Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void RunTransfer()
            //Get data from the source connection. This will have all the patients selected from the sourceconnection
            string   stringFailedConns = "";
            ODThread odThread          = new ODThread(GetDataFromSourceConnection, new object[] { _sourceConnection });

            odThread.GroupName = "FetchSheets";
            ODThread.JoinThreadsByGroupName(Timeout.Infinite, "FetchSheets");
            if (_listSheetsForSelectedPats.IsNullOrEmpty())
                string connString = CentralConnections.GetConnectionString(_sourceConnection);
                stringFailedConns += connString + "\r\n";
            //Insert the sheets to each of the databases. The sheets will have a patnum=0;
            List <Action> listActions = new List <Action>();
            object        locker      = new object();

            foreach (CentralConnection conn in _listConnectionsToTransferTo)
                List <Sheet> listSheets = _listSheetsForSelectedPats.Select(x => x.Copy()).ToList();
                listActions.Add(() => {
                    if (!InsertSheetsToConnection(conn, listSheets))
                        string connString = CentralConnections.GetConnectionString(conn);
                        lock (locker) {
                            stringFailedConns += connString + "\r\n";
            if (stringFailedConns != "")
                stringFailedConns = Lans.g(this, "There were some transfers that failed due to connection issues.  Fix connections and try again.\r\n"
                                           + "Failed Connections:") + "\r\n" + stringFailedConns;
                CodeBase.MsgBoxCopyPaste msgBoxCP = new CodeBase.MsgBoxCopyPaste(stringFailedConns);
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Transfers Completed Successfully\r\nGo to each database you transferred patients to and retrieve Webforms to finish the "
                            + "transfer process.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void RunProvider()
            ReportComplex report = new ReportComplex(true, true);

            _dateFrom = PIn.Date(textDateFrom.Text);
            _dateTo   = PIn.Date(textDateTo.Text);
            List <DataSet>  listProdData    = new List <DataSet>();
            List <Provider> listProvs       = new List <Provider>();
            List <string>   listServerNames = new List <string>();
            string          strFailedConn   = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < ConnList.Count; i++)
                ODThread odThread = new ODThread(ConnectAndRunProviderReport, new object[] { ConnList[i] });
                odThread.GroupName = "ConnectAndReportProvider";
            ODThread.JoinThreadsByGroupName(Timeout.Infinite, "ConnectAndReportProvider");
            List <ODThread> listThreads = ODThread.GetThreadsByGroupName("ConnectAndReportProvider");

            for (int i = 0; i < listThreads.Count; i++)
                object[]        obj           = (object[])listThreads[i].Tag;
                DataSet         data          = (DataSet)obj[0];
                string          connString    = CentralConnections.GetConnectionString((CentralConnection)obj[1]);
                List <Provider> listConnProvs = (List <Provider>)obj[2];
                if (data == null)
                    strFailedConn += connString + "\r\n";
            report.ReportName = "Provider P&I";
            report.AddTitle("Title", Lan.g(this, "Provider Production and Income"));
            report.AddSubTitle("PracName", PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeTitle));
            report.AddSubTitle("Date", _dateFrom.ToShortDateString() + " - " + _dateTo.ToShortDateString());
            report.AddSubTitle("Providers", Lan.g(this, "All Providers"));
            report.AddSubTitle("Clinics", Lan.g(this, "All Clinics"));
            //setup query
            QueryObject query;
            DataSet     dsTotal = new DataSet();

            for (int i = 0; i < listProdData.Count; i++)
                DataTable dt    = listProdData[i].Tables["Clinic"];
                DataTable dtTot = listProdData[i].Tables["Total"].Copy();
                dtTot.TableName = dtTot.TableName + "_" + i;
                query = report.AddQuery(dt, listServerNames[i], "Clinic", SplitByKind.Value, 1, true);
                // add columns to report
                query.AddColumn("Provider", 75, FieldValueType.String);
                query.AddColumn("Production", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
                query.AddColumn("Adjustments", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
                query.AddColumn("Writeoff", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
                query.AddColumn("Tot Prod", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
                query.AddColumn("Pt Income", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
                query.AddColumn("Ins Income", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
                query.AddColumn("Total Income", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            if (dsTotal.Tables.Count == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "This report returned no values");
            DataTable dtTotal;
            decimal   production;
            decimal   adjust;
            decimal   inswriteoff;
            decimal   totalproduction;
            decimal   ptincome;
            decimal   insincome;
            decimal   totalincome;

