Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult AddedToCart(string skuId)
            long userId = CurrentUser != null ? CurrentUser.Id : 0;

                string productId = skuId.Split('_')[0];
                ViewBag.ProductId = productId;
                var         productService = _iProductService;
                var         cart           = cartHelper.GetCart(userId);
                ProductInfo product;
                SKUInfo     sku;
                var         products = cart.Items.Select(item =>
                    product = productService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                    sku     = productService.GetSku(item.SkuId);
                    return(new CartItemModel()
                        skuId = item.SkuId,
                        id = product.Id,
                        imgUrl = product.ImagePath + "/1_50.png",
                        name = product.ProductName,
                        price = sku.SalePrice,
                        count = item.Quantity

                ViewBag.Current    = products.FirstOrDefault(item => item.skuId == skuId);
                ViewBag.Others     = products.Where(item => item.skuId != skuId);
                ViewBag.Amount     = products.Sum(item => item.price * item.count);
                ViewBag.TotalCount = products.Sum(item => item.count);
            catch { }
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult CartSummary()
            var cart = CartHelper.GetCart(_context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name));

            ViewData["CartCount"] = cart.GetCount();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult RemoveFromCart(int id)
            // Remove the item from the cart
            var cart = CartHelper.GetCart(_context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name));

            // Get the name of the album to display confirmation
            string albumName = _context.CartItems
                               .Single(item => item.BundleID == id).Bundle.Name;

            // Remove from cart
            int itemCount = cart.RemoveFromCart(id);

            // Display the confirmation message
            var results = new ShoppingCartRemoveViewModel
                Message = Server.HtmlEncode(albumName) +
                          " has been removed from your shopping cart.",
                CartTotal   = cart.GetTotal(),
                CartCount   = cart.GetCount(),
                BundleCount = itemCount,
                DeleteId    = id

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult AddressAndPayment(FormCollection values)
            var order  = new Orders();
            var record = new Records();
            var user   = _context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);


                order.Username  = User.Identity.Name;
                order.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
                //Save Order
                //Process the order
                var cart = CartHelper.GetCart(user);
                record.OrderId = _context.Orders.AsEnumerable().Last().OrderId;
                record.UserId  = user.Id;

                return(RedirectToAction("Complete", new { id = order.OrderId }));
                //Invalid - redisplay with errors
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // GET: Carts
        public ActionResult AddItemToCart(int ItemId, int qty)
            var cart   = carthelper.GetCart();
            var cartId = cart.CartNumber;

            var item = db.Items.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == ItemId);

            if (item.Qty >= qty)
                carthelper.AddItem(ItemId, qty, cartId);

                return(RedirectToAction("MyCart", "CartItems"));
                return(RedirectToAction("OutofStock", "Items"));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public double GetCouponDiscount(CartHelper.CartExamples cartExample, int productPrice10Quantity, int productPrice250Quantity, int productPrice50Quantity, bool applyCoupon)
            Cart cart = CartHelper.GetCart(cartExample, productPrice10Quantity, productPrice250Quantity, productPrice50Quantity);

            if (applyCoupon)
                Coupon coupon = new RateCoupon("100 TL üzeri %20 İndirim", 100, 20);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public double GetCartTotalAmountAfterDiscounts(CartHelper.CartExamples cartExample, int productFirstQuantity, int productSecondQuantity, int productThirdQuantity, bool applyCoupon)
            Cart cart = CartHelper.GetCart(cartExample, productFirstQuantity, productSecondQuantity, productThirdQuantity);

            if (applyCoupon)
                Coupon coupon = new RateCoupon("100 TL üzeri %20 İndirim", 100, 20);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        // GET: /Store/AddToCart/5
        public ActionResult AddToCart(int id)
            // Retrieve the album from the database
            var addedBundle = _context.Bundles
                              .Single(bundle => bundle.Id == id);
            // Add it to the shopping cart
            var cart = CartHelper.GetCart(_context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name));


