;

                //Clients.Client(connectionId).addChatMessage(model.ChatFriendName, model.ChatMsgBoxtext);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public ChatView GetChat(ChatModel chatModel)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadConversationToStack Loads the users conversation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stack"> the parent stack</param>
        /// <param name="RecepientID"> the ID of the receiver</param>
        public static async Task LoadConversationToStack(StackLayout Stack, int RecepientID, bool IsLocalLoaded, Grid ChatControlGrid, int LastID = 0)
            int LastMessageID = LastID;

            JObject ConversationDecodedJson  = new JObject();
            String  ConversationResponseJson = "";

            //if false, then local db is empty else info is loaded from local db
            if (!IsLocalLoaded)
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(delegate { Stack.Children.Clear(); });

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("IN IF, Old Last Server " + LastServerChatId);

                ConversationResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                    { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },
                    { 1, new String[] { "receiver", RecepientID.ToString() } },
                }), "chat/conversations");

                ConversationDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ConversationResponseJson);

                LastMessageID = (int)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"];

                var LastMessageDate = DateTime.Parse(ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["time"].ToString());

                if ((DateTime.Now.Day - LastMessageDate.Day) >= 7)///one week since last chat disabled messaging
                        ChatControlGrid.IsVisible = false;

                await Utilities.RunTask(async delegate
                    foreach (var conversation in ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"])
                        await ChatHandler.InsertMessage(conversation["message"].ToString(), conversation["time"].ToString(), (bool)conversation["sent"], RecepientID, MessageType.Text, true, (int)conversation["id"], Utilities.ID.ToString() + "-" + RecepientID);

                        if (conversation["message"].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                            var ChildStack = new Grid {
                                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2)

                            ChildStack.Children.Add(new Label
                                Text                    = conversation["message"].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""),
                                BackgroundColor         = (Color)App.Current.Resources["_MedAppBlack"],
                                TextColor               = Color.White,
                                HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                                VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center,
                                HeightRequest           = 30,
                                HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(Stack, conversation["id"].ToString());
                            DateTime MessageTime     = DateTime.Parse(conversation["time"].ToString());
                            String MessageTimeString = "";
                            if (MessageTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day && MessageTime.Month == DateTime.Now.Month)
                                MessageTimeString = MessageTime.ToString("");
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                Stack.Children.Add(SingleMessageTemplate.CreateMessage01((Convert.ToBoolean(conversation["sent"]) ? 1 : 0), conversation["message"].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(MessageTime, ChatSectionType.Chat)));
                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(Stack, conversation["id"].ToString());

            ///Update chat in Background
            while (ListenForNewConversation)
                ConversationResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                    { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },
                    { 1, new String[] { "receiver", RecepientID.ToString() } },
                }), "chat/conversations");

                ConversationDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ConversationResponseJson);

                if (LastMessageID < (int)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"])
                    await Utilities.RunTask(async delegate
                        foreach (var conversation in ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"])
                            if ((int)conversation["id"] > LastMessageID)
                                LastServerChatId = (int)conversation["id"];

                                ///save updates locally
                                await ChatHandler.InsertMessage(conversation["message"].ToString(), conversation["time"].ToString(), (bool)conversation["sent"], RecepientID, MessageType.Text, true, (int)conversation["id"], Utilities.ID + "-" + RecepientID);

                                if (conversation["message"].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                                    var ChildStack = new Grid {
                                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, Padding = new Thickness(10, 2, 10, 2)

                                    ChildStack.Children.Add(new Label
                                        Text                    = conversation["message"].ToString().Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""),
                                        BackgroundColor         = (Color)App.Current.Resources["_MedAppBlack"],
                                        TextColor               = Color.White,
                                        HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
                                        VerticalTextAlignment   = TextAlignment.Center,
                                        HeightRequest           = 30,
                                        HorizontalOptions       = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand

                                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                        ControlTagger <int> .SetTag(Stack, (int)conversation["id"]);
                                    DateTime MessageTime     = DateTime.Parse(conversation["time"].ToString());
                                    String MessageTimeString = "";
                                    if (MessageTime.Day != DateTime.Now.Day && MessageTime.Month == DateTime.Now.Month)
                                        MessageTimeString = MessageTime.ToString("");
                                    Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                        Stack.Children.Add(SingleMessageTemplate.CreateMessage01((Convert.ToBoolean(conversation["sent"]) ? 1 : 0), conversation["message"].ToString(), Utilities.GetValidatedTime(MessageTime, ChatSectionType.Chat)));
                                        ControlTagger <int> .SetTag(Stack, (int)conversation["id"]);

                    LastMessageID = (int)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"];
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult Index(string user, bool?logOn, bool?logOff, string chatMessage)
                if (chatModel == null)
                    chatModel = new ChatModel();

                //оставляем только последние 10 сообщений
                if (chatModel.Messages.Count > 15)
                    chatModel.Messages.RemoveRange(0, chatModel.Messages.Count - 10);

                // если обычный запрос, просто возвращаем представление
                if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                // если передан параметр logOn
                else if (logOn != null && (bool)logOn)
                    //проверяем, существует ли уже такой пользователь
                    if (chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user) != null)
                        throw new Exception("Пользователь с таким ником уже существует");
                    else if (chatModel.Users.Count > 10)
                        throw new Exception("Чат заполнен");
                        // добавляем в список нового пользователя
                        chatModel.Users.Add(new ChatUser()
                            Name      = user,
                            LoginTime = DateTime.Now,
                            LastPing  = DateTime.Now