            dtTotal = dsTotal.Tables[0].Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < listProvs.Count; i++)
                Provider provCur = listProvs[i];
                DataRow  row     = dtTotal.NewRow();
                row[0]          = provCur.Abbr;
                production      = 0;
                adjust          = 0;
                inswriteoff     = 0;
                totalproduction = 0;
                ptincome        = 0;
                insincome       = 0;
                totalincome     = 0;
                bool hasAnyAmount = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < dsTotal.Tables.Count; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows.Count; k++)
                        if (dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k][0].ToString() == provCur.Abbr &&
                            (PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Production"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                             PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Adjustments"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                             PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["WriteOff"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                             PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Pt Income"].ToString()) != 0 ||
                             PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Ins Income"].ToString()) != 0))
                            production  += PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Production"].ToString());
                            adjust      += PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Adjustments"].ToString());
                            inswriteoff += PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["WriteOff"].ToString());                          //Writeoffs stored as negative number
                            ptincome    += PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Pt Income"].ToString());
                            insincome   += PIn.Decimal(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Ins Income"].ToString());
                            hasAnyAmount = true;
                totalproduction = production + adjust + inswriteoff;
                totalincome     = ptincome + insincome;
                row[1]          = production.ToString("n");
                row[2]          = adjust.ToString("n");
                row[3]          = inswriteoff.ToString("n");
                row[4]          = totalproduction.ToString("n");
                row[5]          = ptincome.ToString("n");
                row[6]          = insincome.ToString("n");
                row[7]          = totalincome.ToString("n");
                if (hasAnyAmount)
            query = report.AddQuery(dtTotal, "Totals", "", SplitByKind.None, 2, true);
            query.AddColumn("Provider", 75, FieldValueType.String);
            query.AddColumn("Production", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            query.AddColumn("Adjustments", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            query.AddColumn("Writeoff", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            query.AddColumn("Tot Prod", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            query.AddColumn("Pt Income", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            query.AddColumn("Ins Income", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            query.AddColumn("Total Income", 120, FieldValueType.Number);
            // execute query
            if (!report.SubmitQueries())             //Does not actually submit queries because we use datatables in the central management tool.
            if (strFailedConn != "")
                MsgBoxCopyPaste msgBoxCP = new MsgBoxCopyPaste(strFailedConn);
            // display the report
            FormReportComplex FormR = new FormReportComplex(report);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void RunMonthly()
            ReportComplex report = new ReportComplex(true, false);

            _dateFrom = PIn.Date(textDateFrom.Text);
            _dateTo   = PIn.Date(textDateTo.Text);
            List <DataSet> listProdData      = new List <DataSet>();   //A list of all data sets for each connection.
            List <string>  listServerNames   = new List <string>();
            string         stringFailedConns = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < ConnList.Count; i++)
                ODThread odThread = new ODThread(ConnectAndRunMonthlyReport, new object[] { ConnList[i] });
                odThread.GroupName = "ConnectAndReportMonthly";
            ODThread.JoinThreadsByGroupName(Timeout.Infinite, "ConnectAndReportMonthly");
            List <ODThread> listThreads = ODThread.GetThreadsByGroupName("ConnectAndReportMonthly");

