public Food(string name, MoneyValue unitPrice, FoodItemType type,
                    bool isGlutenFree, bool isVeg, bool isNonVeg, string imageUrl, Categories.Category category, Cuisine cuisine,
                    string description,
                    string descriptionEng, Menu menu, List <string> ingredients)
            CheckRule(new ConditionMustBeTrueRule(category.Categorize == Categorize.Food, "invalid category"));

            ImageUrl          = imageUrl;
            Category          = category;
            Cuisine           = cuisine;
            Description       = description;
            DescriptionEng    = descriptionEng;
            Name              = name;
            UnitPrice         = unitPrice;
            Type              = type;
            IsGlutenFree      = isGlutenFree;
            IsVeg             = !isNonVeg && isVeg;
            IsNonVeg          = !isVeg && isNonVeg;
            OldUnitPrice      = unitPrice;
            Status            = FoodStatus.Available;
            Rating            = 0;
            TotalRatingsCount = 0;
            TotalOrderCount   = 0;
            Menu = menu;

            void SetDefaultVariant()
                AddVariant(new Variant(DefaultVariant, DefaultVariantEng, unitPrice, "", ""));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ShowCatList(object[] Params)
            Categories.Category[] Categories = (Categories.Category[])Params;

            if (treeView1.Nodes.Count == 0)
                TreeNode top = treeView1.Nodes.Add("Select Category");
                FindingAPI.Categories.Category cat = new Categories.Category();
                cat.CategoryID   = -1;
                cat.CategoryName = "Top Level";

            if (treeView1.SelectedNode == null)
                treeView1.SelectedNode = treeView1.Nodes[0];

            if (Categories != null)

                foreach (Categories.Category cat in Categories)
                    TreeNode newNode = treeView1.SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(cat.CategoryID.ToString(), cat.CategoryName);
                    newNode.Tag = cat;

        public void SupportNewCategory(Categories.Category category)
            CheckRule(new ConditionMustBeTrueRule(category.HasValue() && category.Categorize == Categorize.Restaurant,
                                                  "only a category of type restaurant must be assigned"));

            CheckRule(new ConditionMustBeTrueRule(
                          _categories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.CategoryId == category.Id).HasNoValue(),
                          "category already exists"));
            _categories.Add(new RestaurantCategory(this, category));
        private void textBoxCategory_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int result;

            if (int.TryParse(textBoxCategory.Text.Trim(), out result))
                Categories.Category c = new Categories.Category();
                c.CategoryID        = result;
                textBoxCategory.Tag = c;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void treeView1_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            Categories.Category cat = (Categories.Category)e.Node.Tag;

            if (cat != null)
                SelectedCategory = cat;
                label1.Text      = cat.CategoryName + "(" + cat.CategoryID.ToString() + ")";

 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (sc.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
         if (sc.SelectedCategory == null)
             textBoxCategory.Text = "Select Category";
             Categories.Category c = new Categories.Category();
             c.CategoryID        = 1;
             textBoxCategory.Tag = c;
             textBoxCategory.Text = sc.SelectedCategory.CategoryName + "(" + sc.SelectedCategory.CategoryID.ToString() + ")";
             textBoxCategory.Tag  = sc.SelectedCategory;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public RestaurantCategory(Restaurant restaurant, Categories.Category category)
     Restaurant = restaurant;
     Category   = category;
 public void UpdateCategory(Categories.Category category)
     CheckRule(new ConditionMustBeTrueRule(category != null && category.Categorize == Categorize.Food,
                                           "invalid category"));
     Category = category;