Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task TestCustomerCashPayment2()
            int customerId = 2;

            UnitOfWork        unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
            GeneralLedgerView ledgerView = new GeneralLedgerView();

            long?addressId = await unitOfWork.customerRepository.GetAddressIdByCustomerId(customerId);

            ChartOfAccts coa = await unitOfWork.chartOfAccountRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "101", "");

            ledgerView.GeneralLedgerId = -1;
            ledgerView.DocNumber       = 1;
            ledgerView.DocType         = "PV";
            ledgerView.Amount          = 250M;
            ledgerView.LedgerType      = "AA";
            ledgerView.GLDate          = DateTime.Parse("8/10/2018");
            ledgerView.AccountId       = coa.AccountId;
            ledgerView.CreatedDate     = DateTime.Parse("8/10/2018");
            ledgerView.AddressId       = addressId ?? 0;
            ledgerView.Comment         = "First installment payment for dashboard";
            ledgerView.DebitAmount     = 250;
            ledgerView.CreditAmount    = 0;
            ledgerView.FiscalPeriod    = 8;
            ledgerView.FiscalYear      = 2018;
            ledgerView.CheckNumber     = "112";

            AccountsReceivableModule acctRecMod = new AccountsReceivableModule();




            //bool result = await acctRec.CustomerCashPayment(ledgerView);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task TestCustomerCashPayment()
            int customerId = 9;

            UnitOfWork        unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
            GeneralLedgerView ledgerView = new GeneralLedgerView();

            long?addressId = await unitOfWork.customerRepository.GetAddressIdByCustomerId(customerId);

            ChartOfAccts coa = await unitOfWork.chartOfAccountRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "101", "");

            ledgerView.GeneralLedgerId = -1;
            ledgerView.DocNumber       = 12;
            ledgerView.DocType         = "PV";
            ledgerView.Amount          = 189.63M;
            ledgerView.LedgerType      = "AA";
            ledgerView.GLDate          = DateTime.Parse("7/21/2018");
            ledgerView.AccountId       = coa.AccountId;
            ledgerView.CreatedDate     = DateTime.Parse("7/21/2018");
            ledgerView.AddressId       = addressId ?? 0;
            ledgerView.Comment         = "Payment in Part for 50% sharing of project income";
            ledgerView.DebitAmount     = 189.63M;
            ledgerView.CreditAmount    = 0;
            ledgerView.FiscalPeriod    = 7;
            ledgerView.FiscalYear      = 2018;
            ledgerView.CheckNumber     = "111";

            AccountsReceivableModule acctRecMod = new AccountsReceivableModule();


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task TestCreateBudget()
            UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();

            BudgetModule budgetMod = new BudgetModule();

            BudgetRangeView budgetRangeView = new BudgetRangeView();

            //personal mortgage
            ChartOfAccts coa = await unitOfWork.chartOfAccountRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "502", "01");

            budgetRangeView.StartDate = DateTime.Parse("1/1/2018");;
            budgetRangeView.EndDate   = DateTime.Parse("12/31/2018");;

            budgetRangeView.Location       = coa.Location;
            budgetRangeView.GenCode        = coa.GenCode;
            budgetRangeView.SubCode        = coa.SubCode;
            budgetRangeView.CompanyCode    = coa.Company.CompanyCode;
            budgetRangeView.BusinessUnit   = coa.BusUnit;
            budgetRangeView.ObjectNumber   = coa.ObjectNumber;
            budgetRangeView.Subsidiary     = coa.Subsidiary;
            budgetRangeView.AccountId      = coa.AccountId;
            budgetRangeView.SupervisorCode = coa.SupCode;

            BudgetView budgetView = new BudgetView();


            BudgetRangeView budgetRangeLookupView = budgetMod.BudgetRange.Query().GetBudgetRange(budgetRangeView.AccountId, budgetRangeView.StartDate, budgetRangeView.EndDate);

            budgetMod.Budget.MapRangeToBudgetView(ref budgetView, budgetRangeLookupView);

            BudgetActualsView budgetActualsView = budgetMod.Budget.Query().GetBudgetActualsView(budgetRangeLookupView);

            budgetView.BudgetAmount    = 768 * 12;
            budgetView.BudgetHours     = 0;
            budgetView.ProjectedAmount = 800 * 12;
            budgetView.ProjectedHours  = 0;
            budgetView.ActualAmount    = budgetActualsView.ActualAmount;
            budgetView.ActualHours     = budgetActualsView.ActualHours;


Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task TestPayAccountsPayable()
            long              customerId = 2;
            string            poNumber   = "PO-2";
            UnitOfWork        unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();
            GeneralLedgerView ledgerView = new GeneralLedgerView();

            long?addressId = await unitOfWork.customerRepository.GetAddressIdByCustomerId(customerId);

            ChartOfAccts coa = await unitOfWork.chartOfAccountRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "210", "");

            AcctPay acctPay = await unitOfWork.accountPayableRepository.GetAcctPayByPONumber(poNumber);

            SupplierInvoice supplierInvoice = await unitOfWork.supplierInvoiceRepository.GetSupplierInvoiceByPONumber(poNumber);

            if (coa == null || acctPay == null || supplierInvoice == null)
            //TODO create a process to match the ledger to the invoice and account receivable

            ledgerView.GeneralLedgerId = -1;
            ledgerView.SupplierId      = 3;
            ledgerView.DocNumber       = acctPay.DocNumber ?? 0; //doc number of the account payable
            ledgerView.AcctPayId       = acctPay.AcctPayId;
            ledgerView.InvoiceId       = supplierInvoice.SupplierInvoiceId;
            ledgerView.DocType         = "PV";
            ledgerView.Amount          = 268M;
            ledgerView.LedgerType      = "AA";
            ledgerView.GLDate          = DateTime.Parse("8/28/2018");
            ledgerView.AccountId       = coa.AccountId;
            ledgerView.CreatedDate     = DateTime.Parse("8/28/2018");
            ledgerView.AddressId       = addressId ?? 0;
            ledgerView.Comment         = "Payment for back to school";
            ledgerView.DebitAmount     = 0;
            ledgerView.CreditAmount    = 268M;
            ledgerView.FiscalPeriod    = 8;
            ledgerView.FiscalYear      = 2018;
            ledgerView.CheckNumber     = "113";

            AccountsPayableModule acctPayablesMod = new AccountsPayableModule();





Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task TestCreatePurchaseOrder()
            UnitOfWork unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork();

            ItemMaster itemMaster = new ItemMaster();

            itemMaster.ItemNumber    = "P2001Test";
            itemMaster.Description   = "Highlighter - 3 Color";
            itemMaster.UnitOfMeasure = "Sets";
            itemMaster.UnitPrice     = 6M;

            bool result = await unitOfWork.itemMasterRepository.CreateItemMaster(itemMaster);

            if (result)
            AddressBook addressBook = new AddressBook();

            addressBook.CompanyName = "Sample Company Part Ltd";
            addressBook.Name        = "";
            addressBook.FirstName   = "";
            addressBook.LastName    = "";

            LocationAddress locationAddress = new LocationAddress();

            locationAddress.AddressLine1 = "204 Collins Street";
            locationAddress.City         = "Melbourne";
            locationAddress.Zipcode      = "3000";
            locationAddress.Country      = "Australia";

            Emails email = new Emails();

            email.Email      = "*****@*****.**";
            email.LoginEmail = true;
            email.Password   = "******";

            SupplierView supplierView = await unitOfWork.supplierRepository.CreateSupplierByAddressBook(addressBook, locationAddress, email);

            ChartOfAccts coa = await unitOfWork.supplierRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "240", "");

            Company company = await unitOfWork.supplierRepository.GetCompany();

            ItemMaster[] itemMasterLookup = new ItemMaster[5];

            itemMasterLookup[0] = await unitOfWork.itemMasterRepository.GetObjectAsync(5);

            itemMasterLookup[1] = await unitOfWork.itemMasterRepository.GetObjectAsync(6);

            itemMasterLookup[2] = await unitOfWork.itemMasterRepository.GetObjectAsync(7);

            itemMasterLookup[3] = await unitOfWork.itemMasterRepository.GetObjectAsync(8);

            itemMasterLookup[4] = await unitOfWork.itemMasterRepository.GetObjectAsync(9);

            Udc udcAcctPayDocType = await unitOfWork.accountPayableRepository.GetUdc("AcctPayDocType", "STD");

