Ejemplo n.º 1
        void series_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            args.Style.DisplayText     = true;
            args.Style.TextOrientation = ChartTextOrientation.Smart;
            args.Style.Text            = "T" + this._Id.ToString();
            series.Style.Font.Facename = "Segoe UI";
            series.Style.Font.Size     = 7;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void series_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            if (series != null)
                args.Style.Symbol.Shape = ChartSymbolShape.Square;
                args.Style.Symbol.Size  = new Size(2, 2);
                args.Style.Symbol.Color = Color.DarkGreen;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void ChartControlSeries_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;
            Random      rand   = new Random();

            if (args.Index == 4)
                args.Style.Symbol.Shape = (ChartSymbolShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChartSymbolShape), this.cmbSymbolStyle.SelectedItem.ToString(), true);
                args.Style.Symbol.Size  = new Size((int)this.numericUpDown1.Value, (int)this.numericUpDown1.Value);
                args.Style.Symbol.Color = colorPickerButton1.SelectedColor;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set tooltip format using preparestyle event in chart control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        protected void ChartControlSeries_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            // Style formatting using a callback. You can apply the same settings directly on the series style on the
            // point styles.
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            if (series != null)
                args.Style.Text    = string.Format("Value is {0}", series.Points[args.Index].YValues[0]);
                args.Style.ToolTip = "You are hovering over Day " + series.Points[args.Index].X.ToString();
                args.Handled       = true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        void series_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            // Compose the tooltip for each point:
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            series.PointsToolTipFormat = "{2}";
            if (args != null)
                DateTime dd = (DateTime)model.GetXData(args.Index);
                double   y  = this.chartControl1.Series[0].Points[args.Index].YValues[0];

                args.Style.ToolTip = "X= " + this.GetFormattedLabelText(dd) + ", Y= " + y.ToString("F01");
            args.Handled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void Form1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = this.chartControl1.Series[0];

            if (series != null)
                if (args.Index == 0)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x1B, 0xA1, 0xE2));
                else if (args.Index == 1)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x00));
                else if (args.Index == 2)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, 0x33));
                else if (args.Index == 3)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0xC1, 0x39));
                else if (args.Index == 4)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xD8, 0x00, 0x73));
                else if (args.Index == 5)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xF0, 0x96, 0x09));
                else if (args.Index == 6)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xE6, 0x71, 0xB8));
                else if (args.Index == 7)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0x00, 0xFF));
                else if (args.Index == 8)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xE5, 0x14, 0x00));
                else if (args.Index == 9)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0xAB, 0xA9));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the PrepareStyle event of ChartSeries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The ChartSeries object that raises this event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The event data. Can be modified to change series appearance.</param>
        void series1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            series.Style.Border.Color = Color.SlateGray;

            if (series != null)
                color1 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x1B, 0xA1, 0xE2) };
                color2 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x00) };
                color3 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, 0x33) };
                color4 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0xC1, 0x39) };
                color5 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xD8, 0x00, 0x73) };
                color6 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xF0, 0x96, 0x09) };
                color7 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xE6, 0x71, 0xB8) };
                color8 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0x00, 0xFF) };

                if (args.Index == 0)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color3);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[0].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color3);
                else if (args.Index == 1)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color2);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[1].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color2);
                else if (args.Index == 2)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color5);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[2].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color5);
                else if (args.Index == 3)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color7);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[3].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color7);
                else if (args.Index == 4)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color4);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[4].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color4);
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the Style based on Index
        /// </summary>
        void Form1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = this.chartControl1.Series[0];

            if (series != null)
                if (args.Index == 0)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 41, 158, 214));
                else if (args.Index == 1)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 206, 215, 41));
                else if (args.Index == 2)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 255, 186, 0));
                else if (args.Index == 3)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 247, 125, 16));
                else if (args.Index == 4)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 129, 115, 27));
                else if (args.Index == 5)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 255, 136, 23));
                else if (args.Index == 6)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 246, 100, 15));
                else if (args.Index == 7)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 188, 200, 6));
                else if (args.Index == 8)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 234, 90, 81));
                else if (args.Index == 9)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(175, 191, 192, 98));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected void ChartControlSeries_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            // Style formatting using a callback. You can apply the same settings directly on the series style on the
            // point styles.
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;
            Random      rand   = new Random();

            if (series != null)
                if (rbSymbolSeries1.Checked)
                    args.Style.Symbol.Shape = (ChartSymbolShape)Enum.Parse(typeof(ChartSymbolShape), this.cmbSymbolStyle.SelectedItem.ToString(), true);
                    args.Style.Symbol.Size  = new Size(10, 10);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the PrepareStyle event of ChartSeries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The ChartSeries object that raises this event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The event data. Can be modified to change series appearance.</param>
        protected void ChartControlSeries_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            // Style formatting using a callback. You can apply the same settings directly on the series style on the
            // point styles.
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            if (series != null)
                args.Style.DisplayText         = true;
                args.Style.TextFormat          = "{0}";
                args.Style.TextOrientation     = ChartTextOrientation.Up;
                args.Style.Symbol.Shape        = ChartSymbolShape.Circle;
                args.Style.Symbol.Size         = new Size(10, 10);
                args.Style.Symbol.Color        = Color.White;
                args.Style.Symbol.Border.Color = Color.FromArgb(129, 115, 27);
                args.Style.Symbol.Border.Width = 2;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void Form1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            var series = chartControl1.Series[0];

            if (series == null)

            switch (args.Index)
            case 0:
                args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x1B, 0xA1, 0xE2));

            case 1:
                args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x00));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the stock series with up and down colors.
        /// </summary>
        private void series_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            if (series != null)
                //Up Series - Open value < Close value - Painted with Green.
                // Down Series - Open value > Close value - Painted with Red.
                if (args.Index >= 0)
                    if (series.Points[args.Index].YValues[3] > series.Points[args.Index].YValues[2])
                        args.Style.Interior     = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.Horizontal, Color.Red, Color.Red);
                        args.Style.Border.Color = Color.Red;
                        args.Style.Interior     = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(GradientStyle.Horizontal, Color.Green, Color.Green);
                        args.Style.Border.Color = Color.Green;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        void Form1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            if (series == null)

