Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CanReadSimpleString()
            using var textReader = new StringReader("test");
            using var charReader = new CharReader(textReader);

            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('t'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('t'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('e'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('e'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('s'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('s'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('t'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('t'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.Null);
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.Null);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CanReadSimpleContent(string testString)
            using var textReader = new StringReader(testString);
            using var charReader = new CharReader(textReader);

            foreach (var ch in testString)
                var peekedChar = charReader.PeekChar();
                Assert.That(peekedChar, Is.EqualTo(ch));
                var readChar = charReader.ReadChar();
                Assert.That(readChar, Is.EqualTo(ch));

            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.Null);
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.Null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        }        //m()

        // OLE type
        private bool getOLEClass()
            bool      res = false;
            const int MAX_LEN_PIC_TYPE = 13;             // max length of longest type string (METAFILEPICT) + nul terminator

            char[] charA = new char[MAX_LEN_PIC_TYPE];

            UInt32 clen = read4bytesU(br, "Class string: ", true);               // length of class string expected (incl nul terminator)

            if (clen > MAX_LEN_PIC_TYPE)
                return(res);                // know it won't be an expected class

            address("Byte number at start of OLE Class string");

            int  i = 0;
            char c = chrd.ReadChar();

            while (!(c == 0))
                charA[i++] = c;
                c          = chrd.ReadChar();
                if (i > MAX_LEN_PIC_TYPE - 1)
            }                                       // while ends with i being length of string read

            string str = new string( charA, 0, i ); // i is length

            if (isEcho)
                debugMsg(string.Format("OLE Class string: {0}", str), true);

            if (str.Equals("METAFILEPICT") || str.Equals("BITMAP") || str.Equals("DIB"))
                debugMsg("OLE Class string matched", true);
                res = true;
        }        //m()
Ejemplo n.º 4
        }        //readBinFile

        private void readIndexes(BinaryReader br)
            // File header fields
            CFformats fmt;

            char[] rchars = br.ReadChars(3);               // get cardfile format chars e.g. MGC // always ASCII encoded even in 'Unicode' file
            string st1    = new string( rchars );

            try {
                fmt = (CFformats)Enum.Parse(typeof(CFformats), st1, true);                     // true means case-sensitive
            } catch (ArgumentException) {
                string msg = string.Format("Unknown card file type: {0}: Invalid CardFile, expect MGC, RRG or DKO", st1);
                throw new ExnNoSuchCardFileType(msg);

            CardFile.Log.write("Cardfile format: " + fmt.ToString() + ", ");

            UInt16 numCards;         // count of cards in card file, from file header
            UInt32 lastObjID;        // ID of last object in file

            switch (fmt)             // use the appropriate code for the file header
            case CFformats.MGC:
                numCards = br.ReadUInt16();                         // count of cards in file
                CardFile.Log.writeLn("Num Cards: " + numCards.ToString());

            case CFformats.RRG:
                lastObjID = br.ReadUInt32();                         // last obj
                debug("Last Obj ID: " + lastObjID.ToString());

                numCards = br.ReadUInt16();                         // count of cards in file
                CardFile.Log.writeLn("Num Cards: " + numCards.ToString());

            case CFformats.DKO:
                chrd = new UCS2Reader(br);                           // switch to UCS-2 encoded chars

                lastObjID = br.ReadUInt32();                         // last obj
                debug("Last Obj ID: " + lastObjID.ToString());

                numCards = br.ReadUInt16();                         // count of cards in file
                CardFile.Log.writeLn("Num Cards: " + numCards.ToString());

                string msg = "Warn: readBinFile: unknown card file type: " + fmt.ToString();
                throw new ExnNoSuchCardFileType(msg);

#pragma warning disable CS0162 // Unreachable code detected
#pragma warning restore CS0162 // Unreachable code detected
            }                  //switch

