Ejemplo n.º 1
    public void Initialize(string Name, int CS, int CW, int CSS, int CGS, int CCS, bool isPC)
        characterStrength        = CS;
        characterWeight          = CW;
        characterStrikingSkill   = CSS;
        characterGrapplingSkill  = CGS;
        characterCounteringSkill = CCS;
        characterName            = Name;
        isPlayerCharacter        = isPC;

        phase2 = new bool[2];
        phase3 = new bool[2];
        phase4 = new bool[3];

        grappleResetCounter = 0;

        grapplingAnimationStatePhase1       = "Both Characters are in Neutral";
        grapplingAnimationPhase1_to_Phase2a = "The Player Character has the upper hand on their opponent";
        grapplingAnimationPhase1_to_Phase2b = "The Opponent has the opperhand on the Player Character";

        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase3a_Via_2a1Success = (characterName + " performs a double-leg take-down on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + ", they have now mounted their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase3a_Via_2a2Success = (characterName + " performs a Leg-Sweep into Mount take-down on  " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + ", they have now mounted their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase3b_Via_2a3Success = (characterName + " performs a Leg-Sweep on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + ", they now have their Opponent in a standing Armbar");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase3b_Via_2a4Success = (characterName + " performs a Uchimata on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + ", they now have their Opponent in a standing armbar");

        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a5_to_Phase2a_Via_3dFailure = (characterName + " performs a reversal of  " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s Guillotine Choke Hold, they now have the Upper Hand on their Opponent");

        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase2b_Via_2aFailure   = (characterName + " performs a reversal of  " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s UpperHand, they now have the Upper Hand on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_phase2b_Via2a2Failure   = (characterName + " performs a reversal of  " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s LegSweep, they now have the Upper Hand on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase2a5_Via_2aFailure  = (characterName + " performs a Guillotine Choke Hold on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + ", they now have a Guillotine Choke on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase2a_to_Phase2a5_Via_2a1Failure = (characterName + " performs a Guillotine Choke Hold on  " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + " in response to their opponent's Double-Leg takedown attempt, they now have a Guillotine Choke on their Opponent");;

        grapplingAnimation_Phase3a_to_Phase4b_via_4aSuccess         = (characterName + " passes the guard of " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + ", they now have the Full Mount on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase3a_to_Phase4c_via_4aFailure         = (characterName + " performs a Full Guard of " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s Mount, they now have the Full Guard on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase3a_to_Phase4d_via_4aCriticalFailure = (characterName + " performs a Triangle Choke on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s Mount, they now have the Triangle Choke on their Opponent");

        grapplingAnimation_Phase3b_to_Phase5c_via_3bPlayerChoice = (characterName + " performs a Grounded Arm Bar on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "out of their Standing ArmBar, they now have the Grounded Arm Bar on their Opponent");

        grapplingAnimation_Phase4c_to_Phase3a_via_3fFailure         = (characterName + " performs a Mount on  " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s Full Guard, they now have the Mount on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase4c_to_Phase4a_via_3gCriticalFailure = (characterName + " performs a Full Mount on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + "'s Full Guard, they now have the Full Mount on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase4c_to_Phase4d_via_4cCriticalSuccess = (characterName + " performs a Triangle Choke on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + " from their own Full Guard, they now have the Triangle Choke Hold on their Opponent");

        grapplingAnimation_Phase4b_to_Phase5a_via_4bPlayerChoice = (characterName + " performs a Full Naked Choke on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + " from their own Full Mount, they now have the Grounded Full Naked Choke on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase4b_to_Phase5b_via_4bPlayerChoice = (characterName + " performs a Ground and Pound on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + " from their own Full Mount, they now have Began Pounding on their Opponent");
        grapplingAnimation_Phase4b_to_Phase5c_via_4bPlayerChoice = (characterName + " performs a Grounded ArmBar on " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName() + " from their own Full Mount, they now have the Grounded Arm Bar on their Opponent");

        grapplingAnimationPhase2a5_to_EndState2a5ChokeOut      = (characterName + " has now Choked Out " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName());
        grapplingAnimationPhase4d_to_EndState4dChokeOut        = (characterName + " has now Choked Out " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName());
        grapplingAnimationPhase5ab_to_EndState5abKnockChokeOut = (characterName + " has now Choked Out " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName());
        grapplingAnimationPhase5c_to_EndStateArmBar            = (characterName + " has now Subdued " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName());
        grapplingAnimationPhase3b_to_EndStateBrokenArm         = (characterName + " has now Broken the Arm of " + characterOpponent.GetCharacterName());