Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// The method updates a Category in the Database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryCL">Details of Category to be updated in the database.</param>
        /// <returns>Updated Category Communication Layer Class.</returns>
        public CategoryCL updateCategory(CategoryCL categoryCL)
            Category cat = (from x in dbcontext.Categories where x.Id == categoryCL.id select x).FirstOrDefault();

            //Initialises the query of fetching the Category from the Data Base.
            cat.IsDeleted        = categoryCL.isDeleted;
            cat.DateCreated      = categoryCL.dateCreated;
            cat.DateModified     = categoryCL.dateModified;
            cat.Description      = categoryCL.description;
            cat.FeatureName      = categoryCL.featureCategory;
            cat.Name             = categoryCL.name;
            cat.ParentCategoryId = categoryCL.parentCategoryId;
            //Updating the instance of DataBase to a Inputed Communication Layer class instance by the user.
            //Updating the Database.
            categoryCL.dateCreated      = cat.DateCreated;
            categoryCL.dateModified     = cat.DateModified;
            categoryCL.description      = cat.Description;
            categoryCL.featureCategory  = cat.FeatureName;
            categoryCL.isDeleted        = cat.IsDeleted;
            categoryCL.name             = cat.Name;
            categoryCL.parentCategoryId = cat.ParentCategoryId;
            categoryCL.categoryCode     = cat.CategoryCode;
            //Updating the Communication Layer class instance by the user data by the instance of DataBase.
            //Returning the Communication Layer Class with Updated Category data on it.
        protected void btnDeleteCat_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CategoryCL  catCL  = new CategoryCL();
            CategoryBLL catBLL = new CategoryBLL();

            catCL.id = id;
        private void bindCategories(int categoryID)
            CategoryBLL catBLL = new CategoryBLL();
            CategoryCL  catCL  = catBLL.getCategory(categoryID);

            txtCategoryName.Text             = catCL.name;
            txtCDesc.Text                    = catCL.description;
            lstCParentCategory.SelectedValue = catCL.parentCategoryId.ToString();
            ddlFeatureCategoryItems.Text     = catCL.featureCategory;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates a Category in the Database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="categoryCL">Details of Category to be created in database.</param>
        /// <returns>Class of Category created in this method.</returns>
        public CategoryCL createCategory(CategoryCL categoryCL)
            Category category = dbcontext.Categories.Add(new Category
                DateCreated      = DateTime.Now,
                DateModified     = DateTime.Now,
                Description      = categoryCL.description,
                FeatureName      = categoryCL.featureCategory,
                Name             = categoryCL.name,
                ParentCategoryId = categoryCL.parentCategoryId,
                Id           = 0,
                IsDeleted    = categoryCL.isDeleted,
                CategoryCode = "",

            //Adding the data recieved in parameters to DB and to a temporary DataAccess Layer Class.
            string productCode = "";

            if (category.Id.ToString().Length == 1)
                productCode = "000" + category.Id;
            if (category.Id.ToString().Length == 2)
                productCode = "00" + category.Id;
            if (category.Id.ToString().Length == 3)
                productCode = "0" + category.Id;
            if (category.Id.ToString().Length == 4)
                productCode = category.Id.ToString();
            category.CategoryCode = category.Name.Substring(0, 3) + productCode;
            //Updating the Database.
            CategoryCL categoryCl = new CategoryCL()
                dateCreated     = category.DateCreated,
                dateModified    = category.DateModified,
                description     = category.Description,
                featureCategory = category.FeatureName,
                id               = category.Id,
                isDeleted        = category.IsDeleted,
                name             = category.Name,
                categoryCode     = category.CategoryCode,
                parentCategoryId = category.ParentCategoryId,

            //Adding the temporary DataAccess Layer Class data to Communication Layer class.
            //Returning the Communication Layer Class with Created Category data on it.
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Session["UserId"] != null)
                string userId = Session["UserId"].ToString();
                //If the session value for userid is not set, redirect the user to the loginpage
                //see the ReturnUrl querystring value, it will be the page, that the ASP.NEt
                //infrastructure will redirect to after successful validation of the user