            for (int i = 0; i < listThreads.Count; i++)
                object[] obj        = (object[])listThreads[i].Tag;
                DataSet  data       = (DataSet)obj[0];
                string   connString = CentralConnections.GetConnectionString((CentralConnection)obj[1]);
                if (data == null)
                    stringFailedConns += connString + "\r\n";
            report.ReportName = "MonthlyP&I";
            report.AddTitle("Title", Lan.g(this, "Monthly Production and Income"));
            report.AddSubTitle("Date", _dateFrom.ToShortDateString() + " - " + _dateTo.ToShortDateString());
            report.AddSubTitle("Clinics", Lan.g(this, "All Clinics"));
            QueryObject query;
            DataSet     dsTotal        = new DataSet();//Totals dataset for all connections, it contains a totals table per connection.  We use this later for a summary section.
            int         queryObjectNum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < listProdData.Count; i++)
                DataTable dt    = listProdData[i].Tables["Clinic"];
                DataTable dtTot = listProdData[i].Tables["Total"].Copy();
                if (dt.Rows.Count > 0 && dtTot.Rows.Count > 0)
                    dtTot.TableName = dtTot.TableName + "_" + i;
                    query = report.AddQuery(dt, listServerNames[i], "Clinic", SplitByKind.Value, 1, true);
                    // add columns to report
                    Font font = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                    query.AddColumn("Date", 70, FieldValueType.String, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Weekday", 70, FieldValueType.String, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Production", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Sched", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Adj", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Writeoff", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Tot Prod", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Pt Income", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Ins Income", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    query.AddColumn("Tot Income", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font);
                    MsgBox.Show(this, "Connection " + listServerNames[i] + " has no results to show.");
            if (dsTotal.Tables.Count == 0)
                MsgBox.Show(this, "This report returned no values");
            //setup query
            DataTable dtTotal;
            double    production;
            double    sched;
            double    adjust;
            double    writeoff;
            double    totprod;
            double    ptincome;
            double    insincome;
            double    totalincome;

            DateTime[] dates = new DateTime[(_dateTo - _dateFrom).Days];
            dtTotal = dsTotal.Tables[0].Clone();
            for (int i = 0; i < dates.Length; i++)       //Per day
                production  = 0;
                sched       = 0;
                adjust      = 0;
                writeoff    = 0;
                totprod     = 0;
                ptincome    = 0;
                insincome   = 0;
                totalincome = 0;
                dates[i]    = _dateFrom.AddDays(i);
                DataRow row = dtTotal.NewRow();
                row[0] = dates[i].ToShortDateString();
                row[1] = dates[i].DayOfWeek;                               //Weekday
                for (int j = 0; j < dsTotal.Tables.Count; j++)             //Per totals table
                    for (int k = 0; k < dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows.Count; k++) //Per row
                    //If it's the correct day, add to the totals.
                        if (PIn.Date(dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k]["Month"].ToString()).ToShortDateString() == dates[i].ToShortDateString())
                            DataRow dataRow = dsTotal.Tables[j].Rows[k];
                            production  += PIn.Double(dataRow["Production"].ToString());
                            sched       += PIn.Double(dataRow["Sched"].ToString());
                            adjust      += PIn.Double(dataRow["Adjustments"].ToString());
                            writeoff    += PIn.Double(dataRow["Writeoff"].ToString());                       //Writeoffs stored as negative number
                            totprod     += PIn.Double(dataRow["Tot Prod"].ToString());
                            ptincome    += PIn.Double(dataRow["Pt Income"].ToString());
                            insincome   += PIn.Double(dataRow["Ins Income"].ToString());
                            totalincome += PIn.Double(dataRow["Total Income"].ToString());
                if (production == 0 && sched == 0 && adjust == 0 && writeoff == 0 && totprod == 0 && ptincome == 0 && insincome == 0 && totalincome == 0)
                    continue;                    //Don't display this row if there's nothing to show. (Wasn't like this in 14.3 but is now in 15.3)
                row[2] = production.ToString("n");
                row[3] = sched.ToString("n");
                row[4] = adjust.ToString("n");
                row[5] = writeoff.ToString("n");
                row[6] = totprod.ToString("n");
                row[7] = ptincome.ToString("n");
                row[8] = insincome.ToString("n");
                row[9] = totalincome.ToString("n");
            query = report.AddQuery(dtTotal, "Totals", "", SplitByKind.None, 2, true);
            Font font2 = new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Regular);