            string json = @"{
            ""DocType"" : """ + udcAcctPayDocType.KeyCode + @""",
            ""PaymentTerms"" : ""Net 30"",
            ""GLDate"" : """ + DateTime.Parse("7/30/2018") + @""",
            ""AccountId"" :" + coa.AccountId + @",
            ""SupplierId"" :" + (supplierView.SupplierId ?? 0).ToString() + @",
            ""SupplierName"" :""" + supplierView.CompanyName + @""",
            ""Description"" :""Back to School Inventory"",
            ""PONumber"" :""PO-2"",
            ""TakenBy"" : ""David Nishimoto"",
            ""BuyerId"" :" + company.CompanyId + @",
            ""TaxCode1"" :""" + company.TaxCode1 + @""",
            ""TaxCode2"" :""" + company.TaxCode2 + @""",
            ""ShippedToName"" :""" + company.CompanyName + @""",
            ""ShippedToAddress1"" :""" + company.CompanyStreet + @""",
            ""ShippedToCity"" :""" + company.CompanyCity + @""",
            ""ShippedToState"" :""" + company.CompanyState + @""",
            ""ShippedToZipcode"" :""" + company.CompanyZipcode + @""",
            ""RequestedDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("7/24/2018") + @""",
            ""PromisedDeliveredDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("8/2/2018") + @""",
            ""TransactionDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("7/30/2018") + @""", 

                    ""ItemId"": 5,
                    ""OrderDate"":""" + DateTime.Parse("7 / 30 / 2018") + @""",
                    ""OrderedQuantity"": 5,
                    ""UnitPrice"" : " + itemMasterLookup[0].UnitPrice + @",
                    ""UnitOfMeasure"" : """ + itemMasterLookup[0].UnitOfMeasure + @""",
                    ""Amount"" : " + itemMasterLookup[0].UnitPrice * 5 + @",
                    ""Description"": """ + itemMasterLookup[0].Description + @""",
                    ""ExpectedDeliveryDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("8/2/2018") + @""",
                    ""ItemId"": 6,
                    ""OrderDate"":""" + DateTime.Parse("7 / 30 / 2018") + @""",
                    ""OrderedQuantity"": 4,
                    ""UnitPrice"" : " + itemMasterLookup[1].UnitPrice + @",
                    ""UnitOfMeasure"" : """ + itemMasterLookup[1].UnitOfMeasure + @""",
                    ""Amount"" : " + itemMasterLookup[1].UnitPrice * 4 + @",
                    ""Description"": """ + itemMasterLookup[1].Description + @""",
                    ""ExpectedDeliveryDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("8/2/2018") + @""",
                    ""ItemId"": 7,
                    ""OrderDate"":""" + DateTime.Parse("7 / 30 / 2018") + @""",
                    ""OrderedQuantity"": 10,
                    ""UnitPrice"" : " + itemMasterLookup[2].UnitPrice + @",
                    ""UnitOfMeasure"" : """ + itemMasterLookup[2].UnitOfMeasure + @""",
                    ""Amount"" : " + itemMasterLookup[2].UnitPrice * 10 + @",
                    ""Description"": """ + itemMasterLookup[2].Description + @""",
                    ""ExpectedDeliveryDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("8/2/2018") + @""",
                    ""ItemId"": 8,
                    ""OrderDate"":""" + DateTime.Parse("7 / 30 / 2018") + @""",
                    ""OrderedQuantity"": 15,
                    ""UnitPrice"" : " + itemMasterLookup[3].UnitPrice + @",
                    ""UnitOfMeasure"" : """ + itemMasterLookup[3].UnitOfMeasure + @""",
                    ""Amount"" : " + itemMasterLookup[3].UnitPrice * 15 + @",
                    ""Description"": """ + itemMasterLookup[3].Description + @""",
                    ""ExpectedDeliveryDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("8/2/2018") + @""",
                    ""ItemId"": 9,
                    ""OrderDate"":""" + DateTime.Parse("7 / 30 / 2018") + @""",
                    ""OrderedQuantity"": 10,
                    ""UnitPrice"" : " + itemMasterLookup[4].UnitPrice + @",
                    ""UnitOfMeasure"" : """ + itemMasterLookup[3].UnitOfMeasure + @""",
                    ""Amount"" : " + itemMasterLookup[4].UnitPrice * 10 + @",
                    ""Description"": """ + itemMasterLookup[4].Description + @""",
                    ""ExpectedDeliveryDate"" :""" + DateTime.Parse("8/2/2018") + @""",

            PurchaseOrderView purchaseOrderView = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PurchaseOrderView>(json);

            AccountsPayableModule apMod = new AccountsPayableModule();

            //TODO Create the Purchase Order


Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task TestCreateIncomeRevenue()
            int        addressId            = 1;
            decimal    income               = 2800M;
            long       incomeDocumentNumber = 20; //manually extracted
            UnitOfWork unitOfWork           = new UnitOfWork();

            GeneralLedgerModule ledgerMod = new GeneralLedgerModule();

            ChartOfAccts coa = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "300", "");

            Udc udcLedgerType = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetUdc("GENERALLEDGERTYPE", "AA");

            Udc udcDocType = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetUdc("DOCTYPE", "PV");

