// ExEnd:HandlingButton

        // ExStart:HandlingCheckbox
        // Implenting CellCheckedChanged event handler
        private void gridDesktop1_CellCheckedChanged(object sender, CellControlEventArgs e)
            // Getting the reference of the CheckBox control whose event is triggered
            Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.CheckBox check = (Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.CheckBox)gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet().Controls[e.Row, e.Column];

            // Displaying the message when the Checked state of CheckBox is changed
            MessageBox.Show("Current state of CheckBox is " + check.Checked);
        // ExEnd:HandlingButton

        // ExStart:HandlingCheckbox
        // Implenting CellCheckedChanged event handler
        private void gridDesktop1_CellCheckedChanged(object sender, CellControlEventArgs e)
            // Getting the reference of the CheckBox control whose event is triggered
            Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.CheckBox check = (Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop.CheckBox)gridDesktop1.GetActiveWorksheet().Controls[e.Row, e.Column];

            // Displaying the message when the Checked state of CheckBox is changed
            MessageBox.Show("Current state of CheckBox is " + check.Checked);
 // ExStart:HandlingButton
 // Implenting CellButtonClick event handler
 private void gridDesktop1_CellButtonClick(object sender, CellControlEventArgs e)
     // Displaying the message when button is clicked
     MessageBox.Show("Button is clicked.");
 // ExStart:HandlingButton
 // Implenting CellButtonClick event handler
 private void gridDesktop1_CellButtonClick(object sender, CellControlEventArgs e)
     // Displaying the message when button is clicked
     MessageBox.Show("Button is clicked.");