Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void LoadDefaultData(string applicationPath)
            _appPath = applicationPath;
            string fileName        = applicationPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + _fileName;
            string defaultFileName = Application.StartupPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + _defaultFileName;

                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                //if QueriesTree does not exist in the windows user application data folder
                //load the default values from the application folder
                else if (File.Exists(defaultFileName))
                    TDSQueriesTree t = new TDSQueriesTree();

                    MyZillaSettingsDataSet         settings    = MyZillaSettingsDataSet.GetInstance();
                    TDSettings.ConnectionDataTable connections = settings.GetActiveConnections();

                    foreach (TDSettings.ConnectionRow connection  in connections)
                        CatalogueManager catalogues = CatalogueManager.Instance();
                        if (catalogues.GetCataloguesForConnection(connection.ConnectionId) != null)
                            BuildTreeStructureForUserId(t, connection);
                    throw (new IOException("Default queries configuration [" + fileName + "] is missing!"));
            catch (IOException)
                throw (new IOException("File " + fileName + " not exist."));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void AddUserSubtree(TreeView treeView, TDSettings.ConnectionRow connectionRow)
            DataRow[] rows;
            TreeNode  nodeUser;

            //find the node in the tree corresponding to the user-connection
            TreeNode[] nodesUser = treeView.Nodes.Find("User " + connectionRow.ConnectionId.ToString(), true);

            if (nodesUser.GetLength(0) == 1)
                nodeUser = nodesUser[0];

                //find all folders of the user and sort them on LevelID
                rows = _instance.Folders.Select("UserID = " + Int16.Parse(nodeUser.Name.Replace("User", String.Empty)).ToString(), "LevelID, Name, ID, ParentID");
                TreeNode node = new TreeNode();

                if (rows.GetLength(0) == 0)
                    nodeUser.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;

                //check if product list changed on the server
                CatalogueManager    catalogues = CatalogueManager.Instance();
                NameValueCollection products   = catalogues.GetCataloguesForConnection(connectionRow.ConnectionId).catalogueProduct;

                string     productName        = String.Empty;
                FoldersRow productsRootFolder = GetFolderByName(connectionRow, "Product Queries");

                if (productsRootFolder == null)
                    productsRootFolder = CreateFolder(connectionRow, "Product Queries", 0, -1);

                //check if local user xml still contains deleted products
                // if contains one, delete it
                for (int i = rows.GetLength(0) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    FoldersRow folder = (FoldersRow)rows[i];
                    if ((folder.ParentID == productsRootFolder.ID) && (products[folder.Name + "," + folder.Name] == null))

                //check if new product is missing from the local user structure
                for (int i = 0; i < products.Count; i++)
                    productName = products.GetKey(i).Split(',')[1];
                    FoldersRow productFolder = GetFolderByName(connectionRow, productName);

                    if (productFolder == null)
                        CreateProductFolderDefaultQueries(connectionRow, productsRootFolder.ID, productName);

                rows = _instance.Folders.Select("UserID = " + Int16.Parse(nodeUser.Name.Replace("User", String.Empty)).ToString(), "LevelID, Name, ID, ParentID");

                //add each folder(except deleted ones) as a TreeNode in the TreeView
                foreach (DataRow dr in rows)
                    FoldersRow folder = (FoldersRow)dr;

                    //protect agains folders that do not have the Deleted tag (protect agains null value)
                        folder.Deleted = folder.Deleted;
                    catch {
                        folder.Deleted = false;

                    if (!folder.Deleted)
                        if (folder.ParentID == -1)
                            node = nodeUser.Nodes.Add("folder " + folder.ID.ToString(), folder.Name, "Folder");
                            FoldersRow parentFolder = _instance.Folders.FindByID(folder.ParentID);

                            if (parentFolder.Deleted)
                                folder.Deleted = true;

                            TreeNode[] nodes = nodeUser.Nodes.Find("folder " + folder.ParentID.ToString(), true);

                            if (nodes.GetLength(0) == 1)
                                node = nodes[0].Nodes.Add("folder " + folder.ID.ToString(), folder.Name, "Folder");

                        if (!folder.Deleted)
                            node.SelectedImageKey = "Folder";
                            node.Tag = new NodeDescription(NodeType.Folder, folder);

