/// <summary>
        /// Gets the internal stress at defined location.
        /// tensor is in local coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isoLocation">The location for the stress probe in iso coordinates. Order: x,y,z. Maximum bending stress at the shell thickness (z=1.0). Must be withing 0 and 1.</param>
        /// <param name="combination">The load combination.</param>
        /// <param name="probeLocation">The probe location for the stress.</param>
        /// <returns>Stress tensor of flat shell, in local coordination system</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// For more info about local coordinate of flat shell see page [72 of 166] (page 81 of pdf) of "Development of Membrane, Plate and Flat Shell Elements in Java" thesis by Kaushalkumar Kansara freely available on the web
        /// </remarks>
        public CauchyStressTensor GetInternalStress(double[] isoLocation, LoadCase cse, SectionPoints probeLocation)
            //added by rubsy92
            if (isoLocation[2] < 0 || isoLocation[2] > 1.0)
                throw new Exception("z must be between 0 and 1. 0 is the centre of the plate and 1 is on the plate surface. Use the section points to get the top/bottom.")

            var helpers = GetHelpers();

            var gst = new GeneralStressTensor();
            var tr  = this.GetTransformationManager();

            var ld = this.Nodes.Select(i => tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(i.GetNodalDisplacement(cse))).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < helpers.Count(); i++)
                var st = helpers[i].GetLocalInternalStressAt(this, ld, isoLocation);
                gst += st;

            var buf = new CauchyStressTensor();

            buf += gst.MembraneTensor;

                var lambda = 0.0;
                switch (probeLocation)
                case SectionPoints.Envelope:
                    var thickness = Section.GetThicknessAt(isoLocation);
                    var bufTop = new CauchyStressTensor();
                    bufTop += gst.MembraneTensor;
                    bufTop += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, 1.0);

                    var bufBottom = new CauchyStressTensor();
                    bufBottom += gst.MembraneTensor;
                    bufBottom += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, -1.0);

                    if (Math.Abs(CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(bufTop)) > Math.Abs(CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(bufBottom)))
                        buf = bufTop;
                        buf = bufBottom;

                case SectionPoints.Top:
                    lambda = 1.0;
                    var thickness = Section.GetThicknessAt(isoLocation);
                    buf += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, lambda);

                case SectionPoints.Bottom:
                    lambda = -1.0;
                    var thickness = Section.GetThicknessAt(isoLocation);
                    buf += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, lambda);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the internal stress at defined location.
        /// tensor is in local coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isoLocation">The location for the stress probe in iso coordinates. Order: x,y,z. Maximum bending stress at the shell thickness (z=1.0). Must be withing 0 and 1.</param>
        /// <param name="combination">The load combination.</param>
        /// <param name="probeLocation">The probe location for the stress.</param>
        /// <returns>Stress tensor of flat shell, in local coordination system</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// for more info about local coordinate of flat shell see page [72 of 166] (page 81 of pdf) of "Development of Membrane, Plate and Flat Shell Elements in Java" thesis by Kaushalkumar Kansara freely available on the web
        /// </remarks>
        public CauchyStressTensor GetInternalStress(double[] isoLocation, LoadCombination combination, SectionPoints probeLocation)
            var helpers = GetHelpers();

            var gst = new GeneralStressTensor();
            var tr  = this.GetTransformationManager();

            var ld = this.Nodes.Select(i => tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(i.GetNodalDisplacement(combination))).ToArray();

            for (var i = 0; i < helpers.Count(); i++)
                var st = helpers[i].GetLocalInternalStressAt(this, ld, isoLocation);
                gst += st;

            var buf = new CauchyStressTensor();

            buf += gst.MembraneTensor;
                var lambda = 0.0;
                switch (probeLocation)
                case SectionPoints.Envelope:
                    var thickness = Section.GetThicknessAt(isoLocation);
                    var bufTop = new CauchyStressTensor();
                    bufTop += gst.MembraneTensor;
                    bufTop += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, 1.0);

                    var bufBottom = new CauchyStressTensor();
                    bufBottom += gst.MembraneTensor;
                    bufBottom += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, -1.0);