                        // добавляем в список сообщений сообщение о новом пользователе
                        chatModel.Messages.Add(new ChatMessage()
                            Text = user + " вошел(а) в чат",
                            Date = DateTime.Now

                    return(PartialView("ChatRoom", chatModel));
                // если передан параметр logOff
                else if (logOff != null && (bool)logOff)
                    LogOff(chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user));
                    return(PartialView("ChatRoom", chatModel));
                    ChatUser currentUser = chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user);

                    //для каждлого пользователя запоминаем воемя последнего обновления
                    currentUser.LastPing = DateTime.Now;

                    // удаляем неавтивных пользователей, если время простоя больше 15 сек
                    List <ChatUser> toRemove = new List <ChatUser>();
                    foreach (Models.ChatUser usr in chatModel.Users)
                        TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - usr.LastPing;
                        if (span.TotalSeconds > 15)
                    foreach (ChatUser u in toRemove)

                    // добавляем в список сообщений новое сообщение
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatMessage))
                        chatModel.Messages.Add(new ChatMessage()
                            User = currentUser,
                            Text = chatMessage,
                            Date = DateTime.Now

                    return(PartialView("History", chatModel));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //в случае ошибки посылаем статусный код 500
                Response.StatusCode = 500;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 直接跳跃到对应的聊天界面
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="group"></param>
        public void JumpToChatModel(IChat chat, bool isJumpToChat = false, string tipMsg = "", bool isFileAssistant = false)
            bool isGroup = (chat is GroupModel) ? true : false;
            var  chatVM  = this.ChatListVM.Items.ToList().FirstOrDefault(info => info.Model.ID == chat.ID && info.IsGroup == isGroup);

            if (!this.ChatListVM.ChatVMDic.ContainsKey(chat.ID, isGroup))
                if (chatVM == null)
                    ChatModel chatModel = new ChatModel(chat);

                    chatModel.LastMsg = new MessageModel()
                        SendTime   = DateTime.Now,
                        TipMessage = tipMsg
                    chatVM = new ChatViewModel(chatModel);

                    App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                        if (chatVM.IsGroup)
                            chatVM.IsShowGroupNoticeBtn = true;
                            chatVM.IsShowGroupNoticeBtn = false;
            if (!isFileAssistant)
                bool isTemporaryChat;
                if (chat is UserModel userModel && (userModel.LinkDelType == 1 || userModel.LinkDelType == 3))
                    chat.TopMostTime = chat.TopMostTime ?? DateTime.MinValue;
                    isTemporaryChat  = true;

                    if (AppData.MainMV.ChatListVM.StrangerChatIds.Any(x => x == userModel.ID))
                        chatVM.CurrentChatType = ChatType.Stranger;
                        chatVM.CurrentChatType = ChatType.Temporary;

                    int sex = userModel.Sex == "女" ? 0 : 1;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(async m =>
                        await SDKClient.SDKClient.Instance.InsertOrUpdateStrangerInfo(userModel.ID, userModel.HeadImgMD5, userModel.Name, sex);
                    isTemporaryChat = false;

                chatVM.IsTemporaryChat = isTemporaryChat;
                this.ChatListVM.DeleteStrangerItem(chatVM, isTemporaryChat);
                App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>

                if (chatVM.Chat.IsGroup)
                    chatVM.IsShowGroupNoticeBtn = true;
                    SDKClient.SDKClient.Instance.UpdateChatRoomVisibility(chat.ID, 1, true);
                    chatVM.IsShowGroupNoticeBtn = false;
                    SDKClient.SDKClient.Instance.UpdateChatRoomVisibility(chat.ID, 0, true);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task SendParseEvent(ChatModel chat, Chat_ParseField field, bool success, bool searchMode, string answer)
            var content = CreateParseEventContent(chat, field, success, searchMode);

            var filteredAnswer = filterService.FilterUserData(chat.CurrentState, answer);

            content.Parse = new
                rule   = field.RuleData,
                answer = filteredAnswer
            content.Result            = filteredAnswer;
            content.ResultProbability = success ? 1.0 : 0.0;

            string indexType = "intent_unknown";

            switch (field.ParseType)
            case ChatRuleType.AddressParser: indexType = "intent_address"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.AppNameParser: indexType = "intent_appname"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.BluetoothDeviceParser: indexType = "intent_bluetoothdevice"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ColorParser: indexType = "intent_color"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ContinueParser: indexType = "intent_continue"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.DontKnowParser: indexType = "intent_dontknow"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.DateParser:
            case ChatRuleType.DateParserV2: indexType = "intent_date"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.Email: indexType = "intent_email"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.FuzzyMatch: indexType = "intent_fuzzymatch"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.IntentGatewayParser: indexType = "intent_intentgateway"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.LossCategoryParserOptions:
            case ChatRuleType.LossCategoryParser: indexType = "intent_losscategory"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.NameParse:
            case ChatRuleType.NameParseNoHistory: indexType = "intent_name"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.NumberParser: indexType = "intent_number"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.Parse: indexType = "intent"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ParseBackupProvider: indexType = "intent_backupprovider"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ParseCarrier: indexType = "intent_carrier"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ParseDevice: indexType = "intent_device"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ParseRetailPartner: indexType = "intent_retailpartner"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.PauseParser: indexType = "intent_pause"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.PhoneNumber:
            case ChatRuleType.PhoneNumberNoHistory: indexType = "intent_phone"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.Regex: indexType = "intent_regex"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.TimeParser: indexType = "intent_time"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.YesNoParser: indexType = "intent_yesno"; break;

            case ChatRuleType.ZipCodeParser: indexType = "intent_zipcode"; break;

            await InternalSendKinesisParseEvent(field.ParseType, indexType, chat, content);
 public void receiveMessage(ChatModel message)
     MessagingCenter.Send <MessageCenterManager, ChatModel>(this, "messageReceived", message);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async void LoginExecute()
            if (Username == TextConstants.SystemUsername)

