AddUserToRole() public static method

public static AddUserToRole ( CatOps user, CatOps role ) : bool
user CatOps
role CatOps
return bool
Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void btnUserInfoAddRole_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Add the user to the desired unit
            bool success = CatbertManager.AddUserToRole(lblUserInfoLoginID.Text, int.Parse(dlistRoles.SelectedValue));

            //update the grid
            gViewUserRoles.DataSource = CatbertManager.GetRolesByUser(lblUserInfoLoginID.Text);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected void gViewAddUserSearch_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            GridView gview = (GridView)sender;

            //insert the new user
            string loginID = gview.SelectedDataKey["Login"] as string;

            int userID = -1;

            //Check to see if the user is already in CATBERT
            if (CatbertManager.VerifyUser(loginID) == false)
                userID = CatbertManager.InsertNewUser(loginID);
                userID = 0;

            txtAddUserLoginID.Text = userID.ToString();
            //Add the user to the given role and unit
            DropDownList unit = gview.SelectedRow.FindControl("dlistAddUserUnits") as DropDownList;
            DropDownList role = gview.SelectedRow.FindControl("dlistAddUserRoles") as DropDownList;

            if (userID == -1 || unit == null || role == null) //make sure we found the dlists and the user was created.
                lblAddUserStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                lblAddUserStatus.Text      = "User " + loginID + " not added: Check your role and unit selection and try again";
                //get the unit and role ID's, and add the user to those roles
                CatbertManager.AddUserToRole(loginID, int.Parse(role.SelectedValue));
                CatbertManager.AddUserToUnit(loginID, int.Parse(unit.SelectedValue));

                lblAddUserStatus.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
                lblAddUserStatus.Text      = "User " + loginID + " successfully added";

            gViewAddUserSearch.SelectedIndex = -1;
            gViewAddUserSearch.Visible       = false; //hide the search grid

            lviewUsers.DataBind();                    //rebind the user grid and update

            updateAddUser.Update(); // update the add user panel

            mpopupAddUser.Show();   //keep up the popup