Ejemplo n.º 1
    public Skill(int id)
        if (CfgManager.GetInstance().Skills.ContainsKey(id) == false)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("skill cfg not found: {0}", id);

        CfgSkill cfg = CfgManager.GetInstance().Skills[id];

        this.id    = cfg.id;
        name       = cfg.name;
        desc       = cfg.desc;
        animation  = cfg.animation;
        sound      = cfg.sound;
        hiteffect  = cfg.hiteffect;
        hitpoints  = cfg.hitpoints;
        targettype = cfg.targettype;
        aoe        = cfg.aoe;
        spcost     = cfg.spcost;
        colddown   = cfg.colddown;

        // skill effects
        int count = cfg.skilleffects.Length;

        if (count > 0)
            skilleffects = new SkillEffect[count];
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                skilleffects[i] = SkillEffect.CreateSkillEffect(cfg.skilleffects[i], this);
        public static string GetImagePath(this CfgSkill skill)
            string SkillIcon     = "skill_" + skill.Icon + ".jpg";
            string SkillWhenFail = "/images/ui/skillIcon/active_skill/skill_anyingjiqu.jpg";

                string usedPath = MapPaths.GetPath("/images") + "skillIcon/";
                if (File.Exists(usedPath + SkillIcon))
                    return("/images/skillIcon/" + SkillIcon);

                usedPath = MapPaths.GetPath("/images") + "ui/skillIcon/active_skill/";
                if (File.Exists(usedPath + SkillIcon))
                    return("/images/ui/skillIcon/active_skill/" + SkillIcon);

                usedPath = MapPaths.GetPath("/images") + "ui/skillIcon/passive_skill/";
                if (File.Exists(usedPath + SkillIcon))
                    return("/images/ui/skillIcon/passive_skill/" + SkillIcon);

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static CfgSkillWeb Create(ToH_Database_WebContext context, long ID)
            CfgSkillWeb ret   = new CfgSkillWeb();
            CfgSkill    skill = (from c in context.CfgSkill select c).Where(c => c.Id == ID).FirstOrDefault();

            ret.Skill = skill;
            if (skill != null)
                string[] effects = skill.Skill_effects.Split(";");
                ret.Effects = (from c in context.CfgSkillEffect select c).Where(c => effects.Contains(c.Id.ToString())).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static string GetDescription(this CfgSkill skill)
     return(Translate("TextSkill_" + skill.Id + "_description", ""));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static string GetName(this CfgSkill skill)
     return(Translate("TextSkill_" + skill.Id + "_name", skill.Id.ToString()));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal static OutputValues AddUpdateSkillToAgent(string operationType, string userName, string skillName, Int32 skillLevel)
            OutputValues output = new OutputValues();

                CfgPersonQuery queryPerson = new CfgPersonQuery();
                queryPerson.UserName   = userName;
                queryPerson.TenantDbid = _configContainer.TenantDbId;

                CfgPerson person = _configContainer.ConfServiceObject.RetrieveObject <CfgPerson>(queryPerson);
                if (operationType == "Add")
                    if (person != null)
                        ICollection <CfgSkillLevel> agentSkills = person.AgentInfo.SkillLevels;
                        bool flag = false;
                        foreach (CfgSkillLevel checkSkill in agentSkills)
                            if (checkSkill.Skill.Name == skillName)
                                flag = true;
                        if (!flag)
                            CfgSkillQuery querySkill = new CfgSkillQuery();
                            querySkill.TenantDbid = _configContainer.TenantDbId;
                            querySkill.Name       = skillName;

                            CfgSkill skill = _configContainer.ConfServiceObject.RetrieveObject <CfgSkill>(querySkill);

                            CfgSkillLevel skillToAdd = new CfgSkillLevel(_configContainer.ConfServiceObject, person);
                            skillToAdd.Skill = skill;
                            skillToAdd.Level = Convert.ToInt32(skillLevel);

                else if (operationType == "Edit")
                    if (person != null)
                        ICollection <CfgSkillLevel> agentSkills = person.AgentInfo.SkillLevels;
                        foreach (CfgSkillLevel editingSkill in agentSkills)
                            if (editingSkill.Skill.Name == skillName)
                                editingSkill.Level = Convert.ToInt32(skillLevel);
                output.MessageCode = "200";
                output.Message     = "Skill " + operationType + "ed Successfully.";
                person             = _configContainer.ConfServiceObject.RetrieveObject <CfgPerson>(queryPerson);