            // Index entries - each is 52 bytes long
            // One index entry per card, in following byte format
            //  0 -  5 : null bytes (reserved for future MS use)
            //  6 -  9 : absolute position of card data in file
            //      10 : Flag (00)
            // 11 - 50 : Index title text content, terminated by a null byte. When Unicode -> 2n+1
            //      51 : Last byte, null - for when index text line is full hence no null terminator there

            const int nullBytes     = 6;
            const int partIdxLen    = 12;       // length of index excluding title text
            int       idxTxtCharLen = 40;       // max single-byte chars of index title text
            int       idxTxtByteLen = 40;       // max bytes of index title text

            if (fmt == CFformats.DKO)
                idxTxtByteLen *= 2;
            int idxLen = idxTxtByteLen + partIdxLen;        // index byte length

            char[] rdata = new char[idxTxtCharLen + 1];     // big enough to hold index line text plus null terminator
            byte[] bdata = new byte[nullBytes];             // check for expected null bytes

            Card card = new Card();

            // For each index entry
            for (int i = 0; i < numCards; i++)
                long startPos = br.BaseStream.Position;                 // save index start pos'n
                debugAddr(br, "\nIndex start pos'n");

                bdata = br.ReadBytes(nullBytes);                   // null bytes - check they are null for valid cardfile
                foreach (byte b in bdata)
                    if (b != 0)
                        throw new ExnInvalidCardfile("Expected null bytes not found - Invalid Cardfile");

                long dataPos = br.ReadInt32();                 // pos'n of card data in file

                debug(string.Format("Card Data Pos'n: x{0:X4} ", dataPos));

                br.ReadByte();                 // flag byte - discard

                CardFile.Log.write("\nCard index title: ");

                int  cIdx = 0;                // count chars in index text
                char ic   = chrd.ReadChar();  // 1st char of text content of index line
                while (!(ic == 0))
                    if (cIdx > (idxTxtCharLen))
                        CardFile.Log.writeLn(string.Format("\nreadBinFile: index has more than {0} chars - not a proper card file?", idxTxtCharLen));
                    rdata[cIdx++] = ic;
                    ic            = chrd.ReadChar();          // 1st char of text content of index line
                string iStr = "";
                if (cIdx > 0)
                    iStr = new string( rdata, 0, cIdx );      // last arg is length
                CardFile.Log.writeLn(iStr);                   // write index title
                card.Title = iStr;

                debugLn(String.Format("\nIndex bytes read: {0:D}", br.BaseStream.Position - startPos));

                // Now the card data
                br.BaseStream.Position = dataPos;                 // set file pos'n for card data from index
                debugAddr(br, "\nFile position");

                // Get the card data
                switch (fmt)
                case CFformats.MGC:
                    card.Data = mgcData(br);

                case CFformats.RRG:
                    card.Data = rrgData(br);

                case CFformats.DKO:
                    card.Data = dkoData(br);
                }                     //switch

                wrtr.WriteCard(card); // write card data

                br.BaseStream.Position = startPos + idxLen; // set to start of next index pos'n
            }                                               //for index entries

            wrtr.close();                                   // close writer
        }                                                   //readIndexes
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void GenerateFromPattern(StringBuilder stream, string rawPattern)
            CharReader reader = new CharReader(TranslateDefs(rawPattern, "", ""), 0);

            // Output stuff
            WordFormat currentFormat = WordFormat.None;
            string buffer = "";

            // Input stuff
            char c = ' ';
            char prev = ' '; // This is only used by the Proper format mode to determine the start of a word

            // A/An conversion stuff
            int anIndex = -1;
            WordFormat anFormat = WordFormat.None;

            // Selector stuff
            int uniformSeedSalt = rand.Next(0, 1000000);
            List<int> activeSelectors = new List<int>();
            List<int> selectorUniformIDs = new List<int>();
            int currentUniformID = -1;

            // Word lock stuff
            Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>> locks = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int>>();

