Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult Edit(int id, Staff staff)
            try // save staff to db
                // entities to update
                Staff     staffToUpdate     = _context.Staff.Find(id);
                StaffLink staffLinkToUpdate = _context.StaffLink.Find(id);

                // assign staff name & email to entities marked for update
                staffToUpdate.Name  = staff.Name;
                staffToUpdate.Email = staff.Email;

                 * I've intentionally used both Fluent and standard LINQ
                 * syntax below to show equivalent db querying techniques
                 * (options are good, right?)

                // assign StaffLink RoleId
                staffLinkToUpdate.RoleId = _context.Role
                                           .Where(r => r.Title == staff.StaffLink.Role.Title)
                                           .Select(rId => rId.Id)

                // assign StaffLink StaffTypeId
                staffLinkToUpdate.StaffTypeId = (
                    from sType in _context.StaffType
                    where sType.Type == staff.StaffLink.StaffType.Type
                    select sType.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                // update db with changes
                _context.UpdateRange(staffToUpdate, staffLinkToUpdate);

                       .WithSuccess("Successful Update", staff.Name + " has been updated"));
            catch (Exception)
                       .WithDanger("Update Not Successful", "Something went wrong. Try again."));

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id,
                                               [Bind("Customer,Channel,Certificate,Price,Promotion,Staff")] CertificateEditViewModel certificateEditViewModel)
            if (certificateEditViewModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(certificateEditViewModel));

            if (!CertificateExists(id))
                       .WithDanger("Update Not Successful", "Certificate Id: " + id + " doesn't exist"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    Certificate certificate = await _context.Certificate.FindAsync(id);

                    CertificateLink certificateLink = await _context.CertificateLink.FindAsync(id);

                    Channel channel = await _context.Channel
                                      .Where(ch => ch.Id == certificateLink.ChannelId)

                    Customer customer = await _context.Customer
                                        .Where(c => c.Id == certificateLink.CustomerId)

                    Promotion promotion = await _context.Promotion
                                          .Where(p => p.Id == certificateLink.PromotionId)

                    Staff staff = await _context.Staff
                                  .Where(s => s.Id == certificateLink.StaffId)

                    certificate.ExpiryDate   = certificateEditViewModel.Certificate.ExpiryDate;
                    certificate.DateRedeemed = certificateEditViewModel.Certificate.DateRedeemed;
                    certificate.Price        = certificateEditViewModel.Certificate.Price;

                    certificateLink.ChannelId = await _context.Channel
                                                .Where(ch => ch.ChannelName == certificateEditViewModel.Channel.ChannelName)
                                                .Select(ch => ch.Id)

                    //i believe this customerid is giving me an error on the customer name change.
                    //so i hardcoded the query
                    certificateLink.CustomerId = await _context.Customer
                                                 .Where(c => c.Name == certificateEditViewModel.Customer.Name)
                                                 .Select(c => c.Id)

                    certificateLink.PromotionId = await _context.Promotion
                                                  .Where(p => p.Discount == certificateEditViewModel.Promotion.Discount)
                                                  .Select(p => p.Id)

                    certificateLink.StaffId = await _context.Staff
                                              .Where(s => s.Name == certificateEditViewModel.Staff.Name)
                                              .Select(s => s.Id)

                    //if name is not is not equal to the model name
                    if (customer.Name != certificateEditViewModel.Customer.Name)
                        //there is an error so i used try and catch to redirect to index
                            //using fromsql func to create customer update query for name only
                            _context.Customer.FromSql($"UPDATE dbo.customer SET dbo.customer.name = {certificateEditViewModel.Customer.Name} WHERE id = {customer.Id}").FirstOrDefault();
                        catch (SqlException)
                            //there is an id error but it still updates customer so i used the exception like a success message
                            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index)).WithSuccess("Cert#" + certificate.CertificateNo, " Successfully Updated! "));
                    _context.UpdateRange(certificate, certificateLink);
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)

                //redirects back to customer details if origin view
                if (TempData["_ReturnRoute.Update.Controller"] != null)
                    string message = null;
                    object _ReturnRouteController = TempData["_ReturnRoute.Update.Controller"];
                    TempData["_ReturnRoute.Update.Controller"] = null;

                    if ((string)_ReturnRouteController == "Certificates" ||
                        (string)_ReturnRouteController == "Orders")
                        message = "Certificate #" +
                                  _context.Certificate.FindAsync(id).Result.CertificateNo + " updated successfully";

                    return(Redirect("/" + _ReturnRouteController +
                                    "/" + TempData["_ReturnRoute.Update.Action"] + "/" + TempData["_ReturnRoute.Update.Id"])
                           .WithSuccess("Update Successful", message));
                       .WithSuccess("Update Successful",
                                    "Certificate #" +
                                    _context.Certificate.FindAsync(id).Result.CertificateNo +
                                    " updated successfully"));
                   .WithDanger("Update Not Successful", "Something went wrong. Try again."));