            query.AddColumn("Date", 70, FieldValueType.String, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Weekday", 70, FieldValueType.String, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Production", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Sched", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Adj", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Writeoff", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Tot Prod", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Pt Income", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Ins Income", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddColumn("Tot Income", 80, FieldValueType.Number, font2);
            query.AddGroupSummaryField("Total Production (Production + Adjustments - Writeoffs): ", "Writeoff", "Tot Prod", SummaryOperation.Sum, new List <int>()
            }, Color.Black, new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold), 104, 20);
            query.AddGroupSummaryField("Total Income (Pt Income + Ins Income): ", "Writeoff", "Total Income", SummaryOperation.Sum, new List <int>()
            }, Color.Black, new Font("Tahoma", 9, FontStyle.Bold), 0, 25);
            // execute query
            if (!report.SubmitQueries())             //Does not actually submit queries because we use datatables in the central management tool.
            if (stringFailedConns != "")
                stringFailedConns = "Failed Connections:\r\n" + stringFailedConns;
                MsgBoxCopyPaste msgBoxCP = new MsgBoxCopyPaste(stringFailedConns);
            // display the report
            FormReportComplex FormR = new FormReportComplex(report);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void RunDaily()
            ReportComplex report = new ReportComplex(true, true);

            _dateFrom = PIn.Date(textDateFrom.Text);
            _dateTo   = PIn.Date(textDateTo.Text);
            List <DataSet> listProdData      = new List <DataSet>();   //A list of all data sets for each connection.
            List <string>  listServerNames   = new List <string>();
            string         stringFailedConns = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < ConnList.Count; i++)
                ODThread odThread = new ODThread(ConnectAndRunDailyReport, ConnList[i]);
                odThread.GroupName = "ConnectAndReportDaily";
            ODThread.JoinThreadsByGroupName(Timeout.Infinite, "ConnectAndReportDaily");
            List <ODThread> listThreads = ODThread.GetThreadsByGroupName("ConnectAndReportDaily");

            for (int i = 0; i < listThreads.Count; i++)
                object[] obj        = (object[])listThreads[i].Tag;
                DataSet  data       = (DataSet)obj[0];
                string   connString = CentralConnections.GetConnectionString((CentralConnection)obj[1]);
                if (data == null)
                    stringFailedConns += connString + "\r\n";
            report.ReportName = "DailyP&I";
            report.AddTitle("Title", Lan.g(this, "Daily Production and Income"));
            report.AddSubTitle("PracName", PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeTitle));
            string dateRangeStr = _dateFrom.ToShortDateString() + " - " + _dateTo.ToShortDateString();

            if (_dateFrom.Date == _dateTo.Date)
                dateRangeStr = _dateFrom.ToShortDateString();              //Do not show a date range for the same day...
            report.AddSubTitle("Date", dateRangeStr);
            report.AddSubTitle("Providers", Lan.g(this, "All Providers"));
            report.AddSubTitle("Clinics", Lan.g(this, "All Clinics"));
            QueryObject query = null;
            //Per connection, add each table and split on clinic.  We also need to make a totals table that will be total per clinic per connection.
            DataTable connectionTotals = new DataTable("Totals");