            // Repeater stuff
            List<RepeaterInstance> repeaters = new List<RepeaterInstance>();

            // Volatile flags
            List<string> vflags = new List<string>();

            while (!reader.EndOfString) // Read through pattern until we reach the end
                prev = c;
                c = reader.ReadChar();
                string className = "";
                string subType = "";

                #region Frequency indicators
                if (Char.IsNumber(c)) // Check if frequency indicator is here. Example: 40%{ +n[plural] are +A. }
                    int oldPos = reader.Position;
                    int percentIndex = reader.Source.IndexOf('%', reader.Position);
                    int nextSpace = reader.Source.IndexOf(' ', reader.Position);
                    if (percentIndex > -1 && (percentIndex < nextSpace || nextSpace == -1))
                        reader.Position--; // Revert reading of first digit
                        string percentStr = reader.ReadString(percentIndex - reader.Position);
                        int percent;
                        if (!int.TryParse(percentStr, out percent))
                            Error("Frequency indicator percent value was not a number.", reader);

                        if (percent > 100)
                            percent = 100;
                        else if (percent <= 0)
                            Error("0% frequency indicator detected. Why is this here?", reader);

                        reader.Position++; // Skip past '%'

                        if ((char)reader.PeekChar() == '[') // Make sure this bitch is tight
                            reader.Position++; // Skip past '['
                            int closure = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);

                            if (closure < 0)
                                Error("Missing closing bracket in frequency indicator.", reader);

                            if (rand.Next(0, 101) > percent)
                                reader.Position = closure;

                            reader.Position = oldPos; // Fall back to beginning of number if there is a false positive and it's just a number

                #region Selectors
                if (c == '{') // Selector. Picks random item inside brackets. Example: {First/second/third/fourth/...}
                    int end = reader.Source.FindClosingCurlyBracket(reader.Position);
                    if (end == -1)
                        Error("Incomplete curly brackets. Did you forget to close a selector?", reader);
                    int[] startIndices = reader.Source.GetSelectorSubs(reader.Position);
                    if (startIndices.Length < 2)
                        Error("Selector is empty or only has one option.", reader);
                    activeSelectors.Add(end + 1);
                    if (currentUniformID > -1)
                        LongRandom uniRand = new LongRandom(uniformSeedSalt + currentUniformID);
                        reader.Position = startIndices[uniRand.Next(0, startIndices.Length)];
                        reader.Position = startIndices[rand.Next(0, startIndices.Length)];
                    currentUniformID = -1;
                else if (c == '}')
                    if (activeSelectors.Count == 0)
                        Error("Unexpected '}' found in pattern.", reader);

                    activeSelectors.RemoveAt(activeSelectors.Count - 1);
                    selectorUniformIDs.RemoveAt(selectorUniformIDs.Count - 1);
                else if (c == '/')
                    if (activeSelectors.Count == 0)
                        Error("Unexpected '/' found in pattern.", reader);
                    reader.Position = activeSelectors[activeSelectors.Count - 1];
                    activeSelectors.RemoveAt(activeSelectors.Count - 1);
                    selectorUniformIDs.RemoveAt(selectorUniformIDs.Count - 1);
                else if (c == '*')
                    int bracketIndex = reader.Source.IndexOf("{", reader.Position);
                    if (bracketIndex <= reader.Position)
                        Error("Uniform operator could not find a selector to associate with.", reader);
                    string strUID = reader.ReadString(bracketIndex - reader.Position);
                    int uid;
                    if (!int.TryParse(strUID, out uid))
                        Error("Uniform ID was not a number.", reader);
                    else if (uid < 0)
                        Error("Uniform ID's cannot be negative.", reader);
                    currentUniformID = uid;