            Chat = new ChatModel(Username, Port);
            Chat.UsernameDenied += (sender, args) => OnUsernameDenied();
            Chat.DisableNormalChat = true;
            _usernameDenied = false;


            LoginButtonVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
            ProcessingBarVisibility = Visibility.Visible;

            await Task.Delay(2000);

            Chat.DisableNormalChat = false;
            Chat.UsernameDenied = null;
            LoginButtonVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
            ProcessingBarVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            if (_usernameDenied)


            ChatInterfaceVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
            LoginInterfaceVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
  *  0 = Reply Message
  *  1 = Delete Message
  *  2 = Copy to Message
 public void sendAction(ChatModel message, int category)
     MessagingCenter.Send <MessageCenterManager, ChatModel>(this, category.ToString(), message);
 public void sendMessage(ChatModel message)
     MessagingCenter.Send <MessageCenterManager, ChatModel>(this, "sendMessage", message);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        #region --Events--
        private void OnNewMucMemberPresenceMessage(XMPPClient client, NewMUCMemberPresenceMessageEventArgs args)
            Task.Run(async() =>
                MUCMemberPresenceMessage msg = args.mucMemberPresenceMessage;
                string roomJid = Utils.getBareJidFromFullJid(msg.getFrom());
                if (roomJid is null)
                SemaLock semaLock = DataCache.INSTANCE.NewChatSemaLock();
                ChatModel chat    = DataCache.INSTANCE.GetChat(client.getXMPPAccount().getBareJid(), roomJid, semaLock);
                if (chat is null || chat.muc is null)

                // Prevent multiple accesses to the same occupant at the same time:
                await OCCUPANT_CREATION_SEMA.WaitAsync();
                MucOccupantModel occupant = chat.muc.occupants.Where(o => string.Equals(o.nickname, msg.FROM_NICKNAME)).FirstOrDefault();
                bool newOccupant          = occupant is null;
                if (newOccupant)
                    occupant = new MucOccupantModel()
                        nickname = msg.FROM_NICKNAME
                occupant.affiliation = msg.AFFILIATION;
                occupant.role        = msg.ROLE;
                occupant.fullJid     = msg.JID;

                bool isUnavailable   = Equals(msg.TYPE, "unavailable");
                bool nicknameChanged = false;
                if (isUnavailable)
                    if (msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.PRESENCE_SELFE_REFERENCE))
                        // Nickname got changed by user or room:
                        if (msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.MEMBER_NICK_CHANGED) || msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.ROOM_NICK_CHANGED))
                            nicknameChanged = true;

                            // Update MUC info:
                            chat.muc.nickname = msg.NICKNAME;

                            // Update the user nickname:
                            occupant.nickname = msg.NICKNAME;
                        // Occupant got kicked:
                        else if (msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.MEMBER_GOT_KICKED))
                            chat.muc.state = MucState.KICKED;
                        else if (msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.MEMBER_GOT_BANED))
                            chat.muc.state = MucState.BANED;
                            chat.muc.state = MucState.DISCONNECTED;

                    if (msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.MEMBER_GOT_KICKED))
                        // Add kicked chat message:
                        AddOccupantKickedMessage(chat, roomJid, occupant.nickname);

                    if (msg.STATUS_CODES.Contains(MUCPresenceStatusCode.MEMBER_GOT_BANED))
                        // Add baned chat message:
                        AddOccupantBanedMessage(chat, roomJid, occupant.nickname);

                using (SemaLock mucSemaLock = chat.muc.NewSemaLock())
                    using (SemaLock occupantSemaLock = occupant.NewSemaLock())
                        // If the type equals 'unavailable', a user left the room:
                        if (isUnavailable && !nicknameChanged)
                            if (!newOccupant)
                                using (MainDbContext ctx = new MainDbContext())

                                using (MainDbContext ctx = new MainDbContext())
                            if (newOccupant)
                                using (MainDbContext ctx = new MainDbContext())
                                using (MainDbContext ctx = new MainDbContext())
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public ActionResult PostReply(ChatModel chat)
     return Json(new { message = chat.Message, user = User.Identity.Name });
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public void DisconnectExecute()
     if (Chat != null)
     _chat = null;
     ChatInterfaceVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
     LoginInterfaceVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public GroupChatView(ChatModel chat) :
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public async Task AddChat([FromBody] ChatModel model)
     model.user = manager.CurrentUser;
     await db.AddChat(model);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 #region --Constructors--
 public OnChatMessageToastEventArgs(ToastNotification toast, ChatModel chat)
     TOAST = toast;
     CHAT  = chat;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public async Task SendChat(ChatModel chat)
     await _hubConnection.SendAsync("AddChat", chat);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// 聊天记录VM
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="view"></param>
 public ChatHistoryViewModel(ChatModel model) : base(model)
     _targetChat  = model;
     _hisMessages = new List <MessageModel>();
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public ActionResult PostReply(ChatModel chat)
     return(Json(new { message = chat.Message, user = User.Identity.Name }));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public ChatScriptHost(ChatModel chatModel, ChatConfiguration configuration)
     this.chatModel     = chatModel;
     this.Configuration = configuration;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public ChatModel Add(ChatModel chatModel)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// ChatsListToStack loads all the users conversation onto the specified stacklayout
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Stack"></param>
        /// <param name="Con"></param>
        public static async Task ChatsListToStack(StackLayout Stack, ContentPage Con, bool IsLocalLoaded = false)
            if (!IsLocalLoaded)
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Stack.Children.Clear(); });

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Stack Child COunt" + Stack.Children.Count);
                    Dictionary <int, String[]> ChatData = new Dictionary <int, string[]>();

