Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteCartByUser(int id)
            bool IsDelete = await _cartServices.DeleteCartAsync(id);

            if (IsDelete)
                return(Ok(new { data = "Xoa thanh cong", success = true }));
                return(Ok(new { data = "Gio hang khong ton tai", success = true }));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostInvoice(InvoicePostModel model)
            //await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            //return CreatedAtAction("GetInvoice", new { id = invoice.Id }, invoice);

            //Tạo ra 1 invoice cho user khi nhấn thanh toán
            var invoice = _mapper.Map <Invoice>(model);

            await _context.Invoices.AddAsync(invoice);

            bool isSave = await _invoiceService.SaveInvoiceAsync(invoice);

            if (!isSave)
                return(Ok(new { error_message = "Khong the luu don hang do co loi xay ra" }));

            //Lấy món hàng trong cart rồi thêm vào InvoiceDetail
            var cartItems = await _cartServices.GetCartFromUser(model.UserId);

            if (cartItems.Count == 0)
                return(Ok(new { error_message = "Gio hang rong, xin vui long mua hang" }));

            var invoiceDetails = _mapper.Map <IList <InvoiceDetail> >(cartItems);

            //Gán id Invoice vào InvoiceDetail
            foreach (var item in invoiceDetails)
                item.InvoiceId = invoice.Id;

            //Lưu vào db
            isSave = await _invoiceDetailsService.SaveToDatabase(invoiceDetails);

            if (!isSave)
                return(Ok(new { error_message = "Khong the luu chi tiet don hang do co loi xay ra" }));
            await _cartServices.DeleteCartAsync(model.UserId);

            invoice.TotalMoney = invoiceDetails.Sum(i => i.SubTotal);
            isSave             = await _invoiceService.SaveInvoiceAsync(invoice);

            return(Ok(new { data = invoiceDetails, success = true }));
        public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteCartByUser(int id)
            bool IsDeleteRedis = await database.KeyDeleteAsync(id.ToString());

            if (IsDeleteRedis)
                await database.KeyDeleteAsync(id.ToString());

                return(Ok(new { data = "Xoa thanh cong", success = true }));
            IsDeleteRedis = await _cartServices.DeleteCartAsync(id);

            if (IsDeleteRedis)
                return(Ok(new { data = "Xoa thanh cong", success = true }));
            return(Ok(new { data = "Gio hang khong ton tai", success = true }));