            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Connection"));
            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Clinic"));
            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Production"));
            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Adjust"));
            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Writeoff"));
            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Pt Income"));
            connectionTotals.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Ins Income"));
            for (int i = 0; i < listProdData.Count; i++)                               //Per connection
                DataTable tableDailyProdForConn = listProdData[i].Tables["DailyProd"]; //Includes multiple clinics.
                for (int j = 0; j < tableDailyProdForConn.Rows.Count; j++)             //Go through the rows
                    DataRow connRow = tableDailyProdForConn.Rows[j];
                    bool    isFound = false;
                    for (int k = 0; k < connectionTotals.Rows.Count; k++)               //Attempt to find an existing totals row that matches.
                        DataRow connTotalsRow = connectionTotals.Rows[k];
                        if (connRow["Clinic"] == connTotalsRow["Clinic"] && listServerNames[i] == connTotalsRow["Connection"].ToString()) //Totals row already exists. Add to it.
                            DataRow totalRow = connectionTotals.NewRow();                                                                 //Need to make a new row, can't just modify old table values.  Sadly.
                            double  prod     = PIn.Double(connTotalsRow["Production"].ToString());
                            double  adjust   = PIn.Double(connTotalsRow["Adjust"].ToString());
                            double  writeoff = PIn.Double(connTotalsRow["Writeoff"].ToString());
                            double  ptInc    = PIn.Double(connTotalsRow["Pt Income"].ToString());
                            double  insInc   = PIn.Double(connTotalsRow["Ins Income"].ToString());
                            totalRow[0] = connTotalsRow["Connection"];
                            totalRow[1] = connTotalsRow["Clinic"];
                            totalRow[2] = (prod + PIn.Double(connRow["Production"].ToString()));
                            totalRow[3] = (adjust + PIn.Double(connRow["Adjust"].ToString()));
                            totalRow[4] = (writeoff + PIn.Double(connRow["Writeoff"].ToString()));
                            totalRow[5] = (ptInc + PIn.Double(connRow["Pt Income"].ToString()));
                            totalRow[6] = (insInc + PIn.Double(connRow["Ins Income"].ToString()));
                            isFound = true;
                    if (!isFound)                    //Totals row for this connection and clinic combination doesn't exist yet.
                        DataRow totalRow = connectionTotals.NewRow();
                        totalRow[0] = listServerNames[i];
                        totalRow[1] = connRow["Clinic"];
                        totalRow[2] = connRow["Production"];
                        totalRow[3] = connRow["Adjust"];
                        totalRow[4] = connRow["Writeoff"];
                        totalRow[5] = connRow["Pt Income"];
                        totalRow[6] = connRow["Ins Income"];
                query = report.AddQuery(tableDailyProdForConn, listServerNames[i], "Clinic", SplitByKind.Value, 1, true);
                // add columns to report
                query.AddColumn("Date", 75, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Patient Name", 130, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Description", 220, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Prov", 65, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Clinic", 130, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Production", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Adjust", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Writeoff", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Pt Income", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
                query.AddColumn("Ins Income", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            if (connectionTotals.Rows.Count == 0)
                //MsgBox.Show(this,"This report returned no values.");//We don't want to do this, it hides behind the progress bar!
            connectionTotals = connectionTotals.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(r => r.Field <string>("Connection"))
                               .ThenBy(r => r.Field <string>("Clinic")).CopyToDataTable();
            query = report.AddQuery(connectionTotals, "Totals", "", SplitByKind.None, 2, true);
            query.AddColumn("Connection", 250, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            query.AddColumn("Clinic", 250, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            query.AddColumn("Production", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            query.AddColumn("Adjust", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            query.AddColumn("Writeoff", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            query.AddColumn("Pt Income", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            query.AddColumn("Ins Income", 75, FieldValueType.Number, new Font("Tahoma", 8));
            //Calculate the total production and total income and add them to the bottom of the report:
            double totalProduction = 0;
            double totalIncome     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < connectionTotals.Rows.Count; i++)
                //Total production is (Production + Adjustments - Writeoffs)
                totalProduction += PIn.Double(connectionTotals.Rows[i]["Production"].ToString());
                totalProduction += PIn.Double(connectionTotals.Rows[i]["Adjust"].ToString());
                totalProduction += PIn.Double(connectionTotals.Rows[i]["Writeoff"].ToString());              //Writeoffs stored as negative number
                //Total income is (Pt Income + Ins Income)
                totalIncome += PIn.Double(connectionTotals.Rows[i]["Pt Income"].ToString());
                totalIncome += PIn.Double(connectionTotals.Rows[i]["Ins Income"].ToString());
            //Add the Total Production and Total Income to the bottom of the report if there were any rows present.
            if (connectionTotals.Rows.Count > 0)
                //Use a custom table and add it like it is a "query" to the report because using a group summary would be more complicated due
                //to the need to add and subtract from multiple columns at the same time.
                DataTable tableTotals = new DataTable("TotalProdAndInc");
                tableTotals.Rows.Add(Lan.g(this, "Total Production (Production + Adjustments - Writeoffs):") + " " + totalProduction.ToString("c"));
                tableTotals.Rows.Add(Lan.g(this, "Total Income (Pt Income + Ins Income):") + " " + totalIncome.ToString("c"));
                //Add tableTotals to the report.
                //No column name and no header because we want to display this table to NOT look like a table.
                query = report.AddQuery(tableTotals, "", "", SplitByKind.None, 2, false);
                query.AddColumn("", 785, FieldValueType.String, new Font("Tahoma", 8, FontStyle.Bold));
            // execute query
            if (!report.SubmitQueries())
            // display report
            FormReportComplex FormR = new FormReportComplex(report);

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;