                    Dictionary <int, String[]> Data = new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                        { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },

                    String ChatListResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(Data), "chat/get-list");

                    var ChatListDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ChatListResponseJson);

                    foreach (var Contact in ChatListDecodedJson["contacts"])
                        ChatData.Add((int)Contact["info"]["id"], new string[5]);                      // key = receivers id
                        ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][0] = Contact["info"]["name"].ToString(); //index 0 = name

                        String ConversationResponseJson = await ChatModel.Chat(Utilities.PostDataEncoder(new Dictionary <int, string[]>
                            { 0, new String[] { "sender", Utilities.ID.ToString() } },
                            { 1, new String[] { "receiver", Contact["info"]["id"].ToString() } },
                        }), "chat/conversations");


                        var ConversationDecodedJson = JObject.Parse(ConversationResponseJson);

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JSON" + ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last);
                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("JSON" + ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"]);

                        if (ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"].ToString() == "{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}")
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1] = ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"].ToString();//index 1 = message
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1]  = ((bool)ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["sent"] ? "You: " : "");
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1] += ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["message"].ToString();

                        //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("DICT" + ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][1]);

                        ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][2] = ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["time"].ToString(); // index 2 = date

                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][3] = Contact["info"]["medic_id"].ToString(); //index 3 = medic id
                            ///exception thrown and caught as the current receiver doesnt have a medic id since he/she is a normal user(patient)
                            ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][3] = "0";

                        //last conversation id, index 4 = id of the last message for the current convo on the online db
                        ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][4] = ConversationDecodedJson["conversations"].Last["id"].ToString();

                        ///if local receiver doesnt exist, add to local db
                        int Result = await ReceiverHandler.CheckReceiver((int)Contact["info"]["id"]);

                        if (Result == 0)
                            await ReceiverHandler.NewReceiver(ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][0], (int)Contact["info"]["id"], "", Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[(int)Contact["info"]["id"]][3]));

                    await Utilities.RunTask(delegate
                        if (ChatData.Count > 0)
                            foreach (int key in ChatData.Keys)
                                if (Stack.Children.Count >= 4)
                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" Count " + ChatData.Count + " [0] " + ChatData[key][0] + " [1] " + ChatData[key][1] + " [2] " + ChatData[key][2] + " [3] " + ChatData[key][3] + " [4] " + ChatData[key][4]);

                                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(async() =>
                                    StackLayout ChildStack;

                                    if (Stack.Children.Count > 0 && Stack.Children[0].GetType() == typeof(Label))
                                        ///clear message stack if default 'no chat message is shown'

                                    if (Stack.Children.Count > 0)
                                        ///IsNewConversation is true by default,  the value is changed if the conversation exists on the chat list stack
                                        bool IsNewConversation = true;

                                        for (int i = 0; i < Stack.Children.Count; i++)
                                            var child = Stack.Children[i];

                                            //if the child is already on stack, recreate that child if different values
                                            String[] ChildStackTag = ControlTagger <String> .GetTag(child).Split('-');

                                            ///receiver exists in stack
                                            if (key == Convert.ToInt32(ChildStackTag[1]))
                                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Is Old Convo :- False");

                                                int NewMessageCount = await GetCountOfNewMessages(key, Convert.ToInt32(ChildStackTag[2]));

                                                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Child in Stack With Tag [" + ChildStackTag[0] + "-" + ChildStackTag[1] + "-" + ChildStackTag[2] + "-" + ChildStackTag[3] + "] Tag [" + Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + NewMessageCount + "] Last Server ID " + Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][4]));

                                                if ((Convert.ToInt32(ChildStackTag[2]) < Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][4])))
                                                    /// create notification to show mew message
                                                    List <Object> ListForNotification = new List <object>();
                                                    if (ChatData[key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                                        ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", ""));//index 0 message
                                                        //ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][1]);//index 0 message
                                                        ListForNotification.Add("" + NewMessageCount + " new messages from " + ChatData[key][0]);//index 0 message

                                                    ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][2]);      //index 1 time
                                                    ListForNotification.Add(NotificationType.Chat); //index 2 notificationtype
                                                    ListForNotification.Add(key);                   // index 3 id

                                                    NotificationPage.NotificationData.Add(NotificationPage.NotificationData.Count, ListForNotification);


                                                    ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, NewMessageCount, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                                    //ChildStack = new StackLayout { BackgroundColor = Color.Tomato };
                                                    ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + NewMessageCount);

                                                    Stack.Children.Insert(0, ChildStack);

                                                ///IsNewConversation is false as the current key exists in the chat list stack
                                                IsNewConversation = false;
                                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Done, Status :- " + IsNewConversation);
                                        ///If IsNewConversation is true, this key is a new conversaton, create new childstack
                                        if (IsNewConversation)
                                            ///{Appointment Accepted, Default Message} is the default sent message, create different view for it
                                            if (ChatData[key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                                ChatData[key][1] = ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                                ChildStack       = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                                Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                                                ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                                ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                                Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                                        ///{Appointment Accepted, Default Message} is the default sent message, create different view for it
                                        if (ChatData[key][1].Equals("{Appointment Accepted, Default Message}"))
                                            /// create notification to show the appointment has been accepted
                                            List <Object> ListForNotification = new List <object>();
                                            ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "")); //index 0 message
                                            ListForNotification.Add(ChatData[key][2]);                                                                    //index 1 time
                                            ListForNotification.Add(NotificationType.Appointment);                                                        //index 2 notificationtype
                                            ListForNotification.Add(key);                                                                                 // index 3 id

                                            NotificationPage.NotificationData.Add(NotificationPage.NotificationData.Count, ListForNotification);