                if (person != null)
                    //Update the skill level to MySkills
                    if (person.AgentInfo.SkillLevels != null && person.AgentInfo.SkillLevels.Count > 0)
                        foreach (CfgSkillLevel skill in person.AgentInfo.SkillLevels)
                            Datacontext.GetInstance().MySkills.Add(new Agent.Interaction.Desktop.Helpers.MySkills(skill.Skill.Name.ToString(), skill.Level));
            catch (Exception commonException)
                output.MessageCode = "2001";
                output.Message     = (commonException.InnerException == null ? commonException.Message : commonException.InnerException.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void Init()
        // monster
        TextAsset asset = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsset("cfg/monster") as TextAsset;
        JsonData  data  = JsonMapper.ToObject(asset.text);

        foreach (string key in data.Keys)
            JsonData   value = data [key];
            CfgMonster cfg   = new CfgMonster();
            cfg.id     = int.Parse(key);
            cfg.name   = (string)value["name"];
            cfg.prefab = (string)value["prefab"];
            m_Monsters.Add(cfg.id, cfg);

        // skill
        asset = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsset("cfg/skill") as TextAsset;
        data  = JsonMapper.ToObject(asset.text);
        foreach (string key in data.Keys)
            JsonData value = data [key];
            CfgSkill cfg   = new CfgSkill();
            cfg.id         = int.Parse(key);
            cfg.name       = (string)value["name"];
            cfg.desc       = (string)value["desc"];
            cfg.animation  = (string)value["animation"];
            cfg.effect     = (string)value["effect"];
            cfg.sound      = (string)value["sound"];
            cfg.hiteffect  = (string)value["hiteffect"];
            cfg.spcost     = (int)value["spcost"];
            cfg.colddown   = (int)value["colddown"] / 1000f;
            cfg.targettype = (SkillTarget)(int)value["targettype"];
            cfg.aoe        = (byte)value["aoe"];
            JsonData effects = value["skilleffect"];
            cfg.skilleffects = new int[effects.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < effects.Count; i++)
                cfg.skilleffects[i] = (int)effects[i];
            JsonData points = value["hitpoint"];
            cfg.hitpoints = new int[points.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                cfg.hitpoints[i] = (int)points[i];

            m_Skills.Add(cfg.id, cfg);

        // skill effect
        asset = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsset("cfg/skilleffect") as TextAsset;
        data  = JsonMapper.ToObject(asset.text);
        foreach (string key in data.Keys)
            JsonData       value = data [key];
            CfgSkillEffect cfg   = new CfgSkillEffect();
            cfg.id        = int.Parse(key);
            cfg.name      = (string)value["name"];
            cfg.trigger   = (SkillEffectTrigger)(int)value["trigger"];
            cfg.operation = (SkillEffectOperation)(int)value["operation"];
            JsonData args = value["args"];
            cfg.args = new int[args.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                cfg.args[i] = (int)args[i];
            m_SkillEffects.Add(cfg.id, cfg);

        // skill summon
        asset = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsset("cfg/skillsummon") as TextAsset;
        data  = JsonMapper.ToObject(asset.text);
        foreach (string key in data.Keys)
            JsonData       value = data [key];
            CfgSkillSummon cfg   = new CfgSkillSummon();
            cfg.id        = int.Parse(key);
            cfg.name      = (string)value["name"];
            cfg.prefab    = (string)value["prefab"];
            cfg.speed     = (int)value["speed"];
            cfg.life      = (int)value["life"] / 1000f;
            cfg.hitmax    = (int)value["hitmax"];
            cfg.hiteffect = (string)value["hiteffect"];
            JsonData effects = value["skilleffect"];
            cfg.skilleffects = new int[effects.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < effects.Count; i++)
                cfg.skilleffects[i] = (int)effects[i];
            m_SkillSummons.Add(cfg.id, cfg);

        // buff
        asset = ResourceManager.Instance.LoadAsset("cfg/buff") as TextAsset;
        data  = JsonMapper.ToObject(asset.text);
        foreach (string key in data.Keys)
            JsonData value = data [key];
            CfgBuff  cfg   = new CfgBuff();
            cfg.id        = int.Parse(key);
            cfg.name      = (string)value["name"];
            cfg.prefab    = (string)value["prefab"];
            cfg.life      = (int)value["life"] / 1000f;
            cfg.operation = (BuffOperation)(int)value["operation"];
            JsonData args = value["args"];
            cfg.args = new int[args.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Count; i++)
                cfg.args[i] = (int)args[i];
            m_Buffs.Add(cfg.id, cfg);