private CellSurface PrintingCells()
            CellSurface surface = new CellSurface(3, 3);

            surface.DefaultBackground = Color.Transparent;
            surface.DefaultForeground = Color.DarkGoldenrod;
            surface.SetGlyph(0, 0, ' '); surface.SetGlyph(1, 0, ' '); surface.SetGlyph(2, 0, ' ');
            surface.SetGlyph(0, 1, '('); surface.SetGlyph(1, 1, ' '); surface.SetGlyph(2, 1, ')');
            surface.SetGlyph(0, 2, ' '); surface.SetGlyph(1, 2, ' '); surface.SetGlyph(2, 2, '\\');
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override void Draw(CellSurface surface, Rectangle area, object item, ControlStates itemState)
            if (item is Color || item is Tuple <Color, Color, string> )
                string value = new string(' ', area.Width - 2);

                Cell cellLook = GetStateAppearance(itemState).Clone();

                surface.Print(area.Left + 1, area.Top, value, cellLook);

                surface.Print(area.Left, area.Top, " ", cellLook);
                surface.Print(area.Left + area.Width - 1, area.Top, " ", cellLook);

                if (item is Color color)
                    cellLook.Background = color;
                    surface.Print(area.Left + 1, area.Top, value, cellLook);
                    cellLook.Foreground = ((Tuple <Color, Color, string>)item).Item2;
                    cellLook.Background = ((Tuple <Color, Color, string>)item).Item1;
                    value = ((Tuple <Color, Color, string>)item).Item3.Align(HorizontalAlignment.Left, area.Width - 2);
                    surface.Print(area.Left + 1, area.Top, value, cellLook);

                if (itemState.HasFlag(ControlStates.Selected))
                    surface.SetGlyph(area.Left, area.Top, 16);
                    surface.SetGlyph(area.Left + area.Width - 1, area.Top, 17);
                base.Draw(surface, area, item, itemState);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Viewer_MouseMove(object sender, SadConsole.UI.Controls.ControlBase.ControlMouseState e)
            if (e.OriginalMouseState.Mouse.LeftButtonDown)
                if (!isDrawing)
                    isDrawing = true;

                var viewer = (SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer)sender;
                if (viewer.IsMouseButtonStateClean && viewer.SurfaceControl.MouseArea.Contains(e.MousePosition))
                    _sharedSurface.SetGlyph(e.MousePosition.X + viewer.ChildSurface.ViewPosition.X, e.MousePosition.Y + viewer.ChildSurface.ViewPosition.Y, 0, mouseColors[0], mouseColors[0]);
                if (isDrawing)
                    isDrawing = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ScrollableView() : base(Program.MainWidth, Program.MainHeight)
            // Create the shared surface
            _sharedSurface = new CellSurface(37, Program.MainHeight - 2);

            // Create a 012345... border around the surface
            int counter = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Surface.Width; i++)
                _sharedSurface.SetGlyph(i, 0, counter + 48, Color.Green, Color.Black, Mirror.None);
                _sharedSurface.SetGlyph(i, _sharedSurface.Height - 1, counter + 48, Color.Green, Color.Black, Mirror.None);


                if (counter == 10)
                    counter = 0;

            counter = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < Surface.Height; i++)
                _sharedSurface.SetGlyph(0, i, counter + 48, Color.Green, Color.Black, Mirror.None);
                _sharedSurface.SetGlyph(_sharedSurface.Width - 1, i, counter + 48, Color.Green, Color.Black, Mirror.None);


                if (counter == 10)
                    counter = 0;

            // Create viewer controls and attach them to the surface
            SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer viewer = new SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer(15, 15);
            viewer.ScrollBarMode = SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer.ScrollBarModes.AsNeeded;
            viewer.Position   = (2, 1);
            viewer.MouseMove += Viewer_MouseMove;

            viewer = new SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer(20, 10);
            viewer.ScrollBarMode = SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer.ScrollBarModes.AsNeeded;
            viewer.Position   = (19, 1);
            viewer.MouseMove += Viewer_MouseMove;

            viewer = new SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer(20, 10);
            viewer.ScrollBarMode = SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer.ScrollBarModes.AsNeeded;
            viewer.Position   = (19, 12);
            viewer.MouseMove += Viewer_MouseMove;

            viewer = new SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer(_sharedSurface.Width, _sharedSurface.Height);
            viewer.ScrollBarMode = SadConsole.UI.Controls.SurfaceViewer.ScrollBarModes.AsNeeded;
            viewer.Position   = (41, 1);
            viewer.MouseMove += Viewer_MouseMove;

            // Setup mouse palette
            mouseColors = new Palette(new[] { Color.AnsiBlue, Color.AnsiCyan, Color.AnsiGreen, Color.AnsiGreenBright, Color.AnsiRed, Color.AnsiRedBright });
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static CellSurface ToSurface(this Texture2D image, SadConsole.Font font, bool blockMode = false)
            int imageWidth  = image.Width;
            int imageHeight = image.Height;

            Color[] pixels = new Color[imageWidth * imageHeight];
            image.GetData <Color>(pixels);

            CellSurface surface = new CellSurface(imageWidth / font.Size.X, imageHeight / font.Size.Y);

            global::System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For((int)0, (int)(imageHeight / font.Size.Y), (h) =>
                                                        //for (int h = 0; h < imageHeight / font.Size.Y; h++)
                int startY = (h * font.Size.Y);
                //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, imageWidth / font.Size.X, (w) =>
                for (int w = 0; w < imageWidth / font.Size.X; w++)
                    int startX = (w * font.Size.X);

                    float allR = 0;
                    float allG = 0;
                    float allB = 0;

                    for (int y = 0; y < font.Size.Y; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < font.Size.X; x++)
                            int cY = y + startY;
                            int cX = x + startX;

                            Color color = pixels[cY * imageWidth + cX];

                            allR += color.R;
                            allG += color.G;
                            allB += color.B;

                    byte sr = (byte)(allR / (font.Size.X * font.Size.Y));
                    byte sg = (byte)(allG / (font.Size.X * font.Size.Y));
                    byte sb = (byte)(allB / (font.Size.X * font.Size.Y));

                    var newColor = new Color(sr, sg, sb);

                    float sbri = newColor.GetBrightness() * 255;

                    if (blockMode)
                        if (sbri > 204)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, 219, newColor); //█
                        else if (sbri > 152)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, 178, newColor); //▓
                        else if (sbri > 100)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, 177, newColor); //▒
                        else if (sbri > 48)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, 176, newColor); //░
                        if (sbri > 230)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'#', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 207)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'&', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 184)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'$', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 161)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'X', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 138)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'x', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 115)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'=', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 92)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'+', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 69)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)';', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 46)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)':', newColor);
                        else if (sbri > 23)
                            surface.SetGlyph(w, h, (int)'.', newColor);