                                            ChatData[key][1] = ChatData[key][1].Replace(", Default Message", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "");
                                            ChildStack       = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                            ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                            Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                                            ChildStack = ListAllChatTemplate.CreateNewStackType01(ChatData[key][0], "", ChatData[key][1], Utilities.GetValidatedTime(DateTime.Parse(ChatData[key][2]), ChatSectionType.ChatList), Con, key, 0, Convert.ToInt32(ChatData[key][3]));
                                            ControlTagger <String> .SetTag(ChildStack, Utilities.ID + "-" + key + "-" + ChatData[key][4] + "-" + 0);
                                            Stack.Children.Insert(Stack.Children.Count, ChildStack);
                            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                                if (Stack.Children.Count == 0)
                                    Stack.Children.Add(new Label {
                                        Text = (!Utilities.IsMedic) ? "Chats will appear after booking an appointment." : "Chats will appear after accepting an appointment.", Style = App.Current.Resources["_EmptyLabelTemplate"] as Style
                catch (Exception ex)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Alert", ex.StackTrace, "Ok");
            } while (ListenForChatListUpdate);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult Index(string user, bool?logOn, bool?logOff, string chatMessage)
                if (chatModel == null)
                    chatModel = new ChatModel();

                if (chatModel.Messages.Count > 20)
                    chatModel.Messages.RemoveRange(0, 10);

                if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                else if (logOn != null && (bool)logOn)
                    if (chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user) != null)
                        throw new Exception("такой пользователь уже есть");
                    else if (chatModel.Users.Count > 10)
                        throw new Exception("В чате слишком много людей");
                        chatModel.Users.Add(new ChatUser()
                            Name      = user,
                            LoginTime = DateTime.Now,
                            LastPing  = DateTime.Now

                        chatModel.Messages.Add(new ChatMessage()
                            Text = user + "вошел в чат",
                            Date = DateTime.Now
                    return(PartialView("ChatRoom", chatModel));
                else if (logOff != null && (bool)logOff)
                    LogOff(chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user));
                    return(PartialView("ChatRoom", chatModel));
                    ChatUser currentUser = chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user);
                    currentUser.LastPing = DateTime.Now;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatMessage))
                        chatModel.Messages.Add(new ChatMessage()
                            User = currentUser,
                            Text = chatMessage,
                            Date = DateTime.Now

                    return(PartialView("History", chatModel));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Response.StatusCode = 500;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void Send(ChatModel model)
     // Call the broadcastMessage method to update clients.
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public static void ChangeActiveChat(ChatModel chatModel)
     Console.WriteLine("Active chat: " + chatModel.Name);
     _FrontendManager.CurrentChat = chatModel;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads the "MissingFlow" flow
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chatModel">Chat Model used to process partner/context, channel</param>
 /// <returns>MissingFlow step</returns>
 public async Task <ChatFlowStep> GetMissingFlow(ChatModel chatModel)
     return(await GetFlowStep(chatModel, $"MissingFlow", "9999999"));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public JsonResult Ajax(string AJAXParameter1)
            chat = (ChatModel)TempData["Chat"];
            string result = "OK";

            customer = (CustomerData)TempData["CustomerObj"];
            //customer.ACCOUNTS = (List<Account>)TempData["AccountObj"];
            //customer.PLAN = (PaymentPlan)TempData.Peek("PaymentObj");
            //customer.PLAN.TAKSIT_SAYISI = 8;
            JsonSendTable tableInfo        = new JsonSendTable();
            JsonSendTable paymentPlanTable = new JsonSendTable();

            AJAXParameter1 = AJAXParameter1.Trim();
            StateOfChat    = (string)TempData["StateOfChat"];
            conn           = (OracleDatabaseAccess)TempData["DatabaseConnection"];

            if (TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetMüsNo") || TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("InvalidMüsNo"))
                if (IsAllDigits(AJAXParameter1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1))
                    customer = conn.GetCustomerInfo(Int32.Parse(AJAXParameter1));
                    if (customer.MUSTERI_NO != 0)
                        customer.ACCOUNTS = conn.GetCustomerAccounts(customer.MUSTERI_NO);
                        chat.usersChat.Add("GetMüsNo", AJAXParameter1);
                        StateOfChat             = "ValidMüsNo";
                        TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;

