Ejemplo n.º 1
        private List <ChartItemViewModel> GetTeamChartData(List <TeamListViewModel> teams)
            var chartItems = new List <ChartItemViewModel>();

            foreach (var team in teams)
                if (team.averageRating != -9999)
                    ChartItemViewModel chartItem = new ChartItemViewModel();

                    chartItem.baseRating   = team.averageRating;
                    chartItem.rating       = team.averageRating;
                    chartItem.seasonYear   = team.seasonYear;
                    chartItem.seasonPeriod = team.seasonPeriod;

                    if (team.pouleCategory == 1)
                        if (team.regionName.Equals("Landelijk Dames"))
                            chartItem.color = "magenta";
                            chartItem.color = "blue";
                        if (team.regionName.Equals("Landelijk Meisjes"))
                            chartItem.color = "red";
                            chartItem.color = "green";


            return(chartItems.OrderBy(c => c.seasonYear).ThenBy(c => c.seasonPeriod).ThenByDescending(c => c.pouleCategory).ToList());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private List <ChartItemViewModel> GetPlayerChartData(List <ResultListViewModel> results)
            var chartItems = new List <ChartItemViewModel>();

            foreach (var result in results)
                if (result.rating != -9999)
                    ChartItemViewModel chartItem = new ChartItemViewModel();

                    chartItem.baseRating    = result.baseRating;
                    chartItem.rating        = result.rating;
                    chartItem.seasonYear    = result.seasonYear;
                    chartItem.seasonPeriod  = result.seasonPeriod;
                    chartItem.pouleCategory = result.pouleCategory;
                    chartItem.regionId      = result.regionId;

                    if (result.pouleCategory == 1)
                        if (result.regionName.Equals("Landelijk Dames"))
                            chartItem.color = "magenta";
                            chartItem.color = "blue";
                        if (result.regionName.Equals("Landelijk Meisjes"))
                            chartItem.color = "red";
                            chartItem.color = "green";


            List <Season> seasons = Database.Instance.seasonRepository.GetSeasons();

            chartItems = chartItems.OrderBy(c => c.seasonYear).ThenBy(c => c.seasonPeriod).ThenByDescending(c => c.pouleCategory).ThenBy(c => c.regionId).ToList();

            var addPrognosis = true;

            if ((chartItems.Count(s => s.seasonYear == seasons[0].year && s.seasonPeriod == seasons[0].period) == 0) &&
                (chartItems.Count(s => s.seasonYear == seasons[1].year && s.seasonPeriod == seasons[1].period) == 0))
                addPrognosis = false;   // No recent results
                var prognosisItems = chartItems.GroupBy(c => new { c.seasonYear, c.seasonPeriod }).Select(g => new { Average = g.Average(p => p.rating) }).ToList();

                if (prognosisItems.Count() <= 2)
                    addPrognosis = false;   // Not enough results to calculate prognosis

            if (addPrognosis)
                int prognose = GetPrognosis(chartItems);

                ChartItemViewModel chartItem = new ChartItemViewModel();

                chartItem.baseRating   = prognose;
                chartItem.rating       = prognose;
                chartItem.seasonYear   = 1;
                chartItem.seasonPeriod = 1;
                chartItem.color        = "black";


Ejemplo n.º 3
        public SevenDaysDataAnswer GetLastSevenDaysData(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
            decimal total_sales     = 0;
            int     total_clients   = 0;
            int     different_dates = 0;

            decimal spendingByClient  = 0;
            decimal spendingDeviation = 0;

            DateTime sevenDaysDate = unitOfWork.OrderRepository.GetLastSaleDate().Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(-6));

            List <ChartItemViewModel>  columnsData = new List <ChartItemViewModel>();
            List <ReportLineViewModel> topProducts = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            //last 7 days
            //get total sales and clients from Orders->Sales
            var daysQuery = from item in unitOfWork.OrderRepository.Get(s => s.Date >= sevenDaysDate)
                            //where item.Date >= sevenDaysDate
                            group item by item.Date into dategroup
                            orderby dategroup.Key
                            select dategroup;

            foreach (var group in daysQuery)
                ChartItemViewModel scc = new ChartItemViewModel();

                scc.Date = group.Key;
                scc.X    = group.Key.ToString("d/MMM");;

                total_sales   += scc.TotalSale = Math.Round(group.Sum(x => x.Total));
                total_clients += scc.Clients = group.Sum(x => x.Persons);
                //total_orders += group.Count();


            //get cost from lineitems
            var lineitemsQuery = from li in unitOfWork.LineItemRepository.Get(x => x.Order.Date >= sevenDaysDate)
                                 //where li.Order.Date >= sevenDaysDate
                                 group li by li.Order.Date;

            var invSVC = ServiceContainer.GetService <IInventoryService>();

            foreach (var group in lineitemsQuery)
                decimal cost = group.Sum(x => invSVC.GetProductCost(x.Product, x.Quantity, x.UnitMeasure));

                ChartItemViewModel scc = columnsData.Single(x => x.Date == group.Key);
                scc.TotalCost = Math.Round(cost);
                scc.Profit    = scc.TotalSale - scc.TotalCost;