            AddressBook addressBook = await unitOfWork.addressBookRepository.GetAddressBookByAddressId(addressId);

            GeneralLedgerView glView = new GeneralLedgerView();

            glView.DocNumber    = incomeDocumentNumber;
            glView.DocType      = udcDocType.KeyCode;
            glView.AccountId    = coa.AccountId;
            glView.Amount       = income;
            glView.LedgerType   = udcLedgerType.KeyCode;
            glView.GLDate       = DateTime.Parse("9/20/2018");
            glView.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Parse("9/20/2018");
            glView.AddressId    = addressBook.AddressId;
            glView.Comment      = "Week end 8/31/2018";
            glView.DebitAmount  = income;
            glView.CreditAmount = 0;
            glView.FiscalPeriod = 9;
            glView.FiscalYear   = 2018;


            ChartOfAccts coa2 = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "101", "");

            long cashDocumentNumber   = 21;
            GeneralLedgerView glView2 = new GeneralLedgerView();

            glView2.DocNumber    = cashDocumentNumber;
            glView2.DocType      = udcDocType.KeyCode;
            glView2.AccountId    = coa2.AccountId;
            glView2.Amount       = income;
            glView2.LedgerType   = udcLedgerType.KeyCode;
            glView2.GLDate       = DateTime.Parse("9/20/2018");
            glView2.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Parse("9/20/2018");
            glView2.AddressId    = addressBook.AddressId;
            glView2.Comment      = "Week end 8/31/2018";
            glView2.DebitAmount  = income;
            glView2.CreditAmount = 0;
            glView2.FiscalPeriod = 9;
            glView2.FiscalYear   = 2018;



            GeneralLedgerView glViewLookup =
                ledgerMod.GeneralLedger.Query().GetGeneralLedgerView(glView2.DocNumber, glView2.DocType);

            Assert.True(glViewLookup != null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task TestCreatePersonalExpenseAndPayment()
            UnitOfWork   unitOfWork            = new UnitOfWork();
            long         addressId             = 1;
            long         expenseDocumentNumber = 19;
            decimal      expense = 768M;
            ChartOfAccts coa     = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "502", "01");

            Udc udcLedgerType = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetUdc("GENERALLEDGERTYPE", "AA");

            Udc udcDocType = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetUdc("DOCTYPE", "PV");

            AddressBook addressBook = await unitOfWork.addressBookRepository.GetAddressBookByAddressId(addressId);

            GeneralLedgerView   glView    = new GeneralLedgerView();
            GeneralLedgerModule ledgerMod = new GeneralLedgerModule();

            glView.DocNumber    = expenseDocumentNumber;
            glView.DocType      = udcDocType.KeyCode;
            glView.AccountId    = coa.AccountId;
            glView.Amount       = expense * -1;
            glView.LedgerType   = udcLedgerType.KeyCode;
            glView.GLDate       = DateTime.Parse("9/19/2018");
            glView.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Parse("9/19/2018");
            glView.AddressId    = addressBook.AddressId;
            glView.Comment      = "Mortgage Payment";
            glView.DebitAmount  = 0;
            glView.CreditAmount = expense;
            glView.FiscalPeriod = 9;
            glView.FiscalYear   = 2018;


            GeneralLedgerView glViewLookup =
                ledgerMod.GeneralLedger.Query().GetGeneralLedgerView(glView.DocNumber, glView.DocType);

            ChartOfAccts coaCash = await unitOfWork.generalLedgerRepository.GetChartofAccount("1000", "1200", "101", "");

            GeneralLedgerView glCashView = new GeneralLedgerView();

            long cashDocumentNumber = 22;

            glCashView.DocNumber    = cashDocumentNumber;
            glCashView.DocType      = udcDocType.KeyCode;
            glCashView.AccountId    = coaCash.AccountId;
            glCashView.Amount       = expense * -1;
            glCashView.LedgerType   = udcLedgerType.KeyCode;
            glCashView.GLDate       = DateTime.Parse("9/20/2018");
            glCashView.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Parse("9/20/2018");
            glCashView.AddressId    = addressBook.AddressId;
            glCashView.Comment      = "Mortgage Payment";
            glCashView.DebitAmount  = 0;
            glCashView.CreditAmount = expense;
            glCashView.FiscalPeriod = 9;
            glCashView.FiscalYear   = 2018;


            GeneralLedgerView glCashViewLookup =
                ledgerMod.GeneralLedger.Query().GetGeneralLedgerView(glCashView.DocNumber, glCashView.DocType);

            Assert.True(glCashViewLookup != null);