                        chat.botCorrectPath.Add("ValidMüsNo", "Merhaba " + customer.MUSTERI_ADI + ", karton bilgileriniz size gösterilecektir.");
                        if (customer.ACCOUNTS.Count > 0)
                            result            = "Table";
                            tableInfo.message = chat.botCorrectPath[StateOfChat];
                            decimal total = customer.ACCOUNTS[0].BAKIYE;
                            tableInfo.tableData = "<tr>" +
                                                  "<td>" + customer.ACCOUNTS[0].KARTON_KODU + "</td>" +
                                                  "<td>" + customer.ACCOUNTS[0].BAKIYE + "</td>" +
                            for (int i = 1; i < customer.ACCOUNTS.Count; i++)
                                total += customer.ACCOUNTS[i].BAKIYE;
                                tableInfo.tableData += "<tr>" +
                                                       "<td>" + customer.ACCOUNTS[i].KARTON_KODU + "</td>" +
                                                       "<td>" + customer.ACCOUNTS[i].BAKIYE + "</td>" +
                            customer.PLAN   = new PaymentPlan();
                            tableInfo.total = total;
                            customer.PLAN.PLAN_ONCESI_BAKIYE = total;
                            customer.PLAN.TOA_DURUM_KODU     = '1';
                            StateOfChat             = "NoDebt";
                            TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                            chat.botCorrectPath.Add("NoDebt", "Merhaba " + customer.MUSTERI_ADI + ". Aktif borcunuz bulunmuyor. Sistemden çıkış yapabilirsiniz");
                            result = "Finished";
                            //Borç un olmadğı state
                        StateOfChat             = "InvalidMüsNo";
                        TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                        result = "OK";
                    StateOfChat             = "InvalidMüsNo";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "OK";
            else if (TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("ValidMüsNo") || TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetMonthAgain"))
                string tempComp = AJAXParameter1.ToLower();
                if (tempComp.Equals("evet") && String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1) == false)
                    chat.usersChat.Add("GetAnsPaymentPlan", AJAXParameter1);
                    //StateOfChat = "FillTable";
                    StateOfChat             = "GetMonth";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "OK";
                else if (tempComp.Equals("hayır") || tempComp.Equals("hayir") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1))
                    chat.usersChat.Add("GetAnsPaymentPlan", AJAXParameter1);
                    chat.botCorrectPath.Add("DeclinedPlan", customer.MUSTERI_ADI + ", borcunuz ay sonu itibariyle " + TotalDebt(customer) + " TL olacaktır. Borcunuza temerrüt faizi her gün işlenmektedir. Banka icra yoluna gidebilir");
                    StateOfChat             = "DeclinedPlan";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "Done";
                    StateOfChat             = "GetMonthAgain";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
            else if (TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetMonth") || TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetInstallmentAgain"))
                if (IsAllDigits(AJAXParameter1) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1))
                    chat.usersChat.Add("GetMonth", AJAXParameter1);
                    StateOfChat             = "GetStartDate";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "OK";
                    customer.PLAN.TAKSIT_SAYISI = Int32.Parse(AJAXParameter1);
                    StateOfChat             = "GetInstallmentAgain";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "OK";
            else if (TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetStartDate") || TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetStartDateAgain") || TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("GetStartDateAgainFurther"))
                DateTime dateData = new DateTime();
                if (GetDate(AJAXParameter1, ref dateData) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1))
                    if (dateData > DateTime.Today)
                        chat.usersChat.Add("GetStartDate", AJAXParameter1);
                        StateOfChat            = "CalculatePlan";
                        Session["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                        result = "PaymentTable";
                        int             month = Int32.Parse(chat.usersChat["GetMonth"]);
                        List <DateTime> dates = new List <DateTime>();
                        dates = FillDateData(dateData, month);
                        customer.PLAN.BASLANGIC_TARIHI = dates[0];
                        customer.PLAN.BITIS_TARIHI     = dates[dates.Count - 1];
                        decimal totalDebt      = TotalDebt(customer);
                        decimal monthlyPayment = Installment(totalDebt, month, dateData);
                        customer.PLAN.FAIZ_ORANI    = GetInterest(month, dateData);
                        customer.PLAN.TAKSIT_TUTARI = Math.Round(monthlyPayment, 2);
                        for (int i = 0; i < dates.Count; i++)
                            tableInfo.tableData += "<tr>" +
                                                   "<td>" + dates[i] + " TL</td>" +
                                                   "<td>" + Math.Round(monthlyPayment, 2) + "</td>" +
                        tableInfo.total = Math.Round(CalculatedDebt(totalDebt, dateData), 2);
                        customer.PLAN.PLAN_SONRASI_BAKIYE = tableInfo.total;
                        tableInfo.message = chat.botCorrectPath[StateOfChat];
                        StateOfChat            = "GetStartDateAgainFurther";
                        Session["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                        result = "OK";
                    StateOfChat            = "GetStartDateAgain";
                    Session["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "OK";
            else if (TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("CalculatePlan") || TempData["StateOfChat"].Equals("CalculatePlanAgain"))
                string tempComp = AJAXParameter1.ToLower();
                if (tempComp.Equals("evet") && String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1) == false)
                    chat.usersChat.Add("CalculatePlanAns", AJAXParameter1);
                    //StateOfChat = "FillTable";
                    StateOfChat             = "CreatePaymentPlan";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "Done";
                    customer.PLAN.KREDI_YAPILANDIRILMASI = true;
                    string paymentApplication = conn.AddPaymentPlan(customer);
                    chat.botCorrectPath.Add("CreatePaymentPlan", paymentApplication);
                else if (tempComp.Equals("hayır") || tempComp.Equals("hayir") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(AJAXParameter1))
                    chat.usersChat.Add("CalculatePlanAns", AJAXParameter1);
                    chat.botCorrectPath.Add("DeclinedPlan2", customer.MUSTERI_ADI + ", borcunuz ay sonu itibariyle " + TotalDebt(customer) + " TL olacaktır. Borcunuza temerrüt faizi her gün işlenmektedir. Banka icra yoluna gidebilir");
                    StateOfChat             = "DeclinedPlan2";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
                    result = "Done";
                    customer.PLAN.KREDI_YAPILANDIRILMASI = false;
                    StateOfChat             = "CalculatePlanAgain";
                    TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
            //    //StateOfChat = "NoAction";
            //    //TempData["StateOfChat"] = StateOfChat;
            //    //chat.botCorrectPath.Add("NoAction", "Sistemden çıkış yapabilirsiniz");
            //    //Button u disable et

            List <string> data = new List <string>();

            data.Add("AJAXParameter1=" + AJAXParameter1);
            TempData["Chat"]               = chat;
            TempData["CustomerObj"]        = customer;
            TempData["AccountObj"]         = customer;
            TempData["PaymentObj"]         = customer;
            TempData["DatabaseConnection"] = conn;
            TempData["StateOfChat"]        = StateOfChat;
            string chatVal = chat.botCorrectPath[StateOfChat];

            if (result.Equals("Table") || result.Equals("PaymentTable"))
                return(Json(new { tableInfo, result }));

            return(Json(new { chatVal, result }));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        int GetSortedChatPosition(ChatView chatView)
            // starting with > 0.8 the Engine supplies ChatModel.Position for us
            if (Frontend.EngineVersion > new Version("0.8"))