            // Go back to the main store page for more shopping
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // GET api/<controller>/5
        public CartDetailsModel Get(Guid CartID)
                _cartHelper = new CartHelper();

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult Index()
            var cart = CartHelper.GetCart(_context.Users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.Email == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name));

            // Set up our ViewModel
            var viewModel = new ShoppingCartViewModel
                CartItems = cart.GetCartItems(),
                CartTotal = cart.GetTotal()

            // Return the view
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public ActionResult Create(VisitsViewModel model)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         Visit one = new Visit();
         one.Status   = "Oczekująca";
         one.TestsId  = CartHelper.GetCart();
         one.dateTime = model.Date;
         one.User     = _user.FindByIdAsync(_user.GetUserId(HttpContext.User)).Result;
     ViewBag.Save = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult AddedToCart(string skuId)
            ProductInfo productInfo = null;
            SKUInfo     sKUInfo     = null;
            long        num         = (base.CurrentUser != null ? base.CurrentUser.Id : 0);

                CartHelper cartHelper = new CartHelper();
                string     str        = skuId;
                char[]     chrArray   = new char[] { '\u005F' };
                string     str1       = str.Split(chrArray)[0];
                ViewBag.ProductId = str1;
                IProductService             productService = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>();
                ShoppingCartInfo            cart           = cartHelper.GetCart(num);
                IEnumerable <CartItemModel> cartItemModels = cart.Items.Select <ShoppingCartItem, CartItemModel>((ShoppingCartItem item) =>
                    productInfo = productService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                    sKUInfo     = productService.GetSku(item.SkuId);
                    return(new CartItemModel()
                        skuId = item.SkuId,
                        id = productInfo.Id,
                        imgUrl = string.Concat(productInfo.ImagePath, "/1_50.png"),
                        name = productInfo.ProductName,
                        price = sKUInfo.SalePrice,
                        count = item.Quantity
                base.ViewBag.Current = cartItemModels.FirstOrDefault((CartItemModel item) => item.skuId == skuId);
                base.ViewBag.Others  =
                    from item in cartItemModels
                    where item.skuId != skuId
                    select item;
                base.ViewBag.Amount     = cartItemModels.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel item) => item.price * item.count);
                base.ViewBag.TotalCount = cartItemModels.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel item) => item.count);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public JsonResult GetCartProducts()
            var cartHelper     = new CartHelper();
            var cart           = cartHelper.GetCart(CurrentUser.Id);
            var productService = _iProductService;
            var shopService    = _iShopService;
            var vshopService   = _iVShopService;
            decimal discount = 1.0M;//默认折扣为1(没有折扣)