            //calculate statistics

            if (total_clients > 0)
                spendingByClient = total_sales / total_clients;

            var queryLastSevenDaysWithClients = from item in unitOfWork.OrderRepository.Get(x => x.Date >= sevenDaysDate && x.Persons > 0)
                                                //where item.Date >= sevenDaysDate && item.Persons > 0
                                                select item;

            if (queryLastSevenDaysWithClients.Count() > 0)
                decimal average = queryLastSevenDaysWithClients.Average(x => x.Total / x.Persons);

                spendingDeviation = (decimal)Math.Sqrt(queryLastSevenDaysWithClients.Average(x => Math.Pow((double)(x.Total / x.Persons - average), 2)));

            //TOP PRODUCTS
            var lineitemsByProduct = from li in unitOfWork.LineItemRepository.Get(x => x.Order.Date >= sevenDaysDate)
                                                             //where li.Order.Date >= sevenDaysDate
                                     group li by li.Product; // into prodGroups;
            //let profit = prodGroups.Sum(x => x.Amount - x.Cost)
            //orderby profit descending
            //select new { Product = prodGroups.Key, Total = profit };

            List <ReportLineViewModel> temp_list = new List <ReportLineViewModel>();

            foreach (var group in lineitemsByProduct)
                ReportLineViewModel sli = new ReportLineViewModel();
                sli.Product = group.Key;
                sli.Amount  = group.Sum(x => x.Amount);
                sli.Cost    = group.Sum(x => invSVC.GetProductCost(x.Product, x.Quantity, x.UnitMeasure));
                //sli.Profit = sli.Amount - sli.Cost;


            temp_list = temp_list.OrderBy(x => x.Profit).ToList();
            int count = 0;

            for (int i = temp_list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (count++ == 10)
                var sli = temp_list.ElementAt(i);
                sli.Quantity = count;

            //if (total_orders > 0)
            //    SpendingByOrder = total_sales / total_orders;

            ////last four weeks
            //var tempQuery = (from item in context.Orders.OfType<Sale>()
            //                 where item.Date >= fourWeeksDate
            //                 select item).ToArray();

            //var weeksQuery = from item in tempQuery
            //                 let mondayDate = SalesChartColumnViewModel.GetWeekMonday(item.Date)
            //                 group item by mondayDate into weekgroup
            //                 orderby weekgroup.Key
            //                 select weekgroup;

            //foreach (var group in weeksQuery)
            //    SalesChartColumnViewModel scc = new SalesChartColumnViewModel();

            //    DateTime weekMonday = group.Key;
            //    scc.X = weekMonday.Day + "-" + weekMonday.AddDays(6).Day;

            //    scc.TotalSale =Math.Round(group.Sum(x => x.Total));

            //    fourWeeksItems.Add(scc);

            SevenDaysDataAnswer answer = new SevenDaysDataAnswer();

            answer.TotalSales        = total_sales;
            answer.TotalClients      = total_clients;
            answer.SpendingByClient  = spendingByClient;
            answer.SpendingDeviation = spendingDeviation;

            answer.SevenDaysColumnData = columnsData;
            answer.TopProducts         = topProducts;


            ////best day, week, month
            //using (var context = new RestaurantDBEntities())
            //    //best day
            //    var salesGroupedByDate = from sale in context.Orders.OfType<Sale>()
            //                             group sale by sale.Date;

            //    decimal maxTotal = 0;
            //    DateTime maxDate = DateTime.Today;

            //    foreach (var item in salesGroupedByDate)
            //    {
            //        decimal total = item.Sum(x => x.Total);
            //        if (total > maxTotal) { maxTotal = total; maxDate = item.Key; }
            //    }

            //    BestDay = maxTotal;
            //    BestDayTooltip = maxDate.ToString("dd/M/yyy");

            //    //best week
            //    var allSales = (from sale in context.Orders.OfType<Sale>()
            //                    select sale).ToArray();
            //    var salesGroupedByWeek = from item in allSales
            //                     let mondayDate = SalesChartColumnViewModel.GetWeekMonday(item.Date)
            //                     group item by mondayDate into weekgroup
            //                     orderby weekgroup.Key
            //                     select weekgroup;

            //    maxTotal = 0;

            //    foreach (var item in salesGroupedByWeek)
            //    {
            //        decimal total = item.Sum(x => x.Total);
            //        if (total > maxTotal) { maxTotal = total; maxDate = item.Key; }
            //    }

            //    BestWeek = maxTotal;
            //    BestWeekTooltip = maxDate.ToString("dd/M/yyy") + " - " + maxDate.AddDays(6).ToString("dd/M/yyy");

            //    //best month
            //    //best day
            //    var salesGroupedByMonth = from sale in context.Orders.OfType<Sale>()
            //                              group sale by sale.Date.Year into groupByYear
            //                              from monthGroup in
            //                                  (from item in groupByYear
            //                                   group item by item.Date.Month)
            //                              group monthGroup by groupByYear.Key;

            //    maxTotal = 0;

            //    foreach (var yearGroup in salesGroupedByMonth)
            //    {
            //        foreach (var monthGroup in yearGroup)
            //        {
            //            decimal total = monthGroup.Sum(x => x.Total);
            //            if (total > maxTotal)
            //            {
            //                maxTotal = total;
            //                maxDate = new DateTime(yearGroup.Key, monthGroup.Key, 1);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }

            //    BestMonth = maxTotal;
            //    BestMonthTooltip = maxDate.ToString("MMM/yyy");