                #region Repeaters
                if (c == '^')
                    // iteration range
                    if (reader.PeekChar() != '[')
                        Error("Repeater iterations parameter did not have an opening bracket.", reader);
                    reader.ReadChar(); // skip [
                    int rightRangeBracketIndex = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);
                    if (rightRangeBracketIndex < 0)
                        Error("Repeater iterations parameter did not have a closing bracket.", reader);
                    string strRangeParameter = reader.ReadString(rightRangeBracketIndex - reader.Position).Trim();
                    reader.ReadChar(); // skip ]
                    int constantParam = 0;
                    int min = 0;
                    int max = 0;
                    if (!int.TryParse(strRangeParameter, out constantParam))
                        string[] parts = strRangeParameter.Split(new char[] { '-' });
                        if (parts.Length != 2)
                            Error("Repeater range parameter must be a pair of two numbers.", reader);
                        if (!int.TryParse(parts[0], out min) || !int.TryParse(parts[1], out max))
                            Error("Repeater range parameter did not contain valid numbers.", reader);
                        if (min > max || min == 0 || max == 0)
                            Error("Repeater range must be greater than zero, and max > min.", reader);
                        constantParam = rand.Next(min, max);
                    // separator
                    if (reader.ReadChar() != '[')
                        Error("Repeater separator parameter did not have an opening bracket.", reader);
                    int sepIndex = reader.Position;
                    int rightSepBracketIndex = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);
                    if (rightSepBracketIndex < 0)
                        Error("Repeater separator parameter did not have a closing bracket.", reader);
                    string strSepParameter = reader.ReadString(rightSepBracketIndex - reader.Position);
                    int sepEnd = reader.Position;
                    reader.ReadChar(); // skip ]

                    // content
                    if (reader.ReadChar() != '[')
                        Error("Repeater content parameter did not have an opening bracket.", reader);
                    int rightContentBracketIndex = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);
                    if (rightSepBracketIndex < 0)
                        Error("Repeater content parameter did not have a closing bracket.", reader);
                    int pStart = reader.Position;

                    reader.ReadString(rightContentBracketIndex - reader.Position);

                    int pEnd = reader.Position;

                    repeaters.Add(new RepeaterInstance(pStart, pEnd, sepIndex, sepEnd, strSepParameter, constantParam));

                    reader.Position = pStart;
                else if (c == ']' && repeaters.Count > 0) // End of repeater iteration?
                    int last = repeaters.Count - 1;
                    RepeaterInstance rep = repeaters[last];
                    if (reader.Position - 1 != rep.ContentEndIndex && reader.Position - 1 != rep.SeparatorEndIndex)

                    if (rep.OnSeparator) // Currently writing separator?
                        rep.OnSeparator = false;
                        reader.Position = rep.ContentStartIndex;
                    else // Currently writing content?
                        if (repeaters[last].Elapse())
                            repeaters.RemoveAt(last); // Remove the last repeater if it's finished
                            rep.OnSeparator = true;
                            reader.Position = rep.SeparatorStartIndex; // Add separator if not