            ChartPoint taskPoint       = this.chartControl1.Series[1].Points[args.Index];
            ChartPoint completionPoint = this.chartControl1.Series[0].Points[args.Index];

            DateTime completionStartDate = DateTime.FromOADate(completionPoint.YValues[0]);
            DateTime completionEndDate   = DateTime.FromOADate(completionPoint.YValues[1]);

            DateTime taskStartDate    = DateTime.FromOADate(taskPoint.YValues[0]);
            DateTime taskEndDate      = DateTime.FromOADate(taskPoint.YValues[1]);
            double   percentCompleted = ((double)(completionEndDate.Day - completionStartDate.Day) / (double)(taskEndDate.Day - taskStartDate.Day)) * 100;
            double   percentRemaining = 100 - percentCompleted;

            args.Style.ToolTip = "Start date:" + taskStartDate.ToShortDateString() + "\nEnd date:" + taskEndDate.ToShortDateString() + "\nPercent Completed:" + Math.Round(percentCompleted, 2) + "%\nPercent Remaining: " + Math.Round(percentRemaining, 2) + "%";

            args.Handled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        void series_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            //Specifying  different Colors for data points using Prepare style event
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            if (series != null)
                if (this.chartControl1.Series[0].Type.ToString() == "Line")
                    if (args.Index == 0)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Red);
                    else if (args.Index == 1)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Green);
                    else if (args.Index == 2)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Blue);
                    else if (args.Index == 3)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Yellow);
                    else if (args.Index == 4)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Violet);
                    else if (args.Index == 5)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.BlanchedAlmond);
                    else if (args.Index == 6)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Brown);
                    else if (args.Index == 7)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Aqua);
                    else if (args.Index == 8)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Red);
                    else if (args.Index == 9)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Green);
                    else if (args.Index == 10)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Blue);
                    else if (args.Index == 11)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Yellow);
                    else if (args.Index == 12)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Violet);
                    else if (args.Index == 13)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.BlanchedAlmond);
                    else if (args.Index == 14)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Brown);
                    else if (args.Index == 15)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Aqua);
                    else if (args.Index == 16)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Red);
                    else if (args.Index == 17)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Green);
                    else if (args.Index == 18)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Blue);
                    else if (args.Index == 19)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Yellow);
                    else if (args.Index == 20)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Violet);
                    else if (args.Index == 21)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.BlanchedAlmond);
                    else if (args.Index == 22)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Brown);
                    else if (args.Index == 23)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Aqua);
                    else if (args.Index == 24)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Red);
                    else if (args.Index == 25)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Green);
                    else if (args.Index == 26)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Blue);
                    else if (args.Index == 27)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Yellow);
                    else if (args.Index == 28)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Violet);
                    else if (args.Index == 29)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.BlanchedAlmond);
                    else if (args.Index == 30)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Brown);
                    else if (args.Index == 31)
                        args.Style.Interior = new Syncfusion.Drawing.BrushInfo(Color.Red);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        void series1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            args.Style.Text = series.Points[args.Index].YValues[0].ToString() + " MB";
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Handler for the PrepareStyle event of ChartSeries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The ChartSeries object that raises this event.</param>
        /// <param name="args">The event data. Can be modified to change series appearance.</param>
        void series1_PrepareStyle(object sender, ChartPrepareStyleInfoEventArgs args)
            ChartSeries series = sender as ChartSeries;

            series.Style.Border.Color          = Color.Transparent;
            series.ConfigItems.PieItem.PieType = ChartPieType.None;
            if (series != null)
                color1 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x1B, 0xA1, 0xE2) };
                color2 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA0, 0x50, 0x00) };
                color3 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x33, 0x99, 0x33) };
                color4 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0xC1, 0x39) };
                color5 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xD8, 0x00, 0x73) };
                color6 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xF0, 0x96, 0x09) };
                color7 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xE6, 0x71, 0xB8) };
                color8 = new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xA2, 0x00, 0xFF) };

                if (args.Index == 0)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color1);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[0].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color1);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                else if (args.Index == 1)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color2);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[1].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color2);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                else if (args.Index == 2)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color6);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[2].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color6);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                else if (args.Index == 3)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color4);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[3].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color4);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                else if (args.Index == 4)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color5);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[4].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color5);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                else if (args.Index == 5)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color3);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[5].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color3);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                else if (args.Index == 6)
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color7);
                    this.chartControl1.Legend.Items[6].Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color7);
                    if (chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Funnel && chartControl1.Series[0].Type != ChartSeriesType.Pyramid)
                        args.Style.TextColor = Color.White;
                    args.Style.Interior = new BrushInfo(GradientStyle.None, color1);