Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal bool IsDerivedFromDef(ResolveOptions resOpt, CdmObjectReference baseCdmObjectRef, string name, string seek)
            if (seek == name)

            CdmObjectDefinition def = baseCdmObjectRef?.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmObjectDefinition>(resOpt);

            if (def != null)
                return(def.IsDerivedFrom(seek, resOpt));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a copy of the reference object
        /// </summary>
        public static dynamic CopyIdentifierRef(CdmObjectReference objRef, ResolveOptions resOpt, CopyOptions options)
            string identifier = objRef.NamedReference;

            if (options == null || options.StringRefs == null || options.StringRefs == false)

            CdmObjectDefinition resolved = objRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmObjectDefinition>(resOpt);

            if (resolved == null)

            return(new { AtCorpusPath = resolved.AtCorpusPath, Identifier = identifier });
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal override ResolvedAttributeSetBuilder ConstructResolvedAttributes(ResolveOptions resOpt, CdmAttributeContext under = null)
            // find and cache the complete set of attributes
            // attributes definitions originate from and then get modified by subsequent re-definitions from (in this order):
            // an extended entity, traits applied to extended entity, exhibited traits of main entity, the (datatype or entity) used as an attribute, traits applied to that datatype or entity,
            // the relationsip of the attribute, the attribute definition itself and included attribute groups, dynamic traits applied to the attribute.
            this.Rasb = new ResolvedAttributeSetBuilder();
            this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet.AttributeContext = under;

            if (this.ExtendsEntity != null)
                CdmObjectReference         extRef          = this.ExtendsEntityRef;
                CdmAttributeContext        extendsRefUnder = null;
                AttributeContextParameters acpExtEnt       = null;

                if (under != null)
                    AttributeContextParameters acpExt = new AttributeContextParameters
                        under         = under,
                        type          = CdmAttributeContextType.EntityReferenceExtends,
                        Name          = "extends",
                        Regarding     = null,
                        IncludeTraits = false
                    extendsRefUnder = this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet.CreateAttributeContext(resOpt, acpExt);

                if (extRef.ExplicitReference != null && extRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmObjectDefinition>(resOpt).ObjectType == CdmObjectType.ProjectionDef)
                    // A Projection

                    CdmObjectDefinition extRefObjDef = extRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmObjectDefinition>(resOpt);
                    if (extendsRefUnder != null)
                        acpExtEnt = new AttributeContextParameters
                            under         = extendsRefUnder,
                            type          = CdmAttributeContextType.Projection,
                            Name          = extRefObjDef.GetName(),
                            Regarding     = extRef,
                            IncludeTraits = false

                    ProjectionDirective projDirective = new ProjectionDirective(resOpt, this, ownerRef: extRef);
                    CdmProjection       projDef       = (CdmProjection)extRefObjDef;
                    ProjectionContext   projCtx       = projDef.ConstructProjectionContext(projDirective, extendsRefUnder);

                    this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet = projDef.ExtractResolvedAttributes(projCtx);
                    // An Entity Reference

                    if (extendsRefUnder != null)
                        // usually the extended entity is a reference to a name.
                        // it is allowed however to just define the entity inline.
                        acpExtEnt = new AttributeContextParameters
                            under         = extendsRefUnder,
                            type          = CdmAttributeContextType.Entity,
                            Name          = extRef.NamedReference ?? extRef.ExplicitReference.GetName(),
                            Regarding     = extRef,
                            IncludeTraits = false

                    // save moniker, extended entity may attach a different moniker that we do not
                    // want to pass along to getting this entities attributes
                    string oldMoniker = resOpt.FromMoniker;

                    this.Rasb.MergeAttributes((this.ExtendsEntityRef as CdmObjectReferenceBase).FetchResolvedAttributes(resOpt, acpExtEnt));

                    if (!resOpt.CheckAttributeCount(this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet.ResolvedAttributeCount))
                        Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx, $"Maximum number of resolved attributes reached for the entity: {this.EntityName}.");

                    if (this.ExtendsEntityResolutionGuidance != null)
                        // some guidance was given on how to integrate the base attributes into the set. apply that guidance
                        ResolvedTraitSet rtsBase = this.FetchResolvedTraits(resOpt);