                #region Flags
                else if (c == '$')
                    int leftBracket = reader.Source.IndexOf("[", reader.Position);
                    if (leftBracket < 0)
                        Error("Missing '[' on flag call.", reader);
                    string func = reader.ReadString(leftBracket - reader.Position).ToLower();
                    reader.ReadChar(); // skip [
                    if (func.Contains(' '))
                        Error("Invalid flag function.", reader);
                    int rightBracket = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);
                    if (rightBracket < leftBracket)
                        Error("Missing ']' on flag call.", reader);
                    string firstParam = reader.ReadString(rightBracket - reader.Position);
                    reader.ReadChar(); // skip ]
                    if (func == "set")
                        if (!vflags.Contains(firstParam))
                    else if (func == "unset")
                        if (vflags.Contains(firstParam))
                    else if (func == "if")
                        if (reader.ReadChar() != '[')
                            Error("Missing '[' in IF body.", reader);
                        int rightBodyBracket = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);
                        if (rightBodyBracket < 0)
                            Error("Missing ']' in IF body.", reader);
                        if (!vflags.Contains(firstParam))
                            reader.Position = rightBodyBracket;
                    else if (func == "ifnot")
                        if (reader.ReadChar() != '[')
                            Error("Missing '[' in IF body.", reader);
                        int rightBodyBracket = reader.Source.FindClosingSquareBracket(reader.Position);
                        if (rightBodyBracket < 0)
                            Error("Missing ']' in IF body.", reader);
                        if (vflags.Contains(firstParam))
                            reader.Position = rightBodyBracket;
                    else if (func == "g_set")
                        if (!flags.Contains(firstParam))
                    else if (func == "g_unset")
                        if (flags.Contains(firstParam))
                    else if (func == "g_if")
                        if (reader.ReadChar() != '[')
                            Error("Missing '[' in IF body.", reader);
                        int rightBodyBracket = reader.Source.IndexOf("]", reader.Position);
                        if (rightBodyBracket < 0)
                            Error("Missing ']' in IF body.", reader);
                        if (!flags.Contains(firstParam))
                            reader.Position = rightBodyBracket;
                    else if (func == "g_ifnot")
                        if (reader.ReadChar() != '[')
                            Error("Missing '[' in IF body.", reader);
                        int rightBodyBracket = reader.Source.IndexOf("]", reader.Position);
                        if (rightBodyBracket < 0)
                            Error("Missing ']' in IF body.", reader);
                        if (flags.Contains(firstParam))
                            reader.Position = rightBodyBracket;
                        Error("Unrecognized flag function.", reader);
                else if (c == '+') // Random word
                    string lockID = "";
                    char symbol = reader.ReadChar();
                    if (symbol == ' ' || symbol == '+' || symbol == '#' || symbol == '*' || symbol == '~' || symbol == '|')
                        Warning("Enountered illegal symbol: '" + symbol.ToString() + "'", reader);
                    else if (symbol == '[') // Check if there is a class accessor. (For example: +[class]n)
                        int closure = reader.Source.IndexOf(']', reader.Position);
                        if (closure < 0)
                            Error("Incomplete brackets in class accessor.", reader);
                        className = reader.ReadString(closure - reader.Position);
                        reader.Position++; // Skip past ']'
                        symbol = reader.ReadChar();
                    if (reader.PeekChar() == '[') // Check if there is a subtype accessor. (For example: +n[subtype] or +[class]n[subtype])
                        int closure = reader.Source.IndexOf(']', reader.Position);
                        if (closure < 0)
                            Error("Incomplete brackets in subtype accessor.", reader);
                        subType = reader.ReadString(closure - reader.Position);
                        reader.Position++; // Skip past ']'
                    if (reader.PeekChar() == '<') // Check if there is a word lock accessor. (For example: +n<#> or +[class]n[subtype]<#>)
                        string lockKey = className + ":" + symbol.ToString();
                        if (!locks.ContainsKey(lockKey))
                            locks.Add(lockKey, new Dictionary<string, int>());
                        int closure = reader.Source.IndexOf('>', reader.Position);
                        if (closure < 0)
                            Error("Incomplete brackets in word lock accessor.", reader);
                        lockID = reader.ReadString(closure - reader.Position);
                        if (lockID == "")
                            Error("Empty word lock ID.", reader);
                        if (!locks[lockKey].ContainsKey(lockID) && wordBank.ContainsKey(symbol)) // add a new word lock if a new ID is found --- this allows reuse of the word!
                            locks[lockKey].Add(lockID, wordBank[symbol].GetRandomIndex(rand, className));
                        reader.Position++; // Skip past '>'