                    if (Math.Abs(CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(bufTop)) > Math.Abs(CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(bufBottom)))
                        buf = bufTop;
                        buf = bufBottom;

                case SectionPoints.Top:
                    lambda = 1.0;
                    var thickness = Section.GetThicknessAt(isoLocation);
                    buf += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, lambda);

                case SectionPoints.Bottom:
                    lambda = -1.0;
                    var thickness = Section.GetThicknessAt(isoLocation);
                    buf += BendingStressTensor.ConvertBendingStressToCauchyTensor(gst.BendingTensor, thickness, lambda);

        public ValidationResult Validate()
            var val = new ValidationResult();

            val.Title = "I Beam torsion with triangle element";

            var span = val.Span = new HtmlTag("span");

                span.Add("p").Text("Validate an I Beam nodal displacement and reactions and internal forces");
                span.Add("h3").Text("Validate with");
                span.Add("h3").Text("Validate objective");

                span.Add("paragraph").Text("compare nodal displacement for a model consist of Triangle Elements");

                span.Add("h3").Text("Model Definition");

                .Text("An I shaped beam, totally fixed on one side and under a couple force on other side")

                span.Add("h3").Text("Validation Result");
            //var magic = 0;

            //example #13 p175

            #region creating model

            var model = new Model();

            var l = UnitConverter.In2M(40);
            var w = UnitConverter.In2M(10);
            var h = UnitConverter.In2M(5);
            var t = UnitConverter.In2M(0.25);

            var e  = UnitConverter.Ksi2Pas(10000); //10'000 ksi
            var no = 0.3;

            var n = 9;

            var xSpan = l / (n - 1);

            var nodes = new Node[n][];

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                var x = i * xSpan;

                nodes[i] = new Node[7];

                nodes[i][0] = new Node(x, 0, 0);
                nodes[i][1] = new Node(x, w / 2, 0);
                nodes[i][2] = new Node(x, w, 0);

                nodes[i][3] = new Node(x, w / 2, h / 2);

                nodes[i][4] = new Node(x, 0, h);
                nodes[i][5] = new Node(x, w / 2, h);
                nodes[i][6] = new Node(x, w, h);


            var pairs = new int[6][];

            pairs[0] = new int[] { 0, 1 };
            pairs[1] = new int[] { 1, 2 };
            pairs[2] = new int[] { 1, 3 };
            pairs[3] = new int[] { 3, 5 };
            pairs[4] = new int[] { 4, 5 };
            pairs[5] = new int[] { 5, 6 };

            var mat = new Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial(e, no);
            var sec = new Sections.UniformParametric2DSection(t);

            for (var i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
                    var n11 = nodes[i][pairs[j][0]];
                    var n12 = nodes[i][pairs[j][1]];

                    var n21 = nodes[i + 1][pairs[j][0]];
                    var n22 = nodes[i + 1][pairs[j][1]];

                        var elm1 = new TriangleElement()
                            Material = mat, Section = sec

                        elm1.Nodes[0] = n11;
                        elm1.Nodes[1] = n12;
                        elm1.Nodes[2] = n21;


                        var elm2 = new TriangleElement()
                            Material = mat, Section = sec

                        elm2.Nodes[0] = n21;
                        elm2.Nodes[1] = n22;
                        elm2.Nodes[2] = n12;


            nodes.Last()[0].Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(new Force(0, UnitConverter.Kip2N(1.6), 0, 0, 0, 0)));
            nodes.Last()[6].Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(new Force(0, -UnitConverter.Kip2N(1.6), 0, 0, 0, 0)));

            nodes[0].ToList().ForEach(i => i.Constraints = Constraints.Fixed);


            model.Trace.Listeners.Add(new BriefFiniteElementNet.Common.ConsoleTraceListener());
            new ModelWarningChecker().CheckModel(model);