            if (CurrentUser != null)
                discount = CurrentUser.MemberDiscount;
            List <long> pids          = new List <long>();
            decimal     prodPrice     = 0.0M;                                                                                    //优惠价格
            var         limitProducts = LimitTimeApplication.GetPriceByProducrIds(cart.Items.Select(e => e.ProductId).ToList()); //限时购价格
            var         products      = cart.Items.Select(item =>
                var product         = productService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                var shop            = shopService.GetShop(product.ShopId);
                SKUInfo sku         = null;
                string colorAlias   = "";
                string sizeAlias    = "";
                string versionAlias = "";
                string skuDetails   = "";
                if (null != shop)
                    var vshop = vshopService.GetVShopByShopId(shop.Id);
                    sku       = productService.GetSku(item.SkuId);
                    if (sku == null)
                    var prod  = limitProducts.FirstOrDefault(e => e.ProductId == item.ProductId);
                    prodPrice = sku.SalePrice;
                    if (prod != null)
                        prodPrice = prod.MinPrice;
                        if (shop.IsSelf)
                            prodPrice = sku.SalePrice * discount;
                    var typeInfo = TypeApplication.GetType(product.TypeId);
                    colorAlias   = (typeInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeInfo.ColorAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Color.ToDescription() : typeInfo.ColorAlias;
                    sizeAlias    = (typeInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeInfo.SizeAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Size.ToDescription() : typeInfo.SizeAlias;
                    versionAlias = (typeInfo == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeInfo.VersionAlias)) ? SpecificationType.Version.ToDescription() : typeInfo.VersionAlias;
                    skuDetails   = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sku.Size))
                        skuDetails += sizeAlias + ":" + sku.Size + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sku.Color))
                        skuDetails += colorAlias + ":" + sku.Color + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sku.Version))
                        skuDetails += versionAlias + ":" + sku.Version + "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
                        cartItemId = item.Id,
                        skuId = item.SkuId,
                        id = product.Id,
                        imgUrl = Himall.Core.HimallIO.GetProductSizeImage(product.RelativePath, 1, (int)ImageSize.Size_150),
                        name = product.ProductName,
                        price = prodPrice,
                        count = item.Quantity,
                        shopId = shop.Id,
                        vshopId = vshop == null ? 0 : vshop.Id,
                        shopName = shop.ShopName,
                        shopLogo = vshop == null ? "" : vshop.Logo,
                        status = (product.AuditStatus == ProductInfo.ProductAuditStatus.Audited && product.SaleStatus == ProductInfo.ProductSaleStatus.OnSale) ? 1 : 0,
                        Size = sku.Size,
                        Color = sku.Color,
                        Version = sku.Version,
                        ColorAlias = colorAlias,
                        SizeAlias = sizeAlias,
                        VersionAlias = versionAlias,
                        skuDetails = skuDetails,
                        AddTime = item.AddTime
            }).Where(d => d != null).OrderBy(s => s.vshopId).ThenByDescending(o => o.AddTime);

            var cartModel = new { products = products, amount = products.Sum(item => item.price * item.count), totalCount = products.Sum(item => item.count) };

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public JsonResult UpdateCartItem(string skuId, int count)
            //TODO:FG 购物车改造 购物车数量变更
            long userId     = CurrentUser != null ? CurrentUser.Id : 0;
            var  cartHelper = new CartHelper();
            var  skucart    = cartHelper.GetCart(userId).Items.FirstOrDefault(d => d.SkuId == skuId);
            bool isadd      = true;

            if (skucart != null)
                if (skucart.Quantity > count)
                    isadd = false;

            Entities.SKUInfo skuinfo = OrderApplication.GetSkuByID(skuId);
            if (skuinfo.Stock < count && isadd)
                return(Json(new { success = false, msg = "库存不足", stock = skuinfo.Stock }));

            var product = ProductManagerApplication.GetProduct(skuinfo.ProductId);

            if (product != null)
                if (product.MaxBuyCount > 0 && count > product.MaxBuyCount && !product.IsOpenLadder)
                    return(Json(new { success = false, msg = string.Format("每个ID限购{0}件", product.MaxBuyCount), stock = product.MaxBuyCount }));

            cartHelper.UpdateCartItem(skuId, count, userId);

            #region 购物车修改数量阶梯价变动--张宇枫
            var price = 0m;
            if (product.IsOpenLadder)
                var shop = ShopApplication.GetShop(product.ShopId);

                var groupCartByProduct = cartHelper.GetCart(userId).Items.Where(item => item.ShopBranchId == 0).Select(c =>
                    var cItem   = new Himall.Entities.ShoppingCartItem();
                    var skuInfo = _iProductService.GetSku(c.SkuId);
                    if (skuInfo != null)
                        cItem = c;
                }).GroupBy(i => i.ProductId).ToList();
                var quantity = groupCartByProduct.Where(i => i.Key == product.Id).ToList().Sum(cartitem => cartitem.Sum(i => i.Quantity));

                decimal discount = 1M;
                if (CurrentUser != null)
                    discount = CurrentUser.MemberDiscount;
                price = ProductManagerApplication.GetProductLadderPrice(product.Id, quantity);
                if (shop.IsSelf)
                    price = price * discount;


            return(SuccessResult <dynamic>(data: new { saleprice = price.ToString("F2"), productid = product.Id, isOpenLadder = product.IsOpenLadder }));
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public double GetProductCount(CartHelper.CartExamples cartExample, int productPrice10Quantity, int productPrice250Quantity, int productPrice50Quantity)
            Cart cart = CartHelper.GetCart(cartExample, productPrice10Quantity, productPrice250Quantity, productPrice50Quantity);