                    if (!wordBank.ContainsKey(symbol)) // Make sure the symbol is registered
                        Warning("Word symbol not found: '" + symbol.ToString() + "'", reader);
                    else if (lockID != "")
                        buffer = wordBank[symbol].GetWordByIndex(locks[className + ":" + symbol.ToString()][lockID], subType, currentFormat);
                        if (className.Contains(","))
                            string[] mcNames = className.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (mcNames.Length < 2)
                                Error("A multi-class expression must include more than one class name in its parameters.", reader);
                            for (int i = 0; i < mcNames.Length; i++)
                                mcNames[i] = mcNames[i].Trim(); // this is to get rid of spaces between the class names
                            for (int i = 0; i < mcNames.Length; i++)
                                if (!ClassExists(symbol, mcNames[i]))
                                    Error("Bad multiclass", reader);
                            buffer = wordBank[symbol].GetRandomWordMultiClass(rand, subType, currentFormat, mcNames);
                        else if (!ClassExists(symbol, className))
                            Warning("Class not found: " + symbol.ToString() + " -> " + className, reader);
                            int index = wordBank[symbol].GetRandomIndex(rand, className);
                            buffer = wordBank[symbol].GetWordByIndex(index, subType, currentFormat);
                            if (graph != null && symbol == 'n')
                                graph.Add(wordBank[symbol].GetWordByIndex(index, "", WordFormat.None));
                    buffer = buffer.Capitalize(currentFormat);
                    if (anIndex > -1 && buffer.StartsWithVowel())
                        if (anFormat == WordFormat.AllCaps)
                            stream.Insert(anIndex, "N");
                            stream.Insert(anIndex, "n");

                    anIndex = -1;
                    anFormat = WordFormat.None;
                else if (c == '|' || c == '\n') // Line break
                    buffer = "\r\n";
                else if (c == '~') // Capitalize
                    if (reader.PeekChar() == '~')
                        currentFormat = WordFormat.Capitalized;
                    else if (currentFormat == WordFormat.Proper)
                        currentFormat = WordFormat.None;
                        currentFormat = WordFormat.Proper;
                else if (c == '@') // Capslock
                    if (currentFormat == WordFormat.AllCaps)
                        currentFormat = WordFormat.None;
                        currentFormat = WordFormat.AllCaps;
                else if (c == '#') // Random number
                    if (reader.PeekChar() == '[')

                        int closure = reader.Source.IndexOf(']', reader.Position);
                        if (closure < 0)
                            Error("Incomplete parenthases in random number range.", reader);

                        string rangeStr = reader.ReadString(closure - reader.Position);
                        reader.Position++; // Skip past ']'

                        string[] rangeParts = rangeStr.Split('-');

                        if (rangeParts.Length != 2)
                            Error("Invalid number of range elements for random number. Got " + rangeParts.Length + ", need 2.", reader);

                        int min;
                        int max;

                        if (!int.TryParse(rangeParts[0], out min))
                            Error("Invalid minimum value for random number.", reader);

                        if (!int.TryParse(rangeParts[1], out max))
                            Error("Invalid maximum value for random number.", reader);

                        buffer = rand.Next(min, max).ToString();
                else if (c != '{' && c != '}' && c != '[' && c != ']' && c != '<' && c != '>') // Covers all other characters except brackets
                    if (prev == ' ' && c == 'a' && !char.IsLetterOrDigit((char)reader.PeekChar())) // YES! YES!
                        anIndex = stream.Length + 1;
                        anFormat = currentFormat;
                    if (currentFormat == WordFormat.AllCaps || (currentFormat == WordFormat.Proper && !Char.IsLetterOrDigit(prev) && prev.PermitsCap()))
                        buffer = c.ToString().ToUpper();
                    else if (currentFormat == WordFormat.Capitalized)
                        buffer = c.ToString().ToUpper();
                        currentFormat = WordFormat.None;
                        buffer = c.ToString();
                buffer = ""; // Fixes the word repitition bug when terminating Proper formatting in a pattern
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void GenerateFromOutline(StringBuilder stream, List<string> outlines)
            string outline = outlines[rand.Next(0, outlines.Count)];