                        // this context object holds all of the info about what needs to happen to resolve these attributes.
                        // make a copy and set defaults if needed
                        CdmAttributeResolutionGuidance resGuide = (CdmAttributeResolutionGuidance)this.ExtendsEntityResolutionGuidance.Copy(resOpt);
                        // holds all the info needed by the resolver code
                        AttributeResolutionContext arc = new AttributeResolutionContext(resOpt, resGuide, rtsBase);

                        this.Rasb.GenerateApplierAttributes(arc, false); // true = apply the prepared traits to new atts

                    // reset to the old moniker
                    resOpt.FromMoniker = oldMoniker;

            this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet.AttributeContext = under;

            if (this.Attributes != null)
                int l = this.Attributes.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
                    dynamic                    att      = this.Attributes.AllItems[i];
                    CdmAttributeContext        attUnder = under;
                    AttributeContextParameters acpAtt   = null;
                    if (under != null)
                        acpAtt = new AttributeContextParameters
                            under         = under,
                            type          = CdmAttributeContextType.AttributeDefinition,
                            Name          = att.FetchObjectDefinitionName(),
                            Regarding     = att,
                            IncludeTraits = false
                    this.Rasb.MergeAttributes(att.FetchResolvedAttributes(resOpt, acpAtt));

                    if (!resOpt.CheckAttributeCount(this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet.ResolvedAttributeCount))
                        Logger.Error(nameof(CdmEntityDefinition), this.Ctx, $"Maximum number of resolved attributes reached for the entity: {this.EntityName}.");
            this.Rasb.ResolvedAttributeSet.AttributeContext = under;

            // things that need to go away

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ResolvedEntityReferenceSet FetchResolvedEntityReferences(ResolveOptions resOpt = null)
            bool wasPreviouslyResolving = this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving;

            this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving = true;
            if (resOpt == null)
                resOpt = new ResolveOptions(this, this.Ctx.Corpus.DefaultResolutionDirectives);

            // this whole resolved entity ref goo will go away when resolved documents are done.
            // for now, it breaks if structured att sets get made.
            resOpt            = CdmObjectBase.CopyResolveOptions(resOpt);
            resOpt.Directives = new AttributeResolutionDirectiveSet(new HashSet <string> {
                "normalized", "referenceOnly"

            ResolveContext             ctx            = this.Ctx as ResolveContext; // what it actually is
            ResolvedEntityReferenceSet entRefSetCache = ctx.FetchCache(this, resOpt, "entRefSet") as ResolvedEntityReferenceSet;

            if (entRefSetCache == null)
                entRefSetCache = new ResolvedEntityReferenceSet(resOpt);
                if (resolvingEntityReferences == false)
                    resolvingEntityReferences = true;
                    // get from dynamic base public class and then 'fix' those to point here instead.
                    CdmObjectReference extRef = this.ExtendsEntityRef;
                    if (extRef != null)
                        var extDef = extRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmEntityDefinition>(resOpt);
                        if (extDef != null)
                            if (extDef == this)
                                extDef = extRef.FetchObjectDefinition <CdmEntityDefinition>(resOpt);
                            ResolvedEntityReferenceSet inherited = extDef.FetchResolvedEntityReferences(resOpt);
                            if (inherited != null)
                                foreach (var res in inherited.Set)
                                    ResolvedEntityReference resolvedEntityReference = res.Copy();
                                    resolvedEntityReference.Referencing.Entity = this;
                    if (this.Attributes != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < this.Attributes.Count; i++)
                            // if dynamic refs come back from attributes, they don't know who we are, so they don't set the entity
                            dynamic sub = this.Attributes.AllItems[i].FetchResolvedEntityReferences(resOpt);
                            if (sub != null)
                                foreach (var res in sub.Set)
                                    res.Referencing.Entity = this;
                    ctx.UpdateCache(this, resOpt, "entRefSet", entRefSetCache);
                    this.resolvingEntityReferences = false;
            this.Ctx.Corpus.isCurrentlyResolving = wasPreviouslyResolving;