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public double GetCartAmountAfterCampaignDiscount(CartHelper.CartExamples cartExample, int productPrice10Quantity, int productPrice250Quantity, int productPrice50Quantity)
            Cart cart = CartHelper.GetCart(cartExample, productPrice10Quantity, productPrice250Quantity, productPrice50Quantity);

Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void GetOrderProductsInfo(string cartItemIds)
            CartHelper cartHelper = new CartHelper();
            IEnumerable <ShoppingCartItem> cartItems = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cartItemIds))
                char[]             chrArray = new char[] { ',' };
                IEnumerable <long> nums     =
                    from t in cartItemIds.Split(chrArray)
                    select long.Parse(t);

                cartItems = ServiceHelper.Create <ICartService>().GetCartItems(nums);
                cartItems = cartHelper.GetCart(base.CurrentUser.Id).Items;
            int cityId = 0;
            ShippingAddressInfo defaultUserShippingAddressByUserId = ServiceHelper.Create <IShippingAddressService>().GetDefaultUserShippingAddressByUserId(base.CurrentUser.Id);

            if (defaultUserShippingAddressByUserId != null)
                cityId = Instance <IRegionService> .Create.GetCityId(defaultUserShippingAddressByUserId.RegionIdPath);
            IProductService      productService = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>();
            IShopService         shopService    = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>();
            List <CartItemModel> list           = cartItems.Select <ShoppingCartItem, CartItemModel>((ShoppingCartItem item) => {
                ProductInfo product = productService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                SKUInfo sku         = productService.GetSku(item.SkuId);
                return(new CartItemModel()
                    skuId = item.SkuId,
                    id = product.Id,
                    imgUrl = product.GetImage(ProductInfo.ImageSize.Size_100, 1),
                    name = product.ProductName,
                    price = sku.SalePrice,
                    shopId = product.ShopId,
                    count = item.Quantity
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <long, CartItemModel> > groupings =
                from a in list
                group a by a.shopId;
            List <ShopCartItemModel> shopCartItemModels = new List <ShopCartItemModel>();