            // COMPAT: Engine <= 0.8 doesn't populate ChatModel.Position thus
            // _we_ have to find a good position
            var chat = chatView.ChatModel;
            // REMOTING CALL 1
            int idx = chat.Position;
            // REMOTING CALL 2
            ChatType type = chat.ChatType;

            // new group person and group chats behind their protocol chat
            if (idx == -1 &&
                (type == ChatType.Person ||
                 type == ChatType.Group))
                // REMOTING CALL 3
                IProtocolManager pm = chat.ProtocolManager;
                for (int i = 0; i < f_Notebook.NPages; i++)
                    ChatView  page     = (ChatView)f_Notebook.GetNthPage(i);
                    ChatModel pageChat = page.ChatModel;
                    // REMOTING CALL 4 and 5
                    if (pageChat.ChatType == ChatType.Protocol &&
                        pageChat.ProtocolManager == pm)
                        idx = i + 1;

                if (idx != -1)
                    // now find the first chat with a different protocol manager
                    bool found = false;
                    for (int i = idx; i < f_Notebook.NPages; i++)
                        ChatView  page     = (ChatView)f_Notebook.GetNthPage(i);
                        ChatModel pageChat = page.ChatModel;
                        // REMOTING CALL 6
                        if (pageChat.ProtocolManager != pm)
                            found = true;
                            idx   = i;
                    if (!found)
                        // if there was no next protocol manager, simply append
                        // the chat way to the end
                        idx = -1;

        public async Task <ActionResult> ChatMessages(ChatModel model)
            model = model ?? new ChatModel();

            var  db      = new ZkDataContext();
            bool isMuted = Punishment.GetActivePunishment(Global.AccountID, Request.UserHostAddress, 0, null, x => x.BanMute) != null;
            var  minTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-30);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Channel))
                // only show allowed channels
                if (!Global.Server.ChannelManager.CanJoin(Global.Account, model.Channel))
                    return(PartialView("LobbyChatMessages", model));
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Message) && !isMuted)
                    await Global.Server.GhostSay(new Say()
                        IsEmote = false,
                        Place   = SayPlace.Channel,
                        Ring    = false,
                        Source  = SaySource.Zk,
                        Target  = model.Channel,
                        Text    = model.Message,
                        Time    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        User    = Global.Account.Name,
                string channelName = model.Channel;
                model.Data = db.LobbyChatHistories
                             .SqlQuery("SELECT TOP 30 * FROM [dbo].[LobbyChatHistories] WHERE [Target] = {0} AND [SayPlace] = {1} AND [Time] > {2} ORDER BY [Time] DESC", channelName, SayPlace.Channel, minTime)
                             .ToList().OrderBy(x => x.Time).AsQueryable();
                //Note if using Take(), it will be slow for uncommon channels like zktourney when ordering by Time and slow for common channels like zk if ordering by ID
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.User))
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Message) && !isMuted)
                    await Global.Server.GhostSay(new Say()
                        IsEmote = false,
                        Place   = SayPlace.User,
                        Ring    = false,
                        Source  = SaySource.Zk,
                        Target  = model.User,
                        Text    = model.Message,
                        Time    = DateTime.UtcNow,
                        User    = Global.Account.Name,
                string otherName = model.User;
                string myName    = Global.Account.Name;
                //Users can abuse rename to gain access to other users PMs, it's a feature
                model.Data = db.LobbyChatHistories
                             .Where(x => (x.User == otherName && x.Target == myName || x.User == myName && x.Target == otherName) && x.SayPlace == SayPlace.User && x.Time > minTime)
                             .OrderByDescending(x => x.Time).Take(30)
                             .ToList().OrderBy(x => x.Time).AsQueryable();
                string myName = Global.Account.Name;

                var ignoredIds   = db.AccountRelations.Where(x => (x.Relation == Relation.Ignore) && (x.OwnerAccountID == Global.AccountID)).Select(x => x.TargetAccountID).ToList();
                var ignoredNames = db.Accounts.Where(x => ignoredIds.Contains(x.AccountID)).Select(x => x.Name).ToHashSet();
                model.Data = db.LobbyChatHistories
                             .Where(x => x.Target == myName && x.SayPlace == SayPlace.User && x.Time > minTime)
                             .OrderByDescending(x => x.Time).Take(30)
                             .Where(x => !ignoredNames.Contains(x.User))
                             .OrderBy(x => x.Time)

            model.Message = "";

            return(PartialView("LobbyChatMessages", model));
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public void AddNewItem(ChatModel model)
     model.Name = Context.User?.Identity.Name;
        public ActionResult Chat(ChatModel model)
            model = model ?? new ChatModel();

            return(View("LobbyChat", model));
Ejemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// When the method is called with no arguments, just return the view
        /// When argument logOn is true, a user logged on
        /// When argument logOff is true, a user closed their browser or navigated away (log off)
        /// When argument chatMessage is specified, the user typed something in the chat
        /// </summary>
        public ActionResult Index(string user, bool?logOn, bool?logOff, string chatMessage)
                if (chatModel == null)
                    chatModel = new ChatModel();

                //trim chat history if needed
                if (chatModel.ChatHistory.Count > 100)
                    chatModel.ChatHistory.RemoveRange(0, 90);

                if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    //first time loading
                else if (logOn != null && (bool)logOn)
                    //check if nickname already exists
                    if (chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.NickName == user) != null)
                        throw new Exception("This nickname already exists");
                    else if (chatModel.Users.Count > 10)
                        throw new Exception("The room is full!");
                        #region create new user and add to lobby
                        chatModel.Users.Add(new ChatModel.ChatUser()
                            NickName     = user,
                            LoggedOnTime = DateTime.Now,
                            LastPing     = DateTime.Now