                //See the <Authentication node in web.config
            productId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["productId"]);
            CategoryBLL categoryBLL  = new CategoryBLL();
            int         categoryId   = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["categoryId"]);
            CategoryCL  categorydata = categoryBLL.getCategory(categoryId);

            string[] abc = categorydata.featureCategory.Split(';');
            if (!IsPostBack)
                lblProductFeature1.Text = abc[0];
                lblProductFeature2.Text = abc[1];
                lblProductFeature3.Text = abc[2];
                lblProductFeature4.Text = abc[3];
                int count = abc.Count();

                if (count == 1)
                    txtProductFeature2.Visible = false;
                    txtProductFeature3.Visible = false;
                    txtProductFeature4.Visible = false;
                else if (count == 2)
                    txtProductFeature3.Visible = false;
                    txtProductFeature4.Visible = false;
                else if (count == 3)
                    txtProductFeature4.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Fetching Data From Category table by Id from database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="brandID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CategoryCL getCategory(int categoryId)
            Category   categoryDB  = (from categoryInfo in dbcontext.Categories where categoryInfo.Id == categoryId && categoryInfo.IsDeleted == false select categoryInfo).FirstOrDefault();
            CategoryCL categoryget = new CategoryCL()
                id               = categoryDB.Id,
                categoryCode     = categoryDB.CategoryCode,
                name             = categoryDB.Name,
                description      = categoryDB.Description,
                parentCategoryId = categoryDB.ParentCategoryId,
                featureCategory  = categoryDB.FeatureName,
                dateCreated      = categoryDB.DateCreated,
                dateModified     = categoryDB.DateModified,
                isDeleted        = categoryDB.IsDeleted

            //Returns a Communication Layer Class which is fetching data from Categories table.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        //Initialises Page Load.
        protected void btnCategory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CategoryCL categoryCL = new CategoryCL();
            //Instantiates the Category Communication Layer Class.
            CategoryBLL categoryBLL = new CategoryBLL();

            //Instantiates the Category BusinessLogic Layer Class.

            categoryCL.dateCreated  = DateTime.Now;
            categoryCL.dateModified = DateTime.Now;
            if (txtCDesc.Text == null)
                categoryCL.description = string.Empty;
                categoryCL.description = txtCDesc.Text;
            if (txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text == null)
                categoryCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text;
            else if (txtFeatureCategoryItem3.Text == null)
                categoryCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text + ";" + txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text;
            else if (txtFeatureCategoryItem4.Text == null)
                categoryCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text + ";" + txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text + ";" + txtFeatureCategoryItem3.Text;
                categoryCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text + ";" + txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text + ";" + txtFeatureCategoryItem3.Text + ";" + txtFeatureCategoryItem4.Text + ";";
            categoryCL.isDeleted        = false;
            categoryCL.name             = txtCategoryName.Text;
            categoryCL.parentCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(lstCParentCategory.SelectedValue);
            //Adds the data entered from the Inputs to the Communication Layer Class instance.
            //This method sends the data of the Communication Layer class instance to the Database.
            lblSuccessfulCategory.Text = "Category Created Successfully.";
        protected void btnCategory_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CategoryCL  catCL  = new CategoryCL();
            CategoryBLL catBLL = new CategoryBLL();

            catCL.id               = id;
            catCL.name             = txtCategoryName.Text;
            catCL.parentCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(lstCParentCategory.SelectedValue);
            if (txtCDesc.Text == null)
                catCL.description = string.Empty;
                catCL.description = txtCDesc.Text;
            if (txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text == null)
                catCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text;
            else if (txtFeatureCategoryItem3.Text == null)
                catCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text + ';' + txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text;
            else if (txtFeatureCategoryItem4.Text == null)
                catCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text + ';' + txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text + ';' + txtFeatureCategoryItem3.Text;
                catCL.featureCategory = txtFeatureCategoryItem1.Text + ';' + txtFeatureCategoryItem2.Text + ';' + txtFeatureCategoryItem3.Text + ';' + txtFeatureCategoryItem4.Text;

            catCL.description      = txtCDesc.Text;
            catCL.parentCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(lstCParentCategory.SelectedValue);
            catCL.dateCreated      = DateTime.Now;
            catCL.dateModified     = DateTime.Now;
            catCL.isDeleted        = false;
            lblSuccessfulCategory.Text = "Category Updated Successfully";