            //show the model

            //generate a list of all results
            List <string> results = new List <string>();
            results.Add("Index ; S11 ; S12 ; S13 ; S21 ; S22 ; S23 ; S31 ; S32 ; S33 ; SVM");
            foreach (var element in model.Elements)
                var el     = (TriangleElement)element;
                var index  = el.GetIndex();
                var cauchy = el.GetInternalStress(new double[] { 0.166666666, 0.1666666, 1.0 }, LoadCombination.DefaultLoadCombination, SectionPoints.Envelope);
                results.Add(index + ";" + cauchy.S11 + ";" + cauchy.S12 + ";" + cauchy.S13 + ";" + cauchy.S21 + ";" + cauchy.S22 + ";" + cauchy.S23
                            + ";" + cauchy.S31 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + cauchy.S33 + ";" + CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(cauchy));

                cauchy = el.GetInternalStress(new double[] { 0.6666666, 0.1666666, 1.0 }, LoadCombination.DefaultLoadCombination, SectionPoints.Envelope);
                results.Add(index + ";" + cauchy.S11 + ";" + cauchy.S12 + ";" + cauchy.S13 + ";" + cauchy.S21 + ";" + cauchy.S22 + ";" + cauchy.S23
                            + ";" + cauchy.S31 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + cauchy.S33 + ";" + CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(cauchy));

                cauchy = el.GetInternalStress(new double[] { 0.166666666, 0.6666666, 1.0 }, LoadCombination.DefaultLoadCombination, SectionPoints.Envelope);
                results.Add(index + ";" + cauchy.S11 + ";" + cauchy.S12 + ";" + cauchy.S13 + ";" + cauchy.S21 + ";" + cauchy.S22 + ";" + cauchy.S23
                            + ";" + cauchy.S31 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + cauchy.S33 + ";" + CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(cauchy));
            //Write data if needed
            //File.WriteAllLines("Insert path here!!", results.ToArray());

            var A = nodes.Last()[2];
            var B = nodes.Last()[4];
            var C = nodes.First()[1];
            var D = nodes.First()[0];
            var E = nodes.Last()[6];

             * for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Last().Length; i++)
             * {
             *  nodes.Last()[i].Label = i.ToString();
             * }

            A.Label = "A";
            B.Label = "B";
            C.Label = "C";
            D.Label = "D";
            E.Label = "E";

            var n50 = model.Nodes[50];
            var n56 = model.Nodes[56];
            var n57 = model.Nodes[57];

            {//nodal displacements
                span.Add("h4").Text("Nodal Displacements");
                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Validation output for nodal displacements:"));

                var da = 1 / 0.0254 * A.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;        // [inch]
                var db = 1 / 0.0254 * B.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;        // [inch]

                var d50 = 1 / 0.0254 * n50.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;     // [inch]
                var d56 = 1 / 0.0254 * n56.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;     // [inch]
                var d57 = 1 / 0.0254 * n57.GetNodalDisplacement().Displacements;     // [inch]

                var sap2000Da = new Vector(-0.014921, 0.085471, 0.146070);           //tbl 7.14
                var sap2000Db = new Vector(-0.014834, -0.085475, -0.144533);         //tbl 7.14

                var abaqusDa = new Vector(-15.4207E-03, 88.2587E-03, 150.910E-03);   //node 9
                var abaqusDb = new Vector(-15.3246E-03, -88.2629E-03, -148.940E-03); //node 5

                var abaqus8  = new Vector(-120.875E-06, 88.3894E-03, -1.01662E-03);  //node 8
                var abaqus12 = new Vector(15.3931E-03, 89.1206E-03, -149.515E-03);   //node 12
                var abaqus41 = new Vector(-189.084E-06, 72.3778E-03, -734.918E-06);  //node 41

                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Validation output for nodal displacements:"));

                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at node A (displacement): {0:0.00}%", Util.GetErrorPercent(da, abaqusDa))).AddClosedTag("br");;
                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at node B (displacement): {0:0.00}%", Util.GetErrorPercent(db, abaqusDb))).AddClosedTag("br");;

                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at node 41 (57) (displacement): {0:0.00}%", Util.GetErrorPercent(d50, abaqus41))).AddClosedTag("br");;
                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at node 12 (56) (displacement): {0:0.00}%", Util.GetErrorPercent(d56, abaqus12))).AddClosedTag("br");;
                span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at node 08 (50) (displacement): {0:0.00}%", Util.GetErrorPercent(d57, abaqus8))).AddClosedTag("br");;

            {//element stress
                    var e81 = model.Elements[85] as TriangleElement;

                    var tr = e81.GetTransformationManager();

