Ejemplo n.º 1
    // Use this for initialization

    private void Awake()
        armyGUI = GetComponent <ArmyGUIController>();
        chalText        = GetComponent <ChallengerText>();
        battleGUIObject = GetComponent <BattleGUI>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
    //TODO fleeing? timer for fleeing?
    private void Attack(StateController controller)
        RaycastHit hit;

        Debug.Log("attack being called");
        Debug.DrawRay(controller.eyes.position, controller.eyes.forward.normalized * attackRange, Color.red);
        ChallengerText chaltext = controller.manager.GetComponent <ChallengerText>();

        try {
            if (Physics.SphereCast(controller.eyes.position, attackRange, controller.eyes.forward, out hit, attackRange) &&
                !hit.collider.GetComponent <Challenger>().faction.Equals(controller.faction))       //TODO vfirst few frames this second part is null ?? not sure why ?

                Challenger target = hit.collider.GetComponent <Challenger>();
                BattleGUI  gui    = controller.manager.GetComponent <BattleGUI>();
                gui.enemy = controller.self;                         //sets battle gui enemy to this enemy
                                                                     //setting an showing challenger interaction GUI
                controller.retreatButton.interactable = false;       // turn off retreat options btton
                                                                     // needed if more than 1v1:
                target.interactingWith            = controller.self; //sets player to be interacting with this attacking unit
                controller.self.interactingWith   = target;          //sets self to interacting with player
                controller.navMeshAgent.isStopped = true;            //stops?
                chaltext.SetText(controller.self);                   //sets text
        } catch (NullReferenceException e) {
            Debug.Log("First x frames seem to throw null ref??");