                        //inform lobby of new user
                        chatModel.ChatHistory.Add(new ChatModel.ChatMessage()
                            Message = "User '" + user + "' logged on.",
                            When    = DateTime.Now

                    return(PartialView("Lobby", chatModel));
                else if (logOff != null && (bool)logOff)
                    LogOffUser(chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.NickName == user));
                    return(PartialView("Lobby", chatModel));
                    ChatModel.ChatUser currentUser = chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.NickName == user);

                    //remember each user's last ping time
                    currentUser.LastPing = DateTime.Now;

                    #region remove inactive users
                    List <ChatModel.ChatUser> removeThese = new List <ChatModel.ChatUser>();
                    foreach (Models.ChatModel.ChatUser usr in chatModel.Users)
                        TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - usr.LastPing;
                        if (span.TotalSeconds > 15)
                    foreach (ChatModel.ChatUser usr in removeThese)

                    #region if there is a new message, append it to the chat
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatMessage))
                        chatModel.ChatHistory.Add(new ChatModel.ChatMessage()
                            ByUser  = currentUser,
                            Message = chatMessage,
                            When    = DateTime.Now

                    return(PartialView("ChatHistory", chatModel));
            catch (Exception ex)
                //return error to AJAX function
                Response.StatusCode = 500;
Ejemplo n.º 33
        protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(ChatModel chatItem)
            var handler = PropertyChanged;

            handler?.Invoke(this, new ChatEventArgs(chatItem));
Ejemplo n.º 34
        protected virtual void OnSwitchPage(object sender, Gtk.SwitchPageArgs e)
            Trace.Call(sender, e);

            if (f_IsBrowseModeEnabled)

            // synchronize FrontManager.CurrenPage
            ChatView chatView = GetChat((int)e.PageNum);

            if (chatView == null)

            ChatModel chatModel = chatView.ChatModel;

            // clear activity and highlight
            chatView.HasHighlight = false;
            chatView.HasActivity  = false;
            chatView.HasEvent     = false;
            var lastMsg = chatView.OutputMessageTextView.LastMessage;

            var method = Trace.GetMethodBase();

            f_SwitchPageQueue.Queue(delegate {
                // HACK: don't pass the real parameters are it's unsafe from
                // a non-main (GUI) thread!
                Trace.Call(method, null, null);

                try {
                    DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow, stop;
                    var fm         = Frontend.FrontendManager;
                    if (fm == null)
                        // in case we are currently reconnecting to a remote engine

                    // OPT-TODO: we could use here a TaskStack instead which
                    // would make sure only the newest task gets executed
                    // instead of every task in the FIFO sequence!
                    var nmanager = chatView.ProtocolManager;

                    // TODO: only set the protocol manager and update network
                    // status if the protocol manager differs from the old one

                    // REMOTING CALL 2
                    fm.CurrentChat = chatModel;
                    if (nmanager != null)
                        // REMOTING CALL 3
                        fm.CurrentProtocolManager = nmanager;

                    // even when we have no network manager, we still want to update
                    // the network status and title
                    // REMOTING CALL 4

                    // update last seen highlight
                    // REMOTING CALL 5
                    if (lastMsg != null && !Frontend.UseLowBandwidthMode)
                        chatModel.LastSeenHighlight = lastMsg.TimeStamp;

                    stop = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    f_Logger.Debug("OnSwitchPage(): task took: " + (stop - start).Milliseconds + " ms");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    f_Logger.Error("OnSwitchPage(): Exception", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        public ActionResult Index(string user, bool? logOn, bool? logOff, string chatMessage, string sortBy)
                if (chatModel == null) chatModel = new ChatModel();

                //оставляем только последние 90 сообщений
                if (chatModel.Messages.Count > 100)
                    chatModel.Messages.RemoveRange(0, 90);

                // если обычный запрос, просто возвращаем представление
                if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                    return View(chatModel);
                else if (logOn != null && (bool)logOn)
                    //проверяем, существует ли уже такой пользователь
                    if (chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user) != null)
                        throw new Exception("Пользователь с таким ником уже существует");
                    else if (chatModel.Users.Count > 10)
                        throw new Exception("Чат заполнен");
                        // добавляем в список нового пользователя
                        chatModel.Users.Add(new ChatUser()
                            ID = chatModel.Count,
                            Name = user,
                            LoginTime = DateTime.Now,
                            LastPing = DateTime.Now

                    return PartialView("ChatRoom", chatModel);
                else if (logOff != null && (bool)logOff)
                    LogOff(chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user));
                    return PartialView("ChatRoom", chatModel);
                    ChatUser currentUser = chatModel.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == user);

                    //для каждого пользователя запоминаем воемя последнего обновления
                    currentUser.LastPing = DateTime.Now;

                    // удаляем неаквтивных пользователей
                    List<ChatUser> removeThese = new List<ChatUser>();
                    foreach (Models.ChatUser usr in chatModel.Users)
                        TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - usr.LastPing;
                        if (span.TotalSeconds > 15)
                    foreach (ChatUser u in removeThese)

                    // добавляем в список сообщений новое сообщение
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(chatMessage))
                        chatModel.Messages.Add(new ChatMessage()
                            User = currentUser,
                            Text = chatMessage,
                            Time = DateTime.Now
                        if (sortBy == "ID")
                        return PartialView("History", chatModel);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //в случае ошибки посылаем статусный код 500
                Response.StatusCode = 500;
                return Content(ex.Message);