            foreach (IGrouping <long, CartItemModel> nums1 in groupings)
                IEnumerable <long> nums2 =
                    from r in nums1
                    select r.id;
                IEnumerable <int> nums3 =
                    from r in nums1
                    select r.count;
                ShopCartItemModel shopCartItemModel = new ShopCartItemModel()
                    shopId = nums1.Key
                if (ServiceHelper.Create <IVShopService>().GetVShopByShopId(shopCartItemModel.shopId) != null)
                    shopCartItemModel.vshopId = ServiceHelper.Create <IVShopService>().GetVShopByShopId(shopCartItemModel.shopId).Id;
                    shopCartItemModel.vshopId = 0;
                shopCartItemModel.CartItemModels = (
                    from a in list
                    where a.shopId == shopCartItemModel.shopId
                    select a).ToList();
                shopCartItemModel.ShopName = shopService.GetShop(shopCartItemModel.shopId, false).ShopName;
                if (cityId > 0)
                    shopCartItemModel.Freight = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetFreight(nums2, nums3, cityId);
                List <ShopBonusReceiveInfo> detailToUse = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopBonusService>().GetDetailToUse(shopCartItemModel.shopId, base.CurrentUser.Id, nums1.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel a) => a.price * a.count));
                List <CouponRecordInfo>     userCoupon  = ServiceHelper.Create <ICouponService>().GetUserCoupon(shopCartItemModel.shopId, base.CurrentUser.Id, nums1.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel a) => a.price * a.count));
                if (detailToUse.Count() > 0 && userCoupon.Count() > 0)
                    ShopBonusReceiveInfo shopBonusReceiveInfo = detailToUse.FirstOrDefault();
                    CouponRecordInfo     couponRecordInfo     = userCoupon.FirstOrDefault();
                    decimal?price = shopBonusReceiveInfo.Price;
                    decimal num   = couponRecordInfo.ChemCloud_Coupon.Price;
                    if ((price.GetValueOrDefault() <= num ? true : !price.HasValue))
                        shopCartItemModel.Coupon = new CouponModel()
                            CouponName  = couponRecordInfo.ChemCloud_Coupon.CouponName,
                            CouponId    = couponRecordInfo.Id,
                            CouponPrice = couponRecordInfo.ChemCloud_Coupon.Price,
                            Type        = 0
                        shopCartItemModel.Coupon = new CouponModel()
                            CouponName  = shopBonusReceiveInfo.ChemCloud_ShopBonusGrant.ChemCloud_ShopBonus.Name,
                            CouponId    = shopBonusReceiveInfo.Id,
                            CouponPrice = shopBonusReceiveInfo.Price.Value,
                            Type        = 1
                else if (detailToUse.Count() <= 0 && userCoupon.Count() <= 0)
                    shopCartItemModel.Coupon = null;
                else if (detailToUse.Count() <= 0 && userCoupon.Count() > 0)
                    CouponRecordInfo couponRecordInfo1 = userCoupon.FirstOrDefault();
                    shopCartItemModel.Coupon = new CouponModel()
                        CouponName  = couponRecordInfo1.ChemCloud_Coupon.CouponName,
                        CouponId    = couponRecordInfo1.Id,
                        CouponPrice = couponRecordInfo1.ChemCloud_Coupon.Price,
                        Type        = 0
                else if (detailToUse.Count() > 0 && userCoupon.Count() <= 0)
                    ShopBonusReceiveInfo shopBonusReceiveInfo1 = detailToUse.FirstOrDefault();
                    shopCartItemModel.Coupon = new CouponModel()
                        CouponName  = shopBonusReceiveInfo1.ChemCloud_ShopBonusGrant.ChemCloud_ShopBonus.Name,
                        CouponId    = shopBonusReceiveInfo1.Id,
                        CouponPrice = shopBonusReceiveInfo1.Price.Value,
                        Type        = 1
                decimal num1        = shopCartItemModel.CartItemModels.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel d) => d.price * d.count);
                decimal num2        = num1 - (shopCartItemModel.Coupon == null ? new decimal(0) : shopCartItemModel.Coupon.CouponPrice);
                decimal freeFreight = shopService.GetShop(shopCartItemModel.shopId, false).FreeFreight;
                shopCartItemModel.isFreeFreight = false;
                if (freeFreight > new decimal(0))
                    shopCartItemModel.shopFreeFreight = freeFreight;
                    if (num2 >= freeFreight)
                        shopCartItemModel.Freight       = new decimal(0);
                        shopCartItemModel.isFreeFreight = true;
            decimal num3 = (
                from a in shopCartItemModels
                where a.Coupon != null
                select a).Sum <ShopCartItemModel>((ShopCartItemModel b) => b.Coupon.CouponPrice);

            ViewBag.products         = shopCartItemModels;
            base.ViewBag.totalAmount = list.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel item) => item.price * item.count);
            base.ViewBag.Freight     = shopCartItemModels.Sum <ShopCartItemModel>((ShopCartItemModel a) => a.Freight);
            dynamic viewBag = base.ViewBag;
            dynamic obj     = ViewBag.totalAmount;

            viewBag.orderAmount = obj + ViewBag.Freight - num3;
            IMemberIntegralService memberIntegralService = ServiceHelper.Create <IMemberIntegralService>();
            MemberIntegral         memberIntegral        = memberIntegralService.GetMemberIntegral(base.CurrentUser.Id);
            int num4 = (memberIntegral == null ? 0 : memberIntegral.AvailableIntegrals);