                    //t = 1/t;

                    var am = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, 0) * (1 / t));
                    var at = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, +1) * (1 / t));
                    var ab = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, -1) * (1 / t));

                    var bm = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 4 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, 0) * (1 / t));
                    var bt = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 4 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, +1) * (1 / t));
                    var bb = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 4 / 6.0, 1 / 6.0, -1) * (1 / t));

                    var cm = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 4 / 6.0, 0) * (1 / t));
                    var ct = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 4 / 6.0, +1) * (1 / t));
                    var cb = tr.TransformLocalToGlobal(e81.GetLocalInternalStress(LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase, 1 / 6.0, 4 / 6.0, -1) * (1 / t));

                    var abacus_at = new CauchyStressTensor()
                        S11 = 103.814E-03, S22 = 249.185E-03, S12 = 1.03438, S21 = 1.03438
                    } *-1e9;
                    var abacus_bt = new CauchyStressTensor()
                        S11 = -34.7168E-03, S22 = -538.942E-03, S12 = 1.03438, S21 = 1.08243
                    } *-1e9;
                    var abacus_ct = new CauchyStressTensor()
                        S11 = -201.062E-03, S22 = -1.18348, S12 = 747.243E-03, S21 = 747.243E-03
                    } *-1e9;

                    var e1 = Util.GetErrorPercent(at, abacus_ct);
                    var e2 = Util.GetErrorPercent(bt, abacus_at);
                    var e3 = Util.GetErrorPercent(ct, abacus_bt);

                    span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Validation output for element stress:"));

                    span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at p1 element 81 (stress): {0:0.00}%", e1)).AddClosedTag("br");
                    span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at p2 element 81 (stress): {0:0.00}%", e2)).AddClosedTag("br");
                    span.Add("paragraph").Text(string.Format("Err at p3 element 81 (stress): {0:0.00}%", e3)).AddClosedTag("br");

                    //in abaqus e81 connected to 8-12-41
                    //in bfe e85 connected to 57-56-50

        public static void writeDataTriangleElement(Model model, LoadCase testCase)
            //Nodal displacements
            List <string> results = new List <string>();

            foreach (var Node in model.Nodes)
                results.Add(Node.GetNodalDisplacement(testCase).DX + ";" + Node.GetNodalDisplacement(testCase).DY + ";" + Node.GetNodalDisplacement().DZ + ";" + Node.GetNodalDisplacement().RX + ";" + Node.GetNodalDisplacement().RY + ";" + Node.GetNodalDisplacement().RZ);
            results.Add("Total stress at integration points");
            foreach (var element in model.Elements)
                var el     = (TriangleElement)element;
                var cauchy = el.GetInternalStress(new double[] { 0.166666666, 0.1666666, 1.0 }, LoadCombination.DefaultLoadCombination, SectionPoints.Envelope);
                results.Add(cauchy.S11 + ";" + cauchy.S12 + ";" + cauchy.S13 + ";" + cauchy.S21 + ";" + cauchy.S22 + ";" + cauchy.S23
                            + ";" + cauchy.S31 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(cauchy));

                cauchy = el.GetInternalStress(new double[] { 0.6666666, 0.1666666, 1.0 }, LoadCombination.DefaultLoadCombination, SectionPoints.Envelope);
                results.Add(cauchy.S11 + ";" + cauchy.S12 + ";" + cauchy.S13 + ";" + cauchy.S21 + ";" + cauchy.S22 + ";" + cauchy.S23
                            + ";" + cauchy.S31 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(cauchy));

                cauchy = el.GetInternalStress(new double[] { 0.166666666, 0.6666666, 1.0 }, LoadCombination.DefaultLoadCombination, SectionPoints.Envelope);
                results.Add(cauchy.S11 + ";" + cauchy.S12 + ";" + cauchy.S13 + ";" + cauchy.S21 + ";" + cauchy.S22 + ";" + cauchy.S23
                            + ";" + cauchy.S31 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + cauchy.S32 + ";" + CauchyStressTensor.GetVonMisesStress(cauchy));
            File.WriteAllLines(@"D:\Solver\Validation\Output\Model1Displ.csv", results.ToArray());