            CharReader reader = new CharReader(outline, 0);

            while (!reader.EndOfString)
                char c = reader.ReadChar();

                if (c == '|')
                else if (char.IsLetter(c))
                    if (!patternBank.ContainsKey(c.ToString()))
                        stream.Append("<PatternNotFound: " + c.ToString() + ">");
                        GenerateFromPattern(stream, patternBank[c.ToString()]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private string TranslateDefs(string rawPattern, string lastMacro, string lastGlobal)
            CharReader pp = new CharReader(rawPattern, 0);
            string pattern = "";
            if (rawPattern.Contains("=") || rawPattern.Contains("&"))
                while (!pp.EndOfString)
                    char d = pp.ReadChar();
                    if (d == '=')
                        if (pp.PeekChar() != '[')
                            Error("Missing '[' in macro call", pp);
                            return "";

                        pp.Position++; // Skip [
                        int endIndex = rawPattern.IndexOf(']', pp.Position);

                        if (endIndex == -1)
                            Error("Missing ']' in macro call", pp);
                            return "";

                        string macroName = pp.ReadString(endIndex - pp.Position);

                        if (macroName == "")
                            Error("Empty macro.", pp);
                            return "";
                        if (macroName.Contains("+"))
                            string[] macroParts = macroName.Split(new char[] { '+' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            if (macroParts.Length == 0)
                                Error("Empty macro.", pp);
                                return "";
                            for (int i = 0; i < macroParts.Length; i++)
                                string macroPart = macroParts[i].Trim();
                                if (!macroBank.ContainsKey(macroPart))
                                    Error("Macro \"" + macroPart + "\" doesn't exist.", pp);
                                    return "";
                                pattern += TranslateDefs(macroBank[macroPart], lastMacro, lastGlobal);
                            if (macroName == lastMacro)
                                Error("Macro error: Cannot create a macro that references itself. (" + macroName + ")", pp);
                                return "";
                            if (!macroBank.ContainsKey(macroName))
                                Error("Macro \"" + macroName + "\" doesn't exist.", pp);
                                return "";
                            pattern += TranslateDefs(macroBank[macroName], macroName, lastGlobal);
                        pp.Position++; // Skip ]
                    else if (d == '&') // Bracket check in case we hit a flag
                        if (pp.PeekChar() != '[')
                            Error("Missing '[' in global call", pp);
                            return "";
                        pp.Position++; // Skip [
                        int endIndex = rawPattern.IndexOf(']', pp.Position);

                        if (endIndex == -1)
                            Error("Missing ']' in global call", pp);
                            return "";

                        string globalName = pp.ReadString(endIndex - pp.Position);
                        if (globalName == lastGlobal)
                            Error("Global error: Cannot create a global that references itself. (" + globalName + ")", pp);
                            return "";
                        pp.Position++; // Skip ]
                        if (!globalValues.ContainsKey(globalName))
                            Error("Global \"" + globalName + "\" doesn't exist.", pp);
                            return "";
                        pattern += TranslateDefs(globalValues[globalName], lastMacro, globalName);
                        pattern += d;
                pattern = rawPattern;
            return pattern;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void CanReadSimpleContentWhileCaching(int readAhead)
            const string testString = "Hello world!";

            using var textReader = new StringReader(testString);
            using var charReader = new CharReader(textReader);

                        Is.EqualTo(testString.Substring(0, Math.Min(testString.Length, readAhead))));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('H'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('H'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('e'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('e'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('l'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('l'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('l'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('l'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('o'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('o'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo(' '));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo(' '));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekString(6), Is.EqualTo("world!"));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('w'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('w'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('o'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('o'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('r'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('r'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('l'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('l'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('d'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('d'));
            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.EqualTo('!'));
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.EqualTo('!'));

            Assert.That(charReader.PeekChar(), Is.Null);
            Assert.That(charReader.ReadChar(), Is.Null);