            ViewBag.userIntegrals      = num4;
            ViewBag.integralPerMoney   = 0;
            ViewBag.memberIntegralInfo = memberIntegral;
            MemberIntegralExchangeRules integralChangeRule = memberIntegralService.GetIntegralChangeRule();
            decimal num5     = new decimal(0);
            decimal num6     = new decimal(0);
            decimal viewBag1 = (decimal)ViewBag.totalAmount;

            if (integralChangeRule == null || integralChangeRule.IntegralPerMoney <= 0)
                num5 = new decimal(0);
                num6 = new decimal(0);
                if (((viewBag1 - num3) - Math.Round((decimal)num4 / integralChangeRule.IntegralPerMoney, 2)) <= new decimal(0))
                    num5 = Math.Round(viewBag1 - num3, 2);
                    num6 = Math.Round((viewBag1 - num3) * integralChangeRule.IntegralPerMoney);
                    num5 = Math.Round((decimal)num4 / integralChangeRule.IntegralPerMoney, 2);
                    num6 = num4;
                if (num5 <= new decimal(0))
                    num5 = new decimal(0);
                    num6 = new decimal(0);
            ViewBag.integralPerMoney = num5;
            ViewBag.userIntegrals    = num6;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public object GetUpdateToCart(string openId, string SkuID, int Quantity, int GiftID = 0)
            var  cartHelper  = new CartHelper();
            long userId      = CurrentUser != null ? CurrentUser.Id : 0;
            var  skus        = cartHelper.GetCart(userId);
            var  oldQuantity = GetCartProductQuantity(skus, skuId: SkuID);

            oldQuantity = oldQuantity + Quantity;

            long productId = 0;
            var  skuItem   = skus.Items.FirstOrDefault(i => i.SkuId == SkuID);

            if (null == skuItem)
                var sku = ProductManagerApplication.GetSKU(SkuID);
                if (null == sku)
                    return(Json(ErrorResult <dynamic>("错误的参数:SkuId")));
                productId = sku.ProductId;
                productId = skuItem.ProductId;
            var ladderPrice = 0m;
            var product     = ProductManagerApplication.GetProduct(productId);

            if (product != null)
                if (product.MaxBuyCount > 0 && oldQuantity > product.MaxBuyCount && !product.IsOpenLadder)
                    cartHelper.UpdateCartItem(SkuID, product.MaxBuyCount, userId);
                    return(Json(ErrorResult <dynamic>(string.Format("每个ID限购{0}件", product.MaxBuyCount), new { stock = product.MaxBuyCount })));

            SKUInfo skuinfo = OrderApplication.GetSkuByID(SkuID);

            if (skuinfo.Stock < oldQuantity)
                cartHelper.UpdateCartItem(SkuID, Convert.ToInt32(skuinfo.Stock), userId);
                return(Json(ErrorResult <dynamic>("库存不足", new { stock = skuinfo.Stock })));

            cartHelper.UpdateCartItem(SkuID, oldQuantity, userId);

            #region 阶梯价--张宇枫
            var isOpenLadder = product.IsOpenLadder;
            if (isOpenLadder)
                var shop = ShopApplication.GetShop(product.ShopId);
                var groupCartByProduct = cartHelper.GetCart(userId).Items.Where(item => item.ShopBranchId == 0).GroupBy(i => i.ProductId).ToList();
                //var groupCartByProduct = skus.Items.Where(item => item.ShopBranchId == 0).Select(c =>
                //    var cItem = new Mall.Entities.ShoppingCartItem();
                //    var skuInfo = ServiceProvider.Instance<IProductService>.Create.GetSku(c.SkuId);
                //    if (skuInfo != null)
                //        cItem = c;
                //    return cItem;
                //}).GroupBy(i => i.ProductId).ToList();

                var quantity =
                    groupCartByProduct.Where(i => i.Key == productId)
                    .Sum(cartitem => cartitem.Sum(i => i.Quantity));
                ladderPrice = ProductManagerApplication.GetProductLadderPrice(productId, quantity);
                if (shop.IsSelf)
                    ladderPrice = CurrentUser.MemberDiscount * ladderPrice;
            return(Json(new { Price = ladderPrice.ToString("F2"), ProductId = productId, IsOpenLadder = isOpenLadder ? 1 : 0 }));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void GetOrderProductsInfo(string cartItemIds, long?regionId)
            ShippingAddressInfo shippingAddressInfo = new ShippingAddressInfo();