                            //add queries associated with the folder as tree nodes
                            DataRow[] queries = _instance.Queries.Select("FolderId = " + folder.ID);
                            foreach (DataRow query in queries)
                                QueriesRow queryRow = (QueriesRow)query;

                                AddQueryToTreeNode(node, queryRow);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for the predefined folder structure and build it together with the predefined queries
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Connection"></param>
        public static void RefreshTreePerUser(TDSettings.ConnectionRow connectionRow)
            int parentID;

            DataRow[]  folders;
            FoldersRow folder, productFolder;

            //Check for the default structure of folders and queries
            //Check for folder "Product Queries"
            folder = GetFolderByName(connectionRow, "Product Queries");
            if (folder == null)
                //create product queries folder
                folder = CreateFolder(connectionRow, "Product Queries", 0, -1);

                if (folder == null)
                    throw new Exception("Queries folder structure is corrupted!");

            parentID = folder.ID;

            DataRow[]  Queries;
            string     productName = String.Empty;
            QueriesRow query;

            #region add each product as a folder in the tree

            CatalogueManager    catalogues = CatalogueManager.Instance();
            NameValueCollection products   = catalogues.GetCataloguesForConnection(connectionRow.ConnectionId).catalogueProduct;

            folders = _instance.Folders.Select("ParentID = " + parentID.ToString() + " AND UserID = " + connectionRow.ConnectionId.ToString());

            for (int i = folders.GetLength(0) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                productFolder = (FoldersRow)folders[i];

                //check if product belongs to the current user
                bool belongsToCurrentUser = false;

                for (int index = 0; index < products.Count; index++)
                    if (folder.Name == products.GetKey(index).Split(',')[1])
                        belongsToCurrentUser = true;

                if (!belongsToCurrentUser)

            //generate new product folders
            for (int i = 0; i < products.Count; i++)
                productName = products.GetKey(i).Split(',')[1];
                CreateProductFolderDefaultQueries(connectionRow, parentID, productName);


            //Check for the default folder "My Queries"

            folder = GetFolderByName(connectionRow, "My Queries");

            if (folder == null)
                //think about throuwing error
                folder = CreateFolder(connectionRow, "My Queries", 0, -1);

                if (folder == null)
                    throw new Exception("Queries folder structure is corrupted!");

            #region Check if exists predefined query My Opened BUGS
            Queries = _instance.Queries.Select("Name = 'My opened bugs' AND FolderID = " + folder.ID);

            if (Queries.GetLength(0) == 0)
                query = _instance.Queries.NewQueriesRow();

                query.Name        = "My opened bugs";
                query.Description = "All my opened bugs for any product";
                query.FolderID    = folder.ID;
                query.TypeID      = Convert.ToByte(_queryTypes.Predefined);
                _instance.AddParameterValuesForQuery(query, GetParamsForOpenedBugsQuery(String.Empty, true, connectionRow.UserName));

            #region Check if exists predefined query My Closed BUGS
            Queries = _instance.Queries.Select("Name = 'My closed bugs' AND FolderID = " + folder.ID);

            if (Queries.GetLength(0) == 0)
                query             = _instance.Queries.NewQueriesRow();
                query.Name        = "My closed bugs";
                query.Description = "All my closed bugs for any product";
                query.FolderID    = folder.ID;
                query.TypeID      = Convert.ToByte(_queryTypes.Predefined);
                _instance.AddParameterValuesForQuery(query, GetParamsForClosedBugsQuery(String.Empty, true, connectionRow.UserName));

            #region Check if exists predefined query My Fixed BUGS
            Queries = _instance.Queries.Select("Name = 'My fixed bugs' AND FolderID = " + folder.ID);

            if (Queries.GetLength(0) == 0)
                query             = _instance.Queries.NewQueriesRow();
                query.Name        = "My fixed bugs";
                query.Description = "All my fixed bugs for any product";
                query.FolderID    = folder.ID;
                query.TypeID      = Convert.ToByte(_queryTypes.Predefined);
                _instance.AddParameterValuesForQuery(query, GetParamsForFixedBugsQuery(String.Empty, true, connectionRow.UserName));

            //Update Tree with the default structure