            shippingAddressInfo = (!regionId.HasValue ? ServiceHelper.Create <IShippingAddressService>().GetDefaultUserShippingAddressByUserId(base.CurrentUser.Id) : ServiceHelper.Create <IShippingAddressService>().GetUserShippingAddress(regionId.Value));
            int cityId = 0;

            if (shippingAddressInfo != null)
                cityId = Instance <IRegionService> .Create.GetCityId(shippingAddressInfo.RegionIdPath);
            CartHelper cartHelper = new CartHelper();
            IEnumerable <ShoppingCartItem> cartItems = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cartItemIds))
                char[]             chrArray = new char[] { ',' };
                IEnumerable <long> nums     =
                    from t in cartItemIds.Split(chrArray)
                    select long.Parse(t);

                cartItems = ServiceHelper.Create <ICartService>().GetCartItems(nums);
                cartItems = cartHelper.GetCart(base.CurrentUser.Id).Items;
            IProductService      productService = ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>();
            IShopService         shopService    = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopService>();
            List <CartItemModel> list           = cartItems.Select <ShoppingCartItem, CartItemModel>((ShoppingCartItem item) =>
                ProductInfo product = productService.GetProduct(item.ProductId);
                SKUInfo sku         = productService.GetSku(item.SkuId);
                return(new CartItemModel()
                    skuId = item.SkuId,
                    id = product.Id,
                    imgUrl = product.GetImage(ProductInfo.ImageSize.Size_50, 1),
                    name = product.ProductName,
                    price = sku.SalePrice,
                    shopId = product.ShopId,
                    count = item.Quantity,
                    productCode = product.ProductCode
            IEnumerable <IGrouping <long, CartItemModel> > groupings =
                from a in list
                group a by a.shopId;
            List <ShopCartItemModel> shopCartItemModels = new List <ShopCartItemModel>();

            foreach (IGrouping <long, CartItemModel> nums1 in groupings)
                IEnumerable <long> nums2 =
                    from r in nums1
                    select r.id;
                IEnumerable <int> nums3 =
                    from r in nums1
                    select r.count;
                ShopCartItemModel shopCartItemModel = new ShopCartItemModel()
                    shopId = nums1.Key,

                    Freight = (cityId <= 0 ? new decimal(0) : ServiceHelper.Create <IProductService>().GetFreight(nums2, nums3, cityId)),

                shopCartItemModel.CartItemModels = (
                    from a in list
                    where a.shopId == shopCartItemModel.shopId
                    select a).ToList();
                shopCartItemModel.ShopName    = shopService.GetShop(shopCartItemModel.shopId, false).ShopName;
                shopCartItemModel.UserCoupons = ServiceHelper.Create <ICouponService>().GetUserCoupon(shopCartItemModel.shopId, base.CurrentUser.Id, nums1.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel a) => a.price * a.count));
                shopCartItemModel.UserBonus   = ServiceHelper.Create <IShopBonusService>().GetDetailToUse(shopCartItemModel.shopId, base.CurrentUser.Id, nums1.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel a) => a.price * a.count));

            ViewBag.products         = shopCartItemModels;
            base.ViewBag.totalAmount = list.Sum <CartItemModel>((CartItemModel item) => item.price * item.count);
            base.ViewBag.Freight     = shopCartItemModels.Sum <ShopCartItemModel>((ShopCartItemModel a) => a.Freight);
            dynamic viewBag = base.ViewBag;
            dynamic obj     = ViewBag.totalAmount;

            viewBag.orderAmount = obj + ViewBag.Freight;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public double CalculateDeliveryCost(CartHelper.CartExamples cartExample, int quantity1, int quantity2, int quantity3)
            Cart cart = CartHelper.GetCart(cartExample, quantity1, quantity2, quantity3);
